Name = ASSISTCA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ASSISTCA Size: 29K Date: 5/08/98 Description: AssistCalc 3.5.1 - was written to add many mathematical functions to the Newton. For example, what if you want to calculate the following - ((57*6)+89) / log 5. This could be a pain on Newton's calculator. AssistCalc allows the user to write out (not tap, tap, tap) your equation and AssistCalc will try it's best to figure out an answer for you. You can then copy the answer to where you need it. You can either use the AssistCalc program, or use it with Assist. You will then be taken into the AssistCalc program, and the answer will be given. AssistCalc can deal with math functions such as - acos(x) asin(x) atan(x) atan2(x,y) cos(x) cosh(x) exp(x) log(x) log10(x) and more! Now it's programmable! Name = FORMULA0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:FORMULA0 Size: 87K Date: 4/16/98 Description: Formula - is a prototype entry system for common mathematical symbols such as integrals, summations, etc. It does NOT recognize handwritten symbols. It takes text and converts what it can to symbols, and the rest is left as text. Formula comes with three packages for your Newton. One is a stand-alone package (Formula), the other is an extension for Notes (Formula Stationery), and the last, an extension for Newton Works. They are all small (<25 kb) - so you can install them without any major space requirements. Formula will run on 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons - however the Copy Image feature only works on MP 2x00s. The stand-alone package offers two ways to create formulas - the standard input method of text, or with... Name = KK15CLIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:KK15CLIT Size: 58K Date: 3/16/98 Description: KK-15C Lite 1.0 - is the RPN scientific calculator that emulates the functions of Hewlett-Packard's handheld HP-15C Advanced Programmable Scientific Calculator. This Lite version of KK-15C features most of the HP-15C functions including complex numbers and matrix math but does not support programmable, root finder and numerical integration. KK-15C Lite requires Newton OS 2.x and will work only in landscape mode on MessagePad 120 and 130. Shareware. Name = PERIODIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:PERIODIC Size: 48K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Periodic Table 2.01 - adds an option to the built in formulas app which will bring up a Periodic Table. You can select any element, and get info such as electron configuration, atomic weight, and more. Periodic Table is shareware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $10. Name = SPROING1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:SPROING1 Size: 12K Date: 3/12/98 Description: Sproing 1.0 - allows you to experiment with a bouncing spring by varying frequency, amplitude, damping, mass, spring constant. Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). Name = GEOMETRY Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:GEOMETRY Size: 22K Date: 3/12/98 Description: Geometry Construction Set 1.0 - With GeoCnstr, draw lines, circles, triangles; get information about perimeter, area; bisect lines and angles, inscribe/circumscribe circles. Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). Name = BANDWIDT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:BANDWIDT Size: 17K Date: 2/08/98 Description: Bandwidth Calculator 1.1 - The Bandwidth Calculator is just that a Bandwidth Calculator. It tells estimated time for downloading something via modem. Newton Developers are welcome to the source code as long as they give credit if they use a large chunk of it. Elwin Loomis Name = NFLIGHTE Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:NFLIGHTE Size: 62K Date: 1/27/98 Description: NflightEP 1.1 - is a real-time, vector graphics, 3D flight simulator for use on the Newton MessagePad 2000 and 2100. It is loosely based on the original Radio Shack TRS-80 FS-1 flight simulator from SubLogic. This software is currently under development. Throttle control, 9 position control stick, altimeter, fuel gauge, airspeed indicator, compass heading, VOR Nav, and 3D cockpit display are all functioning in the present preview version. Name = STOCKCAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STOCKCAL Size: 21K Date: 1/10/98 Description: Stock Calculator 1.0 - is the perfect assistant for anyone doing online stock trading! Besides total cash outlay and profit/loss calculations, Stock Calculator is ideal for performing 'what if' analyses, such as determining what share price a stock needs to attain in order to return a specified profit. When buying stock, Stock Calculator can determine the total cash outlay, per share buying price, or number of shares. The user selects which field to calculate and enters values for the remaining fields. When selling stock, Stock Calculator can determine the profit amount or the per share selling price. The user selects which field to calculate and enters a value for the remaining field along with the... Name = VEA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:VEA Size:357K Date:11/26/97 Description: Vea - is a diagramming package, which permits the addition of attributes to icons as well as the creation of new icons or objects. The icons may be rotated, and tagged with text descriptions with the