Timer Watch v1.0 by Red Box Software Timer Watch is a stop-watch and timer application for the Newton platform. Table of Contents 1. Installing Timer Watch 2. Using Timer Watch 3. Limitations of Timer Watch 4. Purchasing Timer Watch and registration Licence, disclaimer and copyright notices Contacting Red Box Software 1. Installing Timer Watch Please refer to the user manual which came with your Newton device for instructions on how to install the Timer Watch package. Installation is usually performed using either the Newton Package Installer or the Newton Connection Utilities. The package will normally be installed in the Extras drawer and occupies about 70K of storage. 2. Using Timer Watch 2.1. Start Button Starts the timer running. 2.2. Stop Button Stops the timer. 2.2. Pause Button Freezes the time display but the timer keeps running. 2.3. Resume Button Un-freezes the time display. 2.4. Reset Button Resets the time display to zero and starts a new splits run. 2.5. Split Button Adds an entry to the splits lists. If the entry is the first entry in the current splits run then the entry added will show the start time of the timer and the time when the split button was tapped. Subsequent entries show the split time and the difference between the split time and the first or previous split (see Prefs below). 2.6. Action Button The action button appears only when there are split times in the splits list. From this button the splits list can be printed, faxed, copied to the Notes application or deleted. 2.7. Info Button From the info button you can display the About slip, the Newton system help book and the Prefs for Timer Watch. 2.8. About Slip The about slip gives information on the application and allows you to register one or more registration codes. 2.9. Prefs Slip The Prefs slip allows you to change the form of the displayed time and the basis on which the time differences in the splits list are calculated. 2.10 Register Slip From this slip you can enter or check the registration codes for the owner names on your Newton. If you have Flash Sheriden's Register Program installed then a button will be shown which will take you directly to that program. 2.11 Setting the Timer Direction and Start Times When the timer is not running tapping on the display time will show the Timer Settings slip. From here you can set the timer direction, set the start time for the timer and permanently add start times for easy retrieval. The reset button will always return the start time to zero. 3. Limitations of Timer Watch Timer Watch uses the clock inside your Newton. It can be no more accurate than the Newton's internal clock and so be aware that there are no guarantees about the correctness of the time recorded by Timer Watch. In particular use of Timer Watch in critical situations is not recommended. In all circumstances you use Timer Watch at your own risk. Timer Watch will not run beyond 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds and 59 hundreths of a second. This is the largest value that Timer Watch will display. 4. Cost and registration The cost of a single-user licence for Timer Watch is $10. At this time purchase is via Kagi either directly using their website (http://www.kagi.com) or indirectly using one of the Register programs that is bundled with the product. If you would prefer to purchase in another manner please contact us and we will do our best to find another mutually acceptable payment method. Having said that, Kagi offers a range of payment methods which appears acceptable to most people. On receiving payment a registration code will be sent to you which is based on the owner name used on your Newton. (Owner names are held in the Owner Info slip - which is usually found in the Extras drawer). Once a valid registration code is entered the watch will keep ticking beyond ten minutes. If you have other owner names you use on your Newton we will generate passwords for those too - provided the names do not differ too greatly (e.g. if your Newton has owner names of John Smith and J Smith then we will generate two passwords but not if your Newton has owner names of Jill Sheppard and Brian Williams). 4.1 Other licences Site and worldwide licences are available - please contact us for more information. LICENCE Fantastica UK Limited Software Licence: Timer Watch PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING TIMER WATCH (THE "SOFTWARE"). BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENCE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENCE, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. NEITHER FANTASTICA UK LIMITED OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL FANTASTICA UK LIMITED BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR GOODWILL OR OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. FANTASTICA UK LIMITED SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DATA STORED WITH THIS PROGRAM, INCLUDING THE COSTS OF RECOVERING SUCH DATA. IN NO EVENT SHALL FANTASTICA UK LIMITED BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES EXCEEDING THE COST OF THE SOFTWARE AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE. The Software and documentation, on any media, are licensed, not sold, to you. This Licence will terminate automatically without notice if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this Licence agreement. This Licence allows you to install and use the Software on devices that runs the Newton Operating System. You may copy the Software in for backup purposes. Unless expressly permitted by Fantastica UK Limited, or your legal juristiction, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, rent, lease, loan, sublicence, or create derivative works based upon the Software. Fantastica UK Limited reserves the right to terminate this Licence if a new version of the Newton Operating System is released which is incompatible with the Software. Support for Software will be given on a goodwill basis only. This will be provided via email (redboxsoftware@kagi.com). You may not use or otherwise export or reexport the Software except as authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Software was obtained. If there is a local office of Fantastica UK Limited in the country in which software and licence were obtained, then the local law in which the office is located shall govern this Licence agreement. In all other cases, this Licence shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. DISCLAIMER Fantastica UK Ltd. makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its merchantability, performance, quality, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result this software is distributed "as is", and the person using it is assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. In no event Fantastica UK Ltd. will be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or its documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Fantastica UK Ltd. does not warrant that this software will function correctly in your environment. COPYRIGHT Red Box Software is the trading name of Fantastica UK Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. All other products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright (C) 1997, Fantastica UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this software, provided this disclaimer and copyright are preserved on all copies. This software may not, however, be sold or distributed for profit, or included with other software which is sold or distributed for profit, without the permission of the author. CONTACTING Red Box Software Please send comments, suggestions or questions about our products or Red Box Software redboxsoftware@kagi.com. Also please visit http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~redboxsw for more information on our other products. Last amended 5th September 1997.