TimePak including TimePak.pkg, TimePak Prefs.pkg, SeeTime.pkg, SayTime.pkg, and sundry voice packages A large digital or analog clock and a talking clock, designed to make easier the lives of the visually impaired. People with normal vision are welcome to use them as well. TheyUre shareware; $5 for all TimePak programs. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQRaison dUetre IUm visually handicapped myself. I also dislike wearing a watch, but when I do I prefer the Rtalking watchS to plain digital or analog. But I donUt like duplicating functions: now that I have a MessagePad, I want it to tell time for me. I used to turn the olU fellah on just to see the time, but having to focus on the 9-point type that seems to be the standard for time displays was wearying. It got even worse when the higher-density screen of the MP2000 was introduced! Thus, these applications. The most frequent use for SayTime and SeeTime, IUm sure, will be the startup functions. You can tap them, of course, or use Thorsten LangeUs i++ menu to access them. You may also drag them to the Button Bar if your machine uses that feature. In a separate archive, available from my website , there are buttons which install themselves in the status bar or on a TapBar. Future versions may include other ways of accessing the time. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQInstalling You can install these packages using the Newton Connection Utility, the Newton Backup Utility, or another package utility (such as LunaTech ResearchUs PDA Package Downloader). The programs will exist happily on either internal memory or a memory card. Whatever you do, you must install TimePak.pkg. This has a lot of the common routines that both SayTime and SeeTime need. I recommend installing this internally, even if you use a memory card for the other packages. SeeTime.pkg is the large-digit clock. SayTime.pkg is the talking clock. You may install either or both. You should also install TimePak Prefs.pkg so that you can change the options. Once youUve settled on preferences that you like, you can delete this package. If you install SayTime, you will also need to install one or more of the voice files. Included in this archive are RVoice (Wei Xu-Eng-11).pkgS and RVoice (Wei Xu-Eng-5).pkgS. The voice file will show up on your Newton as RWX-Eng-11:Voice:StJS (for example). Extra voices are available on my Newton web page; for the URL, see RDistributionS below. The R11S voice was recorded at 11.025 kHz and is of higher quality than the R5S version, but it also takes up twice as much memory. (Actually, you can run SayTime without a voice file. If you prefer audible notification of your to-do items and upcoming meetings but donUt want the voice, just install SayTime.pkg. You will still get the RmeetingS and Rto-doS tones.) After installing a voice, you must let TimePak know that you want to use it. Tap the voice fileUs icon. You will see a number of useful facts about the file, and a check box labelled RUse this voice.S If youUve selected more than one voice file, SayTime will use one at random. (This is excellent for students of a foreign language!) All TimePak packages work and have been tested under NOS 1.3, NOS 2.0, and NOS 2.1; but the performance under 2.1 is best. For one thing, on slower machines (MP130 and earlier) there is a delay before SayTime starts talking. (I think this is due to the extra references to the Dates application, since the voice actually starts talking sooner under NOS 1.3.) For another, you donUt get event icons and announcements if youUre using NOS 1.3. SeeTime looks real good in landscape orientation on a MessagePad 2000! Since the voice files, even the 5.564 kHz versions, are large, they may not fit on a MP100 or earlier unless you use a memory card. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQUsing the packages Both SeeTime and SayTime work as soon as you install them. SeeTime displays a large readout of the time on the screen. It lasts for three seconds, either when you switch the power on or when you tap on the icon itself. It will display icons for meetings, unfinished to-do items, and special events across the bottom of the display. SayTime does more or less the same thing for the same events, only verbally. It also has special tones for pending meetings and to-do items. The meeting sound is two notes: a long low note and a short high note. The to-do item sound is three descending notes. You may notice that SayTime displays a small picture of its own icon in the center of the screen while itUs active. If you tap this when itUs speaking, SayTime will shut up. How the time is formatted (that is, 12 as opposed to 24 hour style) depends on your NewtonUs settings. Look in the RLocaleS frame of the RPreferencesS roll under NOS 1.x; or launch the Clock application and select RClock OptionsS under NOS 2.x. (A handy way for owners of NOS 2.0 and earlier machines to get 24-hour style, even in the United States locale, is to install my freeware RSet24.pkgS. It's available on my web page or from my ftp site.) Until you pay the shareware fee and get a registration code, an alert will be displayed every few times that you activate either program. A note about to-do items: The Newton Rrolls forwardS any remaining to-do items from the previous day to the current day at 3 AM. TimePak will make sure that all current to-do items are announced, even if you use it between midnight and 3. However, this may mean that the first time you use it between those hours, the performance will be a little sluggish. For the icons & tones for meetings and other events, youUll need NOS 2.0 or later; sorry, but NOS 1.3 and earlier doesnUt support some of the methods used for this. TimePak Prefs controls the activity of the other programs. It has several frames, selected via a popup menu at the top; each of these has its own controls. % About and Author Just handy text. % Registration There are two text-entry fields here, a button for the keyboard, and possibly a button for Flash SheridanUs RRegisterS package, which is a handy way to