About SciCalc - the first scientific calculator for the Apple Newton* Version 1.0b4 SciCalc is a simple implementation of a standard (i.e. NOT Reverse Polish or 'RPN') scientific calculator for the Apple Newton MessagePad and similar PDAs. If you do find problems, please let me know so that I can rectify them in the next release. To load it into a Newton MessagePad, you must have a Mac (on which you should be reading this!) and a Connection Kit. Simply connect your Mac to your Newton, and install the Calc104.pkg file as a Newton application, down the connection to your Newton. New bug-fixes: Some kind users reported odd behaviour e.g. when finding the sine of Pi. Initially, this appeared to be a problem of accuracy, which worried me (as I use the standard Newton SANE routines). However, after considerable investigation, it transpired that when converting from a number to the display, small or large numbers could automagically be expressed using scientific notation (e.g. -4.1056e-08). However, when converting from the display to a number, the reverse function could not cope with such formats! I have now implemented my own routines to handle this. However, beware of rounding problems - if you keep pressing the = key, you will see small numbers grow, and large ones shrink. The maths routines used are *not* designed for high precision in the face of such extreme numbers, I am afraid. Recent features: I have now implemented my own error handling routines. Although these do not always give ideal messages, and very occasionally appear to result in a recurrent error (which may require a reset to stop - if this happens to you, please mail me!), they are much better than the previous ones. The calculator now has its own icon in the Extras drawer. Bug fixes previous versions: In the first posted version, an error (-8007) occurred when dealing with numbers using the thousands separator (e.g. ','). This has now been fixed and thousands, millions, etc., should now work fine throughout. I also hope that this is independent of the number format being used (i.e. what the thousands separator is). Current features: All floating point numeric calculations normally found on a basic 'scientific' calculator, including a wide range of trig and exp/log functions. A single number display, edited by button use only. Two standard financial functions. Two user-accessible memorys, which include summation functions. Constants Pi and e available from keys. Conversion to and from radians and degrees. Informative error handling Transparent use of 'fixed point' notation (e.g. 3,456.789) and 'scientific' notation (e.g. 3.456789e-05) as required by numbers Planned features: Hexadecimal math (possibly even with hexadecimal point!). Copying of result to other Newton apps. Note that currently the hex keys (A-F, and the radio button to switch between hex and dec) are non-functional. All routines used are standard built-in Newton math routines, except for the degree to radian conversions, which are simple arithmetic ones. Note on key naming: x^y is 'x to the power of y' sqt is 'square root' exp is 'e to the power of' ln is 'log to the base e' log is 'log to the base 10' d>r is convert degrees to radians r>d is convert radians to degrees *** note that all trig is performed in radians*** sin, cos, tan are as they say asin, aco, ata are arcsine, arccosine and arctangent sinh, csh, tnh are hyperbolic sine, cosine and tangent asih, ach, ath are hyperbolic arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent erf is the error function erc is the errorc function ga is the gamma function annuity calculates the present value factor of an annuity at a given interest rate over the specified periods, the interest rate being per period. The first number entered is the rate, the second the periods. Enter as <=>. compound calculates the compounded interest factor over the specified number of periods. The first number entered is the rate, the second the periods, as per annuity. The keys to the right of, and below, 'M1,2' are the memory access keys - the left column for M1, the right for M2. In each case, the keys mean: -> saves current display to memory + adds current display to memory and stores result in memory <- replaces current display by memory C clears memory contents to 0 Pi produces the value of Pi (3.14159....) e produces the value of e (2.71828....) clear all clears everything except for the two memories CE clears only the rightmost character in the display (works on all display entries!) +/- negates the sign of the display, i.e. + becomes - and vice versa. This calculator is freely distributable, and must not be sold. However, it remains Copyright ) 1993 EHN & DIJ Oakley, all other rights reserved. It was developed using the Newton Toolkit, which is Copyright ) 1992-1993 Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Apple Computer, Inc., accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for this product, and so on. As this is supplied free, EHN & DIJ Oakley accept no responsibility or liability for the product or what it might do to your Newton, nor for any inaccuracy of any results therefrom. You use it entirely at your own risk! Newton and most other trade names mentioned above are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. I hope this fills a gap until Dubl-Click's excellent GoFigure* calculators become available, and commend that to you as a worthwhile future purchase. Howard Oakley, EHN & DIJ Oakley. CompuServe 70734,120; AppleLink UK0392; Internet Howard@quercus.demon.co.uk; Fax +44 983 853253. More fine software from the Isle of Wight, UK!