GPSButton 1.0 AllPen Software, Inc. (C) 1994 by AllPen Software. All Rights Reserved. Version 1 11 August 1994 What's GPS? GPS provides position information, 24 hours a day in any kind of weather, anyplace in the world; the GPS position signals are available at no charge for consumer and commercial use. The system is fully operational with 24 satellites; 21 primary satellites and 3 orbiting spares. This number of satellites guarantees that there will always be at least four satellites above the horizon for every point on earth. The satellites which compromise the GPS system were developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and launched by the U.S. Air Force. The satellites are in orbit 11,000 miles above the earth, circling the earth twice a day. The orbits are preceisely maintained by U.S. ground control stations. Constant monitoring ensures the accuracy of the system. Any discrepancy found in a satellite's orbital motion is transmitted by the satellite via a status message sent to a GPS receiver; the receiver is updated with this information. What is GPSButton? GPSButton is a floating button which allows your Newton to place a copy of your current position obtained from a Trimble Navigation GPS Scoutmaster product anywhere you can write or type. GPSButton allows researchers, navigators, and other outdoor-related professions the ability to quickly and easily annotate any Newton application's data with their current position. GPSButton is compatible with the Newton Classic, MP100, and MP110 models. There is no reason why it shouldn't run on models we haven't heard of, either... GPSButton is shareware for non-commercial applications only. Please read the Warranty and Licensing section below for details. Great! How do I Use It? First of all, get one of Trimble ScoutMaster GPS receiver. You'll need one to use this software. If you don't have one, call the ScoutMaster 1-800-959-9567 for more information or the name of a Trimble Navigation dealer near you. Install the GPSDocs and the GPSButton packages using your favorite installer. Open the Extras Drawer and tap the GPSDocs icon in your extras drawer to read the documentation and learn how to use GPSButton. Warranty, License, and other Details This documentation, and Newton Software are provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. AllPen Software, Inc. make no warranty of any kind (expressed or implied) with regard to this software and documentation, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. AllPen Software, Inc. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or usage of this documentation or product. In short, it ain't our fault. AllPen Software, Inc. grants you permission to use this product for a limited time of reasonable length at no cost for evaluation purposes only, and distribute this product freely over electronic services and networks such as CompuServe, the Internet, America Online and so forth. If you find this product useful, please send a check or money order in the amount of (US) $25.00 to AllPen Software, Inc. at the following address: AllPen Software 51 University Avenue Suite J Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 399-8800 This registration will allow us to defray our costs for developing the application, and provide you with an electronic copy (via email) of any upgrades we may provide. (However, AllPen Software, Inc. does not warrant that any upgrades are pending.) Under no circumstances may this product be used in a commercial application without commercial licensing from AllPen Software. This includes reproduction on shareware collections, use in a mobile sales force application, commercial or industrial navigation, location, or other services. Basically, if you or your company plan to make money by using this software, you must obtain a commercial license from AllPen prior to using this product. Please call us -- we'd be happy to accomodate you! About AllPen Software, Inc. . AllPen Software, Inc. is the premiere source of pen-based solutions. AllPen Software has had experience working with: % GPS Location, including work for the Office of Emergency Services for the State of California % Wireless LAN and WAN connectivity % Barcode & inventory applications % Medical device control & data processing % Automated forms management for data procesing and other commercial applications. If you're seeking Newton solutions for your business problems, please give us a call. About Trimble Navigation Trimble Navigation is a world leader in the emerging commercial markets for satellite based navigation and positioning, and communications data products. These products are sold in a variety of markets including marine, aviation, vehicle tracking, survey and mapping, public safety, and military. Founded in 1978 and located in Sunnyvale, California, Trimble has been a leader in providing GPS solutions since 1984. Change History Version 1.1 Changed map icon to the text "GPS". Tweaked docs in the Newton books some, including the addition of segments on Trimble Navigation. Version 1.0 Initial release.