NewtNews-144-24Jun97 ==================== by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. This issue of NewtNews is sponsored in part by: + PowerTrans 3.0.2 - Multilingual Customizable Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - Speech on MP2K, eMate - Demo at: + PDA & HANDHELD DIRECT - Putting Technology in the Palm of Your Hand! 800-279-4PDA 219-882-5228 [F]:219-845-0578 + QuickFigure Pro v.3.1 - New version of the spreadsheet solution from PelicanWare! - - + TeleType GPS and moving map for the Newton - Never get lost again - - + PowerMedia presents 'Arcade Game Pack' - Birds With Lances, Rocks In Space, Frogs vs. Cars - US$29.95 - + VITAMIN A MENU EDITOR - Stand Alone has released it's custom and caret menu editor and creator! - Demo at: + WriteRight Screen Enhancements - protect from scratches, reduce glare, and simulates writing on real paper - + Buy a guide to what's on TV for your C o u c h F i r e ! Newton + X-Port, KwikMenu, NewtPaint, Quicknames Pro, proCALC Ex - Newton 2.0 solutions - - + WinSlurp from Rare White Tiger Creations - Available via WWW at: . + RidgeNet - ARA, SLIP, PPP access to the Internet from Ridgecrest, CA. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Top News 2. Comments from the Editor 3. Information from Email 4. Information from the Internet 5. Top Print Sources Of Interest 6. NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton 7. Other Related Technology 8. Edupage, 16Jun97 thru 22Jun97 9. INNOVATION, 16Jun97 10. Dear Newton Developer 11. Other Tidbits of Information 12. Advertising Notes 13. Product and Service Information 14. REVIEW: MessagePad 2000 15. Administrivia Top News -------- ** LOST DATA ** NewtNews lost several days worth of work after a corrupted Jaz drive decided to toast several sectors of storage space before the luxury of being backed up. It just so happened to not be old data, but very new data. If you sent NewtNews email between 16Jun97 and 21Jun97 then we probably do not have it. Please resend if the information was important. This includes all the folks who entered into our 'Handheld Developer' magazine Give-A-Way contest. Sorry for the inconvenience ** PRESS RELEASE ANNOUNCES NEWTON, INC. AT PC EXPO ** Newton, Inc. (aka Newton System Group) had their own booth, #502, at the recently held (16-19Jun97) New York City PC Expo. The 'strategic' goals of Newton, Inc. as outlined by chief operating officer Sandy Benett can be summarized as: - seek more licensees - court the corporate mobile user - continue to focus on markets where the Newton has been successful (healthcare, sales force automation, & field service industries) The press release also noted that in the future Newton, Inc. will be responsible for: "Newton operating system; hardware; software development tools; APIs; and documentation to enable the development of software and peripheral products for" Newton devices. Developers at the Newton, Inc. booth included: AllPen Software; Balcones Software; EZSHOW; LandWare; NetStrategy Software; NS Basic Corporation; PelicanWare; PenVision; SplitRock Corporation; Symantec Corporation; TeleType; TrueNorth; Wright Strategies; and Wireless Global Networks. It should also be noted that 'Team Newton' also sponsored some twenty volunteers with information-packed MessagePad 2000s to walk the show floor to provide PC Expo attendees with details about "conference tracks, company booth numbers, and keynote speakers, as well as bus schedules, restaurants, Broadway shows, etc. ..." To see the actual press release check out the following URL: . ** EMATE WILL ATTEMPT TO WOO JOURNALISTS ** Apple has announced that at their Apple Booth #16 at the NEXP0 (Newspaper Association of America's 69th Technical Expo and Conference) 1997 conference that they will be highlighting their eMate 300 device in a "Hands On Theater Presentation". Apple will also be highlighting at this conference: AppleScript, ColorSync, Mac OS 8, and many 3rd party publishing solutions. To learn more about NEXPO check out: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ The New WriteRight Screen Enhancements protect your screen from scratches, reduce glare and improve your handwriting recognition by simulating the feel of writing on paper. WriteRights are available for all Newtons in packs of: 4-for $11.95, 8-for $18.95, and 12-for $24.95. Mention NewtNews and receive 10% off our 12-pack. For more information: 415-929-1002 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ AvailWorks 3.0 - New version adds a text layer with spell-check, find and replace, and support for multiple page documents. AvailWorks integrates text processing, powerful tables, dynamic business charts and graphs, and drawing and page layout tools into one convenient package for the Newton. From PelicanWare at $79.95+S&H. For more info: . To order 800.655.6398 or visit resellers. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Comments from the Editor ------------------------ ** LISTSERVER NOTES ** The NewtNews listmom -- Bob Torres -- has successfully complete his study trip, and is back at the helm of the NewtNews listserver. Several folks have mentioned not getting NewtNews the last couple of weeks. Hopefully all the problems have been recently fixed. Folks on CompuServe should be aware that the powers to be at CompuServe have switched from the old style ####,##### to a full naming scheme. We have removed those old style accounts because email bounces were starting to occurring. If you are on CompuServe and haven't gotten NewtNews for awhile, please resubscribe using the directions list at the end of NewtNews. Anyone who is still having problems should send email to Bob at: and he will make a determination if you need to resubscribe. Thanks! FYI -- don't forget: also has pointers to HTML, text, and Newton Book versions of NewtNews. ** 'TEAM NEWTON!' ** With the advent of Newton, Inc. I think that we need a good term to refer to all the players in the Newton arena. I have been playing around with 'Team Newton!' to refer to Newton, Inc., 'the other licensees', Apple, Newton developers, Newton evangelists, and Newton users. We are a 'team' that are investing not only our time and money, but in many cases our souls to making the Newton successful. And we are a team that needs to work together. I think Newton, Inc. did a 'excellent' job of starting off this 'team' in the right direction with their booth at PC Expo. And NewtNews hopes they will hopefully continue this type of 'very visual and customer hands-on' marketing in the near future. ** MISSING BUZZ WORD?!? ** Sandy Benett and all the other recently 'quoted' Newton, Inc. technologists try to throw out all the key buzz words -- Java, Internet, wide licensing, core markets, etc ... but they seem to all be running from the sorry state of 'desktop connectivity.' It is one thing to say that Newton is both Windows and Macintosh compatible, but it is another to say that desktop synchronization actually works with desktop PIMs. Let's face it -- Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) -- barely works on the Mac side of things and only if you use 'last years' PIMs. And with the state of Windows 95, and Explorer 97, the spread of Outlook as the PIM of choice on the PC desktop is going to continue to grow. And don't forget about Netscape Communicator which is suppose to support vCalendar and vCard. Neither of these are currently being supported by NCU. 