addition of a description item within the icon. These are all activated through the preferences screen. The reason this file is beta is that we have not resolved certain zoom errors and the user manual has yet to be re-written. Upgrades to the package can be found at Name = JUPITERS Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:JUPITERS Size: 12K Date:11/19/97 Description: Jupiter's Moons 1.0 - is a Newton program that allows you to view the configuration of the four largest moons of Jupiter. Jupiters Moons provides you a view as if you were looking through binoculars or a telescope at the planet Jupiter. You are able to input a date and time and Jupiters Moons will show you how the moons would look at that time. Jupiters Moons is email-ware. If you download this program and find it useful or interesting, send me some email and tell me. Jupiters Moons is for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. Name = TRACKIT2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:TRACKIT2 Size:239K Date:11/10/97 Description: TrackIt 2.0 - This release runs on Newton OS2.x only. Use TrackIt to record and graph any set of numbers. The data set can be time based or just a sequential set of numbers. If the data set is time based the X axis will graph the points spaced to reflect the time between points. Two types of time based sets are possible, either points that the scale reflects a time scale by days or points that have a time scale of minutes and seconds. These graphs can be displayed as a line, bar, or scatter graph and are scalable in the x direction. TrackIt supports the multi-user classroom mode so students data is kept private. Name = GPSMONIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:GPSMONIT Size: 43K Date:11/04/97 Description: GPS Monitor 2.0b9 - runs on all Newton PDAs with NOS 2.0 or higher and supports various interface settings as well as PC-card receivers. It has been developed for checking GPS satellite navigation receivers for compatibility with GPS Map and GPS Map Lite, the powerful moving map based navigation applications for Newton. You can also use the application for monitoring your GPS receivers output and for copying displayed data to the clipboard and to other applications. Name = POWERSET Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:POWERSET Size:104K Date:10/14/97 Description: PowerSet Demo - The PowerSet is composed of four calculators, designed to meet several types of computing needs. MathStar- the new standard in desktop calculators: combine equations, solutions, tools, graphs, models, arrays, and more all in several on-screen worksheets that can scroll. Eclipse GX - a desk lookalike calculator, provides button acess to a multitude of scientific functions. Nebula - a calculator for working with matrices of upto 10 x 10 in size. Basis- work and convert numbers between decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Most of our calculators offer a large inline notation display area of 3 or more lines. You enter equations naturally as you seem them on paper. Its the easiest way to do... Name = STREETFI Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:STREETFI Size: 7K Date:10/10/97 Description: StreetFinder 1.01 - is a 6K package which implements the Manhattan Address Locator algorithm found in the NYNEX Yellow Pages. Given an avenue name and a building number in Manhattan, StreetFinder will tell you the nearest cross-street. It also does a similar thing for addresses on side-streets: it can tell you (roughly) the nearest avenue. Freeware. by Alan Simon ( Name = 2ENTER32 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:2ENTER32 Size: 15K Date:10/02/97 Description: 2 Enter 3 v2.1 - a RPN Calculator for the MP2000 - is an RPN scientific calculator. It was developed and tested on the Newton 2000 under OS 2.1. The program is freeware. RPN users should be familiar with almost all of the functions provided. This is a description of the less obvious. Handwriting is used to insert numbers. The '.', 'e' and '<-' buttons insert a decimal point, an e (exponent notation) and delete of the last character on the line, respectively. All standard HWR guestures can be used to edit the value. A small bulb to the left of the input line indicates a non-numeric content; such a value is not transferred to the X register. Name = TMAP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:TMAP1 Size: 21K Date: 9/30/97 Description: TMap 1.4 - Freeware Newton application that contains a movable map of the Boston Subway system (known as the T). It is a fairly small app, taking up only about 99Kbytes. Fully Newton OS 2.x compatible with both portrait and landscape modes supported on MP120, MP130, MP2000, and the eMate. Questions? Would you like a custom Newton application with your maps or data? Contact for questions, comments, or requests. Name = LATHE Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:LATHE Size: 15K Date: 9/29/97 Description: Lathe 0.9b - is a simple 3D modeler for Newton OS devices. A template, specified in 2D, is lathed to create a 3D wireframe model. Lathe was developed on an MP2K and the performance on that device ranges from great to acceptable (depending on the model complexity). Unfortunately, I don't have direct access to an older Newton but a friend who tested it for me indicated that it was somewhat slow on an MP120. For MP120 