Name = MACWORLD Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MACWORLD Size: 23K Date: 1/09/98 Description: Macworld 98-0.99 - of the Macworld 98 Expo in San Francisco available. We were unable to procure a high enough quality map for the guide, so we are releasing the first version of the Macworld guide as is. There will be another version released on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning that will be available at the show. Users can view a list of exhibitors in alphabetical order or by booth number. Download your copy of the Macworld Expo 98 in San Francisco Name = CALAMITY Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CALAMITY Size: 17K Date: 8/12/97 Description: Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane - by Marthy Cannary Burk. Calamity Jane was a wandering American frontierswoman. Originally named Martha Jane Canary, in the late 1870s she was a familiar sight in Deadwood, Dakota Territory, where she became the companion of Wild Bill Hickok. She toured in Wild West shows and claimed to have been a pony express rider and a scout with General Custer's forces. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = DANIELBO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:DANIELBO Size: 25K Date: 7/01/97 Description: Daniel Boone - From The Discovery and Settlement of Kentucke by Daniel Boon and John Filson. The ADVENTURES of Col. DANIEL BOON; containing a NARRATIVE of the WARS of Kentucke. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = NEWSPECI Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:NEWSPECI Size: 17K Date: 6/25/97 Description: New Species - by Alfred Russel Wallace. February, 1855. Wallace is world renown for his research and published works on evolution. His works include ON THE LAW WHICH HAS REGULATED THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW SPECIES and a short paper entitled: ON THE TENDENCY OF VARIETIES TO DEPART INDEFINITELY FROM THE ORIGINAL TYPE. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = TENDENCY Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:TENDENCY Size: 21K Date: 6/25/97 Description: Tendency of Varieties - by Alfred Russel Wallace. February, 1858. Wallace is world renown for his research and published works on evolution. His works include ON THE LAW WHICH HAS REGULATED THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW SPECIES and a short paper entitled: ON THE TENDENCY OF VARIETIES TO DEPART INDEFINITELY FROM THE ORIGINAL TYPE. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = POLITICA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:POLITICA Size: 4K Date: 2/02/97 Description: Politically Correct - 36 Politically Correct Ways to Say Someone is Stupid. Keep available for quick reference. It may come in handy sometime. If you have any others to add to the list email them to me ( and I'll put them in a future edition. Name = KUBLAKHA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:KUBLAKHA Size: 12K Date: 1/20/97 Description: Kubla Khan - by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This newton book contains the entire text of Kubla Khan as well as additional authors and source notes on both Coleridge and the piece. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = ATILLA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:ATILLA Size: 22K Date: 1/20/97 Description: Attila the Hun - This is a classic Newton book for your entertainment. No one represents the unbridled fury and savagery of barbarism as much as Attila the Hun. Even in the twentieth century one of the worst names that could be found for the Germans was to call them Huns. In his own day he and his Huns were known as the Scourge of God, and the devastation they caused in Gaul before the great Battle of Chalons in 451 AD became a part of medieval folklore and tradition. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks ( of America Online's PDA Forum. Name = MACERROR Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MACERROR Size: 19K Date: 1/02/97 Description: Mac Errors 1.0 - This is a Newton version of the System Errors Table 3.0. This book requires NOS 2.0. (E-mail me if you want a NOS 1.3 version). Mac Errors is freeware. Drop me a note if you have any suggestions or comments. Name = NEWTERRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:NEWTERRO Size: 20K Date: 1/02/97 Description: Newt Errors 1.0 - This is a Newton version of Newton Errors. This book requires NOS 2.0. (E-mail me if you want a NOS 1.3 version). Newt Errors is freeware. Drop me a note if you have any suggestions or comments. Name = CRYPTO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CRYPTO Size: 26K Date:12/23/96 Description: Cryptology Glossary - a glossary of terms related to cryptology. Name = ADA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:ADA Size: 23K Date:12/23/96 Description: Ada Terms Glossary - a glossary of terms related to the Ada programming lan guage. Name = DRACULAS Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:DRACULAS Size: 22K Date:12/17/96 Description: Dracula's Guest - by Brahm Stoker. Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker. Note: Dracula's Guest was excised from the original Dracula mss by his publisher because of the length of the original book mss. It was published as a short story in 1914, two years after Stoker's death. In spite of the warnings of his guide, Johann, Dracula's Guest continues his journey on Walpurgis Night, an evening of terror when the Devil himself is feared to be out and searching for victims. He soon finds himself, lost, amidst a snow storm in a graveyard...This was the place where I was alone unmanned, shivering with cold in a shroud of snow with a wild storm gathering again upon me! It took all my philosophy, all the religion I had been taught, all my... Name = WORLDPHI Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:WORLDPHI Size: 23K Date:12/13/96 Description: World Philosophers - A listing of 68 major world philosophers with a brief biographical sketch of each. Name = LIBRARY Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:LIBRARY Size: 25K Date:12/13/96 Description: Major Library Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers, plus a brief description of the collection for many major libraries in the United States and Canada. Name = LABOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:LABOR Size: 15K Date:12/13/96 Description: Labor Union Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers for many labor unions in the United States. Name = GSA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:GSA Size: 6K Date:12/13/96 Description: GSA - General Services Administration Directory - The GSA is responsible for a large portion of the United States government's purchasing activities. This directory contains the address and phone numbers for the headquarters and regional offices of the GSA. Name = BARASSN Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:BARASSN Size: 7K Date:12/13/96 Description: Bar Association Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers of the bar associations in every state. Name = MAZES1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MAZES1 Size: 16K Date:11/06/96 Description: Mazes1.pkg -This is a Newton Book of mazes. There are fifteen mazes in three sizes, with five mazes of each size. The mazes can be written on using the book's markup tool, and they can also be printed or faxed. This book uses only 30k of memory, and it should work on any Newton. And best of all, it's freeware! Name = PERIODIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:PERIODIC Size: 32K Date:10/22/96 Description: Periodic.pkg - This Newton Book contains information on the properties of the 112 known elements. The properties include boiling point, melting point, state, density, electron configuration, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, oxidation states, electronegativity, and 1st ionization potential. The elements are indexed alphabetically by name, and the index is linked to each element for quick searches. Also included is a Periodic Table, and a list of particle masses and physical constants. This book uses only 76k of memory, and it should work on any Newton, and on either a Mac or PC. And best of all, it's freeware! Name = THEEYEO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:THEEYEO1 Size: 40K Date:10/21/96 Description: The Eye of Argon.pkg - this is a transcription of the Classic Eye of Argon in PDA format by Allen Gainsford. The original of course is by Jim Theis. Name = TIMETIPS Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:TIMETIPS Size: 16K Date: 9/13/96 Description: 50 Information Age Time Management Tips - a few quotes to ponder....from Paradigm Publishing. Many include the use of a PDA and lots more little things to make your work-life more efficient. You Can contact Paradigm Publishing at 2690 Greentree Drive, Marrietta, GA 30067. Name = CONGRESS Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CONGRESS Size: 10K Date: 9/11/96 Description: Congress Email - The enclosed shareware Newton book is a listing of Congressional (US Senators and Representatives) email addresses. See the book for more info. Name = CHICAGOT Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CHICAGOT Size: 7K Date: 9/11/96 Description: Chicago Theaters - Enclosed is a shareware Newton book which lists theaters throughout Chicago and the Chicago suburbs. Name = CARRIER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CARRIER1 Size: 15K Date: 9/11/96 Description: Carrier 10xxx Codes - a listing of Carrier 10xxx Codes corresponding to a number of long distance carriers (these are the codes you enter to select a certain long distance carrier, other than the one you already have. This can be especially helpful whren making calls from a pay phone. By David S. Greenberg. Name = BASICCAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:BASICCAL Size: 14K Date: 9/11/96 Description: Basic Calc - This is a shareware Newton book of the basic rules of integration and differentiation. You will like this if you are taking calc or teaching calc, or perhaps you use it in your daily work. Name = FOXAFFIL Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:FOXAFFIL Size: 16K Date: 9/11/96 Description: Fox Affiliate - This is a SHAREWARE book containing the names, addresse, phone #'s of FOX TV stations and affiliates throughout the US. Check it out. By David S. Greenberg. Name = PREVCARE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:PREVCARE Size: 40K Date: 8/19/96 Description: PrevCare - this Newton Book includes charts and selected preventive care recommendations excerpted from the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd ed., by the US Preventive Services Task Force. It also includes tables showing selected, age specific preventive care services recommended by at least one of the ACP, CTF or USPSTF. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but I make no warranty regarding errors and ommissions and assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage resulting from the information contained within. References are provided. For detailed information the reader should refer to the original text of the publication and references. Karl Hsu Name = SPRINTNE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:SPRINTNE Size: 19K Date: 7/02/96 Description: SprintNet - a listing of all of the SprintNet access numbers in the world in NewtonBook format. This is the easiest way to get Aloha up and running anywhere in the world. Name = JOKES Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:JOKES Size: 22K Date: 6/10/96 Description: Jokes.pkg - This is a collection of jokes that I've received via e-mail from friends that I decided to make into a book form, courtesy of David Fedor's Paperback application. I may make another book of jokes to upload dependant on your responses. Hope you like it. P.S.