'Team Newton' needs to step into high gear and solve these desktop connectivity & synchronization problems soon, or as our 'Review: MessagePad 2000' at the end of this issue of NewtNews states -- PCs users are not going to keep their MP2K eval units. Nearly every review of the MP2K of late, good or bad, has mentioned that 'lack' of completely robust desktop synchronization. And it is my opinion, that Newton, Inc. will be the first to feel the pain for this 'disconnected' displeasure. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ From your armchair, find your favorite shows using your Newton. Couch Fire is C o u c h F i r e ! a TV programming guide that includes accurate, weekly updates via email. It combines the feel of a paper guide with the intelligence of a Newton. Couch Fire's custom TV grid, searches and reminders mean you won't miss a thing. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ TeleType GPS - New v2.0 - now includes U.S. Interstate Highways data overlay. GPS software provides plot of your position on moving maps while you drive or fly. Overlay packages include cities and towns, Interstates, and special Aviation overlay for pilots. Bundles include GPS receiver and software. Never get lost again. Email: or WWW to: for more information. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from Email ---------------------- ** WIN A HANDHELD SYSTEMS SUBSCRIPTION ** If you have a mailing address in the United States or Canada you can win a one year subscription to Handheld Systems magazine by sending an email to NewtNews at: with the following in the subject line "Handheld Developer Give-A-Way" by 12 noon (PST) on 07Jul97. The goal of this contest is give an up-and-coming Newton developer access to a great handheld programming resource, so please only enter this contest if you have a goal of being a Newton programmer. We will announce the random winner in the future issue NewtNews-145-08Jul97. Thanks! [EDITOR: I changed the dates because of some distribution problems on our side of things.] ** NEW HANDHELD DEVELOPER SITE ** RoadCoders is a new site created to support developers of applications for handheld platforms including Pilot, Psion, GEOS, Newton and Windows CE platforms. To learn more check out the URL above or send email to: . ** NEWTON OPINIONS AND NEWS ** Dennis Sellers continues to provide MacCentral readers with "Newton News" in a pretty regular column. You can check out the latest one at: . Dennis has news about: Newton, Inc.; Mobilis readers awards; Morgan Creek Medical's ProMedex update, and Socket Communications' PageSoft Receiver. ** NEW STUFF FROM SCRAWL SOFTWARE ** Scrawl Software have recently posted: - YAZI 1.1: a "text adventure engine" which takes "datafiles" as input and allows you to play them on the Newton. - PT100 V0.99b: a VT100 emulator for the Newton capable of Modem sessions, Direct Serial sessions, and Telnet using the Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) on MP130s, MP2000s or eMate 300s. For more information send email to: . ** LOOKING FOR DEALS AND DAILY INFO?!? ** If you are in the mood for 'nearly' daily Newton news and pointers then please check out Newton Central at: . They also have a 'club' that gives its membership deals on Newton software and hardware. Newton Central also noted on 20Jun97 that the Newton 2000 Underground site has a new owner -- Will Nelson -- and a new URL on a new server at: . ** POWERTRANS 3.0.2 RELEASED ** Frank Wegener reports that Travel Concept Solutions has updated PowerTrans 3.0 to version 3.0.2 to fix some minor bugs, and to add some new grayscale bitmaps for those running on a MP2K or an eMate 300. The update is free for registered users and a can be downloaded from: . A demo of PowerTrans -- a multilingual customizable language translator and vocabulary trainer (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish) -- is also available at the WWW site listed above. ** VIDEO PC CARD ADAPTER OFFER ** Carl Moore notes that until midnight 30Jun97 you can pre-order the Newton savvy VGA/NTSC/S-Video PC Card (called the "PDATV card") that is expected to be out in Aug97 for US$229 + $7.95 for S&H in the U.S. To take advantage of this offer check out the following URL: . Also on this site is the PDATV card mini-FAQ, so if you have questions about this product check it out. ** UPDATED NEWTON RESOURCE PAGE ** Chris Frost reports that his Newton specific site has a host of new information. The site can be checked out at: and the new information includes: - Newton text to speech technology - Database of Newton developers and vendors' email and websites - Newton hardware benchmarks ** RECENTLY RELEASED NEWTON SOFTWARE ** SDH EngSoft has posted Newton DD Dice -- a freeware Newton 2.x dice rolling utility that is ideal for playing roll playing games -- to: . Deep Focus Designs have reportedly updated their 'OneTap Record' sound recording utility for Newton 2.1 devices to version 1.0.1. Trans Lunar Designs has released a demo of version 1.8 of their unique ModemBridge Newton solution that lest you use your Newton's PC Card modem or IR port with your desktop machine via a serial connection. The software lists for US$25. Trying to find some Newton software? Then check out the following two archives: or . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $ NS BASIC $ The latest implementation of this cool programming tool has an $ 3.6 $ easy to use graphic screen layout function, plus indexed file $ with $ communications, graphics and more! Program directly on Newton $ Visual $ or with a PC or Mac. Create packages in the Extras drawer and $ Designer! $ much more. 260 pg handbook. Cost is $99+5 S&H for all Newtons. $ $ , , 416.264.5999 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA and Handheld Direct, Everything you need for your Newton - Apple MessagePad 2000 Standard Model only $949.00 (#22005) - Apple MessagePad 2000 Business Bundle only $1099.00 (#22008) - MP130 Buy Back Program - Trade in your MP130 for special deals on MP2000 or other PDAs - Call for details: 219-882-5228 - MP2000 Accessories: Rech. Battery $31.95 (#22209) AC Adapter $29.95 (#22202) MP2K Pen $12.95 (#31227) -- Type II Flash Memory 4MB $98 (#41070) 8MB $174 (#41073) 10MB $210 (#41074) 16MB $310 (#41077) - Revelar Connection Utilities (RCU) for Win and Mac $39.95 (#10071) To order 800-279-4PDA or 219-882-5228 or FAX 219-845-0578 [Source #161] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from the Internet ----------------------------- ** GOOD AND BAD NEWTON MENTIONS ** The Computer Paper continues to post Newton related articles. They have had 'pretty positive' reviews of the MP2K and eMate posted to: - - But their latest article, in the Jun97 edition, looks at "Pocket Spreadsheets" and is not impressed with the built-in spreadsheet that is incorporated with NewtWorks (aka "Quick Figure Works"). You can check out the article at: - ** NEW MP2K SPECIFIC CASE IN THE WORKS ** Alfred notes the following on the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc: I have a case that I will have for sale soon, and it was designed specifically for the MP2K. The Newton is held down by a holster type strap and is basically a play thru design. You can use the Newton while in the case even with the power cord and serial dongle attached. It also has pockets for PC Cards and credit cards. It's made of ballistic nylon and also has a front pocket area for stuff (not a cellular pouch). I have a few hundreds being made, and will start taking orders within the next two weeks. [EDITOR: Anyone have a pointer to a picture of this case on the WWW?] ** RESEARCH SURVEY OF PDA USERS ** Chris Long has posted a questionnaire for PDA users on the WWW