and MP130 users, your best bet is to keep your models as simple as possible. The 3D-view is the main area of interest in Lathe. This is where the model is displayed. If you tap your stylus within this view and drag it around you can rotate the model in real-time. On Newton devices which... Name = NANOCAD1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:NANOCAD1 Size: 9K Date: 9/17/97 Description: NanoCAD 1.0 - A 3D wireframe object viewer-generator for the Newton MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. NanoCAD is a freeware application for viewing and creating simple wireframe 3D shapes. You may rotate the default 3D shape (a cube) or create your own using the Extrude tool or the Lathe tool. This version of NanoCAD requires a Newton MessagePad 2000 or eMate 300 (MessagePad 2000 recommended for best performance). Name = GPSMONIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:GPSMONIT Size: 27K Date: 8/30/97 Description: GPS Monitor 1.2 - runs on all Newton PDAs with NOS 1.3 or higher. It has been developed for checking GPS satellite navigation receivers for compatibility with GPS Map and GPS Map Lite, the powerful moving map based navigation applications for Newton. You can also use the application for monitoring your GPS receivers output and for copying displayed data to the clipboard and to other applications. Name = DELAYCAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:DELAYCAL Size: 73K Date: 6/17/97 Description: DelayCalc - Enter the desired tempo using the numberPicker; click the top half of the number to raise it, the lower half to lower it. Tempos can be between 40 and 300. DelayCalc shows the digital delay settings for that tempo. If you dont know what digital delay is, then youre probably not a musician and have no use for this utility. Click the TAP TEMPO button to enter a tempo by tapping it in. Once you think youve accurately entered the right tempo, which is displayed by the numberPicker at the top of the window, click the COMPUTE button to see the appropriate delay settings for that tempo. By Bob Patin freeware. Name = FILTERCA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:FILTERCA Size: 7K Date: 9/16/96 Description: Filters - Which filter should I use for my black and white pictures? I have a confusing collection of filters to use with black and white film. Some of the effects are subtle and some are quite dramatic but I can't ever remember which filter to use when. The New York Institute of Photography sent me a wonderful paper filter wheel but I wanted something more durable. Since I keep my Newton in the camera bag, I decided to write the Black and White Filter calculator to help. It's easy to use. Simply tap your problem. For example to darken a blue sky moderately just tap those three selections. The Newton will display the proper filters to choose from for the desired effect. The Newton will also display filter... Name = HYPERFOC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:HYPERFOC Size: 6K Date: 9/16/96 Description: Hyperfocal calc - is a critical element in any photograph. Have you ever noticed a picture where everything seems to be in focus from the foreground to the horizon? The trick is to use hyperfocus. The September 1996 issue of Popular Photography gives this explanation: Simply put, the hyperfocal distance is the focusing point at which the lens must be set to provide the maximum depth of field at any aperture. Hyperfocal scales once were printed on lens barrels but those helps are rare today. You could use a hyperfocal depth chart or remember the mathmatical equation. freeware. Name = LAWOFCOS Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:LAWOFCOS Size: 19K Date: 8/21/96 Description: Law of Cosines - for Newton 2.0, is a calculator demo which you can input two angles or any three known parameters of a triangle, and it will calculate the remaining information. LOC will then display a picture of the triangle which you can save to the notepad along with all the information about the triangle. The triangle displayed is in scale, unless you have the screen rotated into landscape mode on the Newton 2.0 Units picker : Default is degrees, or you can select radians, this defines both the values you input, and the values output. Name = LAWOFCOS Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:LAWOFCOS Size: 19K Date: 8/21/96 Description: Law of Cosines - for Newton 1.3, is a calculator demo which you can input two angles or any three known parameters of a triangle, and it will calculate the remaining information. LOC will then display a picture of the triangle which you can save to the notepad along with all the information about the triangle. The triangle displayed is in scale, unless you have the screen rotated into landscape mode on the Newton 2.0 Units picker : Default is degrees, or you can select radians, this defines both the values you input, and the values output. Name = XCHANGE2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:XCHANGE2 Size: 29K Date: 8/07/96 Description: Xchange 1.15d - ist ein Miniprogramm zur Whrungsumrechnung. Die Bedienung ist hnlich der eingebauten Umrechnungstabelle. Im Gegensatz zu dieser, wird aber der Wechselkurs gespeichert und steht daher bei einem erneuten Programmstart zur Verfgung. Auerdem knnen, hnlich der Namenskartei, (nahezu) beliebig viele Kurse verwaltet werden. Damit