-The jokes contained in the book may be offensive to some, so read it on your own discretion-I take no responsibility. Name = CONSTITU Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CONSTITU Size: 28K Date: 4/28/96 Description: US Constitution and the Bill of Rights - I made this Newton book so I could study up for my citizenship test due later this year. Everything should be linked, so if you read something like altered by 14th Amendment, just click those words to see the 14th Amendment. Tony Martin, the HyperPUNK. Name = CLOUD9 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CLOUD9 Size: 34K Date: 3/31/96 Description: Cloud 9 - Books of poetry are not supposed to be read in order. So, go ahead, tap the page button, close your eyes and scribble something. Let's see where it is going to take you! Are you back? Ok than! Here is some information about me; I graduated from NYU, and about to start my medical education in Downstate Medical School. I love New York, hence many of the things I write feed off the feelings one may experience in this great city. This should do for now. Oh yes, my first language is Russian, so forgive my mistakes! Name = USAREACO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:USAREACO Size: 6K Date: 3/05/96 Description: US-AreaCodes - With all the recent changes in area codes, the community may find this simple reference useful. It is simply a numerical list of area codes as of February 1996. I did not proof this list. This book was created by Steve Holden . It is distributed as freeware. It was created using Apples Newton Press in about 10 seconds. Name = THESEVE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:THESEVE1 Size: 35K Date: 1/28/96 Description: The Seven Valleys - may well be regarded as a masterpeice of mystical composition. Written to a student of Sufi philosophy, it describes the stages one must pass through on the road to spiritual enlightenment. This is by no means an easy read, but it is deeply beautiful, insightful and poetic. Give it a try! Placed in Newton book format by Gerald Fox. Name = MCONWWW Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MCONWWW Size: 9K Date: 1/26/96 Description: MC on WWW - Motorcycling on the World Wide Web - This article, which originally appeared in the February 1996 issue of Back Roads, the local source for motorcycle enthusiasts on the New York City area, discusses the multitude of World Wide Web sites full of motorcycle-related content. 1996 Maria Langer. All rights reserved. Freely distributable IN THIS NEWTON BOOK FORMAT ONLY. Contact Maria Langer at Created with Newton Press 1.0b9. Name = MESSIERO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MESSIERO Size: 23K Date: 1/16/96 Description: Messier Objects Guide - A Newton Book with detailed information about the Messier objects -- these are 110 astronomical objects such as galaxies, globular clusters, and planetary nebulae which were often mistaken for comets until Messier created this list! Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:BYNAME.TXT Size:124K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Newton Books file section of the BBS in a Box CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:BYDATE.TXT Size:124K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Newton Books file section of the BBS in a Box CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = ADVOFBLA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFBLA Size: 30K Date:11/29/94 Description: Adv of Black Peter - The Adventure of Black Peter (B-PETER.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = BOSCOMBE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BOSCOMBE Size: 33K Date:11/29/94 Description: Boscombe Valley Mystery - The Boscombe Valley Mystery (BVMYSTRY.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = BRUCEPAR Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BRUCEPAR Size: 37K Date:11/29/94 Description: Bruce Part Plans - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans (BP-PLANS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... Name = CASEOFID Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:CASEOFID Size: 27K Date:11/29/94 Description: Case of Identity - A Case of Identity (CASEOFID.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = CHARLESM Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:CHARLESM Size: 27K Date:11/29/94 Description: Charles Milverton - The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton (CAMLVRTN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... Name = DISOFLAD Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:DISOFLAD Size: 29K Date:11/29/94 Description: Dis of Lady Frances Carfax - The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax (LDYCARFX.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... Name = WISTERIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:WISTERIA Size: 38K Date:11/29/94 Description: Wisteria Lodge - The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge (W-LODGE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = 3STUD Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:3STUD Size: 25K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Three Students - The Adventure of the Three Students (3STUDNTS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THESPECK Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THESPECK Size: 34K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Speckled Band - The Adventure of the Speckled Band (SP-BAND.