NewtNews-152-16Sep97 ==================== by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . This issue of NewtNews is sponsored in part by: + PowerTrans 3.0.2 - Multilingual Customizable Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - Speech on MP2K, eMate - Demo at: + QuickFigure Pro v.3.1 - New version of the spreadsheet solution from PelicanWare! - - + PowerMedia presents 'Arcade Game Pack' - Birds With Lances, Rocks In Space, Frogs vs. Cars - US$29.95 - + PDA & HANDHELD DIRECT - Putting Technology in the Palm of Your Hand! 800-279-4PDA 219-882-5228 [F]:219-845-0578 + VITAMIN A MENU EDITOR - Stand Alone has released it's custom and caret menu editor and creator! - Demo at: + Brain Wash from Concept Kitchen wipes your screen clean -- + Buy a guide to what's on TV for your C o u c h F i r e ! Newton + X-Port, KwikMenu, NewtPaint, Quicknames Pro, proCALC Ex - Newton 2.0 solutions - - + WinSlurp from Rare White Tiger Creations - Available via WWW at: . + RidgeNet - ARA, SLIP, PPP access to the Internet from Ridgecrest, CA. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Table of Contents 2. Top News 3. Comments from the Editor 4. New and Updated Newton Information 5. New and Updated Newton Technology 6. Top Print Sources Of Interest 7. NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton 8. Dear Newton Developer 9. Other Handheld Technology News 10. Other Tidbits of Information 11. Advertising Notes 12. Product and Service Information 13. Edupage, 08Sep97 thru 14Sep97 14. INNOVATION, 08Sep97 15. Administrivia Top News -------- ** CLARIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION ON NEWTON, INC. STATUS ** Between email messages sent by Steve Jobs and posted to The Newton Only and to Ric Ford's Macintouch , the Newton community learned last week that indeed Apple had decided to pull the plug on Newton, Inc. and bring the Newton Technology back to Apple. The primary focus 'of this new group within Apple' appears to be on eMate related 'Network Computers' but it appears that for the near term the MessagePad 2000 line of handhelds is safe. The future is definitely not clear. NewtNews caught information about the 'pull-back' on newsfeeds like Reuters, AP, Wall Street Journal (by Lee Gomes), USA Today (by Julie Schmit), etc. ... and might be able to learn more via: - - - ** NEW GAME FOR NEWTON COULD BE A BIG HIT ** Robert Bruce has announced a new shareware game entitled "World Conquest 1.0 for Newton!" -- a strategy game played on a map of the world consisting of 42 countries. Up to six players can play together. Countries are assigned either randomly or by rotation, and the software also supports customizable computer opponents. The object of the game is to conquer the world. The intro price is US$25. For more information check out: . ** MORE INFO ON OUTLOOK TO NEWTON LINK ** Tina, the Assistant Manager at PDA Direct, answered my request in last weeks issue for more information about OutLink (their upcoming Newton to Microsoft Outlook solution) with a nice email message. Here is a summary: price is probably going to be under US$70, it will work on MP130s and MP2Ks (probably will work on eMates); it is a 'one button sync'; it will sync all the 'major' fields in Outlook97; it is being developed internal by PDA Direct; and it should be out in a couple of weeks. For more information check out: . ** KUDOS POSTED ABOUT MOREINFO 5.0 ** Jude Mansilla had a very nice post on the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc entitled "MoreInfo 5.0 -- Wow!" which you should be able to track down using HotBot . In summary, Jude is extremely pleased with the new version of MoreInfo -- specifically -- the new interface, more manager/scheduling features, and the revamped graphical week view. Jude does note that PowerNames 2.15 isn't out yet, and that this iteration of MoreInfo does take up "a bit of storage space." You can get more information about SilverWare's MoreInfo via: . Jude also notes that you can expect a head-to-head comparison in the near future on Jude's HotPocket of MoreInfo 5.0 with PowerNames 2.15 up against StandAlone's DateMan/SuperNames combo. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ The New WriteRight Screen Enhancements protect your screen from scratches, reduce glare and improve your handwriting recognition by simulating the feel of writing on paper. WriteRights are available for all Newtons in a pack of 12-for $27.95. For more information: 415-929-1002 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Notion 1.5 Enhanced for Newton 2.0 OS: Notion 1.5 is a powerful, easy to use tool that helps the mobile professional manage all the lists necessary to organize, integrate and communicate vital information. Includes Notion Connect for Import/Export from Mac or Windows desktop. From PelicanWare at $59.95+S&H (Upgrades $25+S&H). For more info: . To order 800.655.6398 or visit resellers. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Comments from the Editor ------------------------ ** NEWTNEWS READERS THOUGHTS ON THE LATEST NEWS ** Many folks had opinions about the news that Newton, Inc. would make its way back to Apple. Here is a small sampling: Don Singer : "[even with the] new emphasis on the eMate, I really think the Newton handheld platform is in jeopardy. Down with Network Computing!" Paul Potts -- "I agree that the newly-independent Newton group's business plan, which leaves out marketing to consumers, is not wise. However, since Newton, Inc. became free of Apple's bureaucracy, they have improved their responsiveness to developers dramatically, and made a number of very smart, very hip improvements, such as making their internal formats documentation and software tools available for free. This is the kind of responsive, quick company that I want to develop for. If Apple is dead-set on reabsorbing the group, I urge you to leave them their autonomy in matters of developer relations, allow them to be free of Apple's bored lawyers, and do everything possible to allow them to continue to move the platform forward without management interference." You can sign the very popular "Keep Newton/MessagePad Petition" via: . ** THANKS! ** I was very honored to get so many messages of support from NewtNews readers in response to my 'being human' opinion piece last week. I am sorry I was not able to respond to each message individually. ** BACK TO SQUARE ONE?!? ** Things are pretty cloudy in the tea leave world in regards to Newton. I hope that 'handheld' computing is not going to be permanently destroyed by Apple in their quest for 'network computing.' The current Windows CE devices leave much to be desired, and the same is true of the PalmPilot. The 'only' hope may be Psion, but they have their own woes at the moment from Windows CE. Since the MessagePad line, according to Jobs, is still a product, it isn't quite time jump ship yet. But some good, solid research on the alternatives is probably a good order. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ From your armchair, find your favorite shows using your Newton. Couch Fire is C o u c h F i r e ! a TV programming guide that includes accurate, weekly updates via email. It combines the feel of a paper guide with the intelligence of a Newton. Couch Fire's custom TV grid, searches and reminders mean you won't miss a thing. