-ReadMe file for RemGuard 2.01 package. May 10, 1995 =================================================================== RemGuard software package (c) 1993-1995 Stephen H. Dohrmann. All rights reserved. RemGuard version 2.01 is shareware. =================================================================== Hello, RemGuard is a Newton MessagePad utility that helps prevent missed appointment reminders posted by the MessagePad Dates application. This new version (2.01) improves on the original (1.0) in many ways. For a list of new features, see RImprovements in version 2.01S below. **Background If a Dates reminder comes due, the MessagePad will turn itself on, if necessary, and display the reminder in a small window. If you are not there to see it, however, and the MessagePad turns itself off, you will miss the reminder. RemGuard fixes this and includes a number of features to make using the Dates application with alarms more useful. **Installation Install the package as described in the Apple documentation. If you are upgrading from RemGuard version 1.0, remove it before installing version 2.0g **Operation RemGuard 2.01 is an Rauto partSQ no icon appears in Extras when you install it. It is there and working, however, from the moment you install it. When a Dates reminder comes due, a window that looks similar to the original notification window (wavy border) will pop up. There are several controls on this window: RSnoozeS checkbox - displays controls to set a snooze for this reminder. The snooze duration can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 999 days. Enter a number on the text line and select a unit (minutes, hours, days). Close box - dismisses the reminder. If the snooze box is checked, dismisses the reminder for the snooze duration, then redisplays it. If the snooze checkbox is unchecked, simply dismisses the reminder. RHideS button - hides the notification window and displays a small button in the upper left corner of the screen. None of the reminders is dismissed by hiding the window. Click on the flashing button to show the reminder window again. R?S button - shows information about RemGuard including how to register your copy with Digital Press. If more that one reminder has come due (displayed in upper right corner of reminder window), you can use the MessagePadUs up and down arrows to scroll from reminder to reminder. Remember to check the Preferences roll for RemGuard options to customize the way RemGuard works. **Notes - If the volume control in the Extras drawer is set to Roff,S RemGuard will not beep, regardless of its own volume setting in preferences. If you enter a meeting, for example, and want to make sure your MessagePad doesnUt beep, just set the Extras drawer volume to zero. - RemGuard uses the same alarm sound as set in Prefs->Sound. - You may install RemGuard to internal memory or to a memory card. DonUt remove the card when a reminder is being displayed in the main window. If you remove the card when RemGuard is Rhidden,S reinsert the card before tapping on the flashing button to show the reminder window again. **Improvements in version 2.0 - No need to turn RemGuard on and off. If it is installed, it is on. - No icon required in Extras drawer. - Acts as if it's part of the built-in software (no separate window). - Keeps track of any number of reminders (limited only by memory). - Individual reminders may be acknowledged. - Individual reminders may be set to snooze for a specified time. - Number and volume of reminder beeps may be set as preference. - Main window may be hidden and reminders dealt with later. - Actual meeting time, as well as alarm time, is displayed. - May be conveniently installed on memory card. **Improvements in version 2.01 - Works with English and German version MessagePads. - Fixes a bug associated with default snooze units. - Allow zero beeps to be specified for alarm or snooze preference. ================================================================== Registration: RemGuard 2.01 is shareware. An unregistered copy will work for 21 days. If you like RemGuard, register by sending US$10 to: Digital Press 2373 NW 185th #181 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Include your: 1. Email address if you have one. 2. Mailing address. 3. Your name exactly as it appears in Prefs->Personal->Name. ================================================================== Please send comments and questions to the address shown above or by email to: shd@aol.com Thank you for your interest in RemGuard! Steve Dohrmann Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Newton and MessagePad are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.