Which filter should I use for my black and white pictures? I have a confusing collection of filters to use with black and white film. Some of the effects are subtle and some are quite dramatic but I can't ever remember which filter to use when. The New York Institute of Photography sent me a wonderful paper filter wheel but I wanted something more durable. Since I keep my Newton in the camera bag, I decided to write the Black and White Filter calculator to help. It's easy to use. Simply tap your problem. For example to "darken" a "blue" sky "moderately" just tap those three selections. The Newton will display the proper filters to choose from for the desired effect. The Newton will also display filter factors and remind you to adjust your f-stops accordingly. However, if you are using a through-the-lens meter, the meter may automatically compensate for the filter. This program is part of a suite of photographic utilities I am writing for the Newton. It works on the "classic" message pads and should be upwardly compatable. If there are problems, please let me know. However this program is "freeware" and the usual disclaimers apply. I'd love to here from you -- especially if you have any suggestions for future utilities or photographic applications. John McKeel Owl Software JohnMcKeel@aol.com