========================================================================= Mapper 1.1 Foundation Systems and Adam Tow Last Update: November 14, 1998 Copyright (c) 1997-1998. Foundation Systems. All Rights Reserved. ========================================================================= About Mapper ========================================================================= Mapper is a free application that easily lets Newton users create maps on their Newton device. Mapper has been released free to the user community and complete with source code for third-party developers to extend the power and functionality of Mapper. What's in this package? ========================================================================= Included in this package are the following files: o readme.txt: The file you are reading now. o Mapper 1.1.pkg: The Mapper 1.1 package o Starter Mapper Module: A Mapper Module that you can use for your maps Sample Mapper Modules --------------------- o Stanford Mapper Module.pkg: Sample Mapper Module of Stanford University o USA Mapper Module.pkg: Sample Mapper Module of the United States NOTE: The source code has been compiled for use on the Macintosh version of the Newton Toolkit (NTK). It will not run properly on the Windows version of NTK. Creating Mapper Modules ========================================================================= Creating Mapper Map Modules is very easy. Users will follow these basic steps when creating map modules: 1) Get the map images. 2) Put them into a ResEdit Resource file. NOTE: ResEdit is an application from Apple Computer to edit resources. 3) Create a duplicate of the Starter Mapper Module folder. 4) Open the Starter Mapper Module project file. 5) Edit the contents of the ProjectData file. 6) Build your package and download to your Newton. Mapper Modules are created by modifying a simple text file. Please study the ProjectData file in the Starter Mapper Module folder for more information on creating Mapper Map Modules. Each Mapper Module consists of the following files: o ProjectData: Text file that is built to be the Mapper Module o Project file: Newton Toolkit project file o Resources: ResEdit file that contains all of the graphic images. Pricing and Availability ========================================================================= This version of Mapper is free. The source code is placed in the care of the Newton user and software community. It is free for use by anyone who wishes to create projects deriving from Mapper. Source Code for the Mapper 1.1 application can be found at Foundation System's website: http://www.tow.com/downloads/downloads.html Contacting Foundation Systems ========================================================================= Foundation Systems is committed to creating synergy within the Newton community. Its products are dedicated to those who become successful by helping other people become successful. If you have any questions and comments regarding newtToDo, or any other product by Foundation Systems, please contact us at: Internet: support@tow.com WWW: http://www.tow.com/ Mail: Foundation Systems PO Box 2330 Stanford, CA 94309-2330 USA