man die bersicht behlt, bekommt jeder Wechselkurs einen Namen. Ebenso knnen die beiden Whrungen benannt werden: Entweder whlen Sie eine gngige Whrung aus der Auswahlliste oder schreiben ein beliebiges Krzel in das Textfeld. Drei Radio-Buttons dienen zur Festlegung, welche Zeile aus den anderen beiden berechnet werden soll. Name = XCHANGE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:XCHANGE1 Size: 29K Date: 8/07/96 Description: Xchange 1.5e - is a small currency-conversion table, similar to the built-in one but with additional features. Exchange rates are saved (just enter the rate once and use it during your vacation). Store as as many different rates as you like (as long there is any free memory left). Rates and currencies can be named. Name = CALC4 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:CALC4 Size:121K Date: 4/12/96 Description: Calc++ and MiniCalc++ Version 4.8 - Two fast scientific calculators for Newton platform devices. Shareware $15 US dollars. Newton OS 2 Compatibility. Enhanced compatibility with German Newtons. Added a date calculator, Date++. 18 scientific constants. Includes speed of light, Plancks, Boltzmann, etc. Tape - Recording tape available for copying old equations and results to the clipboard. (Tape is not yet available in Minicalc++. Sorry. Email me if this a real big problem). Round (RND) Round numbers to the nearest whole number and more! Name = STANFORD Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STANFORD Size: 42K Date: 4/01/96 Description: Stanford Map 1.5 - Copyright 1996 Foundation Systems. Release Date: March 31, 1996. Stanford Map 1.5 is an interactive map of Stanford University. Name = STOCHAST Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STOCHAST Size: 78K Date: 3/25/96 Description: Stochastic 1.0.1 - The Random & Psuedo-Random Number Sequence Generator for the Newton. Stochastic is a program that generates random & psuedo-random number sequences on your Newton. These sequences are frequently used by people for things like raffles or lotteries, statistical sampling, and behavioral research. Particularly in the behavioral research field, where study participants are exposed to a sequence of treatment conditions, these sequences are frequently generated in a psuedo-random manner, with each treatment condition appearing equally often. The software is being distributed as shareware and as such may be used for a period of 7 days before it will expire and require a valid serial number. The software... Name = MARKSMES Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:MARKSMES Size: 20K Date: 2/07/96 Description: Mark's Messier List - This Excel file contains various information on the 110 objects (star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies) which the French 18th century astronomer, Charles Messier, included in his famous catalog as an aid for comet hunters. The data is useful for amateur astronomers to help locate, identify and catalog the deep-sky objects. The file can be imported into the Newton Name File and can be sorted by Messier Number or by Season Best Observed (and constellation). To import the file - Run Newton Connection and Open (or Synchronize) the current Newton information. Double-click on the Name File and select Import from the File Menu. Choose 'Excel 4.0 (Name File)' and enter 'Mark's Messier File'... Name = TRADERPD Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:TRADERPD Size: 19K Date: 2/01/96 Description: TraderPDQ 1.0 - NewtwarePDQ has announced TraderPDQ -- a securities pricing calculator. Version 1.0 will be distributed as Freeware, version 2.0 will be Shareware. TraderPDQ calculates the price, yield, and discount for Bonds, Notes, and Bills (and bank CD's). It is similar in function to the HP-12C, and the Monroe Trader. For more info send email to: or WWW: . Name = WRITERSC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:WRITERSC Size: 18K Date:12/14/95 Description: Writer's Calc 1.01 - I demonstrated a Newton PDA to my friend his first question was, Can it do math? Of course, Writer's Calc allows you to enter an expression anywhere that accepts text input and compute the answer by tapping the Assist button. Try it! The valid Assist verbs are '=' and 'calc'. Try writing one of the document examples in the Notepad and tap Assist. Please note, that for the Newton Intelligent Assistant to interpret the expression you MUST have a SPACE between the verb and the expression. Some users have found that they can execute other Newton internal functions. If you do this you do so at your own risk. Some of these functions can really screw up your Newton. Please only use... Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:BYNAME.TXT Size: 43K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Calculator & Science file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:BYDATE.TXT Size: 43K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Calculator & Science file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = MOLECULA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MOLECULA Size: 22K Date: 9/20/95 Description: Molecular Mass 2.0 - A molecular mass calculator for the Newton platform. MolMass is $10 USD shareware. There are 12 user defineable buttons, which can be used to store your own most used atoms. Tapping on a blank user button will enter the data entry screen. Note tapping on an atom in the formula view brings up the isotope choices. If you find any bugs... Name = FORMULAT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:FORMULAT Size: 41K Date: 8/30/95 Description: Formulator - An Expression Compiler for Newton. Works like a single cell spread sheet, about to save expressions with variables in a soup, making them accessable anytime. This Unregistered Version Maintains this Soup but will not preserve the data during a reset! Formerly known as Com-piles. Name = CALCULAT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CALCULAT Size: 8K Date: 8/28/95 Description: Calculator 1.0 - Yet another calculator. Enter a calculation (e.g. 3 + 2) and tap the lightening bolt. The answer will appear. This text scrolls using the printed arrows at the bottom of the Newton screen. You can retrieve the calculation formula by tapping the down arrow above the text. Name = LUNARMAT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:LUNARMAT Size: 13K Date: 8/16/95 Description: Lunar Matrix Beta - Matrix will allow you to solve up to 6 unknowns in the form of linear equations. For example, Matrix lets you solve - 3x+4y=10, 4x+7y=14. To solve this set of equations, you would first switch to a 2x2 matrix (using the Matrix Size drop-down). Next, tap on the cell A1, and enter 3,Tap on cell A2 and enter 4 Tap on cell A and 10, Tap on cell B1 and enter 4, Tap on cell B2 and enter 7, Tap on cell B and enter 14, Pressing solve will produce your results. Results will be displayed in cells next to the 10 and 14. To view the results in better accuracy, simply tap on the cell. This application is freeware. The full commercial version will soon be available with MagiCalc. Name = NEWTCRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NEWTCRO Size: 18K Date: 8/03/95 Description: Newt CRO - This is a simple use of the Newton to provide the display functions of a C.R.O. It receives 8bit A/D conversions into the serial port and tries to display them as a graph. It was designed to receive 32 samples before it changes the display. Press the - Test button for a sample display. Send button for a string that can be looped back to the serial port to trigger the display. CR button sends a to trigger an A/D converter to send samples. Name = ELECTROH Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ELECTROH Size: 23K Date: 8/03/95 Description: ElectroHelp - This is an expanding application to aid those in the Electronics electrical areas with calculations etc. It currently includes a Resistor Colour Code Demystifier, Resistance, Current, Voltage, and Power calculations, Wavelength and Frequency calculations, plus a modified RPN calculater. And as there is space for more, any reasonable calculation or table can be added to this application and a new version sent on to the contributer. Name = TIMETOGO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:TIMETOGO Size: 8K Date: 7/24/95 Description: TimeToGoReading - This newton package (made with Steve Weyer's newt) tells you the time to go to finish a task based on your previous performance. In particular, you can use it to project time to finish reading something. If you don't know how long something you have to do is going to take, you might push away friends and family until you get it done. I would like to read popular books on science and psychology, but tend to put them off not knowing how long it will take to finish them. Knowing how long it would take to finish, gets me to sit down and finish them. Or if it is a bad day for me, the projection will be so dismal, I might instead spend some quality time with friends. Name = OPPRICE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:OPPRICE1 Size: 24K Date: 7/11/95 Description: OpPrice 1.2 - OpPrice is an option valuation program for the Newton MessagePad. OpPrice is powerful, yet easy to use. Just enter the five variables that determine an option's theoretical value (price, strike price, volatility, time remaining, and short term interest rate) and tap the Calc button. The option's values (price, delta, gamma, vega and theta) will be displayed for calls (and puts in the registered version). Name = AUSSIELO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:AUSSIELO Size: 12K Date: 6/10/95 Description: AussieLocale 3.0 - Well for us fussy Aussies, here is a little correction for the Newton. Australia hasn't used miles to measure distance since about the time I was born, yet the Newton's Locales settings thinks we do. (Set to Australia and look at TimeZones) AussieLocale sets things right. If you are set to Australia it will set you to a new Locale setting, Aussie. On the way out it will go back to Australia. If there is anything else you want let me know. You can have 1st, 2nd, xth etc. for short dates; British or US keyboards and more. Let me know how you want it. Freeware. Name = PROCALC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PROCALC1 Size: 56K Date: 4/18/95 Description: ProCALC 1.1 - Even though the Newton shipped with a built in calculator there was early demand for a scientific calculator. proCALC addresses other calculators shortcomings and provides several unique features including - Reassignment of the Newton built in calculator icon (doesn't clutter the extras draw with its own icon). Aesthetic and functional emulation of a real calculator. (yes I know the off