KK-15C Lite 1.0 Read Me March 4, 1998 Copyright ) 1998 KK Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------- Description ------------------------------------------------------------- KK-15C Lite is the RPN scientific calculator that emulates the functions of Hewlett-Packard's handheld HP-15C Advanced Programmable Scientific Calculator. This Lite version of KK-15C features most of the HP-15C functions including complex numbers and matrix math but does not support programmable, root finder and numerical integration. Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------- KK-15C Lite requires Newton OS 2.x and will work only in landscape mode on MessagePad 120 and 130. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------- Install KK-15C Lite with Newton Backup Utility, Newton Connection Utilities, Newton Package Installer, or other package installation program. Registration ------------------------------------------------------------- KK-15C Lite is US$20 shareware. You have 30 day trial period to examine it. To register: Mail US$20 money order to: KK Technologies Co., Ltd. 1694 New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10310, Thailand. Please be sure to include an email (and/or postal) address and the name as it appears in the Newton Owner Info so that we can generate your personal registration code and send it to you as soon as possible. Contacting us ------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us: Email: (PREFERRED) kasemsan@samart.co.th Fax: (66-2) 252-7312 Regular Mail: Kiatikasem Kasemsant KK Technologies Co., Ltd. 1694 New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10310, Thailand. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------- You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of this software is at your sole risk. The software and related documentation herein are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. KK Technologies Co., Ltd. makes no warranty of the performance of this software, expressed or implied. In no event will KK Technologies Co., Ltd. be held responsible for any damages or loss as a result of using KK-15C Lite. KK-15C Lite may be distributed as long as this Read Me file is included unmodified. HP-15C is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Co. Newton, MessagePad, Backup Utility, Connection Utilities, Package Installer, and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Quick Start ------------------------------------------------------------- We will not duplicate the HP-15C manual here. Instead, we will provide enough information to get you started. There are a number of guides and references available for the HP-15C in bookstores and other places where Hewlett-Packard calculators are sold. If you want to get the most from the calculator, we suggest you read the "HP-15C Owner's Handbook" published by the Hewlett-Packard Company which covers all the basic and advanced functions, operations, and programming of the HP-15C. *The KK-15C Keyboard The keys on KK-15C are arranged in the same ordering as on the HP-15C. The primary function of a key is in the middle of a group. The alternate functions are the upper and lower functions which are specified by pressing the appropriate prefix key. To specified the upper function, press the "f" prefix key ([f]), then press the function key. To specified the lower function, press the "g" prefix key ([g]), then press the function key. The middle function does not require the use of a prefix key. *Newton Interface To access the Info Button (the i button) Picker which contains "About", "Prefs" and "Register" commands, press [f] [ON]. *The Memory To reset the calculator (clearing continuous memory) 1. Uncheck the option "Turn calculator on when open" in the Prefs. 2. Turn off the calculator by pressing [ON]. 3. Press [-] [ON]. "Pr Error" is displayed. *Entering Numbers To enter numbers, simply press the digit keys in sequence. For large numbers, enter the mantissa, press [EEX] (enter exponent), then enter the exponent. To change the sign of a number in the display, press [CHS] (change sign). *Clearing Numbers Press [CLX] to clear the display to zero. If the digit entry has not been terminated by [ENTER] or other functions, press [<-] to delete only the last digit in the display. Otherwise [<-] acts like [CLX]. *The Display The KK-15C has three display formats: - Fixed decimal display ([FIX]). - Scientific Notation Display ([SCI]). - Engineering Notation Display ([ENG]). To change the format or the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point, press [f] [FIX] or [f] [SCI] or [f] [ENG] followed by [0] through [9]. To change digit separator display (swap period and comma between the decimal point and group of three digits): 1. Uncheck the option "Turn calculator on when open" in the Prefs. 