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ DON'T TOUCH THAT SCREEN -- until you protect it with The BARRIER Screen Protector! * Clearly Superior Protection * Chemical, Abrasion and Thermal resistant * Given 9 out of 10 by Newton 2000 Underground For more info: or call: 760-431-5483. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ New and Updated Newton Information ---------------------------------- ** NEWTON WORLD CONTINUES TO CHURN DOWN UNDER ** Steve Hall has a host of new information to share about Australia's Newton World. Not only are they a retailer making major sales in the region but they are also doing a good deal of custom Newton related software development. And this hard work is not going unnoticed -- 'The Australian Newspaper' recent had a front page article, and the 'Australian Financial Review' has run two articles related to their efforts. Both of this papers are sold nationally in Australia. They have also gotten several TV stations to cover their activities, and have highly visible Newton solutions 'donated' to museums. To top it all off one of the largest Australian cable TV companies -- Foxtel -- is using the MP2K and eMate in their subscriber videos being sent out to new and current customers. For more information check out: . ** POSSIBLE STREET LEVEL MAPPING SOLUTION IN THE WORKS ** There is a new rumor that a certain very established Newton developer is working on a 'rebirth of the Fodor/Zagat Guides' that originally launched but 'died' as it became evident that the Original MessagePad was not going to be a consumer success. The product is expected by 'Comdex' and could give the 'Windows CE street level mapping' package a run for its money. ** NEW CATALOG COMING OUT ** The handheld computer hardware & software distribution company called Propad is in the process of building a new comprehensive catalog called "All About PDA." There will be a product section for: Windows CE, PalmPilot, Psion, and Newton. For more info contact: Christian Huhmann . ** WHERE IS DINER'S GARY PHIPPS?!? ** Jason Skier is trying to track down the Newton shareware author of "Diner" -- Gary Phipps. The email address noted in the software is an old '' address. If you know where Gary is at in the online world, please send Jason email. ** MSNUG MEETS ON A REGULAR BASIS ** Douglas Luckie notes that the Michigan State Newton Users Group (MSNUG) had a meeting on 09Sep97 at their regular meeting site. For more information about this very active NUG check out: . ** ANOTHER DEVELOPER DEPLOYS SOLUTION WITH BARRIER PROTECTION ** RoadRunner Tracks reports that vertical market developer Infinity Systems One has decided to use RoadRunner Tracks' The Barrier Screen Protector for Newton and eMate on units running their 'The Coach' software. This package is used by automotive salespersons to help service customer needs in a paperless environment. ** UPDATE ON WHAT IS HAPPENING AT NEWTONTALK ** Sean O'Shaughnessey reports that NewtonTalk now has 682 subscribers (as of this writing). The discussions have been numerous and very helpful. A You can learn more from the following URL: . ** MACWAY NEWTON MENTIONS ** Guy Kawasaki's MacWay Evangelist email listserver had a couple of Newton blurbs recently including: - Fidel Davila had Newton mentions in a post called "EvangeLista Comment - Apple is Dead - Long Live Apple" - Mike Sullivan at EPSON America notes that EPSON OEMs PC Cards to vendors that work in Newton devices. For more info about this excellent Apple, Macintosh, Newton, etc. ... resource check out: . ** NEWSLETTER NEWTON MENTIONS ** Mark R. Anderson appears to be hardly a fan of the Newton but he does mention them a couple of times in his newsletter Strategic News Service (SNS) in a recent issued entitled "Apple on the Edge III: Steve Is Back". For more info about SNS check out: . Ken Laws' THE COMPUTISTS' COMMUNIQUE (TCC) published on 11Sep97 (Vol. 7, No. 60) covered the recent 'Newton going back to Apple' news. For more information about this great newsletter check out: . Apple Developer News (ADN) #74 had a news blurb entitled "Apple Decides Newton Will Stay". You can get more information about very useful resource from Apple by checking out: . TidBITS#396/08-Sep-97 also covered the news of Apple sucking the Newton back into its fold. The article notes that the Newton technology just reacquired could be used to build network computers. The article also notes that you can learn more about real "Network Computers" via: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $ NS BASIC $ The latest implementation of this cool programming tool has an $ 3.6 $ easy to use graphic screen layout function, plus indexed file $ with $ communications, graphics and more! Program directly on Newton $ Visual $ or with a PC or Mac. Create packages in the Extras drawer and $ Designer! $ much more. 260 pg handbook. Cost is $99+5 S&H for all Newtons. $ $ , , 416.264.5999 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA and Handheld Direct, Everything you need for your Newton - Apple MessagePad 2000 Standard Model only $949.00 (#22005) - Apple MessagePad 2000 Business Bundle only $1099.00 (#22008) - MP130 Buy Back Program - Trade in your MP130 for special deals on MP2000 or other PDAs - Call for details: 219-882-5228 - MP2000 Accessories: Rech. Battery $31.95 (#22209) AC Adapter $29.95 (#22202) MP2K Pen $12.95 (#31227) -- Type II Flash Memory 4MB $98 (#41070) 8MB $174 (#41073) 10MB $210 (#41074) 16MB $310 (#41077) - Revelar Connection Utilities (RCU) for Win and Mac $39.95 (#10071) To order 800-279-4PDA or 219-882-5228 or FAX 219-845-0578 [Source #161] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ New and Updated Newton Technology --------------------------------- ** GESTURELAUNCH FOR NEWTON 2.1 FINALLY ARRIVES ** PelicanWare and Innovative Computer Solutions (ICS) have announced the release of GestureLaunch 3.0. This very popular utility is tuned for Newton 2.1 and gives MP2K users the power to quickly 'script' actions to specific gestures. For more information (including details on upgrade pricing) check out: or . ** MAC TO NEWTON PIM BETA POSTED ** Century Software's ClockWork has released another beta iteration of their Newton to Macintosh Personal Information Manager (PIM) solution. ** ONE TAP CAN GET YOU A LOT ** deep focus designs has a new utility called 'OneTap New' that makes it easy to create 'new items with one tap' from any running Newton application. ** WEYER HAS TWO NEW SOLUTIONS, AND REDUCES PRICES ** Steve Weyer has released two new 'small solutions' to complement his host of industrial strength solutions like Newt Development Environment and Newt's Cape (WWW browser) They are specifically Crypto 1.0 (shareware message decoding game) and PkgInfo 1.0 (freeware pkg utility). For more information check out the following site: . If should also noted that both Newt and New's Cape now have new lower prices. ** HYPERNEWT GETS AN UPDATE ** Adam Tow has released an update to Foundation Systems' new 'revolutionary' HyperNewt application. Version 2.0.1 was posted on 04Sep97 via the following URL: . ** NEW MEDICAL BOOK RELEASED ** Digital Objectives and Mosby Lifeline have teamed up to produced a new digital Newton Book entitled "Mosby's Emergency Drug Index by Mick J. Sanders". You can learn more via: . ** STOP WATCH UTILITY RELEASED ** Red Box Software has released 'Timer Watch v1.0' -- a timer and stop-watch application for the Newton. This software is Newton 2.0 savvy, and costs US$10 per single user license. ** LANGUAGE SPECIFIC KEYBOARDS AVAILABLE ** Bertrand Tieche would like to remind NewtNews readers that his company is offering keyboard languages for the MP2K for the following languages: Swiss, Swiss French, and German. They also have a DVORAK keyboard available. You can learn more about these keyboards via: . ** GET YOUR SPORTS SCHEDULES ** James R. Whitson reports that the excellent 'sports related' NewtonStuff site has been moved to a new site hosted at: . You can download the latest schedules for NCAA football, NFL, NBA, and NHL games. ** NS BASIC SHIPS NEW BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS ** NS Basic has two new books that are ideal for teaching basic to 'young pups' using the Apple eMate 300. The first book is "NS BASIC with Visual Designer" -- 200 pages, 12 chapters, includes quizzes, examples, and costs US$19.95. The second book is "NS Basic Teacher's Handbook" which includes quizzes, assignments, and pages that can be copied to overheads. This book costs US$29.95. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ WinSlurp! - Rare White Tiger Creations provides Newton Book publishing services and is NOW offering WinSlurp. A windows front-end to Slurpee which supports transferring notes back and forth between the Newton notepad and the PC desktop. Available for downloading from this URL: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerMedia is your source for all the latest cutting edge Newton apps: + Super NotePad: Quick access arrows, encryption, tags, filters, etc. + DateMan 3.0: Complete agenda and contact management. + Stationary Construction Kit: Build your very own custom stationary. Commercially available at your favorite Newton retailer. Or check out online demos via the following site: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Top Print Sources Of Interest ----------------------------- [EDITOR: This is a collection of articles of potential interest to NewtNews readers from the leading technology print newspapers, newsletters, and magazines.] ** NEW NEWTON BY COMDEX NOV'97?!? ** Tom Davey has an article entitled "Handheld Fax And Email: Cell phone combines several chips into one powerful processor" on page 144 of Information Week published on 08Sep97. The article includes details about Northern Telecom's US$1000 'Orbitor' device (smart phone) but also has some Newton mentions. The article notes that Newton, Inc. [SDH: Now back at Apple.] had plans to announce a new Newton device at the Nov97 Comdex in Las Vegas, Nevada that would have 'even better' handwriting recognition and offer support for Java. It should be noted that this new Newton and the Orbitor were going to be using Digital's new StrongARM processor the SA-1110. ** NEW STRONGARM IS SHIPPING ** Lisa Dicarlo covers the news of the new Digital StrongARM SA-1100 processor that runs at 133-MHz and 200-MHz on page 43 of PC Week published on 08Sep97. The article mentions a host of support operating systems including Apple's Newton OS. Some features to note: 1.) chip is smaller than previous StrongARM processors; 2.) can emulate V.34 modems; 3.) more memory options supported; 4.) includes 'architecture' hooks to PC Cards, color screens, and I/O interfaces; 5.) optimized digital signal multipliers should improve handwriting recognition solutions; and 6.) includes 'integrated' Java accelerator. ** NO NEWTON MENTION -- BUT PDAs ARE CORE TO THIS STORY ** There are several PDA mentions in an article entitled "Efficiency Experts: Executives can't buy more time, but with the right tools and strategies they can do more the time they have" by John Grossman starting on page 38 of the Inc. Tech 199, No. 3. Specifically the Casio Cassiopeia (positive), Sony Magic Link (negative), and PalmPilot (positive). One of the 'focus execs' noted that a cellphone is not a very good incoming call device, and finds that using a pager for incoming calls works better. The cellphone is used to respond to a page. ** HANDHELD COMPUTERS IN GERIATRIC HEALTHCARE ** Dan Litoff has written an article about how he uses his Newton in his medical practice. The article includes pictures and links to some of the Newton medical software he uses. The article is part of a larger project called "American College of Physician's (ACP) series Computers in my Practice". You can check out the article via: . ** TWO ALMOST MENTIONS ** Daniel Mazza notes that the newsstand edition of Maxim for Men (Sep/Oct'97) has an "Apple Color Emate" (picture of the Simpsons on the screen) in a section entitled 'Laptop of Luxury.' There is no actual Apple, eMate mention though. Brian Burton thinks that the Austin-American Statesman published on 09Sep97 has a 'pseudo-in-a-round-about-way' eMate reference at: . ** HELPFUL MAJOR WEEKLY MAGAZINE WEB POINTERS ** - Web Week: - MacWeek: - InfoWorld: - Computer Reseller News: - PC Week: - Network World: - LAN Times: - Information Week: - Network Computing: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ A N N O U N C I N G L E X I D R U G S - 97 +-------+ K2 Consultants, Inc. has just announced the latest version of | A R T | Drug Information Handbook with 5000 drugs and improved interface.+-------+ Check out for all medical and non-medical | b y | titles such as 5 Min. Clin Consult, Ferri's book for internists | K 2 | Archimedes Intelligent Calculator, Current Clinical Strategies +-------+ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Tim Constantine has several cutting edge Newton solutions: Flash - A Speed Reading Tutor; CrazyDice - Multi-player Strategy Game, and Clean Notes - Stationary w/o Lines. For more info: or . Tim is also available for custom Newton application development. Send Tim email if you have a question about custom application development or about his cutting edge solutions. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton --------------------------------------------------- ** NO NONSENSE NUGGETS OF NEWTON KNOW HOW ** Compiled by Roger Coleman . If you have similar tidbits for this column, please drop me a line! Please include details of the Newton model and OS that you are using. ** SETTING UP POP3/SMTP E-MAIL ON MP2000 ** >From Michael Eisenman (works with MP2000). This week's tip from Michael Eisenman details the steps he took to set up his MP2000 to work with AT&T Worldnet. However, no matter which ISP you select, the basic information and steps to follow are the same. It really is simple to set up the MP2000 for Internet connectivity. Michael says: After getting the Worldnet software set up on my Windows 95 machine, I searched around for help on how to set up for POP3/SMTP email. I found a document that described how to set it up for use on a WinCE machine, and this is how it began (gloat, gloat): "After HOURS of painful trial and error, I have been able to get Pocket IE working - serving web pages, transferring EMAIL, etc. - via a PC-Card modem with the ATT Worldnet Service." I figured I could set it up on my MP2000 in a few minutes, as long as I could locate the correct setup parameters. I was correct. The easiest way to do it is to print out the ACCOUNT.TXT file that is stored on your PC during install of the AT&T Worldnet software. This file contains ALL the necessary information to set up NetHopper and EnRoute. Print out the file for reference during the following steps. ** TO SET UP NETHOPPER ** 1. Open up Extras, then go to the Setup folder, and tap Internet Setup. 