============================================== NewtonID Version History Last Update: September 20, 1997 Copyright 1997 Foundation Systems and Adam Tow ============================================== NewtonID 1.8 ------------ o Fixed a bug that potentially could have installed multiple route items for NewtonID in the Owner Info routing menu o Brought back the gray-scale icons for NewtonID. o Revised the documentation. NewtonID 1.7 ------------ o Added code to automatically remove the preferences from Newtons that had a pre-NewtonID 1.6 NewtonID installed. o Added a feature to display registration codes for software that are NewtonID-Aware and that use NewtonID to store registration codes. o Reduced storage requirements from 25K to 15K. NewtonID 1.6 ------------ o Changed the wording the NewtonID dialogs o Changed the font in the NameView to Espy10 Bold o Used the global function StrHexDump to make a nice string out of the built-in serial number instead of the custom algorithm (same code displayed regardless). o IMPORTANT: Changed the application symbol from '|NewtonID:ATOW| to '|NewtonID:NewtonID| for simpler identification purposes for developers. Users who have installed a previous version of NewtonID should delete its preferences using the included NewtonID Uninstall application. o Include NewtonID Uninstall application to remove the NewtonID system soup from future and previous versions of NewtonID. NewtonID 1.5 ------------ o Changed how serial codes are displayed to the user. We convert the serial code given by the system -- currently an 8 byte binary object -- into a hexadecimal string. o Tapping on NewtonID's icon in Extras now opens the NewtonID application. NewtonID 1.4 ------------ o NewtonID is now an auto-part o NewtonID is now only available through the OwnerInfo card. Access it from the routing menu under "My NewtonID" o Removed the developer API method, SaveInformation() NewtonID 1.3 ------------ o Fixed a stupid bug that prevented registration from completing. o Spruced up the registration screen to be clearer and easier to use. o Allow the user to reregister their NewtonID if necessary. o Added API call: SaveInformation() for developers so they can save custom information within a user's NewtonID. NewtonID 1.2 ------------ o Update version to coincide with release of Newton 1.2 for 1.x systems o Allow the user to change the notes field after registering NewtonID