AlarmPak* 2.01 ) 1995-1997 Atomic Software. All rights reserved. -------- AlarmPak is a shareware product. If you want to own a license to use it, please send $15US to: Atomic Software 448 Bryce Street Los Alamos, NM 87544 You may pay with Visa, MasterCard, Amaerican Express, or First Virtual by using the Register program that came with AlarmPak. Please use the register program when using any of these payment methods, but send cash, checks, or money orders directly to Atomic Software. For direct payments, please inlcude: Your Name Your Address Your e-mail address Your computer preference (Mac or Windows) -------- About AlarmPak Ever notice how ineffectual the Newton's alarm function is? Ever miss an appointment because your Newton beeped when you were in the hallway, you didn't hear it, and then your Newton fell asleep? If this is a problem, AlarmPak may be the answer. AlarmPak captures the Reminder messages from the Dates application and handles these message much better than the Newton does. AlarmPak lets you set the volume, beep, and frequency of alarms. AlarmPak also remembers an unlimited number of reminder messages, so you don't have to. Installation ----------- Install the package manual.pkg first. Read the manual and determine if AlarmPak is for you. If you want to install AlarmPak, install the package AlarmPak.pkg. Follow the directions in the manual. ====================================== SoundPak* and SoundPak2* ) 1996 Atomic Software. All rights reserved. ====================================== SoundPak adds additional sounds to AlarmPak. SoundPak use very little heap memory (about 550 bytes). SoundPak is automatically installed in a folder called Extensions in the extras drawer. When installed, additional sounds are available in AlarmPak's prefs. SoundPak2 simply contains even more sounds! Technical support ------------------- Atomic Software -CompuServe: 74774,1415 (GO ATOMIC, Section 7) -InterNet: -