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THESOLIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THESOLIT Size: 29K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Solitary Cyclist - The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist (SCYCLIST.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THEREDHE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEREDHE Size: 32K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Red Headed League - The Red-Headed League (RHLEAGUE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THEREDCI Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEREDCI Size: 28K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Red Circle - The Adventure of the Red Circle (REDCIRCL.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THEPRIOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEPRIOR Size: 38K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Priory School - The Adventure of the Priory School (PRIORY-S.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THENORWO Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THENORWO Size: 32K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Norwood Builder - The Adventure of the Norwood Builder (NRWDBILD.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THENOBLE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THENOBLE Size: 29K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Noble Bachelor - The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (NOBLBACH.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = PINCE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:PINCE Size: 31K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Golden Pince Nez - The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez (GOLDN-PN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THEENGIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEENGIN Size: 30K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Engineers Thumb - The Adventure of the Engineers Thumb (ENGNRTHM.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. Name = THEEMPTY Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEEMPTY Size: 32K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Empty House - The Adventure of the Empty House (EMPTYHSE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = THEDYING Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDYING Size: 24K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Dying Detective - The Adventure of the Dying Detective (DYINGDET.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = THEDEVIL Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDEVIL Size: 35K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Devils Foot - The Adventure of the Devil's Foot (DVLSFOOT.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = THEDANCI Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDANCI Size: 33K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Dancing Men - The Adventure of the Dancing Men (DANCNMEN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = THECROOK Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THECROOK Size: 27K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Crooked Man - The Crooked Man (CRKEDMAN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = COPPERBE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:COPPERBE Size: 34K Date:11/29/94 Description: Copper Beeches - The Adventure of the Copper Beeches (CPRBEECH.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = THECARDB Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THECARDB Size: 31K Date:11/29/94 Description: The Cardboard Box - The Adventure of the Cardboard Box (CDBRDBOX.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = ADVOFTHE Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFTHE Size: 29K Date:11/29/94 Description: Adv of the Blue Carbuncle - The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (BCARBNCL.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Name = BERYL Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BERYL Size: 33K Date:11/29/94 Description: Adv of The Beryl Coronet - The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet (BCORONET.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Name = MISSING3 Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:MISSING3 Size: 30K Date:11/29/94 Description: Missing 3 Quarter - The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter (MISSN3-4.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... Name = MANWITHT Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:MANWITHT Size: 33K Date:11/29/94 Description: Man With the Twisted Lip - The Man with the Twisted Lip (TWISTLIP.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = HISLASTB Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:HISLASTB Size: 25K Date:11/29/94 Description: His Last Bow Epilogue - His Last Bow - An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes (LAST-BOW.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... Name = FIVEORAN Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:FIVEORAN Size: 28K Date:11/29/94 Description: Five Orange Pips - The Five Orange Pips (5ORNGPIP.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... Name = ADVOFTHR Path = PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFTHR Size: 26K Date:11/29/94 Description: Adv of Three Students - The Adventure of the Three Students (3STUDNTS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book...