NewtNews-146-15Jul97 ==================== by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. This issue of NewtNews is sponsored in part by: + QuickFigure Pro v.3.1 - New version of the spreadsheet solution from PelicanWare! - - + TeleType GPS and moving map for the Newton - Never get lost again - - + PowerMedia presents 'Arcade Game Pack' - Birds With Lances, Rocks In Space, Frogs vs. Cars - US$29.95 - + VITAMIN A MENU EDITOR - Stand Alone has released it's custom and caret menu editor and creator! - Demo at: + WriteRight Screen Enhancements - protect from scratches, reduce glare, and simulates writing on real paper - + Buy a guide to what's on TV for your C o u c h F i r e ! Newton + X-Port, KwikMenu, NewtPaint, Quicknames Pro, proCALC Ex - Newton 2.0 solutions - - + WinSlurp from Rare White Tiger Creations - Available via WWW at: . + PowerTrans 3.0.2 - Multilingual Customizable Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - Speech on MP2K, eMate - Demo at: + PDA & HANDHELD DIRECT - Putting Technology in the Palm of Your Hand! 800-279-4PDA 219-882-5228 [F]:219-845-0578 + RidgeNet - ARA, SLIP, PPP access to the Internet from Ridgecrest, CA. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Top News 2. Comments from the Editor 3. Information from Email 4. Information from the Internet 5. Top Print Sources Of Interest 6. NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton 7. Other Related Technology 8. Dear Newton Developer 9. Other Tidbits of Information 10. Advertising Notes 11. Product and Service Information 12. Edupage, 07Jul97 thru 13Jul97 13. INNOVATION, 07Jul97 14. Administrivia Top News -------- ** AMELIO IS OUT AS APPLE CEO ** On 09Jul97, Apple Computer announced that Dr. Gil Amelio has resigned his position as chairman of the board and chief executive officer at Apple Computer. Fred Anderson will assume Amelio's day-to-day operational responsibilities until a new CEO is hired. It was also announced that Ellen Hancock has also decided that she will be leaving Apple Computer. Her responsibilities have been reassigned to Avie Tevanian and Jon Rubinstein. The first online news service to post this information appeared to be: -- with PR Newswire following quickly thereafter. Nearly all the main technology and Macintosh sites have more information if you are curious. [EDITOR: This doesn't appear to be good/bad news for the Newton, Inc., except if a new CEO or the Board of Directors decided to not fund Newton related projects at Apple. This could also impact Newton, Inc. if Apple is sold or taken over by another company or group of individuals.] ** NETHOPPER 3.2 COMING SOON?!? ** Raven Zachary notes that the AllPen WWW site has a pointer to the latest edition of "Nethopper 3.2". No word on when the software would be available but check out the following URL on a regular basis: . ** DIRECT DOWNLOAD OF NEWTNEWS BOOKS TO YOUR NEWTON ** Mark Heringer is working on a direct download of the Newton Book version of NewtNews to a Newton device running Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) 1.0 and Steve Weyer's Newt'sCape. You should be able to try it out using the following URL from your Newton device: . ** CLARIFICATION OF PROXIM'S ROLE IN NIE 2.0 ** Dr. Jonathan Kay did some excellent investigative work and has outlined in several messages to NewtNews the actual status of future NIE 2.0 support in Proxim wireless LAN technology. - While Farallon appears to be a full partner, Proxim is more of a secondary partner. - Proxim is not developing the drivers for the NIE or the Newton. Apple/Newton, Inc. has purchased a Proxim wireless developer kit. - The speed of development for the Proxim drivers is based on customer interest and 'pressure.' [EDITOR: We are still trying to track down who exactly is the right person to apply pressure to. We are aware that Joe Hayashi is still the NIE Product Manager, and that Vernon Haung is still responsible for the Healthcare group at Newton, Inc. Both of these folks probably aren't in the mood to get email bombed, so we will do some research and get back to you ASAP.] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ The New WriteRight Screen Enhancements protect your screen from scratches, reduce glare and improve your handwriting recognition by simulating the feel of writing on paper. WriteRights are available for all Newtons in packs of: 4-for $11.95, 8-for $18.95, and 12-for $24.95. Mention NewtNews and receive 10% off our 12-pack. For more information: 415-929-1002 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ AvailWorks 3.0 - New version adds a text layer with spell-check, find and replace, and support for multiple page documents. AvailWorks integrates text processing, powerful tables, dynamic business charts and graphs, and drawing and page layout tools into one convenient package for the Newton. From PelicanWare at $79.95+S&H. For more info: . To order 800.655.6398 or visit resellers. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Comments from the Editor ------------------------ ** LACK OF COMMENTS SURPRISES ME ** Last week I suggested that Newton, Inc. will need to quickly take care of the following items: - desktop connectivity needs to get fixed; - Java plans need to be outline because Psion and Windows CE will be running Java soon; and - encourage a licensee to build a PalmPilot size Newton device and a Network Computer (NC) device. I was very surprised that I only received one single comment about this list from the NewtNews readership (you'll find that opinion piece below). Is everyone in some sort of Newton bliss?!? Or did I just got lucky and listed all the stuff that is really important to the Newton community? Let me know if you have any thoughts on the subject! ** DON'T FORGET ABOUT SPEECH RECOGNITION ** Jason Kulas writes: I agree with your concerns about connectivity and encouraging licensees. Another feature I'd love to see that would probably net Newton, Inc. lots of converts would be *delayed* continuous speech recognition. This should make the initial requirements smaller, specifically RAM/storage/CPU resources, vs. towards real-time speech recognition. How many people really need that on their Newt anyway?!? I bet a lot of folks would be just as happy to record audio notes or whatever, then let Newt recognize it later during spare sleep time. Kind of like ink text, only now it would be audio text. I know I'd be happy, and I bet a lot of other people as well. If I could record a few minutes (or, w/ a SRAM card, a lot of minutes), then have it recognized after I've told it can sleep. Then the Newton could take more time, use less memory and storage, and still get job done well. Even have some new analysis techniques opened up to them since they'll have all the waveform avail to them from start (ie. multi-pass, maybe pro-processing for guessing phrasing, etc. ...) Thanks! Jason Kulas $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ From your armchair, find your favorite shows using your Newton. Couch Fire is C o u c h F i r e ! a TV programming guide that includes accurate, weekly updates via email. It combines the feel of a paper guide with the intelligence of a Newton. Couch Fire's custom TV grid, searches and reminders mean you won't miss a thing. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ TeleType GPS - New v2.0 - now includes U.S. Interstate Highways data overlay. GPS software provides plot of your position on moving maps while you drive or fly. Overlay packages include cities and towns, Interstates, and special Aviation overlay for pilots. Bundles include GPS receiver and software. Never get lost again. Email: or WWW to: for more information. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from Email ---------------------- ** SERG KOREN HAS A NEW SITE ** Serg Koren reports the creation of a new website for all his Newton products at: . There is a new version 1.3 of the freeware NIE-savvy utility called WebJump (launches URLs from built-in Names application); and a new freeware package called "Newt'sBattery 1.0" that lets you see the internal works of a MessagePads battery and charger status. You can download Newt'sBattery via: . ** COUCH FIRE SHIPS ** Lee Leonard has announced that version 1.0 of Couch Fire -- the revolutionary tool that fuses your personalized TV schedule with your Newton. You can learn more by checking out: . ** ANOTHER CASE ON THE WAY ** Bryson Jack at PDA Concepts notes that they are now taking orders for a new 'MP2K with keyboard' case. The case will be leather and have the following dimensions: 11.75-inch x 5-inch x 2.5-inch. The case will also have some pockets for PC Cards, checkbook, and pen. ** FORMLOGIC DEVELOPERS MOVE TO NEW LOCATION ** Eric Littell notes that Wright Strategies (the developers of FormLogic) has moved to some new offices in 'lovely' downtown San Diego. Their new mailing address is: 600 B. St., 18th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. Their phone number is: 619.702.0500, and their WWW site is still: . ** NEVER FORGET A GIFT AGAIN! ** Harry Kardash at HexDump Development would like to remind NewtNews readers that they have posted a free demo of their Newton solution called giftReminder to: . ** A COUPLE OF GOOD SUGGESTIONS ** Steve Deyo would like to remind all Newton developers and Newton related web sites to make sure they register with Rob Bruce's Ultimate Newton site at: . Steve also notes that there is a very good PIM for doing Mac and Newton syncs with called ClockWork by Century Software. You can learn more via: . ** NEW NAMES AND DINING UTILITY POSTED ** Brian Sulcer reports that HyprMynd Software has released a new utility called Names Services 1.0 -- which lets you easily add new phone, email and fax services to the Names built-in application. For more information check out: . HyprMynd Software has also release a new 'formulas' savvy TipCalc v2.0 package that should making tipping and splitting bills at restaurants much easier. TipCalc also interacts with Catamount's PocketMoney for posting bills directly to PocketMoney after the bill has been payed. ** NEW SITE PLANS TO FOCUS ON MODEM INFO ** The Danish Newton User Group is creating a 'modem compatibility' site on the WWW at: . If you have any scripts that should be linked via this site please send email to: . One of the secondary goals of this site is to enable Newton downloads of the scripts without requiring an intermediary download to a desktop system. ** ANOTHER NEWTON STAND ANNOUNCED ** Shirley Dawson at the Cradle Co. has announced a new family of MessagePad products -- specifically a new stand for the MP110/120/130, and another stand for the MessagePad 2000. For more info check out: . ** LOOKING FOR NEWTON PC CABLES?!? * Chris Parker reports that ClubPDA has recently gotten a great deal of "Apple Newton MessagePad PC Connection Cables". The Apple part number is: H0229Z/A and the ClubPDA part number is: A100-1507. The cost of the cable is US$24.95. For more information check out: , or send Chris email at the address listed above. ** ANOTHER SOURCE FOR NEWTON BOOK ** Andy Ihnatko notes that in the U.S. Northeast a chain of discount book stores called "Building 19" are selling copies of the ""Defying Gravity the making of Newton" (ISBN 0-941831-94-9)" for US$7. ** EXCELLENT NEWTON SOLUTION STILL IN USE ** Eric Krody notes that the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. is still using some 200 MP120/MP130 units for interactive booth tours. The units rent for US$8.00 and are reportedly very popular with museum attendees. ** MORE NEWTON MODEM ENABLERS POSTED ** Easter-eggs has created two potentially very useful Newton modem enablers -- one for the Global Village TelePort Platinum external modem family; and another for the US Robotics Sportster external modem family. Both enablers should support data and fax connections. To learn more check out the URL noted above or send an email to: . ** NEW STUFF AND NEWS FROM SCRAWL SOFTWARE ** Scrawl Software is now shipping Mahjongg 2.0 -- offering support for GreyScale on the MP2K & eMate, a timer, stats, saving, better sounds, and much better 'WIN' screen. Mahjongg is an ancient chinese game usually played by four players with tiles similar to dominos. The version posted is 'crippled' to only allow unregistered players access to five different boards. Registered users of Mahjongg should send email to: for details on getting a registration string Scrawl Software has also posted a new version of PT100 (0.993b) -- which is another candidate for version 1.0 full release. PT100 is a VT100 emulator for the Newton capable of both Modem sessions, Direct Serial sessions, and NIE enabled Telnet connectivity. For more information check out: . Scrawl Software also loaded up an eMate several months ago with some 'digital recording' tools and tested the experience of riding several different amusement park rides. You can find out details of this experiment via: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $ NS BASIC $ The latest implementation of this cool programming tool has an $ 3.6 $ easy to use graphic screen layout function, plus indexed file $ with $ communications, graphics and more! Program directly on Newton $ Visual $ or with a PC or Mac. Create packages in the Extras drawer and $ Designer! $ much more. 260 pg handbook. Cost is $99+5 S&H for all Newtons. $ $ , , 416.264.5999 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA and Handheld Direct, Everything you need for your Newton - Apple MessagePad 2000 Standard Model only $949.00 (#22005) - Apple MessagePad 2000 Business Bundle only $1099.00 (#22008) - MP130 Buy Back Program - Trade in your MP130 for special deals on MP2000 or other PDAs - Call for details: 219-882-5228 - MP2000 Accessories: Rech. Battery $31.95 (#22209) AC Adapter $29.95 (#22202) MP2K Pen $12.95 (#31227) -- Type II Flash Memory 4MB $98 (#41070) 8MB $174 (#41073) 10MB $210 (#41074) 16MB $310 (#41077) - Revelar Connection Utilities (RCU) for Win and Mac $39.95 (#10071) To order 800-279-4PDA or 219-882-5228 or FAX 219-845-0578 [Source #161] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from the Internet ----------------------------- ** POWERSET TO GET ADVANCED FEATURES ** Mike Jacobsen reports that an 'advanced' plugin component for their Eclipse PowerSet is currently in beta testing. Some features include: 2D graphing, 3D modeling, support for 1 to 3 dimensional arrays, and a host of other calculation features and tools. The completed version should be available by 15Aug97. For more information check out: . ** NEWS FROM DEJAVU SOFTWARE* * DejaVu Software have announced that they are now officially an Inc. corporation, and have an official WWW site hosted at: . They also plan to have their first major Newton solution called "DeepSpaceNewt 1.0" available soon. They are also working on beta testing a new 'offline newsreader' called 'NetNews'. More information about this product should be available soon. ** HOW