8/25/97 PIMple Op. 2.7 Manual For NOS 2.0 or 2.1 Rated 4.5 out of 5 Geckos from June 1997 Gecko Netzine!! Selected as the one of the Top 10 Shareware of Spring 1997 by Stylus Magazine, (European Newton Systems Group Magazine)!! ===== Overview of PIMple ===== PIMple is a small Calender view. First and foremost, PIMple allows you to quickly view your schedule. Tapping on a day will quickly pop up events, meetings and/or todos for that day. You can also use PIMple to schedule your daily activities. But what makes PIMple special are the following unique features: Quick access to your schedule (on the MP2000 it is VERY fast!) Able to see open time slots between meetings not directly scheduled after each other, usually without having to scroll. Lets you see meetings with conflicting time slots. Hilight important dates so you can quickly spot them. The new Find feature allows you to find meetings/events. BUT unlike the Newton's builtin Find, PIMple will also list the occurrences of the repeat item, not just the original item. Because of its small size and floating button feature, PIMple can be used while working on another application. I believe that viewing your schedule should not interfere with viewing other important documents on the Newton. Many users don't need the entire screen just to peek a their schedule. The Newton's portability lets you carry information where ever you go. Likewise, PIMple lets you "carry" your schedule around from one application to the next. So I guess PIMple is like "moblile scheduling" within your Newton! Even though PIMple is fairly intuitive I've included this manual to (hopefully!) clarify any questions you may have. ==== Installation ==== Install PIMple either internally or on a card. PIMple uses about 52k of storage memory. Previous users of PIMple: Make sure that the iconized button is closed and that the old version of PIMple is deleted before installing the new version. If you install the new version while the iconized button is showing, you may cause serious problems to PIMple's preferences. Using PIMple ===== The Calendar ===== Tap on a day and your schedule for that date will pop up. From the pop up schedule: - TAP ON THE DATE HEADER (ie. "=== WED, DEC 25, 1996 ===") Opens the Calendar app to that date. - TAP ON A MEETING OR EVENT TITLE (ie. "5:30pm Dinner with Wendy") Opens a "Quickie" Modify slip for that item. (See the "Quickie" slips sections below). - TAP ON A MEETING'S END TIME (if the appropriate view filter option was selected) Opens a "Quickie" meeting schedule slip using the selected end time as the new meeting's start time. Nice to have! (See the "Quickie" slips sections below). - TAP ON TODO HEADER (ie. "=== TODOS ===") Opens the Calendar app to that date and switches to ToDo List View. - TAP ON A TODO ITEM Opens a "Glance Todo" slip. You can modify the text, check item completed or change the priority. Press the "Open Cal Todos" button to go to the Calendar App's todo list. A meeting with an "(r)" is a repeating meeting A meeting with an "(e)" is a exception meeting (a repeat meeting that was rescheduled) Events are prefixed by "EVENT" Repeating events are prefixed by "R-Event" Todos are prefixed with their priority A completed Todo will be prefixed by a check mark "C" ==== The Checkboxes ==== - APP'TS Show Meeting and Events (Repeat Meetings/Events will have and "(r)" next to the title) - TODOS Show ToDos - POP CHECKED - show schedule when tapping on a date (default). UNCHECKED - don't show schedule. When unchecked it will hide the APP'TS, TODOS checkboxes, and the Display Filter Picker. ===== The Display Filter Picker ==== Filters how you see your schedule: - EXTENDED VIEW Shows start and end times, spaces between meetings not scheduled directly after each other, and conflicts between meetings scheduled with overlapping times ("-- ! !" marks a conflicting meeting). - QUICK VIEW Show only start times. - ENDTIME & SPACES Same as Extended view but without showing conflicts. - CONFLICTS Show end times and conflicts. No spaces. ==== The Various Buttons ==== - "i" BUTTON Show application info; set application startup preferences. - "T" BUTTON Jumps back to the current date without popping up schedule. - "Today" BUTTON Jumps back to the current date