2. Turn off the calculator by pressing [ON]. 3. Press [.] [ON]. *RPN and Arithmetic Calculations KK-15C uses a key-command ordering called Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also called postfix notation. An arithmetic calculation involves two numbers and an operation (+, -, x, or V). For example, to add the numbers 2 and 3, press [2] [ENTER] [3] [+]. The number in the display is said to be in the X-register. When the [ENTER] is pressed, a number gets copied from X-register to Y-register. The previous number in Y-register gets copied to Z-register and the previous number in Z-register gets copied to T-register. The previous number in T-register is lost. Most functions use numbers stored in these registers to perform the calculations. *Numeric Functions [g] [9] inserts the value of pi into the display (X-register). Number Alteration Functions [g] [INT] returns the integer part of the value in the X-register. [g] [FRAC] returns the fractional part of the value in the X-register. [g] [RND] rounds mantissa in X-register to match display format. [g] [ABS] returns absolute value of number in the X-register. General Functions The following functions use number in X-register to perform the calculation. [1/x] reciprocal [f] [x!] factorial, gamma [Cx] square root [g] [x^2] square Trigonometric Functions [g] [DEG] sets degrees mode. [g] [RAD] sets radians mode. [g] [GRD] sets grads mode. [SIN] calculates sine of value in X-register. [g] [SIN^-1] calculates arc sine of value in X-register. [COS] calculates cosine of value in X-register. [g] [COS^-1] calculates arc cosine of value in X-register. [TAN] calculates tangent of value in X-register. [g] [TAN^-1] calculates arc tangent of value in X-register. Time and Angle Conversions [f] [->H.MS] converts number in X-register from a decimal-hours format to an hours-minutes-seconds format (H.h->H.MMSS). [g] [->H] converts number in X-register from an hours-minutes-seconds format to a decimal-hours format (H.MMSS->H.h). [g] [->DEG] converts angle in X-register to degrees. [f] [->RAD] converts angle in X-register to radians. Logarithmic Functions [g] [LN] calculates natural logarithm of a number in X-register. [e^x] calculates natural exponentiation of a number in X-register. [g] [LOG] calculates common logarithm of a number in X-register. [10^x] calculates common exponentiation of a number in X-register. Hyperbolic Functions [f] [HYP] [SIN] calculates hyperbolic sine of value in X-register. [g] [HYP^-1] [SIN] calculates arc hyperbolic sine of value in X-register. [f] [HYP] [COS] calculates hyperbolic cosine of value in X-register. [g] [HYP^-1] [COS] calculates arc hyperbolic cosine of value in X-register. [f] [HYP] [TAN] calculates hyperbolic tangent of value in X-register. [g] [HYP^-1] [TAN] calculates arc hyperbolic tangent of value in X-register. The Power Functions [y^x] calculates value in Y-register raised to the power of value in X-register. Percentage Functions [g] [%] calculates percentage (in X-register) of a number (in Y-register). [g] [F%] calculates percent difference between two numbers (in Y and X-register). Polar and Rectangular Coordinate Conversions [g] [->P] converts rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (magnitude in X-register and angle in Y-register). [f] [->R] [x<>y] converts polar coordinates (magnitude in X-register and angle in Y-register) to rectangular coordinates (x, y). *Storage Register Functions [STO] (store) followed by [0] through [9] or [.] [0] through [.] [9] copies a number from X-register into the specified data storage register. [STO] [+], [-], [x], or [V] followed by [0] through [.] [9] (storage arithmetic) performs arithmetic with the value in X-register and a stored value, and store the result in the same data storage register. [RCL] (recall) followed by [0] through [9] or [.] [0] through [.] [9] recalls number from specified data storage register into the X-register. [RCL] [+], [-], [x], or [V] followed by [0] through [.] [9] (recall arithmetic) performs arithmetic with the value in X-register and a stored value, and store the result in the X-register. [f] [x<>] (X exchange) followed by [0] through [9] or [.] [0] through [.] [9] exchanges the contents of the X-register and the specified data storage register. [f] [REG] (clear registers) clears all data storage registers to zero. *Statistic Functions Permutations and Combinations [g] [Py,x] calculates permutations, the number of possible different arrangements within a group of Y where the group size is X. [f] [Cy,x] calculates combinations, the number of possible sets of y different items, taken in groups of