Feed the Meter* v1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Feed the Meter*? Feed the meter* is an application for sounding the NewtonUs built-in alarm after a predetermined amount of time. Feed the Meter* creates an entry in the Calendar soup with a starting time the number of minutes in the future that you have specified. It also sets a five minute alarm for the event. And for those who feed a lot of parking meters it also deletes Feed the Meter* events if you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to use Feed the Meter* 1. Start the application by tapping on Meter in the Extras drawer. 2. Select the time remaining on the meter from the pop-up list. Okay, so I could have allowed you to write in a value. DonUt know about you, but I am always in a hurry and find the pop-up quicker. 3. Tap the Set Alarm button. The alarm is now set and Feed the Meter* displays the time the alarm is set to go off. 4. Dismiss Feed the Meter* by tapping the GoAway [X] button. Non-believers should now go to the Calendar application. There you will find an event, 30 minutes in duration, entitled RFeed the MeterS. Next time you run Feed the Meter* it will ask if you want previous alarms to be deleted. This does not delete other alarms you have set in the Calendar application. Nor will it delete Feed the Meter* alarms if you change the name of the event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now the typical legal disclaimers. This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. The author DOES NOT warranty this software to be free from errors. You use it at your own risk. Feed the Meter* )1993 Greg Schumacher. This software has been released as RSharewareS and all rights to it are being reserved by the author. Feed the Meter* may be freely distributed provided this file accompanies the package. Users groups and on-line services may distribute this software for a resonable service fee. It may not be distributed commercially. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ever-present shareware plea. If you find this program useful please send $5.00 to: Greg Schumacher 14710 - 32nd Ave NE Seattle, WA 98155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, you have a better idea? Your comments and suggested are welcome and encouraged. Please send them to: Greg Schumacher Macintosh Minutemen Internet: greg@macmen.wa.com AppleLink: MacMen AOL: MacMen CIS: 75530,1715 NewtonMail: Izikware