**** proCALC 1.1 update information **** First of all I want to thank everyone that has supported proCALC so far. This update represents the first of a series of planned improvements to proCALC. *** If you are upgrading from v1.0 please ensure you delete 1.0's preferences (via the prefs window) before you install v1.1 *** v1.1 primarily represents a "maintainence" release to fix localization problems. I am currently planning v1.5 which will be a major upgrade. Now is you chance to email me with "must have" features that you would like to see included. FIXES/ALTERATIONS in 1.1 % Fixed localization problems (now works with non "." radix marks) % Pi now defined to 15dp % Larger "grip" areas for repositioning on screen % Better handling of finite precision errors. % Aesthetic tweaks to the display graphic and shift annuciators. % Changed remainder function label from REM to MOD % RAN# guards against parameters being entered in wrong order. % HEX function guards against HEX numbers being submitted ADDED FEATURES in 1.1 % Gamma function % Deg to Rad (D->R) and Rad to Deg (R->D) functions % HMS (convert decimal fraction to HOURS/DEGREES.MINUTES SECONDS form) % FLOAT,FIX and SCI display modes % Full evaluation mode. proCALC will work in "full registered mode" for 20 days after it is initially launched. After that period has expired it will revert to "demo" mode.