pay the shareware fee if you have it installed. See RShareware feeS later in this document for more information. At the bottom is an area for ROwner name.S If youUre using NOS 1.3 or earlier, this will be merely a display of your name. If youUre using NOS 2.0 or later, there will be two lists from which you can select one or two owner names. % General Settings These are preferences that will affect both SayTime and SeeTime. They include meeting and to-do announcements. The RNotify of meetings withinS list selects how far in advance a meeting will be announced. RCurrentS will display or speak the notification only if itUs going on at the moment; otherwise, the reminder will occur if you have a meeting going on right at that moment or starting within the specified period. Choose RNeverS if you donUt want any meeting notices at all. The RMinimum To-Do priorityS list lets you select which to-do items will be considered. R!S is the lowest priority, so if you select that, all to-do items will be announced. R2S will consider those with priorities of R1S and R2S, and so forth. Remember that you need to set the appropriate option in the SayTime and SeeTime frames to get announcements within those programs. Choose RNoneS if you donUt want any to-do notifications at all. Next is a checkbox labelled RDisregard meetings.S If itUs selected, SayTime and SeeTime will filter meetings based on the RtextS field. (Otherwise, all meetings in the appropriate period will be announced.) The popup menu that follows has two entries, RbeginS and Rend.S Finally thereUs a space for you to write a single letter. LetUs say that you want to be reminded of your appointments with clients during your business day, but not reminded to go to workQ although both are stored on your Newton. ThereUs already a repeating meeting on your calendar called RWork.S You would write a letter such as R$S at the end of the meetingUs name (RWork $S), then write the same letter in the box on this frame. Finally, select Rend.S From now on, you will not see or hear the meeting notification for RWork.S (Related settings in the SayTime and SeeTime frames can enable or disable meeting and to-do announcements for those applications only. For example, you could set it up so that SayTime didn't announce any events, but SeeTime announced current meetings and to-do entries with a priority of 2 or better.) % SayTime Various options for this program: The ability to speak at startup is controlled by the first checkbox. The next one allows you to mute SayTime if the system volume is muted (that is, zero). This is handy when youUre in meetings to keep the voice off while the pointy-haired boss is droning on about total quality management paradigms. This only applies to the startup feature, so itUs listed underneath that and is only visible if youUve selected RSayTime on startup.S If you tap the icon, you get the voice at the volume selected below. Under the first set of checkboxes is one which controls the signalling of meetings and to-do items. Remember that the RGeneral PreferencesS affect this, too. You can set the volume of the voice using the slider. You can use the System volume setting (which is set with a slider in the Extras drawer) by moving the knob all the way to the left. Or you may set an independent volume, RVery quietS through RLoud.S Choosing one of these means that no matter what the system volume is, SayTime will speak the time at your preferred volume. There is also a button to try your settings, if SayTime is installed. % SeeTime Much like SayTime: options here include the ability to display at startup; the display of appointment icons; and the length of time that the clock stays on the screen. You can select whether SeeTime shows a digital clock or an analog clock with the radio buttons. If you have a Newton device with a backlit screen, thereUs also an option here to turn the backlight on when SeeTime is active. (The screenUs backlight will return to its previous state after SeeTime quits.) There is also a button to try your settings, if SeeTime is installed. % Voice List You can turn voices on (or off) using the files themselves; you donUt need to use TimePak Prefs. But itUs here if you want to get a quick overview of all the voice files that you might be using. If you have a voice file in your RpreferredS list which isnUt installed at the moment, its name will show up in italics. If there are more than eight entries, you can use the arrow buttons on the button bar to scroll. At the bottom of the frame are two or three buttons. The RCheck AllS and RUncheck AllS buttons will select or unselect all of the listed files. Of course, you can also tap on the individual fileUs checkbox to select or unselect it. The RClysterS button purges this list. It only shows up if there are entries in your preferred voice list that arenUt currently installed. Tapping it wil remove these file names. This is handy if you deleted a voice file that you really donUt like but forgot to unselect it before scrubbing it out. Watch out, though: Some of the RuninstalledS files might merely be residing on memory cards. % Remove Prefs This deletes the RTimePak:StJS entry from your System soup. This includes all registration information, so make sure you have a copy of your code if youUve registered. After tapping the button, tap the close box, then delete the icons RTimePakS (which should be in your Extensions folder if using a 2.0 or later Newton), RSeeTime,S RSayTime,S RTimePak Prefs,S and all packages whose names end in R:Voice:StJ.S Farewell! TimePak.pkg and TimePak Prefs.pkg will add a small entry to your internal memoryUs System soup. Its tag is RTimePak:StJS and all TimePak programs use the same entry. If you decide not to keep the programs, you may delete this entry using the RRemove PrefsS frame (described above), or by using a soup editing utility like RSAI Prefs Cleaner.S This is the standard way of storing preferences, and the entry isnUt very large, so if youUre uneasy about modifying your System soup you can safely leave it in place. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQFor security-minded users Currently, SeeTime wonUt display over the password screen. This is because that display (when it occurs) is frontmost on the screen. ItUs possible that this can be fixed, and IUm looking into it. If you need to enter a password every time you turn your MessagePad on, the RSeeTime on startupS feature won't be very handy. SayTime will work normally, however. If you have some other security setting, such as REvery day,S SeeTime-on-startup will work except the times that the password screen comes up. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQShareware fee The cost for all the TimePak programs is $5. This allows one person to use SeeTime, SayTime, and related files on one Newton. You may pay me directly, or through the Kagi shareware clearinghouse. I can take checks or money orders; Kagi can take those as well as credit cards. Do not send cash through the mail! Once you receive a registration code, you may write (or type) it into TimePak Prefs. Once you do this, and of course set the preferences to your choice, you can delete TimePak Prefs. However, you should keep it and the registration code(s) somewhere handy, just in case. Your codes will work with all future versions of SeeTime and SayTime. % Paying directly Send a check or money order, payable in US funds to RSaint John MorrisonS at the address below (under RDistributionS). The registration code is based on your name. Please include the exact ROwner nameS field as displayed at the bottom of the RRegistrationS frame. Remember that NOS 2.x users may have a business name and a personal name registered for the same price; if this is the case with you, send both names at the same time. Include your eMail address as well as your postal address. Your code will be sent via eMail unless you tell me to send it via USMail. (You may also send me eMail with the owner name(s), but I canUt send the code(s) until your check clears.) This is probably the slowest registration method, since I only visit my PO box once a week. % Paying via Kagi For information on this service, visit their web site at . You may either use the RRegisterS package or one of the web pages. The RRegisterS program is included in this archive; you can also download the most recent version from Flash SheridanUs ftp site at . If you want to register from your Newton, install RRegister.pkgS before proceeding. It might be wise to read the documentation for Register, too. Launch TimePak Prefs and go to the RRegistrationS frame. Tap on the dollar-sign button. Register will launch, and will fill out many of the important pieces of information. You will have to provide credit card information (or select RQueryS to pay by check), and enter your eMail address if itUs missing. Your current owner names should be in the RNotesS area. If theyUre not, write them in. This will save a step, and get your registration codes to you as soon as possible. Now tap the routing button (the RenvelopeS). Select the method by which you want to send the data, and send it. You can now close Register and TimePak Prefs. You may also visit KagiUs online order form for TimePak, if your browser supports secure connections or if it doesnUt. It will speed the process if you type your owner name(s) in the field of the web form labelled REnter any additional comments for the vendor here.S Type them exactly as shown at the bottom of the RRegistrationS frame QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQDistribution These packages may be distributed freely, as long as [1] theyUre all distributed together, [2] this ReadMe file is included and [3] no fee is charged for their distribution. Online services which charge a reasonable hourly rate but do not charge extra for downloads may place it in their libraries. Distributors of CD-ROMs and other software libraries may include it if prior permission is given; write to the author for details. The author has also released a number of other small but useful pieces of shareware and freeware. TheyUre uploaded regularly to the usual sites. Another time-related utility you might like is the freeware RSet24.pkg,S which maintains 24-hour style even between resets. (This was fixed in NOS 2.1, but if you own an OMP, 100, 110, 120, or 130 and use 24-hour style you might take a look at it.) I can be reached at Saint John Morrison PO Box 7352 Philadelphia PA 19101 email web ftp QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQThankews As of this writing, there are five voices available. Wei Xu and Peng Lu (in English) are fellow students at Drexel. Le Tran (in Vietnamese) is a fashion designer and also a Drexel graduate. Cecelia Lawrence (in Polish) is the programmerUs grandmother. Lastly, there's some programmerUs gravelly voice; heUs a Drexel student. (A subtle pattern should begin to emerge.) Ms. XuUs files are included in your archive; other files are available from the web site listed above. Beta testers were Halvor Kise Jr., Ryan LaRiviere, Ron Yankowski, Scott Brown, and Scott McCormack. Thanks for the effort! QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQCopyrights Apple, the Apple Logo and Newton are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. MessagePad is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Although TimePak, TimePak Prefs, SeeTime, SayTime, and the SayTime Voice files may be copied and distributed freely, I retain the copyright on them; they are )1997 St. John Morrison. All rights reserved. Limitations of Remedies THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN RAS ISS BASIS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ST. JOHN MORRISON (HEREAFTER RCOPYRIGHT HOLDERS) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR ANY DATA SUPPLIED THEREWITH EVEN IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO CASE SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERUS LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR THE SOFTWARE. LAWYERS CAN GO BITE ME. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQVersion Info v1.0.0 Initial public release.