This Excel file contains various information on the 110 objects (star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies) which the French 18th century astronomer, Charles Messier, included in his famous catalog as an aid for comet hunters. The data is useful for amateur astronomers to help locate, identify and catalog the deep-sky objects. The file can be imported into the Newton Name File and can be sorted by Messier Number or by Season Best Observed (and constellation). To import the file: Run Newton Connection and Open (or Synchronize) the current Newton information. Double-click on the Name File and select Import from the File Menu. Choose 'Excel 4.0 (Name File)' and enter 'Mark's Messier File' After the file is imported, choose 'Synchronize' from the Connection box. The file contains the following fields: Last - Messier Number and Name (Use to List by Name) Title - NGC Number Company - Season and Constellation (Use to List by Season) Address - Chart(s) in Uranometria 2000 which contain the object Address2 - Chart(s) in Sky Atlas 2000 City - Type of Object (Asterism, Globular Cluster, Open Cluster, etc.) State - Size of object Zip Code - Visual magnitude of object Country - Constellation and season best observed E-Mail - Smallest telescope aperture required to observe object Phone1 - Right Ascension and Declination of object Phone2 - Distance in light years Phone3 - Messier Marathon Position Phone4 - Observed? (Set Phone Type to Other to indicate that the object has been observed) Birthday - Observation date Folder - Messier List By - Company (Messier Number) or Last Name (Season and Constellation) Notes - Description I list the objects that I haven't observed by Season (Company) and the ones that I have observed by Messier Number (Last Name). This is an easy way to keep track of the ones that I need to observe. The following sources were used: SAC Database, The Cambridge Deep-Sky Album, SEDS Messier Site, and Matt Cheselka for the Marathon List. Please send any corrections or suggestions to: Mark Mehall, 19752 SW 57th Ave., Tualatin, OR 97062 Version 1.0 September 1995