switch is a Newton user interface crime but the HP33 didn't have a close box). Observation of operator precedence (ie 1+2*3 = 7 not 9). Over 50 Scientific and financial functions (inc DEC and HEX conversions) and more! Name = COMMISHC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:COMMISHC Size: 10K Date: 3/14/95 Description: CommishCalc 1.0 - CommishCalc calculates commissions on the purchase or sale of stocks or options made through the Charles Schwab brokerage firm. The commissions calculated are based upon a chart published by Charles Schwab Co. on May 21, 1991 and was still current as of December 20, 1993. Much effort has been made to make the calculations accurate but neither the author of this application nor Charles Schwab Co. will be held responsible for miscalculations of commissions. Name = NCONVERT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NCONVERT Size: 17K Date: 2/28/95 Description: NConverter 0.4 - This is an extra panel for the Formulas app. Tired of not having more than just Metric conversions? How about Speed, Weights, Energy and more? Then you need nConverter! The Calculator button will take any selected text and type it into the Newton's calculator for you. nConverter provides two conversion fields. Each field has a pop-up menu of conversiom units. Select the desired conversion units and then enter a value in one of the fields. nConverter will take the value from your entered field and convert it to the equivalent number of units in the other field. You must select something first and it won't type in exponential numbers just yet. Name = GPSBUTTO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GPSBUTTO Size: 38K Date: 2/12/95 Description: GPS Button 1.1 - GPS provides position information, 24 hours a day in any kind of weather, anyplace in the world; the GPS position signals are available at no charge for consumer and commercial use. The satellites which compromise the GPS system were developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and launched by the U.S. Air Force. GPSButton is a floating button which allows your Newton to place a copy of your current position obtained from a Trimble Navigation GPS Scoutmaster product anywhere you can write or type. Let's you quickly and easily annotate any Newton application's data with their current position. Requires a Trimble ScoutMaster GPS receiver. Name = CURRENCY Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CURRENCY Size: 11K Date: 1/13/95 Description: Currency 1.0 - A number of people have asked me if I could distribute the Currency conversion portion of my Convert! app as a stand alone product. Currency! represents that product. Currency! replaces the Newton's built-in Currency exchange formula panel with a more facile one. Currency! supports the conversion between five user defined currencies. Any figure entered into the first five fields will be converted to the other currencies using the exchange rates in the lower half of the panel. Exchange rates can be altered by overwriting the old value with the latest exchange figure. Currency! will automatically save the new rate along with a date stamp of when it was altered. Currency labels can be altered... Name = MARINECO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MARINECO Size: 52K Date:12/09/94 Description: Marine Corps Calc 1.0 - Marine Corps Calculator for Newton is a utility to assist certain members of the United States Marine Corps in determining their eligibility for promotion. This program can be used to determine whether a marine may be promoted from lance corporal to corporal or from corporal to sergeant. The Marine Corps Calculator is a form template which is filled in by the user. Key fields - Name, age, rifle score, PFT Score, proficiency score, conduct mark, self-education bonus, BST Score, Date entered service, Date Last Promo, Recruiter/MSG Bonus, Command Recruiting Bonus, Composite Score and Cutting Score. Name = METRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:METRO Size: 40K Date:11/25/94 Description: Metro - This is the MetroRail System Map, for the Washington D.C. area. Touch on a square to see what what line it is, and what is there. Helpful it you're going to D.C.! Name = MARGINMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MARGINMA Size: 6K Date:11/21/94 Description: Margin Master 2.0 - Margin Master is accessible through Formulas, on your Newton, and is good for calculating retail margins. It offers dynamic price adjustments via a percentage slider and the ability to round results. Name = PERIODIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PERIODIC Size: 19K Date:11/10/94 Description: Periodic Table 1.0 - Periodic table puts a new entry into the formulas app. It has 4 basic parts. The first part, the graphic representation of the periodic table of elements, allows you to click on a particular element to find information on it. In addition, you can tap on it's name to bring up a list of all the elements, sorted by either atomic number or name. Next to the chart is the element's symbol, and, to it's upper and lower left, it's mass number and atomic number. Writing an element's symbol over the current symbol will bring that element's data up. Below the symbol is an icon of scales. Tapping this will bring up a window in which you can write a chemical compound's formula. Tapping the 'Calculate Mass' button... Name = CONSTANT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CONSTANT Size: 11K Date:11/10/94 Description: Constants 1.0b3 - This applet will place a new entry in your formulas roll, with two pickers and two sets of texts fields. The first picker will pop up a list of physical constants (eg mass of the electron) and their symbols (mutilated to fit in a pop-up menu.) The second picker will list several astronomical constants (mean distance of the moon from the Earth). Clicking on constant from either menu will put the numerical value of that constant into the text field below. Once there, it can be selected and copied to the notepad, or just gazed at in awe of the beauty of the universe. This is just a beta, with only a few constants that I needed for a class stuck in. Name = WEIGHT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:WEIGHT Size: 12K Date:11/03/94 Description: Weight - Weight is a very simple Newton app for pilots. I wrote it last year while learning Newton Programming. It does one thing - It calculates the total weight of passengers, baggage, and fuel for a four seat airplane. You can compare the useful load of a few airplane models. Source code included. If you want any changes, you'll have to make them yourself - I don't have Newton Toolkit anymore. Name = CONVERT2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CONVERT2 Size: 58K Date:10/16/94 Description: Convert 2.6 - Convert! is a replacement for the limited conversion tables which come with the Newton. General Features - Convert! allows the user to enter and quickly convert between 133 common (and not so common) metric and imperial units. Once the value has been written into a field Convert! automatically calculates the corresponding units in the table. The areas of conversion - area, length, volume, mass, pressure, temperature, energy, time, power, velocity, computing. Example of the extent of this program - In the Pressure area - calculate atmospheres, pascals, Newtons/sq metre, Kilopascals, bar, dynes/sq metre, mm Hg, torr, inches water, pounds/ sq inch. So many conversions, so little time... Name = UNTCAMPU Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:UNTCAMPU Size: 12K Date:10/13/94 Description: UNT Campus Map - UNT Map is an interactive map of the University of North Texas Campus. It was created as an experiment to see if this sort of thing is feasible, and also because I got tired of using a stupid Xerox copy of the existing campus map whenever I got a support call. Even if you don't go to UNT, check out the map! You can see a list of the buildings, select one and be shown where it is. Or, you can tap on a building and be shown the name. Good implementation of mapping! Contact the author for the code, or help in making your own maps! Tap the overview buttonto see a list of building names. Name = ACALC Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ACALC Size: 6K Date: 8/04/94 Description: ACalc - Acalc is another attempt at a usable Newton calculator. Enter expressions by writing numbers and tapping the buttons for the operators (or using a keyboard if you must). Expressions are evaluated by tapping the = button. For the Newton. Name = COMFORTI Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:COMFORTI Size: 32K Date: 6/30/94 Description: Comfort Index 1.0 - This program calculates both the wind chill index and the heat index. Wind chill is the relative temperature at a given temperature/wind speed combination. Heat Index is the relative temperature at a given temperature/humidity combination. Touching the Compute button will bring up a graphic, relative temperature, and a hint button (like stay inside in an air conditioned room). Name = GSTCALC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GSTCALC1 Size: 9K Date: 6/22/94 Description: GSTcalc 1.4 - Welcome to GSTcalc, the most popular Canadian GST calculator for the Newton MessagePad. GSTcalc is a simple tool for calculating the Canadian Goods & Services tax, as well as the provincial sales tax for the different provinces. Here are the percentages used for each province - Alberta, North West Territories and Yukon 0%, British Columbia & Manitoba 7%, New Brunswick & Nova Scotia 11%, Newfoundland 12%, PEI 10%, Ontario 8% Quebec (P) 6.58% (for products and services), and Saskatchewan 9%. GSTcalc calculates on rounded numbers, which is the right way to calculate taxes (if you dont do this, you will end up with a 1 cent difference). Name = RESISTOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:RESISTOR Size: 7K Date: 6/22/94 Description: Resistor Value Calc - This is just a quick applet I wrote to help me calculate resistor values, since I haven't memorized the stripe values. To use it, just enter the color of each band into the radio button clusters (labeled 1,2,3, and 4, moving from left to right with the metallic band on the right.) The colors are black (BLK), brown (BRN), red (RED), orange (ORN), yellow (YEL), green (GRN), blue (BLU), violet (VIO), grey (GRY), and white (WHI). The tolerances (the metallic band) are the fourth row, and are either gold (5 percent) or silver (10 percent). Name = HOWFAR0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:HOWFAR0 Size: 20K Date: 6/11/94 Description: HowFar 0.b9 - How Far? is the first version of a set of PDA tools for pilots and frequent travelers. How Far? sets the