that hopes to determine what types of pen interfaces are necessary for the future. You can check out the survey at: . Chris notes that "one randomly-selected respondent will receive a U. C. Berkeley t-shirt as a token of theit appreciation for participating. Only respondents who supply contact information will be eligible." ** NEWTON BOOK VERSIONS OF NEWTNEWS ** Mark Heringer notes that the latest Newton Book version of NewtNews is posted on a weekly basis to the following URL: . ** OTHER NEWTON MENTIONS ON THE WWW ** MacCentral had news that Newton, Inc. had their own booth at the recently held PC Expo in New York City. MacCentral also highlighted LandWare's host of Newton software being offered at PC Expo in an expo report posted to: . To learn more about LandWare's PhotoShow, The writeStuff, X-Port, and/or merlin/WordSleuth check out: . Hot Pocket as of 20Jun97 had front page editorials covering: "Top Of The Heap: The Newton MessagePad 2000"; "PDA Panache's MessagePad 2000 Custom Stylus"; and "Comparing Apples To Oranges (MessagePads To PalmPilots)". Don't forget that a version of Hot Pocket is posted in Newton Book format. Gecko , an excellent Newton reviews and opinions ezine, has posted their Jul97 issue to the Web. This month they review: Ttime; MicroTimer1.0; FormulaGen 2.0; Digital Gourmet; Font Pack II PMS (Personal Minutes Supervisor) 1.2 Update; and WyndMail 2.5. Apple's Newton System Group (aka Newton, Inc.) have recently updated their very informative eMate 300 FAQ with details on how individuals can purchase an eMate. For more information check out: . ** MACWAY NEWTON MENTIONS ** Guy Kawasaki's MacWay Evangelist email listserver had several Newton blurbs recently including: - eMate Testimonial Site: - Scrawl Software's YAZI 1.1: - Optimized for Newton Website: - The "Newton, Inc. at PC Expo" Press Release - "REVIEW: A Month in the Life of an eMate 300": For more info about this excellent Apple, Macintosh, Newton, etc. ... resource check out: . ** OTHER SITES WORTHY OF A BROWSE ** - WholeFoods: - Mercury Mail [Agents]: - LiveUpdate [MIDI]: - Milennia Software [Audio Email]: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ WinSlurp! - Rare White Tiger Creations provides Newton Book publishing services and is NOW offering WinSlurp. A windows front-end to Slurpee which supports transferring notes back and forth between the Newton notepad and the PC desktop. Available for downloading from this URL: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerMedia is your source for all the latest cutting edge Newton apps: + Super NotePad: Quick access arrows, encryption, tags, filters, etc. + DateMan 3.0: Complete agenda and contact management. + Stationary Construction Kit: Build your very own custom stationary. Commercially available at your favorite Newton retailer. Or check out online demos via the following site: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Top Print Sources Of Interest ----------------------------- [EDITOR: This is a collection of articles of potential interest to NewtNews readers from the leading technology print newspapers, newsletters, and magazines.] ** MACWEEK EXAMINES NEWTON, INC. AT PC EXPO ** David Morgenstern at MacWeek (17Jun97, Volume 11, Issue 25) had a quick blurb about Newton, Inc. at PC Expo posted to: . The article notes that a new version of Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) should be out in 1997, and that Newton, Inc. will be focused on: identified vertical and horizontal markets, Java, and speech recognition. ** MACWORLD COVERS NEWTON NEWS AND REVIEWS EMATE ** MacWorld published Aug97 has their coverage of the "Apple Spins Out Newton Division" news by Stephen Beale and Cameron Crotty published on page 29. This edition also has a review of the eMate 300 on page 62 by Tom Negrino. The eMate scored a 4 out of 5 stars (7.7/10) and noted it was "fun to use." ** NEWTON MENTIONED IN FORTUNE ARTICLE ** Keith Sheridan noted on the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc that the 23Jun97 edition of Fortune magazine has a not that favorable Newton mention. The article is by Gary Hamel and is entitled "Killer Strategies That Make Shareholders Rich". The Newton mention is in this sentence -- "As Apple learned to its sorrow with the Newton (a hand-held computer that fizzled), chutzpah isn't a substitute for learning about your market." ** OTHER ARTICLES OF POTENTIAL INTEREST ** - "The NetPCs are coming! Windows-based NC alternatives to debut at PC Expo" by John Cox, Network World, 16Jun97, page 1 - "Microsoft vows 'Windows' everywhere: Its software will spread to bare-bones" computers" by David E. Kalish, Associated Press, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19Jun97, C-2 - "Intel targets portables at less than US$1500 - Lower priced Pentium in the works" by Andy Santoni, InfoWorld, 16Jun97, page 3 - "Network authentication solutions: Who knows who you are?" (National Registry vs. Security Dynamics vs. Vasco) by InfoWorld Test Center, InfoWorld, 16Jun97, page 108 ** MAJOR WEEKLY MAGAZINE WEB POINTERS ** - Web Week: - MacWeek: - InfoWorld: - Computer Reseller News: - PC Week: - Network World: - LAN Times: - Information Week: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ K2 consultants, Inc. has the best Medical titles for Newton. Just out is Dr. Ferri's popular book for internists with special offers! Get the hit references like Lexi-Comp Drug Handbook, 5 Min. Clin Consult, Archimedes Programmable Calculator, etc. KJV Bible, Ole spanish translator & more, all working with our renowned ART engine. See ART make a big splash at or for info/sales. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Still looking for a great screen protector? Look at The BARRIER!! * Clearly Superior Protection * Abrasion, Chemical AND Thermal resistant * Indispensable! "Why doesn't Apple mount a Barrier on every unit? -- Marco Mailand (.ch) For more info: or call 800-882-8382 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NewtNews Tips and Tricks You Can Use On Your Newton --------------------------------------------------- ** NO NONSENSE NUGGETS OF NIFTY NEWTON KNOW-HOW ** By Roger Coleman If you have similar tidbits for this column (for any Newton version), please drop me a line! . Please include details of the model and OS that you are using. ** WRITERIGHT SCREEN PROTECTOR TIP ** >From Bryson Jack : Here is a tip for those using WriteRight screen protection and hate the sticking that occurs when the stylus writes on the "rubber". Take your finger a put a tiny (I mean tiny!) amount of vegetable oil on it. Work it into the screen protector and then wipe off with a soft cloth. Ah, much better! ** LONG RESET ** I recently ran the rechargeable batteries on my MP120 down to the point where the Newton would no longer power up at all - even with the external power adapter connected. Apple's Newton helpline advised me to remove the batteries, connect the AC adaptor and then press and hold the reset button inside the battery compartment for about twenty seconds - thankfully this bought it back to life. ** TIPS WANTED ** Please send me any tips, hints, goodies, or similar bits of information for future issues of this column to me . Credit & Glory will be given to all those that contribute! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA Panache is your single source for stylus solutions. Custom stylus upgrades for Newton MP130 and MP2000. Custom styli for WinCE, USR, and Sharp PDAs. Wide selection of Pocket Styli for all tastes and budgets. Duo multi-function stylus/pen combo. Beacon L.E.D. lighted stylus. Stylus inserts for Cross & other popular pens. More info: 800.270.7196 or 516.467.4042, FAX: 516.467.6329, (secure) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerTrans 3.0 - Translator and Vocabulary Trainer - 60,000 Words - English, Spanish, German, French and Italian (no storage card required). + Customize the vocabulary and/or create new languages, attach notes + MP2K and eMate featured - speech, classroom multi-user, keyboards + Vocabulary Trainer - based on approved didactical learning system Checkout demo: - contact: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Related Technology ------------------------ [EDITOR: News collected via snail mail, major publications, USENET newsgroups, email, and the WWW. For more information about Farcast check out: and for more information about HeadsUp use: .] ** WIRELESS & MOBILE ** [EDITOR: Most of the articles we were going to use to populate this section were lost in our disk corruption problems. Stay tuned for more information later.] ** LAPTOPS ** IBM has announced a new 2.5-inch ATA-3 savvy disk drive that offers 5-GB of storage. The drive is ideal for the laptop marketplace. The disk is expected to be available to OEMs in Jul97. No pricing info is currently available. [Computer Technology Review, Jun97, page 4] Toshiba has started to run ads that highlight their new portable Windows PC laptops, including the new 1.85-lbs. Libretto 50CT. NewtNews caught ads in InfoWorld (16Jun97) on page 54-55, and PCWeek (16Jun97) on page 12-14. Michael Caton has a review article called "The Tiniest Notebook Yet: Runs Win95 but typing is tough" in PC Week published on 16Jun97 on page 26. Bob Francis has a 'Trends' article entitled "Notebooks Take On THe Enterprise - Portable computers are nearly as powerful as desktops. That's leading a new class of users to make the machines their main computer" on page 38 of Information Week published on 16Jun97 "Nation of Notebooks: Love your laptop? No matter what brand is on the outside, the brand inside says "Made in Taiwan." Here's the story of Horace Tsiang and four of his top supplier - entrepreneurs who assembled an industry and produced a fast country" by Glenn Rifkin, Fast Company, Jun/Jun97, page 150 ** PALMPILOT ** Some PalmPilot links of potential interest: - inComing 1.2 & yahtChallenge 1.7: - PilotGear H.Q.: - Handheld Pricing: ** WINDOWS CE ** Dan Briody has the latest and greatest Windows CE news from the recently held PC Expo (NYC) in an article called "Microsoft and Psion spruce up handhelds" on page 26 of Infoworld published on 16Jun97. Bob Trott has an article entitled "First Windows CE Web Server to come from Intrinsyc" on page 104 of InfoWorld published on 16Jun97. The target market for this server software, tentatively called "Rainbow", is the embedded application market like factory automation. For more information check out: . David Abrahamson has a Windows CE and Philips Velo 1 specific article entitled "Wee Windows Computers: The handheld Velo 1 operates in the familiar Windows environment. But typing on it may cramp your style" on page 104 of Inc. Technology magazine published on 17Jun97. Lyle Supp has a two-page overview of Hitachi's SH-3 processor used in several Windows CE hand-held systems on page 45 of Byte published on Jul97. The title of the article is "The Heard of Hand-held PCS: low power consumption and high performance make Hitachi's SH-3 processor ideal for hand-held devices." ** PSION ** The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on 17Jun97 that Psion shares lost 19.3% in London on 16Jun97 after news was released by Psion that sales had slowed. The decreased sales were attributed to Microsoft's Windows CE operating system, and the host of manufacturers building Windows CE devices. Dan Briody has the latest and greatest Psion Series 5 news from the recently held PC Expo (NYC) in an article called "Microsoft and Psion spruce up handhelds" on page 26 of Infoworld published on 16Jun97. Some Psion links of potential interest: - Pricing on older Psion devices: - Launch Pad v2.00F: - PSION Series 5 Information Online: or - PSI-TACT version 1.4: - Bryan Anderson's new Psion Web page: ** OTHER HANDHELD ** Japan Palmtop Direct is reporting a new Libretto is in the works for the Japanese market. This version will include: 1.6-GB hard drive, 150-MHz Pentium, and 32-MBs of RAM. There is also a 'pen' version of the Libretto called the Cuaderia (weighs 1.9-lbs.) that ships with: 20-MBs RAM, 810-MB hard drive, DX-4 75Mhz processor, and has a 6.1" active-matrix color. Mark Moore examines "Sharp (SE-500) Hones Its New OZ Line of Handheld Wizards: Also unveils pen-based organizer at PC Expo" on page 51 of PC Week published on 16Jun97. ** APPLE & MACINTOSH ** [EDITOR: Most of the articles we were going to use to populate this section were lost in our disk corruption problems. Stay tuned for more information later.] ** OTHER ** Charles Mirho and Tom Clements have a detailed by still introductory article entitled "Java OS - Thin Client, Fat Service: Java OS uses a slim kernel that draws additional systems services from servers on demand" on page 53 of the Jul97 edition of Byte magazine. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Need more Newton information?!? NewtNews suggests you check out: + Newton Reference: + Always Newton Central: + NewtUser: + NewtWorld: + The Ultimate Newton: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ To much info in NewtNews for you? Does all the Macintosh information make you want to puke? Then maybe you should check out NewtNews-Savvy. For $20 you get 40 issues of just lean and mean Newton/PDA/Wireless information directly to your inbox of choice. Send an email message with the subject containing 'NewtNews-Savvy' to and you'll get a sample issue and an order form. Thanks for reading! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Edupage, 16Jun97 thru 22Jun97 ----------------------------- ** MCNEALY TOUTS A JAVA FUTURE ** Speaking at last week's Netscape Developer Conference, Sun Microsystems' CEO Scott McNealy outlined a future in which the Java programming language is embedded in a range of computational devices, from the mainframe to the smart card. At the same time, he down-played Microsoft's efforts to steal Java's thunder: "When you hear the word 'thin client,' you may think of this," he said, pulling a smart card out of his wallet. "See how thin this is? Now can you imagine any Windows technology on a smart card? If you wanted to put it in your wallet, you'd have to redesign every pair of trousers on the planet." Java's scalability allows it to fit into tiny places, such as a wristwatch which, combined with a hand-held antenna, could act as a debit card, a car key or an airline boarding pass. (TechWire 14Jun97) ** CHEAPER CHIPS = CHEAPER PCs ** Intel has found a way to shrink its Pentium and Pentium MMX chips by about 10%, thereby raising the number of chips it can squeeze onto a single silicon wafer and cutting manufacturing costs per unit. As a result, the company plans to reduce the price of a 200 MHz Pentium MMX processor from $492 to about $240 in July. "That shows aggressive pricing," says an industry observer. "Intel's strategy is to make sure MMX plays through all price points." The new prices will mean computer manufacturers will be able to offer $1,000 desktop machines and $1,500 notebook PCs later this summer. (InfoWorld Electric 13Jun97) ** PACKARD BELL NEC PLANS DIRECT SALES ** The world's fourth-largest PC maker says it will join direct sales pioneers Dell