2. Tap the New diamond list and select AT&T Worldnet from the list. 3. When editing the setup, select PPP as your protocol. Enter the local access number you received when you installed the software on your PC. In the User Name field, enter all the information from the LoginName= line in the ACCOUNT.TXT file. It looks like <>. Tap the Set Password button and enter the information from the Password= line in the file. (Mine looked something like . It is case-sensitive, so enter it exactly as you see it. Then tap the Continue button. 4. I didn't have to change anything on the second screen. I left the Newton IP and Gateway IP addresses set to Dynamic. The default Name Server DNS entry of worked just fine. (You can duplicate the entire setup later and change this entry to Maybe call the setup AT&T Worldnet Alternate. It might come in handy, if you can't connect to the primary name server.) I also left the Domain Name as . 5. I left the information on the third screen as it was. That was all there was to it. ** TO SET UP ENROUTE EMAIL PREFS ** 1. Start the Owner Info app, and tap the Owner line. Once there, tap [Show] and then All Info. 2. If not already set up, [Add] EnRoute Internet Settings. 3. To set it up, look at the ACCOUNT.TXT file. Copy the information from the POP Name= line to the POP Username field in Owner Info. 4. Copy the information from the POP Server= line to the POP Host field. 5. Copy the information from the SMTP Server= line to the SMTP Host field. 6. Tap the [POP Password] button, and copy the information from POP Password=. You have to enter it twice. 7. Exit the Owner info app. That's it. It took me about 10 minutes to set up everything, once I had the necessary information. I didn't have to call for help--I'm no Internet expert, by the way--and it didn't take me "HOURS of painful trial and error." Yay! ** TIPS WANTED ** Please send me any tips, hints, goodies, jokes, interesting facts or similar bits of information for future issues of this column to Roger Coleman . Thanks! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA Panache is your single source for stylus solutions. Custom stylus upgrades for Newton MP130 and MP2000. Custom styli for WinCE, USR, and Sharp PDAs. Wide selection of Pocket Styli for all tastes and budgets. Duo multi-function stylus/pen combo. Beacon L.E.D. lighted stylus. Stylus inserts for Cross & other popular pens. More info: 800.270.7196 or 516.467.4042, FAX: 516.467.6329, (secure) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerTrans 3.0 - Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - 60,000 Words - English, Spanish, German, French and Italian (no storage card required). + Customize the vocabulary and/or create new languages, attach notes + MP2K and eMate featured - speech, classroom multi-user, keyboards + Vocabulary Trainer - based on approved didactical learning system Checkout demo: - contact: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Dear Newton Developer --------------------- ** INTRODUCTION & INCENTIVE ** This area is dedicated to trying to solve NewtNews readers programming needs, and in turn hopefully lead to the creation of a legitimate Newton shareware solution for the developer solving the problem. If a developer solves such a problem, NewtNews will give them a 50% price reduction for any advertising service they order for that product in our Products and Services area. If you have a utility you need written, please let NewtNews know by sending an email to: . ** ONE DEVELOPER SAYS CONSERVING HEAP IS #1 CONCERN ** Richard Northcott at Enfour responded to Jason Kulas' request last week that Newton developers 'keep the use of heap to a minimum' with -- "It is always our number one priority." [EDITOR: Kudos to Richard and Enfour for making such a bold statement.] ** SUGGEST -- USE HYPERNEWT TO LINK DATA ** Robert Sexton responded to a recent request for a tool that would let you link 'secret password notes' to the Owner Info with a suggestion for those wanting to 'connect' together different Newton data types ( like Names and Notes) that they check out HyperNewt at: . ** FREE THE EPHOTO SOFTWARE ** Timothy Nitz would like the folks that developed the 'Newton to ePhoto software solution being used on treks into the Tibetan mountains' to release the solution so that those educational eMate users can use the software in the classroom. ** MARK THEM ALL DONE ** Alex Brumann would like an email utility that would let him automatically mark a 'collection' of email messages for routing. Specifically, Alex would like to delete them or route a complete collection to a Folder. ** I WANT TO PRINT TO AN EPSON PRINTER! ** Gordon Campbell would like to find a Newton print driver that would let him print to an Epson Stylus Color 600 printer. ** FINANCIAL PLANNING SOFTWARE ** Jerry Velasco is looking for "401K Planning" software for the Newton. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Need more Newton information?!? NewtNews suggests you check out: + Newton Reference: + Always Newton Central: + NewtUser: + NewtWorld: + The Ultimate Newton: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ To much info in NewtNews for you? Does all the Macintosh information make you want to puke? Then maybe you should check out NewtNews-Savvy. For $20 you get 40 issues of just lean and mean Newton/PDA/Wireless information directly to your inbox of choice. Send an email message with the subject containing 'NewtNews-Savvy' to and you'll get a sample issue and an order form. Thanks for reading! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Handheld Technology News ------------------------------- [EDITOR: News collected via snail mail, major publications, USENET newsgroups, email, and the WWW. For more information about Farcast check out: and for more information about HeadsUp use: .] ** PALMPILOT ** Widget Software or phone at: 416.449.2331 continues to offer PDA, palmtop, and HPC hardware and software in Canada and throughout the reach of the Internet. They are currently offering a host of PalmPilot bundling packages, have the new Sharp SE-500 Mobile Organizer in stock, and continue to ship to their customers an excellent ezine entitled "Widget News." The last issue published was Issue 15 (Spring/Summer 1997) that included information about: Agenda Link 1997; Psion Siena and 3c (along with pointers to several new Psion savvy software solutions); and details on how to link your Psion with Lotus Organizer 97. Some other PalmPilot links of potential interest: - pSNK v0.8 [Pilot Secure Network Key]: - Calvin's PalmPilot FAQ: - Reviews of the 3Com PalmPilot: ** WINDOWS CE ** Greg Shultz notes on USENET newsgroup comp.sys.pen that The Cobb Group/Ziff-Davis is now offering free "Windows CE Tip of the Week" via: . Terho Uimonen and Rob Guth have an article entitled "Microsoft beefs up WinCE: Handheld PCs and subnotebooks to support x86 processors and 24-bit color" that starts on page 29 of InfoWorld published on 08Sep97. In summary: 1.) Windows CE 2.0 should be introduced by the end of Sep97; 2.) it will support the new Digital StrongARM SA-1100 processor; 3.) new 2.0 savvy hardware is expected to show up late in 1997 and early in 1998; 4.) new hardware players could include Acer, Sharp, and Fujitsu; 5.) new Web browser to support Java; and 6.) other language support for Microsoft's Foundation Classes subset for C++, Active X, and Visual Basic Scripting. Philips Magnavox has a new Velo Windows CE HPC ad. The focus is "Run Windows Anywhere" and includes an women sitting on a cutting edge swimming pool ledge using her Velo to 'work', have an ice tea, and catch some rays. NewtNews caught the ad on the back page of Inc. Tech 199, No. 3.; and on page 157 of FORBES FYI published in Sep97. Handheld PC magazine is getting ready to launch soon. This magazine will focus 100% on the Windows CE HPC marketplace. You can get more information via: or by calling: 800.373.6114 or 515.472.6330 or by faxing to: 515.472.1879. HP continues to do major advertising for their Windows CE savvy palmtop the HP320LX. NewtNews caught ads in a host of magazines including: Forbes, PC Week, and Information Week. Stuart Johnston, Bob Francis, and Tom Davey have an article on page 15 of Information Week published on 08Sep97 that includes some more tidbits about Windows CE 2.0. The article is entitled "Windows Terminal OS Readied" and is a subarticle to a major article by 'Great PC Price Drops'. ** PSION ** Keith Hollis notes that there is an updated Psion GIS/Mapping solution called Geographical Database v1.6 available for testing. For more information send Keith email at the address above or check out: . Some Psion links of potential interest: - Psion Software's EPOC World: - Time Code Calculator: - Breakout [Psion 5]: - dstedit 1.0a1 [text editor for Psion 5]: - S5BANK 'Core' released as freeware: ** OTHER DEVICES ** Sharp has a full-page back-page ad in Men's Journal published on Oct97. The ad highlights Sharp's expertise in: handheld communicators, digital viewcams, minidiscs, and LCD monitors. Bob Francis covers the news that the U.S. Post Office has begun their handheld system that is expected to field over 300,000 devices in the long run in an article on page 145 of Information Week published on 08Sep97. The 'contract' was awarded to Lockheed Martin and is worth US$218 million over 6 years. The current handheld device being initially deployed will be a 'custom' device from Symbol Technologies that will offer: 1.) weight = 12 ounces; 2.) 16-MBs of RAM; 3.) 3x86 microprocessor; 4.) include a built-in bar code scanner; and 5.) capable of running a hybrid version of DOS. AMP has an interesting ad on page 146 of Information Week published on 08Sep97. There is a series of pictures at the top of a laptop, cellphone, camcorder, and PDA with the words "Make it small. Make it mobile. Make it possible." Apparently AMP is a specialist in helping companies engineer smaller motherboards, keyboards, wireless components, screens, and communication devices. Fujitsu has a new handheld tablet computer that can run Windows 95/3.1/NT called the "Stylistic 1200." The "First International Symposium on Wearable Computers" is going be held 13- 14Oct97 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The conference will be sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and you can get more information by checking out: or by sending an email message to: Dan Siewiorek . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Back-up your Newton to a desktop Mac through your Ethernet Network without having to switch to Localtalk. Upload Newton packages and print to Appletalk network printers too. Farallon offers four Newton-to- Ethernet solutions, including EtherWave, the daisy-chainable technology that connects up to 7 devices to one Ethernet port. For more info visit: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ This space for rent. For more info: . Thanks. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Tidbits of Information ---------------------------- ** WIRELESS & MOBILE ** Network World published on 08Sep97 has a 'Special Focus on Emerging Satellite Services' article entitled "Satellites: Are they for you?" The article (on page 30) has details on the following projects: Iridium, Globalstar, Odyssey, CyberStar, Teledisc, Celestri, and SkyBridge. Margaret Johnston has a very interesting article entitled "Internet Appliances: Sun Licenses Personal Java to Webphone manufacturers" on page 53 on InfoWorld published on 08Sep97. Expect pretty cool looking devices (article includes pictures) from Northern Telecom, Samsung, and Alcatel Telecom. Hemisphere a "GIS solutions provider" has a big several page ad about their products starting on page 113 of Forbes. On one of the pages is a small photo and article about Trimble's PathFinder RTK 4400 GPS system that includes a handheld Windows based 'Aspen' device. Some Wireless & Mobile articles of potential interest: - "Unwired Planet to offer PDA browser for mobile phones" by David Pendery, InfoWorld, 08Sep97, page 57, More info: . - "Spec to Embed Java in PDAs, Screen Phones" by Michael Moeller, PC Week, 08Sep97, page 32 ** LAPTOPS ** Cary Lu has an interesting "Techno-File: Deconstructing The Latest and The Greatest" article entitled "Power Struggle: Reducing the power a computer needs would give us a portable worthy of its name" on page 35 of the Inc. Tech 199, No. 3. In summary a 'true portable' can: weigh less than 3 pounds, allow for document editing, access to LAN files, access email seamlessly, battery life in the 10 our range, screen works inside and out, and it should offer instant on. Some Laptop articles of potential interest: - "Reeling Out the Tillamook CPU: A plethora of portables debut based on Intel's 200-MHz and 233-MHz chips" by John Spooner, PC Week, 08Sep97, page 14 - "REVIEW: Latest Laptops Ultrafast" by Michael Caton, PC Week, 08Sep97, page 43 - "Tillamook notebooks set to ship: but some analysts see chip as interim solution" by Dan Briody, InfoWorld, 08Sep97, page 14 - "Tillamook boosts notebooks: 233-MHz processor systems similar in speed to 200-MHz Pentium MMX desktop systems" by Andre Kvitka, InfoWorld, 08Sep97, page 113 - "Quick Byte: PowerPC based Apple PowerBook (2400c/180) is small but mighty" by Jeff Senna, InfoWorld, 08Sep97, page 113 ** APPLE & MACINTOSH ** Apple has announced that they have recently come to an agreement which enables UMAX to bundle Mac OS 8 with 'certain' UMAX computer systems, and is valid until Jul98. A similar agreement has also been reached with Motorola and PowerComputing but is only valid until Dec97. Other Mac OS licensees are also working on deals to sublicense from UMAX. Apple has announced that QuickTime 3.0 (expected to be out Fall'97) recently won two awards -- "the first annual Open