GOOD IS YOUR NATIONAL ISP?!? ** Dave Brightbill at 'The Daily* Newton' has announced that they are looking for input on MessagePad 2000 users experiences with various national ISP's. You can send your input to the email address above, and you can check out 'The Daily* Newton' via: . ** NOTES PKG UTILITY ** Deep Focus Designs has announced OneTap Scroller v1.0 -- a Notes application enhancement that allows OneTap scrolling to the top of the next or previous note, even if the current note is longer than the visible screen. Other features include: OneTap scrolling to next and previous notes; Continuous scrolling; Visual feedback of scrolling; and Jump to first or last note of a folder. ** MODEMBRIDGE V 2.0 NOW AVAILABLE ** Paul Cimino is now shipping v2.0 of ModemBridge -- a unique solution that lets another desktop computer to use your Newton's PC Card modem or the Newton's IrDA port. For more information check out: . This software is fully functional until 31Jul97, and will then be locked to transfer speeds no greater than 9600 baud. ** MEDICAL SOLUTION GETS TEST DATA PLUGIN ** J. Rick Adams at JRAd consulting has released a new plug-in for v2.0 of Palmedic (a medical patient management solution) that creates 'better' Test data for patient records. You can learn more via: . ** PASSWORD UTILITY GETS ANOTHER REV ** Robert Lee . The official release of v1.25 should be released on 15Jul97. 'PassKeep' is a password and software registration information tracking application. ** LOOK TO GAIA FOR VCALENDAR & VCARD NEWTON SUPPORT ** Steve Weyer noted on comp.sys.newton.misc that Gaia Software is working on Newton support of the new vCalendar and vCard components currently available in Netscape Communicator Pro. ** NEWTON USERGROUP NEWS ** Charles Pickrell reports the creation of the tentatively named Mississippi Newton Interest Club (MISNIC). They have plans to have a new site up and running soon at: , and they will also have a "Newton Day" on 27Jul97 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Jackson, Mississippi. Send email to Charles for more information. Eric Sohn notes that the last New York City Newton User Group (NYCNUG) meeting was on 10Jul97. If you'd like to get more information about NYCNUG send email to Eric or to the NYCNUG President Peter Fine . ** AUTO ROTATE UTILITY GETS UPDATE ** Tim van Halteren has a new Newton OS 2.x freeware utility called Auto Rotate 1.1 -- which will let you decide which screen orientation you'd like with your Newton after power-on or by inserting the keyboard. For more information check out the following URL: . ** NEWTON MENTIONS ON THE WWW ** Eric Damien Berna has posted another iteration of his "Newton Battery FAQ" to USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc. The FAQ is also posted to: . Apple Developer News #64 has an article entitled "Newton Selects Farallon as Strategic Networking Partner". And Apple Developer News #65 had an article called -- "Newton, Inc. to Upgrade Networking Capabilities" -- along with another Newton mention in "AMUG's Newton Resource CDs". For more info: . Marton Carungay's most excellent 'The Newton Primer' has been updated at: . Douglas Luckie has announced that the Jul97 edition of the Michigan State Newton User Group's (MSNUG) newsletter can be accessed via: . The Newton Reference (which is constantly being updated) can be accessed via: . ** MACWAY NEWTON MENTIONS ** Guy Kawasaki's MacWay Evangelist email listserver had several Newton blurbs recently including: - B. Minogue notes that the Puget Sound Computer User magazine published Jul97 had a review of current PDA technology. The article ended up recommending the Newton OS over Windows CE. For more info: . - Michael Bean notes that AMUG's 'Volume 9 of the Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM' is now shipping. You can get more information from: - Joe Ragosta notes that Industry Week is currently taking nominations for their annual Technology and Innovation awards. Joe thinks that nominations are definitely in order for Mac OS 8.0, Newton MessagePad 2000, Rhapsody, and the G3/Arthur chip. Do your part by voting at: . For more info about this excellent Apple, Macintosh, Newton, etc. ... resource check out: . ** OTHER SITES WORTHY OF A BROWSE ** - GPS 2000 by Magellan: - National Gallery of Art: - Portland Creative Conference: - PonyEXPRESS: - Netiva Software: - Aquaria by Jim: - Silicon Valley Bus Co.'s KeyStone: - MapQuest's "From The Road": - PCS Edventures!: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ WinSlurp! - Rare White Tiger Creations provides Newton Book publishing services and is NOW offering WinSlurp. A windows front-end to Slurpee which supports transferring notes back and forth between the Newton notepad and the PC desktop. Available for downloading from this URL: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerMedia is your source for all the latest cutting edge Newton apps: + Super NotePad: Quick access arrows, encryption, tags, filters, etc. + DateMan 3.0: Complete agenda and contact management. + Stationary Construction Kit: Build your very own custom stationary. Commercially available at your favorite Newton retailer. Or check out online demos via the following site: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Top Print Sources Of Interest ----------------------------- [EDITOR: This is a collection of articles of potential interest to NewtNews readers from the leading technology print newspapers, newsletters, and magazines.] ** FILEMAKER NEWTON CLIENT RUMOR RESURFACES ** Mac The Knife has the following Newton mention on page 74 of Mac Week published on 07Jul97: "Word in the Knife's hearing aid is that Claris is hard at work on FileMaker Pro Companion, a coyly named package that will let users download databases to their Newtons." ** NEWTON DEVELOPER REFERENCE ** MacTech magazine published on Jul97 (Vol. 13, No. 7) has Apple Developer Technical Supports' "Newton Q&A: Ask the Llama' section on pages 80 - 81. This issue they answer questions on: custom icons; data entry via 'viewClickScript'; 30-bit signed values; and a tidbit on accessing compile-time functions in Newton Toolkit. You can ask questions for inclusion in this Q&A by sending email to: . You can learn more about MacTech by checking out: . ** NEWTON HIGHLIGHTED IN CEDER RAPIDS GAZETTE ** Dean Thompson reports that: "The Sunday edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette (6/20/97) featured on article on how Newton technology is being used by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, formerly the Soil Conservation Service) to survey natural resources. The article includes pictures and descriptions of the Newton and interconnected GPS receivers, and how they are used by NRCS personnel in county offices. Newton technology is used to collect survey data in the field as part of a national study conducted by the NRCS. Information about the survey and Newton technology is available from Apple ." ** WSJ MISSES THE CHEAPER WIRELESS SOLUTION ** Rodney Rothstein notes that on 03Jul97 that the Wall Street Journal ran a series of wireless comms articles on page B1. The articles mentioned Windows CE, ARDIS, Wynd Communications, and RAM Mobile -- but failed to mentioned that a MP2000 using a standard cellular phone connection is a much cheaper alternative. ** HANDHELD WILL BE YOUR WIRELESS LINK TO YOUR NETWORK ** Jim Louderback notes in his column "Remote Access Is on the Way To Becoming A Quaint Term" that