Computer and Gateway 2000 in selling its computers directly to business customers, bypassing the computer reseller middlemen. Packard Bell NEC says it will still sell to customers through stores, and that corporate clients will have the choice of buying directly from the company or through the existing resell channel. The new program, called NEC Now, is a risky move, say industry analysts, who point out that the dual strategy could be confusing for customers, while running the risk of alienating dealers. "The very little channel support they have is what they will be sacrificing," says one reseller, who adds: "To me, it's just a joke and I don't think it's going to fly." Meanwhile, Packard Bell's CEO says, "Our formula is not to undercut the resellers but to benefit them." (Wall Street Journal 18Jun97) ** FINANCIAL-DATA ENCRYPTION CODE CRACKED ** It took four months and tens of thousands of computers, but a group of programmers and researchers, has succeeded in cracking the Data Encryption Standard that's used to protect most financial transactions, including electronic money transfers, ATM transactions, and other private documents. The group, which was competing against a team in Sweden in response to a challenge by RSA Data Security, used the "brute force" approach -- running software that theoretically would test all of the 72 quadrillion possible number combinations to decode the 56-bit key. As it turned out, the key was discovered after testing only about 25% of the possible combinations. "We've been saying for a long time that DES is no longer secure and here is the proof," says RSA president Jim Bidzos, who had offered a $10,000 bounty to the successful code-cracker. (Wall Street Journal 19Jun97) ** MINDING THE BUSINESS Electric Minds, the "virtual community" created by well-known writer and cyber-enthusiast Howard Rheingold, is having financial difficulties and may not last for the rest of this month. The Electric Minds site has about 6,000 members. Rheingold says: "It was not a fad. The enterprise was culturally successful. That didn't fail. What failed was the business." (San Jose Mercury News 19Jun97) ** INTERNET GROWTH FIGURES ** A Georgia Institute of Technology group has disputed the interpretation placed by the Tampa Tribune on its recent survey of Internet use. The study can be found at: (Edupage 17Jun97) ** STUDY CONFIRMS INTRANET PAYBACK ** A study released Thursday by Meta Consulting Group indicates that 80% of the companies polled realized a positive return on their investment in a corporate intranet. Participating companies ranged in size from $2-million to $35-billion in sales revenue, but an organization's size had no apparent relationship to the returns generated, which averaged about 38% on the initial investment. "The market for intranet services is moving rapidly, and to date there has been little expense or cost justification data available," says a Meta VP. "What does exist is vendor-focused rather than reflecting the need and actual experience of end users." (Electronic Buyers News 20 Jun 97) ** WIRELESS CARRIERS, UTILITIES JOIN FORCES IN TOWER ISSUE ** With community zoning boards clamping down hard on where new cellular phone towers may be sited, wireless carriers in some cases are turning to utility companies to help them out of their dilemma. The PowerMount, designed by FWT Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas, modifies the utility's electrical transmission towers to accommodate the carrier's communications antennas. By co-siting their antennas on already existing power poles, the carriers are finding that community opposition is virtually eliminated. (Wireless Business Technology Jun 97) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ If you are too cheap to pay $20 for weekly Newton/PDA/Wireless info, then check out the freeware-monthly-Acrobat-savvy-version of NewtNews called NewtNews Pro at: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ This space for rent. For more info: . Thanks. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ INNOVATION, 16Jun97 ------------------- ** TRENDS: LEARNING + COMPUTERS + ENTERTAINMENT = "TECHNOTAINMENT" ** Futurist and self-described "intellectual hedonist" Richard Saul Wurman thinks that formal education is on the way out -- to be made irrelevant by "technotainment." "The education system is catastrophic and finally being perceived as catastrophic. By 2025 it will have atrophied." To Wurman, education needs to be self-directed, and his motto is to "indulge interests": "Take a 16-year-old who's fascinated with cars and can tell you anything about them. Currently the education system tells him that's not a legitimate interest. Instead, he should be led by it into the history of transportation, metallurgy, physics, chemistry. You can start anywhere and learn about everything." (Fortune 23 Jun 97) ** STRATEGIES: REINVENTING THE MIDDLEMAN ** It is a bad mistake to think of Web-based electronic commerce as some sort of appendage (whether "front-end" or "back-end") to your established way of doing business -- you need to completely rethink the way you do business, because the Internet "will rewrite the rules of entire industries," and for companies that don't understand that it will be like trying to compete today without a sales force or telephone. On the other hand, it would also be a bad mistake to think you can burn all your bridges. Here's a good example of the problem and opportunity: the airline industry's new ability to sell tickets via the Web and cut out the travel agents. In the foreseeable future, an airline that abandoned travel agents would feel their wrath immediately, and would lose a significant amount of business by attempting "disintermediation" (i.e., eliminating the middleman); however, an airline that changed the form of mediation (call it "reintermediation") would be responding creatively to the fact that "most economists agree that middlemen actually make an economy more efficient, not less. The reinvented middlemen in the airline example will have bulk-buying power denied to individual consumers, will be able to provide consultation on a full range of services, etc. "How a company deals with the new-age middlemen is just as important -- if not more important -- than how it deals with customers." (Malcolm Frank, "The Realities of Web-Based Electronic Commerce," Strategy & Leadership May/Jun 97) ** INNOVATIONS: HANDS-OFF DRIVING ** In the next few weeks, California will begin the first U.S. test of "driver-disengaged transit" on a busy 7.6-mile stretch of highway just north of San Diego. Drivers of a fleet of specially equipped Buick LeSabres will be able to enter the I-15 express lanes, flip a couple of switches, and leave the driving to the onboard computer stored in the trunk. "The automated highway isn't a pipe dream anymore," says the deputy director of California PATH (Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways). The goal of the vehicle manufacturers participating in the project is to get the cost of the extra hardware and software down to about $1,000 -- about the same as some of the other high-end options offered on new cars. And in addition to packing as many as three times more cars efficiently onto existing roads, the computer-steered vehicles have been found to eliminate up to 90% of the car accidents that occur today as a result of human error. Proponents believe that if all goes well in the trial phase, automated highways could be in use by the general public by 2020. (Investor's Business Daily 10 Jun 97) . ** MORE INFO ON INNOVATION ** Innovation is published weekly, with individual subscriptions available at $15 a year. Topics are organized under the following headers: TRENDS, STRATEGIES, and INNOVATIONS. For a six-week free trial subscription to Innovation, please send an email message to and in the subject line type the word: 'subscribe'. You can also use the trial registration form on their Web site at: . For more info, send email to: or $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NEED A NEWTON PROGRAMMER? NewtNews has a list of over 48 Internet based Newton programmers who are interested in working on vertical or horizontal market solutions. Please send email to: if you would like the list or would like to be added to the list. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Dear Newton Developer --------------------- ** INTRODUCTION & INCENTIVE ** This area is dedicated to trying to solve NewtNews readers programming needs, and in turn hopefully lead to the creation of a legitimate Newton shareware solution for the developer solving the problem. If a developer solves such a problem, NewtNews will give them a 50% price reduction for any advertising service they order for that product in our Products and Services area. If you have a utility you need written, please let NewtNews know by sending an email to: . ** EMPLOYEE TIME TRACKER ** Larry Bawcom is looking for a tool that will enable him as an employer to track/log employees weekly work hours & schedules. Other Tidbits of Information ---------------------------- ** LATEST INFO FROM RED HERRING ** The latest edition of Red Herring is out on the newsstands. The issue for Jul97 focuses on "The Top 20 Entrepreneurs in 1997" and on "Internet Software" marketplace. This issue also looks at former Secretary of the Defense William Perry and his plans to teach at Stanford University. And there is also a detailed article on the near future plans for Hotbot developer Inktomi. To learn more about this excellent techno-financial resource check out: . ** MESSAGING CONFERENCE ** Network World's Technical Seminar on "Next Generation Messaging - Capitalizing on Internet & Client/Server email" is being offered all over the United States with dates in Jun-Jul97. For more information check out: or call 800.643.4668 or send an email to: . ** HOW DO YOU BUY TECHNOLOGY? ** According to a FaxPoll survey in Inc. Tech 1997, No. 2, 17Jun97 -- Where do you buy most of 34% mail order your computers? Do you use customized 62% said no to this question software? Where do you buy most of 40% computer superstore your software? Which is your biggest 40% features criterion in purchasing? What your purchasing 53% not enough vendor help complaints? with later problems ** GETTING A COMPLETE COPY OF NCU ** You can reportedly get an official copy of Newton Connection Utilities v1.0 shipped to your home in 'disk' format for Mac OS or Windows (3.1/95/NT) by calling: 800.211.1537. The software will costs US$29.99 and this price includes the cost of shipping and handling. BTW ... if you are looking for a Authorized Apple Dealer that is selling the MP2K please call: 800.909.0260 or check out: . Advertising Notes ----------------- Silverware is now advertising their latest MoreInfo 4.1. AMUG has updated their ad for their CDROM of Newton stuff. If you are interested in advertising in NewtNews please send email to: . NewtNews is freeware because of the advertisers that support this effort, and we appreciate their support. When you purchase products from NewtNews vendors please mention that you heard about their product in NewtNews. Product and Service Information ------------------------------- * MoreInfo 4.1 - This integrated contact manager seamlessly integrates the built-in Names, Dates, Calls and Notes applications. This latest version adds even more useful features to this already essential product. MP2K savvy. Voted Best Newton Software for 1997 - mobilis Magazine Reader's Choice Award. From SilverWARE at $69.95+S&H. For demos check out: - - 508.521.5262 * STAND ALONE offers a variety of Newton applications for Newton 2.0: - PACKAGE POPUP: instant access to all your packages, launch with a tap, automatically thaw and re-freeze. $15. - SECURE-A-NEWT: Password protect folders in your NotePad, Names, and Extras Drawer. Protect your info from prying eyes. $20. - KEYMAN: Adds function keys, a multi-function calculator, and a new keyboard designed for one-fingered typing. $20. - NOTEMAN: Instant access to the NotePad from any package. $10. - BACKGAMMON: The classic board game, brought to Newton. $20. - SUPER SORTER: Fast, Usable list management, featuring fully expandable and customizable list creation and editing. $20 For information about any of these or other Stand Alone products, contact us at: , or (312) 262-5150. Also check out our Web site at: . * Tim Constantine has several cutting edge Newton solutions: Flash - A Speed Reading Tutor; CrazyDice - Multi-player Strategy Game, and Clean Notes - Stationary w/o Lines. For more info: or . Tim is also available for custom Newton application development. Send Tim email if you have a question about custom application development or about his cutting edge solutions. * NEW! 9th Volume of the Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton! This CD-ROM from AMUG CD, Inc. contains over 1450 packages, 618 megs, and a Newt 2000 only area. Works on Mac or PC. 2.x & 1.x Packages can be downloaded directly from the CD to your MessagePad. Maximize your Newton experience! ONLY $29 + S/H. Call AMUG 602.497-2244, or email to order! AMUG CD web page at . * BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGES FROM PELICANWARE All packages for Newton 2.0 OS - Upgrades also available. - QUICKFIGURE PRO 3.0: Spreadsheet application $59.95 - NEWTCASE 3.0: The Ultimate Utility Suite $49.95 - NOTION 1.5: High Performance List Manager $59.95 - AVAILWORKS 2.0: Text, spreadsheets, drawing, and graphing $79.95. All from PELICANWARE. For more details email: , vox: 503-221-1148, fax: 503-221-8709, or . * CATAMOUNT SOFTWARE offers the following: - POCKETMONEY assists you in balancing your checking, savings, credit card and loan accounts. Export and import transactions to Quicken, MYM and other desktop based program. - NAMIGATOR gives rapid access to Names. I know, I have over 5000. - MPG helps you keep your vehicle records in order. Track fuel economy, record mileage for tax purposes, schedule repeating vehicle maintenance items for multiple vehicles. - MORGAN is the Newton Media ORGANizer. Track CDs, tapes, records books, laserdiscs, videos, and more... For more information call 802-372-9512, email , or visit our web site . * NEW BILLS TO PAY PRO 3.5.5 Rated 5 out of 5 by Gecko Magazine! Now available in German! For NOS 2.0. Includes support for stationery, enhanced overview, and new printing options! Easily track bills and expenses; create budget projections; and set alarms to remind you of bills. Send bill info to Pocket Quicken or Pocket Money. $39.95+S&H MAR Software at: or . * GET AMIGO NOW! Did you know you can order AMIGO the premier 8000+ word English/Spanish Dictionary Reference Tool and Translation program for the Newton over the World Wide Web at: ? AMIGO is available for US$24.95 and it comes with a full year of upgrades. For more information contact ACCSYS by email at: * GPS MAP and GPS MAP LITE -- GPS based navigation with real moving maps, showing all details as familiar from paper based maps. Features -- map calculator, route planning, database, history track, and mission recorder. Import your own