Floating Time (A Newton Utility) Version 1.7 written by Thomas V. Fischer TVF Productions Date: 16 May 1994 Description: Floating Time is a small simple utility for the Newton MessagePad. The purpose of this small Newton application is to display the time and battery level on a permanent basis. It also will stop the MessagePad from shutting down when it is plugged in, this can be helpful when you need to view your notes while working at something else. You can also choose to resize the window and set preferences to let the Newton shutdown normally or start Floating Time as a small window. Why does it exist? Floating Time was originally conceived because of the way I started to work with my MessagePad. I do a lot of travelling and have a tendency to write my programming plans (and sometimes code) during these trips. I would then arrive back at my place of work and use my MessagePad as a reference. As I would get side tracked and sometimes disturbed the MessagePad would turn itself off. I found that I would spend half my time turning it back on instead of working. Hence, the need for something discreet and useful to stop the MessagePad from turning itself off. Usage: Install the FloatingTime.pkg using the Newton Connection Kit (or your preferred method). Once installed tap (or is it click) on the Floating Time icon that appears in your 'Extras' draw. You may either display the Time or the Date. Select your display preference using the pop up label (next to the diamond). You can use the 'Off' button to turn off the newton immediately, therefore overriding your preference to not shutdown. This also avoids wear and tear on the Power switch. Two preferences, 'Don't turn off the Newton when plugged' and 'Start with small window', were added to the application. I think they are basically self explanatory. They are located under the Newton System Prefernces icon in the Extras Drawer. You can now resize the window by clicking in the small Macintosh style resize box in the top right hand corner. Changes since version 1.0: - Added a power off button. - Made the window resizable. - Added preferences, accessible in the Newton preferences. (as it should be according to PIE DTS). - Fixed a few minor bugs... (no details!) - Change the size of the Extras Drawer name. - Change the Creator of the file to 'DOCK' for the Connection Kit. Changes since version 1.5: - Fixed the Date/Time picker disappearing act. - Fixed some cloned slots that weren't eating memory. Set them to nil. - Can no longer resize the palette beyond the screen size. Bugs and Others: Nobody is perfect, so there may still be some bugs. Please let me know if you find any and how to reproduce them.[This is very important!] Notes for the More Technically Inclined: The choice between Time and Date display is not only for display functionality but also for battery conservation. The time display is called every second on an idle event. The date display is only called every minute. This is useful when you wish to use Floating Time while on battery power. The preferences store is removed when the package is removed. This avoids keeping unwanted data around when you don't want Floating Time around anymore. Lacunas and Known Problems: To test the "plugged in" state of the MessagePad, I have only one method currently. This method is to test BatteryLevel(0) equal to 100. This however is also true for new batteries and just recharged batteries. This is somewhat of a probelm as it stays at level 100 for quite a while. [ If anybody has a better idea, please let me know]. The Future: Should add a plugged in icon! (Don't know if this will be done yet as the small utility is getting to be very big!) Disclaimer on adding new elements: When I originally started making this utility, I wanted it to be small and useful. It has now reached 18+K but it is still useful. As the size is getting a bit big, I'll probably not add anything new for the moment until I figure out a way to optimize the generated code even more. Sharewares, Freewares, Otherwares and Do What You Want Wares[DWYWW]: I don't believe that Floating Time is a incredible application in its own right. I spent some of my free time programming the application, but it is a small and simple utility. To this extent I don't wish to release this as shareware. Therefore, I am declaring this a Do What You Want Ware. If you care to send me a little something, please send! [PS: If you live in the United States, please contact me if you wish to send me a check]. The little something can be cash, postcards, e-mail and collector's items ( I collect shot glasses with logos). Let me know you are out there and tell me what you think. NTK DEVELOPERS: The code is of course my property, except for the parts that of course belong to Apple. However, I am willing to give out the full Floating Time Project source code for a minimal fee. If you are interested in seeing how I programmed Floating Time, please send me: US$ 15 or 100 French Francs. [PS: If you live in the United States, please contact me if you wish to send me a check in US Dollars] Distribution: Floating Time may be freely distributed on any non-profit media and/or Information services (this includes disks, Compuserve, AppleLink, etc). This is of course under the condition that the package not be altered in anyway shape or form. The package should include the following files: FloatingTime.pkg Read Me (this file). Companies like B-MUG and Educorp, please contact me about distribution. How to Reach the Author: You can reach me in the following ways. Regular Mail: Thomas V. Fischer TVF Productions 103 rue du Pontel (Bat A) F-71800 St. Germain en Laye FRANCE E-Mail: CompuServe: 100040,41 AppleLink: TVF.PROD Legal Stuff: If I remember this right, the following products/names/trademarks need to have their *,) and ( (except I don't remember which goes where): Apple, MessagePad, Newton Connection Kit, Newton Developers Kit Well now for my legal stuff! (My lawyer says I need this!) Disclaimer: In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided Ras isS without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall the author be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Although the author would appreciate any feedback and bug reports, the author shall not be responsible for correcting any problems which you discover or otherwise help you maintain and use this software. Furthermore, the author may at any time replace, modify, alter, improve, enhance or change this software. Floating Time is "Do What You Want Ware". I retain all rights to this software. ( )1993, by TVF Productions. All Rights Reserved. Some Parts )1993 by Apple)