Studio Interoperability Award, presented at the SIGGRAPH tradeshow in August, and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) '97 Editors' Choice Award." For more info check out: . Some Macintosh related sites of potential interest: - Hexy [a hex dump plug-in for BBEdit]: - Software & Hardware Tracker II: - Greg Landweber has released new versions of Aaron Light 1.2, Greg's Browser 2.5.5, and SmoothType 1.3.1: - databeast's dataComet Telnet: - Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 [Mac GUI Enhancement]: - Kaleidoscope Schemes Collections 1.7.3: - Claris FileMaker Pro 4.0 Beta [Mac/Windows]: - AutoShare 1.4 [a freeware list server and auto-responder for Eudora Internet Mail Server]: - Blue World Communications's Lasso 2.1 [FileMaker Pro to WWW middleware]: - Glenn Howes' InCDius beta 5 [Java based CD music catalog utility]: - Visioneer's PaperPort Deluxe for Macintosh: - Fog City's LetterRip 2.0.1 [listserver]: - Pictorius's New Family of Web Development Tools: - Farallon's Timbuktu Pro Upgrade: - Pardeikes Welcome Plugin 1.1.1: - Apple's Internet Address Detectors (IAD): - MacSOUP 2.3b1 [Offline Mac Newsreader]: ** INTERNET/OTHER ** Jason Pontin outlines his opinions in a piece entitled "Diba was right: Diba understood what it would take to get digital technology into the home" on page 152 of The Red Herring published on Oct97. Forbes published on 22Sep97 continues to have some very good and interesting articles: 1.) "Computer jocks" (about starting your own business) by Luisa Kroll on page 224; 2.) "No place to hide" (about the growing surveillance technology solutions) by Ann March on page 226; 3.) "The case of the unlucky 13" (about Autodesk) by Jeffery Young on page 236; 4.) "Paper-clip software" (about new purchase order software solutions) by Eric Nee on page 240. Timothy Finin has released another edition of his very good UMBC AgentNews newsletter -- Volume 2, Number 8, 13Sep97. This issue includes details about: Agents'98 Conference; new projects (Jess 3.0, Kafka ILU 2.0, Matsushita's VRML virtual humans, P-2, MOLE 2.0, & KQML+CORBA) new Web based specific projects (IBM's WBI, ABIR, Jango, Let Your Browser Do the Hard Work, Alexa, Search Engine Watch, & WiseWire); agent related events and conferences; agents in print; and agent products. For more info: . ** OTHER SITES WORTHY OF A POTENTIAL BROWSE ** - SmartLink Communications' Plato [home automation]: Advertising Notes ----------------- If you are interested in advertising in NewtNews please send email to: . NewtNews is freeware because of the advertisers that support this effort, and we appreciate their support. When you purchase products from NewtNews vendors please mention that you heard about their product in NewtNews. Product and Service Information ------------------------------- * MAR SOFTWARE offers the following fine products: + NEW EXECUTIVE NEWTON STAND Rated a Must Buy by Newton Info Magazine. This is an exquisitely crafted stand of contemporary design for your Newton. Made of hardwood and anodized aluminum. Supports portrait or landscape mode. Clear beech or mahogany finish. $49.95+S&H. + NEW BILLS TO PAY PRO 3.5.6 Rated 5 out of 5 by Gecko Magazine! Easily track bills & expenses; create budgets & set alarm reminders. Also works with Pocket Quicken or PocketMoney. $39.95+S&H MAR Software: or . * GET AMIGO NOW! Did you know you can order AMIGO the premier 8000+ word English/Spanish Dictionary Reference Tool and Translation program for the Newton over the World Wide Web at: ? AMIGO is available for US$24.95 and it comes with a full year of upgrades. For more information contact ACCSYS by email at: * GPS MAP and GPS MAP LITE -- GPS based navigation with real moving maps, showing all details as familiar from paper based maps. Features -- map calculator, route planning, database, history track, and mission recorder. Import your own maps from your Mac or PC at any scale. Connects to most GPS receiver's offering a NMEA183 interface. For more info/demo: or . * Newt Development Environment: develop object-oriented applications in NewtonScript on the Newton (shareware: $45.00; tools, examples, support). * Newt's Cape: create Newton books with text, graphics, tables, links & forms from HTML (via web browsing, Notes, Newtworks) (shareware: $35.00; tools, examples, support). For details, software, and registration info: or * SOLUTIONS FROM LANDWARE. All work in the Newton 2.0 OS. - PROCALC EX: Programmable calc. w/ SAN & RPN, includes: proCALC 12c. - QUICKNAMES PRO: Rapid access to names and much more. - X-PORT: The 2.0 connection utility. Send/receive notes, contacts... - KWIKMENU: the Newton dashboard, includes GestureLaunch Lite. - NEWTPAINT: "MacPaint" on your Newton, w/zoom-in and screen shot. - SYNC+: Dates to Schedule+ 1.0 or 7.0 LandWare, 201-347-0031, , * Frustrated by the amount of time required to input long notes? Looking for a faster method? GESTURE MOSAIC is a hybrid keyboard/recognition system which enables the rapid (30-40+wpm) pen-based entry of text. Now updated for OS2.0, you can use it to quickly input text anywhere in your Newton. FREEWARE versions are available at: For more information contact: or call: 800-696-6724. * ChessPad 2.0 turns the Newton into a digital chess book and a portable chess set. It contains 28 fully-annotated games played by the greatest players of all time, 100 brilliant winning combinations by Morphy, Tal, Fischer, and Kasparov, and 100 chess problems. ChessPad can also import games in Portable Game Notation format. Only $39.95. Clear Lake Research 713.663.7513 * THE HANDHELD COMPUTER ALMANAC -- The definitive guide to handheld products and services, from organizers to ruggedized systems. 150 pages, 600 companies, 1300 products and services in 50+ categories, with more than 300 Newton products. Only $24.95 + S&H from Creative Digital Publishing Inc. 30-day money-back guarantee. email: , URL: , voice: 415.621.4252, fax: 415.621.4922 * NEW SCOREPAD 3.1 -- Golf scorekeeping package for Newton 2.0. Easily keeps scores and statistics - analyze and graph the results. Figure your unofficial handicap. Automatically calculates nassaus and skins. Keep notes about each round and course. Available for US$50 from Software Unboxed or directly from Sun Sabre (513.459.9330) with 10% by mentioning NewtNews. * MoreInfo 4.1 - This integrated contact manager seamlessly integrates the built-in Names, Dates, Calls and Notes applications. This latest version adds even more useful features to this already essential product. MP2K savvy. Voted Best Newton Software for 1997 - mobilis Magazine Reader's Choice Award. From SilverWARE at $69.95+S&H. For demos check out: - - 508.521.5262 * STAND ALONE offers a variety of Newton applications for Newton 2.0: - PACKAGE POPUP: instant access to all your packages, launch with a tap, automatically thaw and re-freeze. $15. - SECURE-A-NEWT: Password protect folders in your NotePad, Names, and Extras Drawer. Protect your info from prying eyes. $20. - KEYMAN: Adds function keys, a multi-function calculator, and a new keyboard designed for one-fingered typing. $20. - NOTEMAN: Instant access to the NotePad from any package. $10. - BACKGAMMON: The classic board game, brought to