maps from your Mac or PC at any scale. Connects to most GPS receiver's offering a NMEA183 interface. For more info/demo: or . * Newt Development Environment: develop object-oriented applications in NewtonScript on the Newton (shareware: $49.50; tools, examples, support). * Newt's Cape: create Newton books with text, graphics, tables, links, and forms from HTML (via web browsing or Notepad) (shareware: $38.50; tools, examples, support). For details, software, and registration info: or * INFORMED FILLER FOR NEWTON is your mobile data collection solution for Inspection forms, Health Care forms ... in fact, for any forms you use! Design custom forms on your Macintosh with Informed Designer. Then, fill out your forms on the Newton quickly and accurately using automatic defaults, choice lists, calculations and signatures. Finally, send completed forms directly to Informed Filler on your desktop for further processing. Now when you buy Informed Designer, you'll also get Informed Filler for the desktop AND a BONUS Newton Filler. For more details about this exciting offer, contact Shana Corp. at: (800) 386-7244, email at: or visit our Web site at: . * SOLUTIONS FROM LANDWARE. All work in the Newton 2.0 OS. - PROCALC EX: Programmable calc. w/ SAN & RPN, includes: proCALC 12c. - QUICKNAMES PRO: Rapid access to names and much more. - X-PORT: The 2.0 connection utility. Send/receive notes, contacts... - KWIKMENU: the Newton dashboard, includes GestureLaunch Lite. - NEWTPAINT: "MacPaint" on your Newton, w/zoom-in and screen shot. - SYNC+: Dates to Schedule+ 1.0 or 7.0 LandWare, 201-347-0031, , * Frustrated by the amount of time required to input long notes? Looking for a faster method? GESTURE MOSAIC is a hybrid keyboard/recognition system which enables the rapid (30-40+wpm) pen-based entry of text. Now updated for OS2.0, you can use it to quickly input text anywhere in your Newton. FREEWARE versions are available at: For more information contact: or call: 800-696-6724. * ChessPad 2.0 turns the Newton into a digital chess book and a portable chess set. It contains 28 fully-annotated games played by the greatest players of all time, 100 brilliant winning combinations by Morphy, Tal, Fischer, and Kasparov, and 100 chess problems. ChessPad can also import games in Portable Game Notation format. Only $39.95. Clear Lake Research 713.663.7513 * THE HANDHELD COMPUTER ALMANAC -- The definitive guide to handheld products and services, from organizers to ruggedized systems. 150 pages, 600 companies, 1300 products and services in 50+ categories, with more than 300 Newton products. Only $24.95 + S&H from Creative Digital Publishing Inc. 30-day money-back guarantee. email: , URL: , voice: 415.621.4252, fax: 415.621.4922 * NEW SCOREPAD 3.0.1 -- Golf scorekeeping package for Newton 2.0. Easily keeps scores and statistics - analyze and graph the results. Figure your unofficial handicap. Automatically calculates nassaus and skins. Keep notes about each round and course. Available for US$50 from Software Unboxed or directly from Sun Sabre (513.459.9330) with 10% by mentioning NewtNews. REVIEW: MessagePad 2000 ----------------------- ** WHO ** Gary Pepper posted the following recently to USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc. Gary was kind enough to let NewtNews repost the article. ** INTRODUCTION ** I've just spent 8 days trying to decide whether or not to keep or return the new Newton MessagePad 2000 (MP2K). I thought I'd give you my two cents worth -- First, you should know that I'm not a programmer or a software developer. My perspective is from a Windows 95/NT user. I've also played with other operating systems in the past (OS/2). In looking at handheld alternatives, I've briefly played with some Windows CE units, along with a Pilot and a Zaurus. I'll make references to these products when appropriate, although I haven't spent anywhere near the time with them as with the MP2K. ** HARDWARE ** The MP2K really feels like a well-built, quality product as soon as you pick it up. Although a bit on the weighty side, it feels like you're holding a well-engineered product, not some toy. I have small hands, and really didn't have any problem holding it with one hand while writing on it with the other. The screen has a door that completely covers it, so that you can close the door, and just drop it into your briefcase or small carry bag (Eagle Creek Travel Bag fits perfect without the keyboard) and not worry about scratching the screen. Forget about putting it in your pants, shirt or coat pocket, unless you're related to BigFoot. Other nice touches include a stylus that has a nice weight and is metallic, unlike some others that resemble an overgrown, plastic toothpick. The stylus recesses into a shaft that is spring-loaded. It pops up when you depress it. Very nice feel! The MP2K even has a pop-out holder for it while using the unit. Another door covers the optional AC power port and the serial connector. The serial connector is used for both the external keyboard that comes with the more expensive MP2K package ($1,099) and for connecting the unit to your PC/MAC. Unfortunately, you need to use a small cable converter (included) to use either of these, because both the keyboard and the desktop connector have a round connector (PS/2-like), while the MP2K has a mini-serial rectangular connector. As I've often read, it's just a matter of time before you'll loose it. Don't let me forget about the processor. Unlike HP's 300LX (Hitachi processor, not real speedy), or the Velo1 (MIPS processor, definitely feels faster), the MP2K has a StrongARM processor running at 162Mhz. This thing kicks ass. There are both pluses and minuses to the keyboard. Yes, it's an external keyboard that attaches with a cable. Yes, it means yet another piece you have to lug around, and if you don't, you'll probably wish you had when trying to write a lengthy letter. BUT, for those of us who touch type, hallelujah! This is a REAL keyboard. You'll have no problem typing on this one. I've tried typing on a Zaurus, an HP 300LX and a Velo1. All I can say is thank god they included a backspace & delete key, because I'll be using those all day long! ** OPERATING SYSTEM ** The MP2K includes Newton OS 2.1. In a nutshell, I like it. It's a little different for a Windows user, but once you get the hang of it, it's really efficient and seems to work well. For example, you'll be looking all day for the trash can / recycling bin when you want to delete something, because it's not there. Instead, use the routing symbol (envelope) to "route" it to the trash. Don't look for the file manager (explorer) either. Instead, get to the application that's related to what you're looking for, and touch the little round button on the screen. It'll bring up a listing of files related to that app, which you can then open, fax, print, delete, e-mail or whatever. The operating system includes a "Find" utility that searches one or all apps for your search word, and gives you a list of the files it found, indented underneath the related app it was created in. Very nice! Loading a new application is a new experience for a Windows user. Other than "beaming" files from one MP2K to another, there's no other way to load an app without an accompanying desktop computer. First, the unit needs a file with a ".pkg" extension to install the app. Some of the apps come in a "hqx" or "sit" format, which needs to be converted before you can install. I used StuffIt Expander. Make sure you set the options to "never" and "never", or else you'll really screw things