FirstClass Retriever+ FAQs and CIS Retriever FAQ Black Labs, Inc. 3613 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 938-8580 phone (303) 938-8546 fax eWorld: blacklabs FirstClass Retriever+ Frequently Asked Questions List 1) What systems will FirstClass* Retriever+* work with? FirstClass Retriever+ is a Newton client specifically designed to work with the FirstClass groupware system from SoftArc of Markham, Ontario, Canada. To find out more about FirstClass itself contact SoftArc directly at 905-415-7000 or 2) How does FirstClass Retriever+ operate? FirstClass Retriever+ allows access from a Newton to all FirstClass email and conference messages. Messages can be read and replied to while connected, OR can be downloaded to the Newton to be read and replied to OFFLINE. Messages can be searched using the FirstClass keyword search function and message history can also be viewed. For convenience, the "Xchange" function will automatically connect to FirstClass, send and receive mail, and then disconnect. 3) What FirstClass servers does Retriever+ work with? Does it require any special software? FirstClass Retriever+ is compatible with the FirstClass Macintosh server versions 2.6 and 2.7 and FirstClass Windows NT server version 3.0. The host FirstClass system must have the CLUI (Command Line User Interface) installed. 4) How can I connect to a FirstClass system using FirstClass Retriever+ and the Newton? Retriever+ allows connection via modem and LocalTalk. In addition, Retriever+ can be connected wirelessly with a cellular modem and phone or a with wireless network connection such as the Grouper from Digital Ocean and the Roamer from Dayna. 5) How is FirstClass Retriever+ different from NewtonMail? FirstClass Retriever+ allows access to email and conference messages on any of the thousands of FirstClass systems worldwide. NewtonMail is offered by Apple Computer and allows access to email on eWorld (Newton Mail). NewtonMail only operates in automatic mode similar to our Xchange mode and does not currently allow you to selectively retrieve or send messages. In addition, you cannot look at the history of a message to see if it has been received by the intended parties. 6) Can I send mail to other on-line services such as CompuServe using FirstClass Retriever? Many FirstClass systems have internet gateways. If your system has this gateway, then your Newton can send mail to anyone who offers Internet mail access, i.e., all the major on-line services. With the 2.5 release of FirstClass and its multi-hop mail capabilities, you should be able to send mail on the Internet if your system gateways with any system which has a path to the Internet and allows other systems to use it. FirstClass Retriever by itself will only connect to FirstClass systems. 7) Does FirstClass Retriever+ support FirstClass forms? Currently FirstClass Retriever+ does not support forms. However, we plan support forms in the future. Please contact us if you are interested in this. Other future features may include downloading Newton packages and viewing attached text files. 8) How much memory on the Newton do FirstClass Retriever and FirstClass Retriever+ occupy? FirstClass Retriever+ occupies about 89 KB in its internally stored compressed form. 9) How much does FirstClass Retriever+ cost? FirstClass Retriever+ is retail priced at $99 per copy. Volume discounts and reseller/distributor pricing are available. 10) Can I upgrade from a previous version of FirstClass Retriever+? Yes, you can upgrade from from FirstClass Retriever+ version 1.0 to 1.1 at no cost. An upgrade file is available on many on-line services, SoftArc Online and many FC BBSs. Upgrading from FirstClass Retriever to Retriever+ is $40. Please contact Black Labs for this upgrade. 11) How can I order FirstClass Retriever+? Contact us by phone, fax or electronic mail at the numbers listed below. We accept American Express, Master Card and Visa. FirstClass Retriever+ is also available at Newton specialty outlets including Newton Source, PDA Direct, and the Newton Store. 12) How are they distributed? One Macintosh floppy(800K) or one PC floppy(720K) plus a user manual. Please specify which at time of order. We pay for normal postage for domestic (USA) shipments. If you want it faster, we can ship via FedEx for $10. 13) How much is international postage? We have a unified schedule for international airmail to Europe, Asia/Africa and the Pacific Rim. single copy--$5 2-5 copies--$4 per copy 6-15 copies--$3 per copy Federal Express is also offered for faster delivery. Above 15 copies, we only ship via Federal Express. 14) What about international resellers and distributors? At the present time, we have signed up several resellers in different parts of Europe and Australia. We have a single discount schedule for both resellers and distributors that involves only the quantity of product purchased at one time. There are no annual requirements nor any requirement to stock the product other than an initial purchase requirement of at least two units. Contact us directly for more information. CIS Retriever Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is CIS Retriever? CIS Retriever is a graphical Newton client for CompuServe. It gives you access to CompuServe email, forums, news, and stock quotes from a Newton MessagePad. 2. Can CIS Retriever be used on all Newtons? CIS Retriever will work on all Newtons including the Original MessagePad. It can also be used on MotorolaUs Marco, but only through a modem and not the radio frequency connection. 