Newton. $20. - SUPER SORTER: Fast, Usable list management, featuring fully expandable and customizable list creation and editing. $20 For information about any of these or other Stand Alone products, contact us at: , or (312) 262-5150. Also check out our Web site at: . * NEW! 9th Volume of the Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton! This CD-ROM from AMUG CD, Inc. contains over 1450 packages, 618 megs, and a Newt 2000 only area. Works on Mac or PC. 2.x & 1.x Packages can be downloaded directly from the CD to your MessagePad. Maximize your Newton experience! ONLY $29 + S/H. Call AMUG 602.497-2244, or email to order! AMUG CD web page at . * BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGES FROM PELICANWARE All packages for Newton 2.0 or better OS - Upgrades also available. - QUICKFIGURE PRO 3.1: Spreadsheet application $59.95 - NEWTCASE 3.0: The Ultimate Utility Suite (for 2.0 OS only) $49.95 - NOTION 1.5: High Performance List Manager $59.95 - AVAILWORKS 3.0: Text, spreadsheets, drawing, and graphing $79.95. All from PELICANWARE. For more details email: , vox: 503-221-1148, fax: 503-221-8709, or . * HEXDUMP INTRODUCES -- HexPaint for 2.1 OS 16 gray scale paint application. Filters include invert, rotate and flip. Icon editor allows custom icons. Plug-in architecture along with the free Plug-In SDK allows for custom tools. HexPaint includes the Paint Transfer application for Mac conductivity. US$38.95+S&H. Demo available at . HexDump backs all its software with a 30 day money back guarantee. * TeleType GPS - New v2.0 - now includes U.S. Interstate Highways data overlay. GPS software provides plot of your position on moving maps while you drive or fly. Overlay packages include cities and towns, Interstates, and special Aviation overlay for pilots. Bundles include GPS receiver and software. Never get lost again. Email: or WWW to: for more information. * CATAMOUNT SOFTWARE offers the following: - POCKETMONEY assists you in balancing your checking, savings, credit card and loan accounts. Export and import transactions to Quicken, MYM and other desktop based program. - NAMIGATOR gives rapid access to Names. I know, I have over 5000. - MPG helps you keep your vehicle records in order. Track fuel economy, record mileage for tax purposes, schedule repeating vehicle maintenance items for multiple vehicles. - MORGAN is the Newton Media ORGANizer. Track CDs, tapes, records books, laserdiscs, videos, and more... For more information call 802-372-9512, email , or visit our web site . Edupage, 08Sep97 thru 14Sep97 ----------------------------- ** IBM NIXES NET PCs ** Three months after demonstrating a prototype, IBM now says it won't pursue the NetPC market after all. The NetPC is a stripped down version of a desktop computer, priced at around $1,000 and based on Intel microprocessors and Microsoft operating software. "There was a herd mentality about NetPCs and now we see some of the breakup of the herd," says the president of a Washington, D.C.-based computer consulting firm. IBM says its customers have indicated they'd prefer to spend a little more money and get the network and software management features found on full-fledged PCs. With hardware prices continuing to fall, "nobody can give a compelling reason why a NetPC makes sense," says one PC vendor. (Wall Street Journal 8 Sep 97) ** MOTOROLA AND IBM RETHINK PURPOSE OF POWERPC CHIPS ** Though the original purpose of the PowerPC chip (co-developed by Apple, IBM and Motorola) was to compete against Intel's domination of the market for microprocessors used by PCs, Motorola and IBM have now decided to refocus that family of chips for use in noncomputer consumer electronics devices (e.g., cellular phones) and industrial applications (e.g., factory robots). Current speculation is that Apple leader Steve Jobs may use Intel processors rather than PowerPCs for the Rhapsody operating system it is developing for its next-generation Macintoshes, thereby reducing the already weak demand for PowerPC chips. (New York Times 9 Sep 97) ** AIRFARE WEB SITES WANT BUYERS, NOT LOOKERS ** Expedia (owned by Microsoft), Travelocity (owned by American Airlines' parent company), and other Web sites that provide travel services are trying to make sure that visitors don't spend too much time looking at price quotes without eventually buying an airline ticket. A travel Web site must pay a fee every time it accesses an airline computer reservation system to obtain a price quote, so the site has a definite incentive to discourage pure window-shopping. Expedia says that "if a lot of people use the site without buying, it saps the system resources and can make it slower." (USA Today 10 Sep 97) ** MICROSOFT BUYS STAKE IN TRANSLATION SOFTWARE COMPANY ** Microsoft is buying 20% of Trados GmbH, a German-based maker of translation software, to increase its ability to make local versions of Microsoft software products which typically are shipped in more than 30 languages. Trados software does not perform machine translation but instead stores phrases and sentences after they have been translated, so that when similar or identical phases recur the software automatically provides the translation. (San Jose Mercury News 10 Sep 97) ** MICROSOFT INVESTS IN SPEECH RECOGNITION FIRM ** Microsoft will invest $45 million in Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV, which specializes in developing speech recognition technology. "Speech is a nascent technology. There aren't that many companies around that have a good core competence in this field. Combining the efforts of the two companies can only benefit the user in the end," says a Microsoft manager. Belgian-based L&H is one of the few speech recognition software firms to have developed products in as many as 20 different languages, and its technology can be found in many commercial applications, from translation software to on-board car navigation systems. ** LOWER-PRICED PCs HIT THE "SWEET SPOT" ** The new crop of bargain-basement PCs, priced at $1,000 or lower is germinating a new market of buyers that could change the computer industry's economic model. Packard Bell says its two top-selling models both fall into this category, and that the lower-priced PCs now account for 30% of its retail sales, a figure that's representative of the industry as a whole. The rush to buy the new machines has boosted home-PC sales growth, and is predicted to push PC penetration of U.S. homes to 53% by 2001, according to estimates by Forrester Research. "That sweet spot of $999 was something I couldn't resist," says one typical consumer. (Wall Street Journal 10 Sep 97) ** DEFENDING THE RIGHT TO HYPERLINK ** World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee says he's disturbed by the recent lawsuit between Microsoft and Ticketmaster regarding Microsoft's unauthorized hyperlink to Ticketmaster's Web site. "The question, 'May I have permission to link to your site?' has got me really upset,'' he says. The freedom to like from one site to another should be a given: "You and I have a right to discuss something,'' he says, regardless of whether that something wants to be discussed. "You don't have to ask someone's permission to talk about