future PDAs, handhelds, smart phones, etc. ... are going to be completely measured by how well they connected to the Internet. [PC Week, 07Jul97, page 157] ** OTHER ARTICLES OF POTENTIAL INTEREST ** - "It's academic: Have my agent call your agent" by Chris Nermey, Network World, 07Jul97, page 1 - "New thin client accesses Windows and Java apps: NeoStation also can tap into Unix and legacy applications" by John Cox, Network World, 07Jul97, page 38 - "Java Choices at Hand: Microsoft, JavaSoft advance platforms to their own advantage" by Michael Moeller, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 6 ** MAJOR WEEKLY MAGAZINE WEB POINTERS ** - Web Week: - MacWeek: - InfoWorld: - Computer Reseller News: - PC Week: - Network World: - LAN Times: - Information Week: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ K2 consultants, Inc. has the best Medical titles for Newton. Just out is Dr. Ferri's popular book for internists with special offers! Get the hit references like Lexi-Comp Drug Handbook, 5 Min. Clin Consult, Archimedes Programmable Calculator, etc. KJV Bible, Ole spanish translator & more, all working with our renowned ART engine. See ART make a big splash at or for info/sales. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Still looking for a great screen protector? Look at The BARRIER!! * Clearly Superior Protection * Abrasion, Chemical AND Thermal resistant * Indispensable! "Why doesn't Apple mount a Barrier on every unit? -- Marco Mailand (.ch) For more info: or call 800-882-8382 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton --------------------------------------------------- ** TOP TECHNO TIDBITS FROM KNOWING NEWTNEWS READERS ** By Roger Coleman If you have similar tidbits for this column, please drop me a line! . I've had lots of MP2K tips recently - I'm keen to have more tips from other Newton users too! Please include details of the model and OS that you are using. ** MP2K KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MENU ** >From Drew Thoeni : When using a keyboard on the MP2K if you hold the command key down for a few seconds a help screen pops up detailing many command key options. ** MP2K, PC CARDS AND BATTERIES ** >From Tony McDonald, : It is not recommended to use PC card modems with alkaline batteries - apparently the drain is just too much for them. The Messagepad 2000 just shuts down if the batteries are too low. I've had this happen to me, and apparently the workaround is to use Duracells or rechargables. ** GETTING ACCESS TO EXCHANGE EMAIL ** Richard Jones notes that his recent query on getting access to Microsoft Exchange using his MP2K has turned up one solution called "Mail on the Run" by River Run Software. The Newton pkg works in conjunction with a desktop PC referred to as an "Agent". From your Newton you dial in to your Agent, which has access to your LAN, and then can get your Exchange email. The software works with Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1 devices, and will also work with ARDIS wireless networking service. ** FOLLOW-UP: POTENTIAL PROBLEM WITH CARD SWAP?!? ** Drew notes that after trying the modem card and memory card swap mentioned in last weeks NewtNews in the hopes of saving battery power, actually caused several of Drew's packages to stop working. He had to go back to previous set-up to get them to work again. [EDITOR: In apparently related news, the day after I did my swap I notice all my DateMan To-Do items stopped rolling over. I had to select them all and then move to a future date to get them to work again. Very interesting.] ** TIPS WANTED - PARTICULARLY FOR OLDER NEWTONS AND EMATE! ** Please send me any tips, hints, goodies, or similar bits of information for future issues of this column to me . I'm particularly interested in tips for older Newtons and eMates this week, but still send in tips for MP2K's too! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA Panache is your single source for stylus solutions. Custom stylus upgrades for Newton MP130 and MP2000. Custom styli for WinCE, USR, and Sharp PDAs. Wide selection of Pocket Styli for all tastes and budgets. Duo multi-function stylus/pen combo. Beacon L.E.D. lighted stylus. Stylus inserts for Cross & other popular pens. More info: 800.270.7196 or 516.467.4042, FAX: 516.467.6329, (secure) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerTrans 3.0 - Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - 60,000 Words - English, Spanish, German, French and Italian (no storage card required). + Customize the vocabulary and/or create new languages, attach notes + MP2K and eMate featured - speech, classroom multi-user, keyboards + Vocabulary Trainer - based on approved didactical learning system Checkout demo: - contact: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Related Technology ------------------------ [EDITOR: News collected via snail mail, major publications, USENET newsgroups, email, and the WWW. For more information about Farcast check out: and for more information about HeadsUp use: .] ** WIRELESS & MOBILE ** InterDigital is currently field testing B-CDMA -- technology that enables ISDN speeds over local wireless networks. [LAN Times, 07Jul97, page 37] Motorola has a new 'seamless' dual band cellphone called the MicroTAC 89000 that is capable of supporting GSM at 900- or 1800- ranges. [HeadsUp] Some 'wireless' articles of potential interest: - "Wireless LANs Mature: Products, standards add business appeal" by Beth Davis, Information Week, 07Jul97, page 75 - "Wireless LAN Spec No Guarantee of Remedy: IEEE 802.11 now ratified, represents only first step towards interoperability" by Mark Moore, 07Jul97, page 8 - "Wireless LANs Lend Flexibility to Users: Buyer's Guide -- Honey Backed Ham, Century Steel, Mid-Michigan Urgent Care improve service" by Kristina Sullivan, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 78 - "Everything You Wanted to Know About CDMA" by Sara Humphry, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 101 - "Wireless Networks Linked WIth Intranets" by Mark Moore, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 104, more info: - "Wireless LAN Standard to boost industry" by Jackie Poole, InfoWorld, 07Jul97, page 50 ** LAPTOPS ** Some 'laptop' articles of potential interest: - "Midrange Notebooks Join Compaq's Armada Fleet" by Mark Moore, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 41 - "Mobile PCs to add muscle: new class of 'meganotebooks' to rival desktop systems" by Dan Briody, InfoWorld, 07Jul97, page 1 - "Tillamook chip could spur drop in prices: portables might see an active autumn due to aggressive pricing, competition" by Dan Briody, InfoWorld, 07Jul97, page 29 ** PALMPILOT ** Paul Merenbloom has several PalmPilot mentions in an article entitled "Find a network in the palm of your hand" on page 35 of LAN Times published on 07Jul97. David Haupert has released Translate v1.10 for the PalmPilot. This new version continues to be US$12 shareware and offers better: data compression, phrase translation, HotSync support, and backup features. The current to/from English language support is: Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Mandarin, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Spanish. For more info: . David Eckhardt recently posted to the PalmPilot USENET newsgroup an interesting topic -- "Dave's opinions of Pilot screen protectors". If you are interested in this information use your favorite search engine, for instance HotBot: . ** WINDOWS CE ** NetGuide Magazine recently had a review article highlighting Symantec's pcAnywhere Windows CE software for handheld PCs. In related news, Symantec has also announced ACT! for Windows CE. [HeadsUp] Comline is reporting that both Fujitsu and Hitachi have plans to launch new Windows CE devices in Japan in Spring'98. [HeadsUp] Release Software has announced a new initiative with HP to print Release Software's SalesAgent ESD technology to Windows CE devices. [HeadsUp] Casio has a Windows CE specific site up and running reportedly at this URL: . ** PSION ** John Forrest has started a very interesting thread on comp.sys.psion.comm entitled "Mobile modem usage - some costs". If you are interested in this information use your favorite search engine, for instance HotBot: . Steve Simpson notes on comp.sys.psion.announce some 'very attractive' new pricing options on Psion Series 3c units in the United Kingdom. Check out: for more information. The Jun97 (version 2.6) of the "PSION SERIES 3/3a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)" has been posted recently to the following URL: . Some Psion links of potential interest: - HTML OPL32 Docs: - SARcon (Save And Restore system CONfiguration settings) v 1.10: ** OTHER HANDHELD ** Patrick Rhone reports the Jul97 of HandJive Magazine has been posted to: . ComputerWorld recently published a survey of 202 information system organizations about their handheld computer users. The top job title for handheld users was 'manager'. [HeadsUp] Details are sketchy but -- eMisis InfoCom -- has announced a new systems architecture called 'Sarina' that will reportedly bring 'the power of a mainframe in your hand' by offering a new wireless device that is capable of providing information and services to mobile professionals. [HeadsUp] STNC Enterprises has been chosen to provide Brother International with a Web browser and email client to be used on the recently announced Brother GeoBook that will retail for US$599. [HeadsUp] According to some information posted to ZDNET , the new Libretto device currently available in Japan uses a new graphics accelerator (chip #65554) and will have a 'new' on-board IrDA port capable of supporting 4-Mbps. In related news, a new vendor is reporting on the WWW the availability of both the Libretto 50 and 60 via this URL: . Seng Yap notes several of the handheld USENET newsgroups that his fiancee is currently working on a final project at the Middlesex University London and is conducting a survey about handheld Web usage. If you would like to answer the 14 question survey send an email to: requesting a copy. Some other handheld articles of potential interest include: - "Handhelds Get Web Push: HDML 2.0 brings security, push technology to smart phones" by Mark Moore, PC Week, 07Jul97, page 14, more info: - "Moble phone makers work on standard: Wireless Application Protocol would help prevent fragmentation" by Joanne Taaffe, InfoWorld, 07Jul97, page 57 ** APPLE & MACINTOSH ** Apple's stock has been on a roller coaster ride after the Amelio resignation news. It at first dropped to a 12-year low, then rose by over 15% after rumors began to circulate about potential take-over attempts in the works. [HeadsUp] Motorola is now shipping a 250-MHz PowerPC 604e microprocessor. In Aug97 they plan to ship a 300-MHz PowerPC 604e and a 250-MHz "G3" microprocessor. [PC Week, 07Jul97, page 41] Apple is working on shifting their computer system assembly process to the new 'industry standard' -- channel assembly. First step is apparently a streamlining of their supply chain, and reengineering their logistics infrastructure. [HeadsUp] Reuters is reporting that Apple Japan continues to be on track to capture 16% of the personal computer market in Japan in 1998. [HeadsUp] Power Computing has announced that they will file a US$34.5 million initial public offering (IP0). Power Computing plans to continue to build PowerPC based Macintosh clones, and will also jump into the Intel world and build Windows NT systems. [HeadsUp] IBM and Motorola have announced a new low-powered version of the PowerPC 604e processor. The chip will also be significantly smaller in size. [HeadsUp] Hefei Saitianshi Advertisement and Apple have teamed up to open and 'Apple monopoly shop' in China's Anhui Province. [HeadsUp] Apple has announced a new computer distributor in India for Apple products -- Summit Data Products based in Delhi. [HeadsUp] Apple Singapore has announced the sale of their printed circuit board assets to NatSteel Electronics. [HeadsUp] Some recently updated Mac OS related links: - Mailstrom IMAP EMail client, v2.0: - HTML Grinder, v3.21: - Pardeikes Welcome Plugin, v1.1r2: - Web Server 4D TradeUp Offer for TeleFinder Users: - St. Clair Software's Default Folder 2.7.2: - MacHost's "Apple Ammo": - Fog City Software' LetterRip v2.0 Macintosh Mailing List Server: - ClearWay Technologies' FireSite Web Site Accelerator, v2.1: ** OTHER ** H45 Technology has announced a new US$199 device that -- weighs 1 pound; has an integrated personal organizer; a full PC keyboard; IRDA access to desktop PCs; can store 50 pages of text; and is called "The QuickPad". The unit also comes with an LCD that can display four lines by 40 characters. [Information Week, 07Jul97, page 93] It what appears to be a 'weird' business decision -- South American Business Intelligence reports that Compuserve has signed an agreement to sell Silicon Graphics workstations (O2 and Octane) in Brazil. [HeadsUp] Sun and Netscape, with contributions from Apple, have announced the developer release of Java Foundation Classes (JFC). [HeadsUp] Financial Times London Edition reports that Sun Microsystems continues to work on a 'slimmer Java system' that will be ideal for handheld digital assistants. [HeadsUp] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Need more Newton information?!? NewtNews suggests you check out: + Newton Reference: + Always Newton Central: + NewtUser: + NewtWorld: + The Ultimate Newton: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ To much info in NewtNews for you? Does all the Macintosh information make you want to puke? Then maybe you should check out NewtNews-Savvy. For $20 you get 40 issues of just lean and mean Newton/PDA/Wireless information directly to your inbox of choice. Send an email message with the subject containing 'NewtNews-Savvy' to and you'll get a sample issue and an order form. Thanks for reading! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Dear Newton Developer --------------------- ** INTRODUCTION & INCENTIVE ** This area is dedicated to trying to solve NewtNews readers programming needs, and in turn hopefully lead to the creation of a legitimate Newton shareware solution for the developer solving the problem. If a developer solves such a problem, NewtNews will give them a 50% price reduction for any advertising service they order for that product in our Products and Services area. If you have a utility you need written, please let NewtNews know by sending an email to: . ** WANTED: BETTER IRDA CONNECTIVITY ** Steven de Prijck would like to set-up a 'connection using IrDA & iRCOMM Service' from the MP2K's modem prefs in the In/Out box. The primary reason is that he recently purchased an external "Data Card Expander" for his Nokia GSM 2110i. This device allows for serial port access and IrDA access, and the device doesn't use power from the Newton, so it helps with power consumption issues. ** REQUEST: MAPPING A ROUTE ** Jeff Graham is looking for a software package called "Autoroute" -- that will, when given a mapping start point and end point, tell you the route via roads between the two points. An example map would be one of the London Underground. ** TWO SYNC SOLUTIONS WORTH EXPLORING ** Angela Brown thinks that some enterprising Newton developer should team up with an equally enterprising PalmPilot developer and figure out how to sync Names, Dates, To-Dos, and Notes between a PalmPilot and a MessagePad 2000. Angela is also looking for a way to sync with Franklyn Quest's Ascend97 program with her MessagePad 2000. It would be even better if she could also sync her More Info data also. ** DATE UTILITY REQUESTED ** Jason Kulas is looking for a dates utility that would let him enter in a 'large date jump'. For instance, a small window that is accessible in dates that lets him write in "Nov 29, 1999" and then jump to that date. This utility could also use "flip-able" number cards, drop boxes, etc. ... $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Back-up your Newton to a desktop Mac through your Ethernet Network without having to switch to Localtalk. Upload Newton packages and print to Appletalk network printers too. Farallon offers four Newton-to- Ethernet solutions, including EtherWave, the daisy-chainable technology that connects up to 7 devices to one Ethernet port. For more info visit: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ This space for rent. For more info: . Thanks. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Tidbits of Information ---------------------------- ** EDUCATIONAL VIDEO TAPE AVAILABLE ** "Edutopia" (The Newsletter of The George Lucus Educational Foundation) published Summer 1997 (Volume 5, No. 1) brings news of a new 'documentary film' hosted by Robin Williams called "Learn & Live". This US$20 book comes with a companion resource book. The primary goal of this video is to show how technology can "break down the walls of the traditional classroom" and provide "teachers and students with a universe of resources." To order in the U.S call: 888.4RKIDS1 and outside the U.S. call: 707.569.7841. For more information about this video or the publication check out: . ** WHO'S USING UP ALL THE BANDWIDTH?!? ** Optimal Networks recently published their analysis of the 'Top 5 Web' sites that generate the most network traffic -- ie. are the biggest 'Bandwidth Hogs' by % of total bytes -- 17.81% , 13.13% , 2.28% , 1.65% , and 1.13% . ** WIRED -- AUG97 ** Perfect Solutions has a new mini portable they are calling the "Laser PC5." The unit costs US$290 and includes such features as: 10 hours on 4 AA batteries; built-in 'Office' suite; 256-KB of RAM; and full sized keyboard. [Tim Barkow, 'Fetish', page 56]. Small blurb on a research project at John Hopkins University on page 62 about the creation of 'rechargeable plastic batteries." Currently the technology appears limited to 2.5 volts, and is having problems providing 'prolonged batter life' found in current battery technology, but as always the researchers are very optimistic. IEEE's International Conference on Universal Personal Communications will be held in San Diego, California from 12-16Oct97. For more information check out: . David Pescovitz has a PalmPilot blurb on page 131. David has several example PalmPilot programs written by some of the 'dozens of developers armed with Metrowerk's Codewarrior" including: Shuji Fukumoto's DigiPet; Scott Ludwig's PocketChess; Edward Keyes' Dinky Pad; and Eric Cheng's PocketSynth. David also notes that if you add the 14.4-Kbps PalmPilot modem and House of Maus' Online TV-100 & Ian Goldberg's Top Gun Telnet you can even surf the WWW using Unix's Lynx. The 'Negroponte' column by examines "Wireless Revisted" on page 166. The main gist of the article is to document the experience of setting up a wireless LAN in a home environment. The product used was Digital's RoamAbout that is based on Lucent's WaveLAN 'spread-spectrum' technology offering a 2-Mbps connection. Other interesting articles on: - Malaysia: - Gary Reback: - "Private Spy": - Linus' Linux: There is also a one page Q&A with Novell's new CEO Eric Schmidt (formerly at Sun Computers) on page 121. Ads of interest: Toshiba Libretto, HP 320LX Palmtop PC, Yashica KC-600 (digital camera), and Intelifone. ** RED HERRING -- AUG97 ** Interesting article by Jonathan Burke on page 31 examines Masayoshi Son's Softbank Ventures. This corporation has invested nearly US$350 million in 60+ 'Internet' companies. Andrew Madden looks at the state of "voice/speech recognition" starting on page 40. Companies mentioned/profiled include: ALTech, Articulate Systems, Dragon Systems, IBM, Lernout & Hauspie, Northern Telecom, Naunce, Philips Dictation Systems, PureSpeech, and Voice Control Systems. This months 'industry brief' is on -- databases (the Internet's latest frontier) -- and includes detailed information on the subject starting on page 51. Jason Pontin has a very interesting industry analysis piece called "Five scenarios for Microsoft's future: total domination is the least likely" on page 136. The 'most likely scenerio is 'industry domination' -- ie. majority control -- of the desktop, servers, handhelds, and set-top boxes. Advertising Notes ----------------- If you are interested in advertising in NewtNews please send email to: . NewtNews is freeware because of the advertisers that support this effort, and we appreciate their support. When you purchase products from NewtNews vendors please mention that you heard about their product in NewtNews. Product and Service Information ------------------------------- * STAND ALONE offers a variety of Newton applications for Newton 2.0: - PACKAGE POPUP: instant access to all your packages, launch with a tap, automatically thaw and re-freeze. $15. - SECURE-A-NEWT: Password protect folders in your NotePad, Names, and Extras Drawer. Protect your info from prying eyes. $20. - KEYMAN: Adds function keys, a multi-function calculator, and a new keyboard designed for one-fingered typing. $20. - NOTEMAN: Instant access to the NotePad from any package. $10. - BACKGAMMON: The classic board game, brought to Newton. $20. - SUPER SORTER: Fast, Usable list management, featuring fully expandable and customizable list creation and editing. $20 For information about any of these or other Stand Alone products, contact us at: , or (312) 262-5150. Also check out our Web site at: . * Tim Constantine has several cutting edge Newton solutions: Flash - A Speed Reading Tutor; CrazyDice - Multi-player Strategy Game, and Clean Notes - Stationary w/o Lines. For more info: or . Tim is also available for custom Newton application development. Send Tim email if you have a question about custom application development or about his cutting edge solutions. * NEW! 9th Volume of the Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton! This CD-ROM from AMUG CD, Inc. contains over 1450 packages, 618 megs, and a Newt 2000 only area. Works on Mac or PC. 2.x & 1.x Packages can be downloaded directly from the CD to your MessagePad. Maximize your Newton experience! ONLY $29 + S/H. Call AMUG 602.497-2244, or email to order! AMUG CD web page at . * BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGES FROM PELICANWARE All packages for Newton 2.0 OS - Upgrades also available. - QUICKFIGURE PRO 3.0: Spreadsheet application $59.95 - NEWTCASE 3.0: The Ultimate Utility Suite $49.95 - NOTION 1.5: High Performance List Manager $59.95 - AVAILWORKS 2.0: Text, spreadsheets, drawing, and graphing $79.95. All from PELICANWARE. For more details email: , vox: 503-221-1148, fax: 503-221-8709, or . * CATAMOUNT SOFTWARE offers the following: - POCKETMONEY assists you in balancing your checking, savings, credit card and loan accounts. Export and import transactions to Quicken, MYM and other desktop based program. - NAMIGATOR gives rapid access to Names. I know, I have over 5000. - MPG helps you keep your vehicle records in order. Track fuel economy, record mileage for tax purposes, schedule repeating vehicle maintenance items for multiple vehicles. - MORGAN is the Newton Media ORGANizer. Track CDs, tapes, records books, laserdiscs, videos, and more... For more information call 802-372-9512, email , or visit our web site . * NEW BILLS TO PAY PRO 3.5.5 Rated 5 out of 5 by Gecko Magazine! Now available in German! For NOS 2.0. Includes support for stationery, enhanced overview, and new printing options! Easily track bills and expenses; create budget projections; and set alarms to remind you of bills. Send bill info to Pocket Quicken or Pocket Money. $39.95+S&H MAR Software at: or . * GET AMIGO NOW! Did you know you can order AMIGO the premier 8000+ word English/Spanish Dictionary Reference Tool and Translation program for the Newton over the World Wide Web at: ? AMIGO is available for US$24.95 and it comes with a full year of upgrades. For more information contact ACCSYS by email at: * GPS MAP and GPS MAP LITE -- GPS based navigation with real moving maps, showing all details as familiar from paper based maps. Features -- map calculator, route planning, database, history track, and mission recorder. Import your own maps from your Mac or PC at any scale. Connects to most GPS receiver's offering a NMEA183 interface. For more info/demo: or . * Newt Development Environment: develop object-oriented applications in NewtonScript on the Newton (shareware: $49.50; tools, examples, support). * Newt's Cape: create Newton books with text, graphics, tables, links, and forms from HTML (via web browsing or Notepad) (shareware: $38.50; tools, examples, support). For details, software, and registration info: or * SOLUTIONS FROM LANDWARE. All work in the Newton 2.0 OS. - PROCALC EX: Programmable calc. w/ SAN & RPN, includes: proCALC 12c. - QUICKNAMES PRO: Rapid access to names and much more. - X-PORT: The 2.0 connection utility. Send/receive notes, contacts... - KWIKMENU: the Newton dashboard, includes GestureLaunch Lite. - NEWTPAINT: "MacPaint" on your Newton, w/zoom-in and screen shot. - SYNC+: Dates to Schedule+ 1.0 or 7.0 LandWare, 201-347-0031, , * Frustrated by the amount of time required to input long notes? Looking for a faster method? GESTURE MOSAIC is a hybrid keyboard/recognition system which enables the rapid (30-40+wpm) pen-based entry of text. Now updated for OS2.0, you can use it to quickly input text anywhere in your Newton. FREEWARE versions are available at: For more information contact: or call: 800-696-6724. * ChessPad 2.0 turns the Newton into a digital chess book and a portable chess set. It contains 28 fully-annotated games played by the greatest players of all time, 100 brilliant winning combinations by Morphy, Tal, Fischer, and Kasparov, and 100 chess problems. ChessPad can also import games in Portable Game Notation format. Only $39.95. Clear Lake Research 713.663.7513 * THE HANDHELD COMPUTER ALMANAC -- The definitive guide to handheld products and services, from organizers to ruggedized systems. 150 pages, 600 companies, 1300 products and services in 50+ categories, with more than 300 Newton products. Only $24.95 + S&H from Creative Digital Publishing Inc. 30-day money-back guarantee. email: , URL: , voice: 415.621.4252, fax: 415.621.4922 * NEW SCOREPAD 3.0.1 -- Golf scorekeeping package for Newton 2.0. Easily keeps scores and statistics - analyze and graph the results. Figure your unofficial handicap. Automatically calculates nassaus and skins. Keep notes about each round and course. Available for US$50 from Software Unboxed or directly from Sun Sabre (513.459.9330) with 10% by mentioning NewtNews. * MoreInfo 4.1 - This integrated contact manager seamlessly integrates the built-in Names, Dates, Calls and Notes applications. This latest version adds even more useful features to this already essential product. MP2K savvy. Voted Best Newton Software for 1997 - mobilis Magazine Reader's Choice Award. From SilverWARE at $69.95+S&H. For demos check out: - - 508.521.5262 Edupage, 07Jul97 thru 13Jul97 ----------------------------- ** GATES PITCHES NEW TYPE OF SET-TOP BOX ** Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has been meeting with top cable executives to promote a new digital set-top box design that would connect TVs and cable systems to provide a variety of two-way interactive programming. The box would be based on Windows CE software, and Microsoft is suggesting that rather than collecting software royalties, it would settle for a share of subscription fees for new services. The company also hopes to sell software to cable companies' central offices to administer the new services. Other companies hoping for a slice of the cable set-top box pie are Wink Communications and Navio, the Netscape Communications spinoff recently acquired by Oracle Corp. (Wall Street Journal 8 Jul 97) ** SCIENTISTS PROPOSE NEW ENCRYPTION SCHEME ** Two scientists at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif. have developed a new approach to public key cryptography based on mathematical constructs called lattices. The system would be based on a particular set of hidden hyperplanes that constitute the private key and a method of generating points near one of those hyperplanes for the public key. The security of the system rests on the computational difficulty of finding the "unique" shortest line segment (or vector) that connects any two points in a given lattice -- a task that's fairly easy in two or three dimensions, but much more difficult in a 100-dimensional lattice. The researchers are working to turn their theory into a marketable product, and see applications in creating digital signatures and other security and authentication schemes. (Science News 5 Jul 97) ** MICROSOFT NETWORK DOES ANOTHER ABOUT-FACE ** Following much fanfare last fall over the unveiling of its television-style programming format, Microsoft Network is once again revamping its strategy, moving back toward informational and service-oriented programming and beefing up the content on its free companion Web site. "The movement to the free side is inevitable," says MSN's VP. "It doesn't mean there won't be things behind the subscription wall, but the competitive price of entry in the free space is going to go up." The company hopes to make a "portal," to other Microsoft and World Wide Web sites, similar to the strategy adopted by Yahoo!, Excite and America Online. A recent subscriber survey showed that MSN users spend about 70% of their time on the Web, and only about 5% of their time in Microsoft's exclusive Onstage area. (Wall Street Journal 10 Jul 97) ** BELLSOUTH JOINS WIRELESS PARTNERSHIP IN BRAZIL ** BellSouth's $2.5 billion bid has won a wireless license for Sao Paulo, Brazil, giving the company an investment in 10 Latin American nations. Three Brazilian companies joined with BellSouth in making the bid. Sao Paulo currently has 12 phone lines for each 100 people, compared with 70 lines for each 100 people in BellSouth's base territory in the Southeastern U.S. Brazil's economy is growing at 5% a year and the number of cellular phone customers has been growing 70% a year. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10 Jul 97) ** FCC STRETCHES PAYMENT PLAN FOR WIRELESS LICENSES ... ** In an effort to ease a purported cash flow problem, the Federal Communications Commission says bidders on wireless personal communications services licenses who are having trouble raising money from investors may make their payments in annual rather than quarterly installments. That change puts the first payment off until early next year, which gives companies more time to raise the necessary funds. The bidders have suggested that the FCC postpone any payments for as long as eight years, or cut the payments in half. (Wall Street Journal 11 Jul 97) ** SECURITY BREACH SHUTS DOWN ONLINE SPORTS STORES ** The online stores at the popular ESPN SportsZone and Web sites were shut down after an anonymous person sent e-mail to hundreds of shoppers who'd made purchases at the stores, saying he'd acquired their credit card information from parent company Starwave's computer systems and including their credit card number to prove it. Starwave says it's beefed up its security now, and the ESPN SportZone store is already back up and running. is expected to be back online next week. "We've changed the system and now it's a much more painful process for us to fill orders, but it was to make sure it was secure for our customers," says a Starwave spokeswoman. "You can be sure that we are doing everything possible to prevent it from happening again." (InfoWorld Electric 11 Jul 97) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Don't forget to check out the freeware-monthly-Acrobat-savvy-version of NewtNews called NewtNews Pro: . Newton evangelists are "empowered" to download this file and print several dozen copies for distribution to company cafeterias, user groups, dentist offices, local computer stores, libraries, etc. ... Just do it! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NEED A NEWTON PROGRAMMER? NewtNews has a list of over 48 Internet based Newton programmers who are interested in working on vertical or horizontal market solutions. Please send email to: if you would like the list or would like to be added to the list. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ INNOVATION, 07Jul97 ------------------- ** TRENDS: MOBILE COMPUTING HITS THE ROAD ** Computer processor makers are hoping to bring a new definition to mobile computing -- putting all the power in your home PC on the dashboard of your car. "It's one of the new emerging markets for products we're very interested in," says the manager of Intel's in-car computing operation. The new in-car computers will serve two functions: first, as the vehicle's communications hub, and second, as the brains behind the car's entertainment center on wheels. The communications capability will allow you to make calls or fax documents hands-free, using voice-recognition technology, and you will also be able to use it to query about the nearest Chinese restaurant or automated teller machine, or to order up a list of homes for sale in the neighborhood you're driving through. Meanwhile, the in-car computer will control a built-in digital video disk player to entertain passengers. Initial buyers are expected to be families (one of the first vehicles to be equipped will probably be a minivan), and commuters who spend a lot of time in their cars. "We're talking about real estate agents and insurance agents, for example, who spend a good portion of their day traveling to meet clients," says the Intel manager. "They'd find themselves much more productive." (Investor's Business Daily 7 Jul 97) ** STRATEGIES: BUSINESS PLAN BASICS - WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW ** Harvard Business School professor William Sahlman says that business plans typically waste too much ink on revenue predictions, profit predictions, and other such numbers that everyone knows are products of imagination rather than hard facts. Instead, business plans should focus on showing that the entrepreneurial team has the right people, has identified a real opportunity, truly understands the context in which the business will operate, and has made an accurate assessment of the risks and rewards. With regard to the people, it is not enough to show that they are committed, smart, well-educated and experienced -- you need to show that they have experience that is directly relevant to the opportunity you are pursuing. As for the opportunity, it's not enough to show that it exists today -- you need to show that it will exist tomorrow: "Is the total market for the venture's product or service large, rapidly growing, or both? Is the industry now, or can it become, structurally attractive?" Of course, since the business won't exist in a vacuum, you need to demonstrate an understanding of the big picture, which includes such things as the regulatory environment, interest rates, demographic trends, inflation, etc.; and you need to offer a realistic discussion of risks and rewards. "One of the great myths about entrepreneurs is that they are risk seekers. All sane people want to avoid risk." (William A. Sahlman, "How To Write A Great Business Plan," Harvard Business Review Jul/Aug 97) ** INNOVATIONS: INTERACTIVE FLIPCHART ** Numonics Corp. has developed an "intelligent" Interactive FlipChart that stores as a bitmap file all the information sketched out on the paper flip pads during a company brainstorming session. Participants can sit back and really listen without having to worry about taking notes, and the electronic file can then easily be edited and distributed via e-mail, paper or fax. The FlipChart uses regular paper pads, an easel, and an electronic pen connected to a PC. (CIO Jul 97) ** MORE INFO ON INNOVATION ** Innovation is published weekly, with individual subscriptions available at $15 a year. Topics are organized under the following headers: TRENDS, STRATEGIES, and INNOVATIONS. For a six-week free trial subscription to Innovation, please send an email message to and in the subject line type the word: 'subscribe'. You can also use the trial registration form on their Web site at: . For more info, send email to: or Administrivia ------------- NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication. My personal comments may be included in articles NewtNews reports by highlighting them as -- [SDH: Comments]. Official NewtNews Editor's comments are highlighted as -- [Editor: Comments]. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. All trademarks used in this publication are for informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. Send contributions and comments to Steve Holden, Editor and Publisher at: . Other important NewtNews players include: - Reviews Editor: Bob Torres - Newton Book: Mark Heringer - NewtNews Pro: Dave Hina - FTP site & email list admin: Bob Torres - NewtNews Travel Guide: Andrew Wong SUBSCRIPTIONS: email with 'subscribe newt_news' as the body of your message (no quotes) UNSUBSCRIBE: email with 'unsubscribe newt_news' WWW: FTP: NEWTON REFERENCE: NEWTON CLASSIFIEDS: This edition of NewtNews was written with the help of: dinner at the San Diego Brewing Company, and spending some time hanging out at Sally's pool. Disclaimer: I am doing this on my own time, and on my own hardware *********** and software not the government's or my employer's.