Welcome Books of poetry are not supposed to be read in order. So, go ahead, tap the page button, close your eyes and scribble something. Let's see where it is going to take you! Are you back? Ok than! Here is some information about me; I graduated from NYU, and about to start my medical education in Downstate Medical School. I love New York, hence many of the things I write feed off the feelings one may experience in this great city. This should do for now. Oh yes, my first language is Russian, so forgive my mistakes! Credits I would like to thank Marcus Polke (100421.3526@compuserve.com), the technical editor, who has helped with the creation and encoraged, (though quite "distantly"; he lives in Berlin, I live in NYC and we have never even met in person!) the author with putting this Newton/Newt's Cape book together. If, by any chance, you stumble upon this book and actually read the poems I would really appreciate your feedback.Thank You, enjoy and keep on tapping! Contact You may contact me through my e-mail at aqk4409@is2.nyu.edu, or find my WWW page at http://pages.nyu.edu/~xwn2088. The snail-mail would be 6413, 24th Avenue, #1R Brooklyn, NY, 11204, USA Distribution This book may be freely distributed to any Online Service or ftp-site as long as the contents are unaltered and the credits are fully preserved. The Legal Stuff Disclaimer: Neither the author nor the technical editor Marcus Polke carry any responcibility for the reader's Newton or mental status while reading this book. There, we said it! Note: a few of these poems were written directly or edited on my Newton MP100