and pops up current day's schedule. - "Q" POPUP BUTTON Quickie Meeting/Event - Opens quickie meeting/event slip. Quickie ToDo Task - Opens quickie todo task slip. Open Calls App - Opens Calls application. Mark this day with... Oval, Rectangle, Round Rectangle - Hilites a day by drawing the selected shape around it. UnMark this day - Removes Mark from selected day. Clear old Marks - Removes all Marks prior to and including the selected day. Find Meeting/Event - Will find meetings/events in the selected month or year (even repeated ones!). - ICONIZE PIMple BUTTON (The little square button) Converts PIMple to a floating button. Tapping it will launch PIMple. This button floats over any application so now you can access PIMple from anywhere! Drag it to a convenient position and PIMple will remember its position the next time you access it. ==== The "Quickie" Schedule Slips ==== For quick scheduling of Appointments and Todos - MEETING/EVENT SLIP Write what you want, select the start and end times and tap the appropriate button: SCHEDULE MEETING BUTTON - schedules a meeting on the date shown in the PIMple calendar for the time shown on the slip. SCHEDULE EVENT BUTTON - schedules an event on the date shown in the PIMple calendar. (The time is ignored for an event). THE "by" PICKER: select the minutes you want the time picker to increment by. Default is 5 minutes. Change this before you set the time. You can change the item's scheduling day by using the PIMple calendar!* Set the default meeting time span from Preferences in the "i" button Press the close box to cancel the slip. The meeting/event is not scheduled. - TODO TASK SLIP Write what you want, select the priority and tap the SCHEDULE TODO button to schedule it. Press the close box to cancel the slip. Note: You can have one Meeting/Event slip and one ToDo Task slip open at a time. Sorry, no scheduling of repeating items! Trying to keep PIMple simple (also see "Known problems/limitations" below). ====The Modify "Quickie" Slips ==== Opens after tapping a Meeting or Event title. Modify time, or day (using PIMple calendar) and/or select the appropriate button: CHANGE - allow you to reschedule the day, time (if item is a meeting). DELETE - deletes the selected appointment (!!! Deleting will not give you a warning and there is no undo!!!) SLIP - Opens the Calendar App and the schedule slip for the selected item. DAY - Opens the Calendar App to the items date. Press the close box to cancel your actions and close the slip. Changes to the text are made regardless. Todos are pickable - select it and and you can change the text, priority or check it completed. ==== Preferences ==== - Set PIMple's startup display options. Tap "Use default" button to set your display back to the way it was when first installed (except for the "Show repeating event warning"). ==== Tips ==== - "Quickie" slips are great for fast, simple scheduling! - *When selecting dates while scheduling several items, uncheck the POP checkbox so you don't have to wait for the pop up. *** Known problems/limitations *** - REPEATING MEETINGS/EVENTS/TODOS: PIMple is currently designed for scheduling of simple events/meetings/todos. Use the Dates app or another PIM to schedule repeating items. You may, however, use PIMple to reschedule one occurence of a repeated meeting/event. PIMple cannot change the text of a repeating todo. PIMple is unable to delete repeating Events that were reschedule to a different date. Please use the Calendar Application to deleted these. - TODOS: PIMple cannot delete or reschedule a todo. PIMple does not support third party todo priorities. - BUGS: Marks incorrectly if Dates prefs sets first day of week to a day other than Sunday. THAT'S ALL FOLKS! I hope you find this version of PIMple useful and productive. Restrictions You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the logic or source code to this software. You may not modify PIMple, the PIMple Read Me or the PIMple Manual. Disclaimer I make no warranty on the performance of this program. I will not be held responsible for loss or damage of information as the result of using PIMple. Contacting me Please feel free to send any comments, questions or problems concerning PIMple to: Way-Chung Wong firstvln@aol.com