X, without regard to their order. Random Numbers [f] [RAN#] generates random a number in the range 0 <= n < 1. [STO] [RAN#] stores the number from X-register as a new seed for the random number generator. [RCL] [RAN#] recalls to X-register the current random number seed. Statistical Calculations Before entering a new set of data, press [f] [7] to clear statistic registers and stack. When entering one variable numbers, enter the number and then press [7+] for each data point. With two variables numbers, first enter Y-value and press [ENTER], then enter X-value and press [7+] for each data pair. The statistics of data contained in register 2 through 7 are summarized below: R2 contains value n, number of data points accumulated. R3 contains sum of all X-values. R4 contains sum of squares of all X-values. R5 contains sum of all Y-values. R6 contains sum of squares of all Y-values. R7 contains sum of products of X and Y-values. These values can be viewed by pressing [RCL] [2] through [7]. To remove an incorrectly entered data point or data pair, re-enter the incorrect value(s) and then press [7-]. [g] [x-] computes the mean (average). Press [x<>y] to view the mean of y. [g] [s] computes the standard deviation of the accumulated statistics data. Press [x<>y] to view the standard deviation of y. [f] [L.R.] (Linear Regression) returns the slope, A, in Y-register and the y-intercept, B, in X-register, of the linear equation y = Ax + B. [f] [y^,r] using proposed value for x in X-register, returns the linear estimate, y^, in X-register, and the correlation coefficient, r, in Y-register. *Complex Functions To enter complex numbers, enter the real part of the number and press [ENTER], then enter the imaginary part of the number and press [f] [I]. [f] [Re<>Im] exchanges the contents of the real and imaginary X-registers. [f] [(i)] displays imaginary part of the number while the [(i)] is held down. [g] [SF] [8] (settings flag 8) activates complex mode. The C annunciator will appear. [g] [CF] [8] (clearing flag 8) deactivates complex mode. The C annunciator will disappear. *Matrix Functions [f] [DIM] followed by [A] through [E] dimensions a matrix using number of rows in Y-register and number of columns in X-register. [f] [RESULT] followed by [A] through [E] designates result matrix. [STO] followed by [A] through [E] stores number from X-register as the matrix element specified row and column by values contained in register 0 and 1. [RCL] followed by [A] through [E] recalls matrix element specified row and column by values contained in register 0 and 1. [f] [USER] activates or deactivates user mode. In user mode after each element is stored or recalled, the row number in register 0 or the column number in register 1 is automatically incremented by 1. [STO] [MATRIX] followed by [A] through [E] stores a number from X-register in all elements of a matrix. [RCL] [MATRIX] followed by [A] through [E] places the specified matrix (descriptor) in the X-register. [f] [MATRIX] [0] dimensions all matrices (A through E) to 0 x 0. [f] [MATRIX] [1] sets row and column numbers in register 0 and 1 to 1. [f] [MATRIX] [2] (complex transform) converts partitioned matrix (Z^P) in X-register to Z~ form. [f] [MATRIX] [3] (inverse complex transform) converts Z~ form in X-register to partitioned matrix (Z^P). [f] [MATRIX] [4] transpose of matrix specified in X-register. [f] [MATRIX] [5] with matrix descriptor Y in Y-register and X in X-register, calculates Y^T X where Y^T is the transpose of Y. [f] [MATRIX] [6] with matrix descriptor Y in Y-register and X in X-register and designate the R matrix as the result matrix, calculates residual, R - YX. [f] [MATRIX] [7] calculates row norm of matrix specified in X-register. [f] [MATRIX] [8] calculates Frobenius norm of matrix specified in X-register. [f] [MATRIX] [9] calculates determinant of matrix specified in X-register. [g] [Cy,x] transforms matrix stored in partitioned form (Z^P) in X-register to complex form (Z^C). [f] [Py,x] transforms matrix stored in complex form (Z^C) in X-register to partitioned form (Z^P). *Overflow When the result of a calculation is greater than 9.999999999 x 10^99, the value is replaced by 1 9.999999999 x 10^99. The overflow flag (flag 9) is set and causes the display to blink. To stop the blinking, press [<-] or [ON] or [g] [CF] [9]. *Error Conditions When error is encountered, the display will show "Error" and a number. To clear error message, press any key. Error 0 - Invalid math operation. Error 1 - Invalid matrix operation. Error 2 - Invalid statistics operation. Error 3 - Invalid register number or matrix element. Error 4 - Invalid label or line number. Error 6 - Invalid flag number. Error 11 - Invalid matrix argument.