Ttime - by DMP Systems, Version 1.3 ---------------------------------- Ttime) (tiny time) is a small program to give you a small digital clock. It locates itself in the top left corner of the screen and can be dragged to where ever. It updates the time every 60 seconds. No need to restart it if you reset your Newton. It will automatically start. Ttime floats above most all windows to stay visible. If it's not visible over another floating window after 60 seconds, close and re-open it (tap its Extra Drawer Icon twice) . The top left placement was determined to be where most Applications kept blank. However, there are a few that use that spot, so you can drag it to where you want. There is no close box as it would destroy the simplicity of Ttime. If you want to turn it off, click its icon in the extras drawer. Why another clock ? All the clocks that I've seen are too big and try to do to much. This one does only one thing - tell you the time without being in the way. Period. This program has been tested on an original Newton with OS 1.05 and an MP110 OS 1.3. Version Info: 1.00 - 4/15/94 original release. 1.10 - 4/27/94 Changed time display update to only every 30 seconds, was 10 seconds when on a/c power, 30 seconds on battery. Strange Thing about the viewdrawscript was redrawing itself every second and not knowing about itself - fixed by removing viewdrawscript and added Power Off/Power On code so that time is updated immediately when turned on. No general release. 1.11 - 4/29/94 Added RemovePowerOffHandler() to ViewQuitQcript. Added show()/hide() so Ttime is always on top. No general release. 1.2 - 5/1/94 Synced to internal clock to update screen only every 60 seconds, 1 second after minute changes. Released to CIS. 1.3 - 10/5/95 Discovered that Modal Dialogs _Want_ to be the topmost window or else they freeze when Ttime updates the time (a common one: Prefs:memory:remove: Ok / Cancel) so a Hide() was removed. Moved the initial location a little to fit better and opened up the drag region to allow better bottom placement. Special Thanks to: Danny Burkes for pointing out an updating problem. Distribution: ------------ Ttime) may be freely distributed on any non-profit media and/or Information services (this includes disks, Compuserve, AppleLink, etc) under the condition that the package and documentation shall not be altered in any way shape or form. Commercial distribution is prohibited. Any company wishing to include this in a shareware type disk shall need to contact me and agree to my terms and conditions. The Legal Stuff: ---------------- DISCLAIMER No warranty, express or implied, is made with respect to this software, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. I do not warrant that the function of the software will meet customers requirements, or will operate in the manner desired by customer or that the software shall be error free. I shall not, under any circumstance, be liable to customer or third party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to the loss of data or information of any kind, loss of profit, or liability to third parties, however caused, whether by the act or negligence, of use or inability to use or otherwise. It is recognized that the equipment this software is used on contains memories or data or other things that may be valuable to the customer or a third party. In no event shall I be liable to the customer or any third party if any such data or memory or other things are lost or changed or destroyed, regardless of the cause of any such loss or change or destruction, directly or indirectly arising from customers use misuse or inability to use the software either separately or in conjunction with other equipment. Who owns this Software: ---------------------- The program in this package belongs exclusively to me: David M. Pompea, DMP Systems. The program remains owned by DMP Systems. The program and documentation are Copyright ) 1994 DMP Systems, all rights reserved. This software may not be disassembled or altered. This documentation is copyrighted by DMP Systems and may not be reproduced or copied by any means including, but not limited to photocopier, computer, transcribed, verbal, mental telepathy, genetic coding or any other way. The Ttime program was developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. DMP Systems accepts no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton. You use this program at your own risk! Newton and NTK are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Comments & Questions to: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 AOL: DPOMPEA (best) CIS: 74736,172