MoreInfo 2.52 -> 2.53 Changes. ¥ Fixed problem (-48404) which was displayed when sometimes opening the Make Appointment or Schedule Event slip. This was caused by the existance of scribble notes (ink) in the Date Book. ¥ Fixed problem (-48807) which was displayed when searching a name when trying to attach a company or name to an Date Book entry. ¥ Extended space allocated for Date in past contact list so year would not get clipped. ¥ Fixed problem in searching for companies. Was related to those Name File cards which had companies but no names along with the companies. ¥ Reduced the amount of internal storage used by an alarm. ¥ Removed the adding of the prefixes used for international phone numbers when adding a To Do. ¥ Record Contact notices if changes have been made and remind you if you do not save them. ¥ Better freeing of memory once slips are closed (make appt, schedule event, add to do and record contact slips). ¥ Properly notifies you that an anniversary has been successfully scheduled. ¥ Fixed a bug with the Go To Name button in the alarm screen. ¥ Added all phones in the To Do slip when searching or when a new frequently used name is tapped. ¥ Appointments with no name associated with them no longer have a leading return. ¥ Error with adding names to PowerNames' database when scheduling. Requires PowerNames 1.11 to work properly. ¥ Remove confirm message when adding a To Do, event or appointment with no name associated with it. ¥ Now properly include Re: text in a MoreInfo alarm which has no name associated with it.