them.'' (Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10 Sep 97) ** SUPER-SPEEDY IMAGE PROCESSING ** Lockheed Martin Electronics & Missiles has spent 15 years developing a super-speedy chip for military image processing that now is moving into commercial use in the medical and database fields. Lockheed's chip sports 4,000 or more tiny circuit modules that can process 4,000 pixels in parallel, speeding up considerably time-consuming chores such as matching fingerprints in a database or screening mammograms. In addition, a new mathematical technique, called image algebra, manages to squeeze the number of instructions needed to process a pixel by 50%. (Business Week 15 Sep 97) ** "INFORMATION AGE?". . .FOR WHOM? ** Project Gutenberg founder Michael S. Hart says he is disturbed by copyright legislation in Congress which would extend all current copyrights by 20 years with no provision for maintaining the public domain. "To add 20 years to copyright creates a Landed Gentry of the Information Age," he says. The public domain is an inalienable right of the public which cannot be a commodity to be bought or sold, either by persons or by their government. "Copyright extension destroys both the concept and content of the public domain." (Time 15 Sep 97) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NEED A NEWTON PROGRAMMER? NewtNews has a list of over 48 Internet based Newton programmers who are interested in working on vertical or horizontal market solutions. Please send email to: if you would like the list or would like to be added to the list. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ INNOVATION, 08Sep97 ------------------- ** TRENDS: RADAR, RADAR EVERYWHERE ** "The micropower impulse radar harnesses the speed of light for measurements in daily life -- all for about $10 -- doing what used to require equipment costing $40,000," says the White House Office of Science and Technology's biennial report to the U.S. Congress. The report predicts chip-sized radar units will be built into automobile backup warning systems, burglar detection systems, wall stud locators, baby breathing monitors, search and rescue equipment, and will be used to activate lights, tools and appliances. The White House report also lauds the development of giant magnetoresistance materials: "In the near future, many of the products and devices we take for granted will be dramatically improved by this new class of magnetic materials." The first application of such materials will appear on many 1998 vehicles, as part of an improved antilock braking system. Sensors measure the rate of wheel rotation and feed the data to an on-board computer, which then regulates the braking pressure to avoid a skid. (TechWire 2 Sep 97) ** STRATEGIES: A KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM IS NOT A FILING CABINET ** Harvard management professor Dorothy Leonard says that to see if your organization is doing a good job with its information-gathering processes, you need to make sure that it is being proactive rather than reactive in gathering information, and that it goes beyond routine information channels to experiment with nontraditional hiring, nontraditional market research, and new kinds of alliances. She also reminds us that importing knowledge is only one of four components necessary for a true information management system: the others are creative problem-solving, integrating information internally, and experimenting. "All together, these activities are really about managing knowledge -- knowledge flows into the company, out of the company, and within the company -- the current emphasis on knowledge management is really a restatement of our companies' felt need to become more innovative." And so, ultimately, knowledge management is far more than just managing knowledge that's already inside the organization. It's not a filing system - it's an idea generator. If your knowledge management system helps you generate good ideas, you have a good knowledge management system. If it doesn't, you need a different system. (Interview with Dorothy Leonard, "Building And Sustaining The Sources Of Innovation," Strategy & Leadership Jul/Aug 97) ** INNOVATIONS: BT'S SMART CHAIR ** For the road-weary road warrior, British Telecom is developing a Smart Chair that will encircle occupants with 3-D sight and sound projections, enabling them to fully participate in classes, sales presentations, and meetings from a remote location. "Telepresentation gets my vote for the killer app," says Microsoft senior researcher Gordon Bell. "Instead of sitting through a crummy presentation by some dumb sales guy, you can control delivery." Bell envisions a group of Smart Chair occupants, scattered around the globe, all dialed into a single videoconference room. The system provides excellent quality audio, an essential element according to Bell, and a multitude of cameras and screens to evoke the 3-D illusion. If the group decides they'd rather be at the beach, the backdrop of the room can change to the clear-blue sky and turquoise waters of Tahiti, complete with the gentle murmur of breaking surf in the background. "That's what we should shoot for -- the ability to go into a room for a bull session and have the kind of interaction you would have if you were there," says Bell. ( Aug 97) ** MORE INFO ON INNOVATION ** Innovation is published weekly, with individual subscriptions available at $15 a year. Topics are organized under the following headers: TRENDS, STRATEGIES, and INNOVATIONS. For a six-week free trial subscription to Innovation, please send an email message to: and in the subject line type the word: 'subscribe'. You can also use the trial registration form on their Web site at: . For more info, send email to: or Administrivia ------------- NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication. My personal comments may be included in articles NewtNews reports by highlighting them as -- [SDH: Comments]. Official NewtNews Editor's comments are highlighted as -- [Editor: Comments]. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. All trademarks used in NewtNews are for informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. Send contributions and comments to Steve Holden, Editor and Publisher at: . Other important NewtNews players include: - Reviews Editor: Bob Torres - Newton Book: Mark Heringer - FTP site & email list admin: Bob Torres SUBSCRIPTIONS: email with "subscribe" as the body of your message (no quotes) UNSUBSCRIBE: email with "unsubscribe" as the body of your message (no quotes) WWW: FTP: NEWTON REFERENCE: NEWTON CLASSIFIEDS: THIS EDITION OF NEWTNEWS WAS WRITTEN WITH THE HELP OF: camping at San Elijo State Beach, taking a trip on the Coaster, and finally upgrading to a new car for Christy (buying cars in U.S. is pure hell) -- we decided on the 1997 Toyota Camry. QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "It ain't so much the things you don't know that get you in trouble. It's the things you know that just ain't so." -- Arimus Ward, 1834-1867, [Forbes] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISCLAIMER: I am doing this on my own time & with my own equipment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *