Welcome to version 2.6 of Convert! for the Newton. First of all I want to thank all the current users of Convert! who have sent encouraging comments and have acted as a catalyst for the continued evolution of Convert! I have recently moved to the other end of New Zealand so my email has been disrupted and I havenUt had a chance to respond to all of you. I apologise for this and will try and clear my correspondence backlog ASAP. This upgrade includes: * Significantly better number recognition * Various aesthetic changes * New BookReader Documentation * New conversions * Various bug fixes, conversion fixes etc. * Better performance, memory usage Installation: If you are upgrading from an older version of Convert, please ensure you remove it before installing version 2.6. ThatUs it! I hope you find Convert! useful, please feel free to give it away to anyone (but please make sure the documentation goes with it). Enjoy Clinton Logan