2 Enter 3, a RPN Calculator for the MP2000 ------------------------------------------ Version: 2.1 2 Enter 3 is 'yet another RPN scientific calculator'. It was developed and tested on the Newton 2000 under OS 2.1 The program is freeware. Description: RPN users should be familiar with almost all of the functions provided. This is a description of the less obvious: - Handwriting is used to insert numbers. The '.', 'e' and '<-' buttons insert a decimal point, an e (exponent notation) and delete of the last character on the line, respectively. All standard HWR guestures can be used to edit the value. - A small bulb to the left of the input line indicates a non-numeric content; such a value is not transferred to the X register. - R(up) and R(down) scroll through the stack, which has a depth of 4 (X,Y,Z,T). - VIEW displays the content of all registers. It uses the same number of digits as the main display. - SHOW displays the current value of the X register with its internal (full) accuracy. - x <> I spwaps the values of X and I; I is not an index register. - Prefix f is cleared by pressing it again. Tips and Notes: 1) The Newton/Apple math library distinguishes between 0 and -0. Example: 0 divided by -1 equals -0. 2) A double tap on the input line brings up the standard numeric keyboard. Using this keyboard however lets you insert characters which do not make sense. A future version will probably provide a tailored keyboard. 3) It is nicer to work with the HWR adjustment 'Transform my handwriting' set close to 'immediately' (see Preferences, HWR, Fine Tuning). A future version will probably set this (now global) adjustment for the edit line alone. This program is freeware. (C) 1997 Artifact beyer@ksta.ktzh.ch 7S|KD.`)T.pT5`/Ps/.d