J Stochastic 1.0.1 The Random & Psuedo-Random Number Sequence Generator for the Newton Copyright )1995-96, Joseph Cicinelli, Coyote Creek Software All Rights Reserved. Purpose: Stochastic is a program that generates random & psuedo-random number sequences on your Newton. These sequences are frequently used by people for things like raffles or lotteries, statistical sampling, and behavioral research. Particularly in the behavioral research field, where study participants are exposed to a sequence of treatment conditions, these sequences are frequently generated in a psuedo-random manner, with each treatment condition appearing equally often. To accommodate these situations, the program offers sampling with and without replacement. It can also produce sequences that are free from undesirable sequential "runs". Stochastic also offers a Save button so that these sequences can be saved to the NotePad for later printing, mailing, faxing, or beaming. The software is being distributed as shareware and as such may be used for a period of 7 days before it will expire and require a valid serial number. The software is compatible with both Newton 1.3 and 2.0 systems. Distribution: Stochastic is copyright )1995-96, by Joseph G. Cicinelli. All Rights Reserved WorldWide. The program and its documentation can be freely distributed on Bulletin Boards, commercial online services such as America Online, eWorld, CompuServe, or the internet. It is also permissible to redistribute the software electronically in Compact Disc format as long as this readMe document is distributed along with the software and the CD encourages the payment of Shareware fees. Registering The Software: The software can be registered by sending a $5 (U.S. currency) check made out to Joe Cicinelli to 3752 W. Alameda Road, Glendale, AZ, 85310-3300. Technical support is available via eMail at joec@amug.org or by telephone at (602) 581-3865. Shareware payments can also be made electronically using the Kagi Shareware Payment System by eMailing the required fee using the Register program to shareware@kagi.com . After receiving your payment, I will send you a valid registration code that can be entered into the software (usually within a day or two). Installation: 1. Stochastic and its User Manual may be installed using a Macintosh or PC with Apple's Newt Installer or a similar program. Other installers include such programs as PDA Package Downloader 1.5, or the Newton Connection Kit* (1.3 Systems only). J 2. Once the software has been downloaded and installed in the Extras Drawer, it should look like the picture above. To run the program, simply tap once on the Stochastic icon. An Introduction to Stochastic: When the program is opened, you will be greeted by a splash window telling you the name of the program, its version number, and the name of its author. If the software has not yet been registered, a button named "Reg CodeI" will appear in this window. If you don't yet have a registration code, do not fret because the software will work for a 7 day evaluation period before it will expire. You can dismiss this floating window by hitting the close box in the lower right corner. J If you would like to register the software now, simply hit the diamond shaped Register button in the upper right corner of this window and the Register package will be launched to process your credit card information. This information can then be transmitted to Kagi Shareware the next time you exchange electronic mail with your online service provider. Once you receive your registration code, Press the "Reg CodeI" button and enter your serial number in the Registration dialog without any extra spaces as shown below. Hit the Enter button once the serial number has been entered. If the registration is valid, the window below will disappear and the "Reg CodeI" button in the About window (shown above) will disappear as well. J Setting Upper/Lower Limits: The first setting of Stochastic that will probably be changed is the range of random numbers generated by the program. By default, the software generates numbers between 0 and 1, similar to the results of a random coin toss. The Upper and Lower limits can be set using the quick pickers adjacent to these labels or you can simply write a value in the space provided. The only constraints on these fields are: % The upper and lower limits must be integer values (1, 2, 5, 10, etc. not 1.5). % The upper limit must be greater than the lower limit, however, both limits can be negative! % The upper and lower limits can not be equal, or what would be the point of generating a random number? J After the Upper and Lower limits have been appropriately set, a single tap on the Generate button will generate a totally random sequence of numbers. Setting the Sample Size: By default, Stochastic generates 1 random number for each tap on the Generate button. This behavior can be changed, however, by selecting a value other than 1 from the Samples quick picker or by writing a number in the space provided. J Sequence Options Because behavorial