About Newton Register Newton Register lets you pay for a shareware program with a credit card via electronic mail. Your payment will be sent to the Kagi Shareware clearing house (or another, if you prefer) and forwarded, minus a percentage, to the author. If you have PocketMoney (or any Newton application which supports the Financial Package Posting Standard), the transaction may be automatically entered into your records. Requirements Register supports but does not require the ScrollingDoPopup extension; if you have the extension installed, you may try to register any program installed on your Newton, not merely those programs pre-configured in RegisterUs menu. If you choose a program from beneath the RIn Your ExtrasS line, see the caveat below. The program you are registering gets a chance to react to your registration; for example, if the program has expired, it might extend the expiration date. Paying for a Program To pay for a program, select it from the RProgramS pop-up menu, select the price,* and enter your credit card information. Then select RMailS from the envelope button; Register will look up your name and address and generate the proper form. Double-check the form, then press the RMailS button. *If youUre unsure of the price, enter R, and on my home page at Financial Package Posting Standard The specifications for the Financial Package Posting Standard should be in the above places or My Stuff The registration sample code should be at The latest version of Register should be at Kagi Shareware 1442-A Walnut Street #392 Berkeley, California, 94709-1405 USA Email: shareware@kagi.com FAX: +1 510 652 6589 DonUt send checks or money to this address until you have received confirmation that Kagi can accept payment for the program you are trying to register, and a registration number, which must accompany your payment. Cash received without a confirmation number may be donated to charity, and checks may be shredded. The Author Please send any comments about this program to FlaSheridn@kagi.com. Flash Sheridan 180A Hamilton Avenue #601 Palo Alto, California 94301-1682 Copyright and Acknowledgment This program may be freely distributed, and is free to end users; )1994 Flash (K.J.) Sheridan. Programmers and shareware clearing houses should see above for licensing details. It was inspired by Peter N LewisUs Register for the Macintosh, but problems with the Newton version are not his fault. Thanks to Chris Owen for the credit card checking code, and to Hardy Macia and Rob Bruce for the buttons. Version 1.0