Icon Editor for Newton

Icon Editor

This is a little tool, written to demonstrate the ability to change icons with "SBM Utilities".

On top of the screen is a list with icons you save till now. In the lower part of the screen will be shown the name of the selected icon and you can see the icon zoomed by 5 and in original size. To the right of the big icon you can select the drawing color (the column with the pen at the top) and the filling color by tapping the little squares. The selected color is marked by a dotted frame.

Right under the big icon (where you will do all the drawing) you can choose the drawing tool.


The pen will draw pixels as you move. Note that if you move too quickly not all pixels will be drawn.
Hold down the pen at the position where the line should start. Move the pen to the destination and lift it.
Hold down the pen at the position where you would have the first edge of the rectangle. Move the pen in the direction of the desired diagonale for the rectangle.
Like rectangle but draws an oval.
Dotted rectangle and oval
There are also filled versions of rectangle and oval.
With the eraser you can scrub out all the pixels of the icon.
Status bar
There are buttons in the status bar to create a new icon, to save modifications or to delete an existing icon.
Icon Editor supports undo/redo for all the tools.

The size of the icons is restricted to 31x29 pixels. This is the recommendation for extras icons.


Planned for the future:



Newton Package without Docs
Archive for Mac
Archive for PC


Give me your feedback please!


Copyright © 1997 Holger Müller