========================================================================= nBattleship 1.4 Last Update: March 9, 1998 Copyright 1995-1998 Foundation Systems and Adam Tow ========================================================================= About nBattleship ========================================================================= nBattleship brings the classic game of sink or be sunk to your Newton! The object is to sink your opponent's ships she sinks yours. With nBattleship for the Newton, you can take on computer opponents ranging from easy to downright vicious. Or, you may bump heads against human opponents, using either one or two Newtons. In nBattleship, you hide your ships -- carrier (length 5), Battleship (4), cruiser (3), submarine (3), and destroyer (2) -- on a 10x10 grid. After your opponent does the same, you alternate turns trying to destroy each others ships. The first person who sinks all of her opponent's ships wins. nBattleship is FREE for use by the entire Newton community! nBattleship Features ========================================================================= o FREE. o Multiple Computer AI's. Ranging from easy to hard, these AI's keep the challenge fresh and exciting! o Two-Player support. Share one Newton or use two and an IR connection! o Landscape and portrait screen orientation support! o On-Line Help. Leave the manual at home! System Requirements ========================================================================= nBattleship requires Newton OS 1.x. Installing nBattleship ========================================================================= nBattleship is installed like any Newton package, using the Newton Backup Utility (NBU), the Newton Connection Utilities (NCU), or any third-party package downloading utility. When installed, nBattleship's icon will appear in your Extras Drawer in the Unfiled Icons folder. Starting a Game ========================================================================= There are several preferences you can configure in nBattleship. Many of them depend on the number of players in the game. 1) One player: o Difficulty. Choose the difficulty of your computer opponent. o Go First. Choose whether you want to attack first or let your opponent attack first. o Turn Speed. Choose the delay between turns. 2) Two players: o Comm. Choose whether you are playing nBattleship with two players. 3) All Games o Notify when ships are sunk. If check, nBattleship will play a sound to notify you when you or the opponent has sunk a ship. Deploying Your Fleet ========================================================================= When you have finished configuring the game, tap on the 'Play' button located on the status bar. The game view will now appear, with ships on the left or topmost grid. These are your ships. You may move your ships anywhere on the grid so as long as they do not overlap one another. 1) To move a ship, simply drag you ship around the map. 2) To rotate a ship, simply tap on the ship you wish to rotate. If the ship does not rotate, it is probably due to the fact that a ship cannot be rotated or moved beyond the map borders. When you are satisfied with your ship positions, tap the 'Deploy' button to start playing the game. Playing the Game ========================================================================= The enemy map now appears. Depending on the status of the 'Go First' pref, either you or your opponent will attack first. To attack, simply tap on a blank, white square on the opponent's map. If you hit a ship, an explosion sound will result and the square will turn black, else you will hear a whoosh sound while the square turns grey. If you have checked the 'Notify when ships are sunk' checkbox, a beep will ring everytime a ship is sunk. You and your opponent alternate turns attacking. Whoever destroys her opponent's ships first wins. If you wish to play another game, tap on the Info button and select 'New Game' to bring up the new game dialog box. Getting Help ========================================================================= You may, at any time, select the Help option under the Info button. A screen will appear containing a popup picker. Choose the topic you are interested in for helpful hints and suggestions on how to play and configure nBattleship. Pricing and Availability ========================================================================= nBattleship is free. You can always find the latest version of nBattleship at Foundation System's website: http://www.tow.com/ Contacting Foundation Systems ========================================================================= Foundation Systems is committed to creating synergy within the Newton community. Its products are dedicated to those who become successful by helping other people become successful. If you have any questions and comments regarding nBattleship, or any other product by Foundation Systems, please contact us at: Internet: support@tow.com WWW: http://www.tow.com/ Mail: Foundation Systems PO Box 2330 Stanford, CA 94309-2330 USA