up. Some people have commented about running low on "Heap" area. I didn't experience that, but I only loaded a couple additional apps. ** SOFTWARE BUNDLE ** Overall, Newton did a nice job with the software bundle. The PIM software (Names, Notes, Dates) are pretty good and easy to learn, however, if you want to link things together, you'll need a 3rd party product like MoreInfo or DateMan. Faxing software is built-in and can easily be accessed within almost any app when you hit the "routing" icon. It even comes complete with a decent cover page. The QuickFigure Works spreadsheet is quite usable. As a heavy spreadsheet user, I didn't expect it to have every function ever created. And it doesn't. However, it has enough to get some work done. There are two omissions that are important to me. The first is NO borders. That's right. There's no way to underline, double-underling or box a cell. I don't think I've ever created a spreadsheet without doing this! The other omission is, unlike Excel, a file can't contain multiple sheets, and so referencing a cell to/from another sheet isn't an option (I don't think). However, the spreadsheet on the MP2K has one feature that Windows CE units lack: Locking the labels. You can freeze the top row and left-most column, although you can't freeze any rows/columns would want on the sheet. What are you Pocket Excel programmers thinking! Do you ever use the product? Where screen size is as precious a commodity as on a handheld PC, the lack of this feature makes the Pocket Excel product unacceptable! I also like the NewtonWorks word processor. It's quite full-featured, although it lacks a spell checker. Another oversight is that the handwriting recognition doesn't work on the word processor. You must use the keyboard. However, there are 3rd party solutions to both these deficiencies. On the plus side, the Newton word processor has complete tab control, including decimal tabs. Pocket Word lacks this feature, which is very important to me. For example, let's say you want to list a couple items in your letter with corresponding amounts, like this: "Here's my bill to you: 3 hours for testing $150 4 hours for calls $80 New computer $1,500 Total due $1,730" Can someone tell me how to line up those numbers properly in Pocket Word? NO WAY! With Newtonworks, it's a piece of cake! As far as the e-mail and Internet software, I really can't comment on those for reasons which are outlined below. ** PC CONNECTIVITY ** This is an area where the MP2K definitely needs improvement. I had too many problems here, and my hardware situation is fairly typical. Here's a list for you to consider, if you have a PC: 1. The QuickFigure spreadsheet comes with its own transfer utility called QFExchange. If you're using Office 97, don't bother trying to transfer your spreadsheets from the MP2K to your desktop, unless you want to get frustrated. It won't work until you get a patch from PelicanWare to fix the problem. 2. Once you solve problem 1 above, you'll encounter problem 2. You know the expression, "RTFM" (read the f*** manual)? Well, don't! It's wrong. The exchange utility won't work unless you start the connection at the Newton, not at the PC like it says in the manual. PelicanWare states this on their website, but unless you're more insightful than I am, you'll probably think that you're doing something wrong, and that's why it doesn't work. Oh well, there's another couple hours down the drain! 3. My office desktop machine is hooked up to a NT server network. The Newton Connection Utilities totally failed to connect until I rebooted the desktop machine, and made sure I didn't log on to my network on reboot. I don't know why a serial connection should have any conflict with a LAN using a PCI card, but apparently, it does. I wasted many hours before figuring out this one (and needed Apple's help as well). On a side note, the QFExchange utility fails to install on this machine, because Excel is running as a "workstation" configuration on my desktop, which means the Library files it uses are on the Server. Not an uncommon situation. Apparently, this setup poses a problem for the utility, which I have yet to resolve. 4. On Word documents, the file transfer format is ".RTF", not ".doc". For most uses, this will work ok, as most of the formatting is retained. However, you may have problems with documents that contain tables, imbedded objects or other more advanced formatting items. 5. Synchronization with your PIM (personal information manager). All I can say is unless you're using a very limited number of products, GOOD LUCK! I use ECCO Pro on my desktop. OK, I know I've got no chance for a proper synchronization with the MP2K. But what about Outlook? Sorry, you have to use Schedule Plus 7. What about Lotus Organizer? Sorry, Organizer 97 doesn't work, only the older version 2.1. What about ACT!? Sorry, you need to buy the product for BOTH platforms, then download all the newest version from Symantec, than wonder why it still may take 2 hours for a sync. ** MODEM ISSUES ** My friend gave me a USR Sportser 14.4 PC Card modem. "Great", I thought. "Won't have to buy a modem for the MP2K". Well, not quite. Sorry, I couldn't get it to dial. I tried all the available modem settings, but nothing worked. Then I borrowed a USR 28.8 Sportser PC Card. I wasn't real optimistic, and rightly so. It also failed. Then I borrowed a Xircom 28.8 PC Card modem. It dialed, but only when it felt like it. About once every four or five times, which was also unacceptable. Hey, I wasn't using a modem made by "My Science Fair Prototype, Inc." These are major modem makers, and yet they don't work. Something is definitely wrong here. ** THE BOTTOM LINE ** There's so much to like about the MP2K. And I didn't even mention its wonderful handwriting recognition, which really works well and is fast. Just grab it, turn it on and start writing! I don't think the Windows CE software bundle comes close to what you get in this product. Regrettably though, I'll probably return it. Synchronization issues are just too important for me at this time. I really need to know that my contacts and dates are current when I leave the office with my handheld, and not have to go through hoops to try to get them in sync. I hope that in time, Newton will resolve these issues. When they do, I'll probably be back to try it again! Administrivia ------------- NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication. My personal comments may be included in articles NewtNews reports by highlighting them as -- [SDH: Comments]. Official NewtNews Editor's comments are highlighted as -- [Editor: Comments]. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. All trademarks used in this publication are for informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. Send contributions and comments to Steve Holden, Editor and Publisher at: . Other important NewtNews players include: - Reviews Editor: Bob Torres - Newton Book: Mark Heringer - NewtNews Pro: Dave Hina - FTP site & email list admin: Bob Torres - NewtNews Travel Guide: Andrew Wong SUBSCRIPTIONS: email with 'subscribe newt_news' as the body of your message (no quotes) UNSUBSCRIBE: email with 'unsubscribe newt_news' WWW: FTP: NEWTON REFERENCE: NEWTON CLASSIFIEDS: This edition of NewtNews was written with the help of: a quick four day vacation to Laughlin, NV; the movie 'Speed II'; and a Sunday afternoon picnic at Mission May with friends. Disclaimer: I am doing this on my own time, and on my own hardware *********** and software not the government's or my employer's.