Currency! 1.0 for Newton )1994 Clinton Logan A number of people have asked me if I could distribute the Currency conversion portion of my Convert! app as a stand alone product. Currency! represents that product. Currency! replaces the Newton's built-in Currency exchange formula panel with a more facile one. Currency! supports the conversion between five user defined currencies. Any figure entered into the first five fields will be converted to the other currencies using the exchange rates in the lower half of the panel. Exchange rates can be altered by overwriting the old value with the latest exchange figure. Currency! will automatically save the new rate along with a date stamp of when it was altered. Currency labels can be altered via the edit button. Ominous Disclaimer All attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the numbers generated by this program. Currency! is supplied on an "as is" basis, the author accepts no responsibility for lost profits incurred through the use of this software. Currency! is my gift to the Newton Community and is FREE to give away. That means you may make use of this software and distribute it to any other user along with this readme file. Currency! however is NOT public domain. All copyright, ownership and rights of ownership shall remain with the author. Contact: Clinton Logan Insight Solutions Group PO Box 4362 Christchurch NEW ZEALAND Internet Email: Other Newton Products from ISG % Convert 2.6 : Facilitates quick conversions between 132 metric and imperial units. % Quicknames 1.6 : Faster front end for the Names app. % NewtYAC: Yet Another Calculator for Newton. Reassigns built in calc with a decent multi-function Scientific calculator. HP like emulation (not RPN though). % Photoshop for Newton ;-)