AlarmPak* ) 1995 Atomic Software. All rights reserved. Ever notice how ineffectual the Newton's alarm function is? Ever miss an appointment because your Newton beeped when you were in the hallway, you didn't hear it, and then your Newton fell asleep? If this is a problem, AlarmPak may be the answer. AlarmPak captures the Reminder messages from the Dates application and handles these message much better than the Newton does. AlarmPak lets you set the volume, beep, and frequency of alarms. AlarmPak also remembers an unlimited number of reminder messages, so you don't have to. WARNING -------- When you install AlarmPak for the first time, a new data file (called a RsoupS in Newton terminology) will be added to your internal store. This soup will use about 4K of internal storage space. You should never remove this soup, according to Apple Computer, Inc. developer's notes on the alarm functions used by the Newton. This soup is used by AlarmPak to store RsnoozedS reminders. If you have installed Alarmist, NotePak, AlarmPak, or any other alarm-related program on your Newton, this soup has already been added to your internal store and you need not concern yourself. Once the soup has been installed by one program, all alarm-related programs can use it and it does not get installed multiple times. Installation ----------- Install the package manual.pkg first. Read the manual and determine if AlarmPak is for you. If you want to install AlarmPak, install the package AlarmPak.pkg. Follow the directions in the manual. Technical support ------------------- Atomic Software -AppleLink: allan.marcus -eWorld/NewtonMail: allan.m -CompuServe: 74774,1415 -InterNet: -Voice: 505-672-0370 Change history: -------------- Version 1.4 > Added Auto Snooze option. > AlarmPak should now be compatible with the Original MessagePads. Version 1.31 > Added Auto Alarm in Dates option. Version 1.2 > Added RGradually Increase Volume preference. Version 1.12 > Fixed a bug when loading AlarmPak. Version 1.1 > Added API for other programs to use AlarmPak. > Should work with German 120. Version 1.01 > Should work with the French OS.