Welcome to proCALC for Newton v1.1 proCALC is ) 1995 Clinton Logan with All rights reserved. If you are upgrading from v1.0 please ensure you delete 1.0's preferences (via the prefs window) before you install v1.1 Even though the Newton shipped with a built in calculator there was early demand for a scientific calculator. Although there have been a number of shareware and commercial offerings I have found them either awkward to use or difficult to look at. proCALC addresses these shortcomings and provides several unique features including: % Reassignment of the Newton built in calculator icon (doesn't clutter the extras draw with its own icon) % Aesthetic and functional emulation of a "real" calculator. (yes I know the off switch is a Newton user interface crime but the HP33 didn't have a close box :-)) % Observation of operator precedence (ie 1+2*3 = 7 not 9) % Over 50 Scientific and financial functions (inc DEC and HEX conversions) % Evaluation of arbitrary NewtonScript expression sequences (eg 23+(3.4*sin(30)), GetGlobals().userconfiguration.company:="Acme" etc) I suggest you install proCALC's owners manual and read it. You can become a registered user of proCALC by sending: % US$10.00 (or equivalent) surrounded by paper in an envelope to the address below % Your name EXACTLY as it appears in the name field in the Personal form within your Newton preferences area (yes capital letters and spaces are significant). This name is needed to generate your registration code. % Your contact details (including email if possible) so I can return some information to you. mail to: Clinton Logan Insight Solutions PO Box 4362 Christchurch NEW ZEALAND email: clinton@iconz.co.nz Registration will provide you with a full working version of proCALC, free upgrades to future versions and preferential information on new products. If you don't like proCALC then please let me know so I can address that. I am committed to improving proCALC for you and your feedback (be it cash or comments) will ensure that. I don't want proCALC to get too "kitchen-sink" like and will include features based on user demand. Possible future features include: % RPN logic % BIN,OCT,HEX conversions with arithmetic % More functions (%T, x<->y etc) % Statistics (mean, SD etc) % Programmability % Ability to disable operator precedence % Paper tape (does anyone actually use this?) % Iconification % User definable constants % proCALC using the full screen (with 2 line display and bigger buttons) I hope you find proCALC useful Enjoy! Clinton Logan Ominous Disclaimer All attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the numbers generated by this program. proCALC is supplied on an "as is" basis, the author accepts no responsibility for lost profits incurred through the use of this software. Other Newton products from IS include: % CONVERT 2.6 - Convert! provides conversion tables for the Newton. Convert! supports 132 common (and not so common) metric and imperial conversions. % CURRENCY! 1.0 - Currency! replaces the Newton's built-in Currency exchange formula panel with a more facile one. % QUICKNAMES 1.6 - Quicknames provides a faster search engine for the Names app and will greatly streamline the way you use your Newton.