GSTcalc 1.4 READ ME Welcome to GSTcalc, the most popular Canadian GST calculator for the Newton MessagePad* (and the only one out there, I believe :-) GSTcalc is a simple tool for calculating the Canadian Goods & Services tax, as well as the provincial sales tax for the different provinces. Here are the percentages used for each province: Alberta, North West Territories and Yukon: 0% British Columbia & Manitoba: 7% New Brunswick & Nova Scotia: 11% Newfoundland: 12% PEI: 10% Ontario: 8% Quebec 6.5% (for products and services) Saskatchewan: 9% If any of these are wrong, please let me know! HereUs an undocumented feature: you can drag GSTcalc by itUs title! GSTcalc calculates on rounded numbers, which is the right way to calculate taxes (if you donUt do this, you will end up with a 1 cent difference. Changes in version 1.4: Changed to the new Quebec tax rates. Changes in version 1.3: Added calculation values for Quebec Services Tax. Changed the about box to explain this. Changes in version 1.21: GSTcalc now detects the province youUre in automatically if you are set to one of the 5 Canadian cities found in the the Time Zones application. Fixed the formulas to use rounding (the correct way). Added the Currency symbol according to the Locale. Changes in version 1.11: Fixed the Mask for the about button. Changes in version 1.1: The selected provinces is now saved. PST rate for Nova Scotia has been changed to 11% (darn!) Please report any bugs or suggestions to: Renaud Boisjoly AppleLink: Renaud1 Internet: If you think this type of product might apply to other countries, please let me know! Just send me the tax values you need to calculate and how they apply to each other (for example, in Quebec you calculate the provincial sales tax after adding the GST to the amount). There is already a version of GSTcalc for New Zealand! Have fun!