3. How much memory does CIS Retriever take up? To install CIS Retriever you need about 130k of memory free. 4. Does CIS Retriever have a graphical user interface? Yes, CIS Retriever has a graphical interface like MacCIM or WinCIM. There are many buttons and menus that make navigating through CompuServe easy. 5. What areas of CompuServe can I access with CIS Retriever? With CIS Retriever, you have access to CompuServe email, forum messages, news and stock quotes. You can read and reply to email and forum messages on-line, or retrieve them to your Newton to read and reply off-line. The news services that are available include Executive News Service, AP News, AP France, AP Australia, Syndicated Columns, Deutsche Presse, UK News, CIS News, and Online Today. The stock quote information from CompuServeUs Basic Quotes can also be accessed. Like mail and forum messages, news and stock information can be retrieved to your Newton for off-line reading. 6. Can CIS Retriever be used with other on-line services? CIS Retriever will only work with CompuServe. 7. What modems does CIS Retriever work with? CIS Retriever will work with external and PCMCIA modems that are compatible with the Newton. Many modems require the Modem Enabler and a custom modem script to be installed on the Newton. 8. Can CIS Retriever connect to CompuServe through a cellular phone? Yes, with the appropriate cellular phone and modem system, CIS Retriever can connect to CompuServe. Many people currently use the Motorola Power (Cellect) Modem with a Motorola Flip Phone. 9. Can I sent up more than one access profile? Yes, you can set up many access profiles. If you travel you can have access profiles for different cities or if you have more than one CompuServe account you can have an access profile for each one. 10. Can I view messages off-line? You can read and reply to email and forum messages and read news stories and stock quotes both on-line and off-line. 11. Does CIS Retriever upload or download files? No, CIS Retriever cannot upload or download files. 12. Can I import Newton Notes to a CIS Retriever message and export CIS Retriever messages to Newton Notes? CIS Retriever can import text from a Newton Note into a CIS Retriever message. This allows you to write your complete message in the Note Pad or append CIS Retriever messages with an interesting note or commonly used text such as a signature. CIS Retriever can also file CIS Retriever messages into Newton Notes, where they can be printed, faxed and beamed. 13. Is CIS Retriever integrated with the Newton Names? Yes, when you are addressing a message you can select a name from the Newton Names and CIS Retriever will insert the name and email address in the message header. For internet addresses CIS Retriever will prepend RINTERNET:S, as required by CompuServe. 14. Does CIS Retriever use the Newton In Box and Out Box? CIS Retriever uses its own in box and out box and not the Newton In Box or Out Box. CIS Retriever saves retrieved messages in unique message lists. There are permanent incoming and outgoing message lists for email and news. Forum message lists are created automatically for individual forums when a forum message is retrieved or a new forum message is composed. Forum message lists are named with the Go words. Forum lists are automatically removed when all the messages in the list are deleted or sent. 15. How many messages can I retrieve on my Newton? The number of messages you can save depends on the amount of free Soup Space available on the Newton or memory card and the size of the messages. CIS Retriever indicates the amount of free Soup Space so you can estimate the number of messages you can download. Messages can be moved back and forth between the Newton and PCMCIA memory cards. 17. What is the difference between CIS Retriever and a terminal emulator such as TermLimit or PocketCall? CIS Retriever has graphical interface like MacCIM or WinCIM, where as terminal emulators have a text based interface. With CIS Retriever you can navigate through CompuServe by tapping buttons and selecting from menus. To navigate with a terminal emulator, you need to type in the defined commands. Currently, CIS Retriever can only access CompuServe email, forum messages, news and stock quotes. A terminal emulator gives you broader access to CompuServe as well as access to other services such as Delphi, MCI Mail, and many BBSs. 18. Can CIS Retriever send and receive mail automatically? CIS RetrieverUs has an automated mail exchange feature called Xchange. With a single button tap, CIS Retriever will log on send all unsent mail, receive all current mail, and log off. 19. Is there a demo available? Yes, there is a demo available in the Black Labs section of the Newton Vendor Forum Library. The demo allows you to connect to CompuServe and view the different areas accessible by CIS Retriever. 20. How much does CIS Retriever cost? CIS Retriever is available from Black Labs for $99. Shipping in the U.S. and Canada via regular US Mail is free, via Priority (2-day) Mail is $3, and Federal Express is $10. International shipping is $4 via regular mail and $25-$35 for Federal Express. We accept American Express, Visa, and MasterCard. To order contact Black Labs at the phone number or email address above. Contact: John Skowlund Black Labs, Inc. 3613 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 938-8580 Phone (303) 938-8546 Fax 76702,2076 CompuServe Rev 0.7---9/25/95