This newton package (made with Steve Weyer's newt) tells you the time to go to finish a task based on your previous performance. In particular, you can use it to project time to finish reading something. If you don't know how long something you have to do is going to take, you might push away friends and family until you get it done. I would like to read popular books on science and psychology, but tend to put them off not knowing how long it will take to finish them. Knowing how long it would take to finish, gets me to sit down and finish them. Or if it is a bad day for me, the projection will be so dismal, I might instead spend some quality time with friends. ----- Instructions : With this small sized newton ap, you write or type (with double tap) in the first page in the PageStart field. You put in the goal page at the field PageEnd. Then you tap StartReading button to have it turn into button named StopReading and read. After reading a few pages, press StopReading and put your current page in the PageCurrent field. You will see a projected time to go over the title TimeToGoReading. While the time is stopped and the button offers the option to start reading, you can take a break and the ap will be ready to resume when you get back. On the top you'll see another button, StopSee. Tap on it and you will see only a little bit around the button StartSee that you can drag out of the way while you do other newton work. I've designed this timer to time while the newton sleeps so you won't waste your batteries. ----- This is shareware. My cost to you is only $5. Should you decide to use this, mail your check to Paul M. Sheldon 333 Melrose Drive, Apartment 33 B Richardson, Texas 75080-4655 then I shall be encouraged to write more newton applications. Thank you for trying TimeToGoReading.