user location as the origin and queries for a destination. Only a part of the city name or airport idendifier needs to be entered. Given two valid locations, the program calculates the distance (Great Circle distance) and initial heading between the two locations. The program displays an approximate course line on the map. Currently, the program includes 65 locations (generally major cities). Great Circle distances may not be accurate for very short trips. Name = NLENGTHS Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NLENGTHS Size: 8K Date: 4/22/94 Description: NLengths 1.0 - A formula for the Newton Formula app. This app provides a quick converter for units of length. You can use it to convert from one unit of measure to another. It supports, miles, furloughs (hey, I'm in Maryland and we race horses here), yards, feet, inches, kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters and itty-bitty microns. Using it is very simple. Install it anywhere, it's card friendly and fully supports card ejects. Please note, you must close the Formula app before ejecting a card. It's the Formula app that Needs the Card, not nLengths. Once you've installed it, you can access it from the Formula app in the Extras drawer. It's listed as Lengths. Name = DISCOUNT Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:DISCOUNT Size: 7K Date: 4/21/94 Description: Discount 1.01 - This is a very simple discount calculator. It allows you to enter a price and two discount percentages. It will then show you values of the price less the calculated percents. All you need to do is enter your price in the upper right field. Use the pen or the keyboard, both will work. Then you can enter one or both percentages. Bear in mind that these are whole numbers that will be used as percentages. It's rather difficult to get the Newton to recognize a leading period, so I decided against using them. The calculations are fully dynamic. As you type, the sums will recalc. If you scrub out a value, it will blank the sum. When you load this package, tap on Formulas in the Extras drawer to access. Name = PILOTPAD Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PILOTPAD Size: 8K Date: 3/28/94 Description: PilotPad 1.0 - PilotPad is an initial release of a pilot's assistant for the Newton Message Pad. It allows the pilot to calculate ground speed and true heading without the use of the E6-B flight computer. Mind you, this is only an initial release and I hope there is more to come. This release only touches on the potential of the Newton and its possible aid to pilots. I would be interested it talking to anyone who is directly involved with the aviation industry or who knows someone that is interested in developing a fully featured product for commercial distribution. Pass this message on to your aviation marketing buddy. Name = GSTCALC2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GSTCALC2 Size: 6K Date: 2/23/94 Description: GST Calc NZ - Welcome to GSTcalc, the most popular Canadian GST calculator for the Newton MessagePad. Actually, this is a version for New Zealand. Heres an undocumented feature - you can drag GSTcalc by its title! GSTcalc calculates on rounded numbers, which is the right way to calculate taxes (if you dont do this, you will end up with a 1 cent difference.). Contact the author if you want him to produce a GST calculator for your area! Name = RPNCALC0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:RPNCALC0 Size: 11K Date:12/02/93 Description: RPN Calc 0.91 - RPN Calc is my interpretation of an HP41/42 style RPN calculator. It contains most of the basic functionality of an HP scientific calculator. This is my first effort at Newton programming, I hope you enjoy using it. Version 0.91 - Fixed a minor problem with entry of EEX or Decimal immediately after a two operand function (+, -, etc.). Name = SCICALC1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:SCICALC1 Size: 14K Date:11/03/93 Description: SciCalc 1.0b4 - SciCalc is a simple implementation of a standard (i.e. NOT Reverse Polish or 'RPN') scientific calculator for the Apple Newton MessagePad and similar PDAs. If you do find problems, please let the author know so that he can rectify them in the next release. Name = MYCALCUL Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MYCALCUL Size: 27K Date:11/03/93 Description: MyCalculator - MyCalculator is intended as a relatively simple postfix (i.e. reverse-polish notation or RPN) calculator for the Newton MessagePad. MyCalculator has not been thoroughly tested. Use it at your own risk. If you are calculating something important, double-check your results with some other variety of calculation. Numbers are restricted to six digits after the decimal point, mostly so that they'll fit on the screen. The use of the number and operator keys should be pretty obvious since all of the stack is visible on the screen. Includes full documentation. Name = MOLBIOCA Path = PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MOLBIOCA Size: 7K Date: 3/16/93 Description: MolBio Calc 1.0 - This is an example of a Molecular Biology dedicated Newton applet. It calculates DNA concentration based on 260nm and 280 nm optical density. Enter the O.D. and ...the concentration is there! This is the first part of a package of calculators being developed for molecular biologists at Cornell University Medical College.