Formula Package & Source Code Release 0.8 ) 1997-1998 Sine of the Times Developed by Ashish Mishra Extended by Robert Lee --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISCENCE AGREEMENT Sine of the Times liscences you unlimited use of the included packages and source code free of cost, as long as you do not develop any form of commercial applications from this source material, and retail or distribute them for any form of income. Sine of the Times releases this package and all associated source code "as is", and takes no responsibility in use or misuse. In addition, we have no obligation to provide support for working with the source code or the package. In any package released that is developed from Sine of the Times source code, you must also provide credit to Sine of the Times within your source code and visible in your application to users. This README file must be included with any distribution of the package you provide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Formula is a prototype entry system for common mathematical symbols such as integrals, summations, etc. It does NOT recognize handwritten symbols. It takes text and converts what it can to symbols, and the rest is left as text. Formula comes with three packages for your Newton. One is a stand-alone package (Formula), the other is an extension for Notes (Formula Stationery), and the last, an extension for Newton Works. They are all small (<25 kb) - so you can install them without any major space requirements Formula will run on 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons - however the "Copy Image" feature only works on MP 2x00s. The stand-alone package offers two ways to create formulas - the standard input method of text, or with a symbol palette from which you can drag symbols to the formula view. JThe text entry at the bottom of the package is converted real-time to the formula. It is bi-directional. If you drag a symbol onto the formula from the palette, the text updates accordingly to show you the equation. Using the stationery is simple. Simple create a Formula in Notes or in Works under the New button. Write out a formula in text, hilite and drag the text onto the formula view, and a formula will be produced. With the stationery, you can create dynamic formulas which can be saved and readjusted in size in Newton Notes. The following buttons are in the packages: Copy Image: Copies the graphical formula to the Clipboard. Once it is on the clipboard, you can copy the formula into any note, works document, or any package which accepts graphical input (including Dates, and Names). However, this feature only works on MP 2x00s. Images do print and fax fine in Notes and Works. Clear: Clears the formula Info: Provides information on the package Please note this is a freeware package, so Sine of the Times provides no customer support on using this package. We value your opinion however, and if you have any comments, criticism, or questions, we would like to hear them. Please direct email to