AlarmPak* Registration Form ---------------------------- If you like the program and wish to own a license to use it, please send us this registration form and your payment. Atomic Software 448 Bryce Street Los Alamos, NM 87544 Your Name _______________________________ Address _________________________________ ________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State ____ Zip _____________ Country __________ Computer Preference: [ ] Mac [ ] Windows e-mail Service ____________________________ e-mail address ____________________________ _________ Quantity of Licenses (one per Newton) x $15.00 Price per License ($15 US/each) _________ Subtotal _________ New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax ($0.94/ea) - NM residents only. _________ Total Enclosed I have read, understand, and agree with the ATMOIC SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (signature is required): Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________