research frequently requires that treatment groups appear equally often to participants in a study, it is sometimes necessary to generate psuedo- or semi-random sequences instead of completely random ones. J Sample Without Replacement: When this option is checked, numbers generated between the upper and lower limit have to each be generated once before they can be regenerated a second time. The following sequence of numbers is an example of just such a sequence (Lower limit: 1; Upper limit: 3; Samples: 25): 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2 The key characteristic of this sequence is that the numbers between 1 and 3 appear randomly in different orders and each appears before any other is repeated a second time. No Sequential Runs: When this option is checked, random sequences will not contain consecutive or sequential appearances of the same random number. This is sometimes undesireable in behavioral research where a change in treatment or response is required from trial to trial. The sequence generated in the previous section has just this kind of problem with the number 2 and 1 each being generated consecutively in different samples. An example of a properly generated sequence with this option marked follows (Lower limit: 1; Upperlimit: 3; Samples: 25): 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2 This sequence has no sequential runs in it, but unlike the previous sequence, each number between 1 and 3 can be randomly drawn from the population of possible numbers. With both of the above options enabled, Stochastic will generate a sequence that contains no sequential runs and guarantees that each number between the upper and lower limit appear equally often within the selected sample size. The following sequence was generated with these options set (Lower limit: 1; Upper limit: 3; Samples: 25): 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3 StatusBar Buttons Stochastic has four StatusBar push buttons along the bottom of the screen. Each is described briefly in the section that follows. J The Generate Button: The Generate button on the StatusBar works in conjuction with the Samples setting appearing above the sequence field. Tapping it once results in the program generating the number of samples in the sequence equal to the value specified for the Samples setting. For example, if the value in the Samples setting is 25, then 25 random numbers between the Upper and Lower Limits will be generated with each tap on the Generate button. The numbers generated are always appended to the sequence appearing in the sequence field, so if you want to start a new sequence, first tap once on the Clear button on the ButtonBar. The Clear Button: The Clear button on the StatusBar clears the contents of the sequence field. If you want to save the contents of this field, use the Save button on the StatusBar first. The Save Button: The Save button is used to save the sequence appearing in the sequence field to the NotePad (in the "Unfiled" folder). From the NotePad, these sequences can then be Printed, Faxed, Beamed, and Mailed. The "?" Button: This button displays an About dialog box that describes the name of the program, its author and copyright information, and provides buttons for registering the program and entering a valid registration or serial number. Newt's Cape BookMaker: This Newton book was created entirely on the Newton using Steve Weyer & Greg Simon's Newts Cape 1.2hN, an HTML-based bookmaker. This shareware package takes HTML formatted text (appropriate for Web pages) and converts it into Newton Book format appropriate for viewing on either a Newton OS 1.x or 2.0 system. J While other bookmakers such as Apple's BookMaker and Newton Press are available for Newton Owners who own Macintoshes, Newt's Cape has the following advantages: % No other equipment, other than a Newton (OS 1.x or 2.0) required to create books. % Newt's Cape cost just $35 compared to the $69 and $299 price tag of Newton Press and BookMaker respectively. % If HTML-based Web pages already exist, little to no HTML formatting is necessary to create a Newton book. % Newt's Cape is capable of creating Newton-based forms and processing the data contained in them. Newton Press and BookMaker have no such capabilities. % Newt's Cape can create books which can be viewed in landscape mode on a Newton 2.0 machine. Many Thanks! Many thanks go to the following people: % Steve Weyer & Greg Simon - for all the great technical support and for creating such a wonderful product in Newt's Cape. % Ashley Armstrong - For all the encouragement, help, and proof-reading! Version History: 1.0.1 Fixed a registration bug in the software that caused the program to expire 7 days after the build date, not the install date. Fixed a problem with the register button that caused a crash on the MP110. Did some general code cleanup. Built this manual with Newt's Cape 1.2hN. 1.0 First Public Release. ------------------------------------------- Macintosh, Newton(, and BookMaker are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.