NewtNews-128-28Jan97 ==================== by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. This issue of NewtNews is sponsored in part by: + VITAMIN A MENU EDITOR - Stand Alone has released it's custom and caret menu editor and creator! - Demo at: + X-Port, KwikMenu, NewtPaint, Quicknames Pro, proCALC Ex - Newton 2.0 solutions - - + PDA Panache is your single source for stylus solutions - ORDERS: 800.270.7196 - FAX: 516.467.6329 - + WinSlurp from Rare White Tiger Creations - Available via WWW at: . + PDA & HANDHELD DIRECT - Putting Technology in the Palm of Your Hand! 800-279-4PDA 219-882-5228 [F]:219-845-0578 + TeleType GPS and moving map for the Newton - Never get lost again - - + INFORMED FILLER FOR NEWTON - Custom Electronic Forms Integrated With Your Desktop - Shana Corp - - + PowerMedia presents 'Arcade Game Pack' - Birds With Lances, Rocks In Space, Frogs vs. Cars - US$29.95 - + RidgeNet - ARA, SLIP, PPP access to the Internet from Ridgecrest, CA. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Top News 2. Information from Email 3. Information from the Internet 4. Review of Top Weekly Magazine Headlines 5. Top Weekly Magazine Stories Of Interest 6. Other PDA News 7. Edupage, 20Jan96 thru 26Jan97 8. Other Sources of Information 9. Wired 10. News Agent Summary 11. Advertising Notes 12. Product and Service Information 13. Guest Opinion 14. Comments from the Editor 15. Administrivia Top News -------- ** KOREAN NEWTON! ** Smittie recently confirmed rumors on USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc that Enfour was working on a Korean Language Kit for Newton 2.0. The 'plugin' should be available soon. [EDITOR: So, with their Japanese plugin Enfour opened the Newton to 130+ million people. With their Chinese plugin they opened the Newton to 1.3+ billion people. And this new Korean plugin will add another 60+ million potential Newton users. Absolutely amazing! Kudos all around!] ** CLUBPDA PRICES ON NEWTON 2000 ** Raven Zachary posted the following U.S. prices and details to the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.misc: A102-1397 Apple MP2000 $ 949 A102-1396 Apple MP2000 w/ Keyboard, Case, and spreadsheet software $ 1099 A100-1483 Apple MP2000 Replacement Pen $ 13 A100-1484 Apple MP2000 Rechargeable Battery $ 32 A100-1485 Apple MP2000 Serial Adapter $ 20 A100-1486 Apple MP2000 and Keyboard Case $ 99 A100-1487 Apple MP2000 AC Adapter $ 33 To place a back-order with ClubPDA call: 1-888-CLUBPDA. Shipping is expected to start late Feb97 or early Mar97. Please make sure to mention source code PDAWWEML. Orders can only be shipped within the United States. For more information: . [EDITOR: I have confirmed that #A102-1397 will unfortunately not include the spreadsheet application. The word processor is included with all MP2Ks.] ** HANDHELD FUTURE SPEAKER ANNOUNCED ** Steve Mann has announced that the 'Futures Keynote' at The Handheld Systems Conference on 25Apr97 will be given by Thomas Zimmerman from IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. Thomas will discuss and demonstrate "Personal Area Networks -- a technology for the exchange of digital information between personal devices on and near the human body using capacitively-coupling nanocurrents." In related news, Apple's Newton Systems Group and Psion have joined the list of sponsors for the fourth Handheld Systems Conference. Additional sponsors include Microsoft, Geoworks, Hewlett-Packard, and General Magic. U.S. Robotics and Pen Computing Magazine are supporters of the upcoming conference. For more information about the conference check out: . ** PROJECT MANAGEMENT ON THE NEWTON ** Tom Unkefer has announced that Nomadic Technologies is nearly done with development of a new product for the Newton called "NT Project (Personal Edition)" -- a full-fledged project management application for Newton 2.0 and newer systems. For more information check out: . A public beta seed is expected to start in Feb97. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ The New WriteRight Screen Enhancements protect your screen from scratches, reduce glare and improve your handwriting recognition by simulating the feel of writing on paper. WriteRights are available for all Newtons in packs of: 4-for $11.95, 8-for $18.95, and 12-for $24.95. Mention NewtNews and receive 10% off our 12-pack. For more info: 415-929-1002 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ AvailWorks 3.0 - New version adds a text layer with spell-check, find and replace, and support for multiple page documents. AvailWorks integrates text processing, powerful tables, dynamic business charts and graphs, and drawing and page layout tools into one convenient package for the Newton. From PelicanWare at $79.95+S&H. For more info: . To order 800.655.6398 or visit resellers. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from Email ---------------------- ** 1997 WINTER CES SUMMARY ** Long time NewtNews reader Scott Leapman was kind enough to send NewtNews blurbs about what was going on at the recently held Winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. In summary: - The show was fun but wasn't as "gee wiz" as the last couple of years - The upcoming new DVD technology was this year's 'buzzphrase' with most of the big names: Sony, RCA, JVC, Pioneer, Hitachi, Samsun, Goldstar, Toshiba, Philips, etc. ... showing prototypes. IBM was showing DVD-ROM players in prototype computer systems - DirecTV along with PrimeStar and USSB were there in force. - HP, Philips, NEC, and Casio were showing Windows CE devices. - The 'Internet savvy TV' market is also heating up -- Sega was there with NetLink. Sony, Philips, Magnavox, Zenith, and RCA either have units shipping or will have units shipping soon. It does appear that the folks at Diba are teaming up 'big-time' with Mitsubishi. ** NEW VERSION OF BILLS TO PAY PRO ** Edward Martin reports that Bills to Pay Pro version 3.5.5 is now available. The new update contains the following features: - Fixes a bug in version 3.5.4 where if a bill is marked as paid, the paid date would not be accurately displayed when scrolling to a new list. - Fixes a bug in version 3.5.4 where recurring bills with a due date set for the previous year, would not properly update to the new year. - When B2P sends a reminder to the To Do or the Calendar, the quote ''A bills to Pay Reminder!'' is now placed at the end of the reminder so that it will display more information in the overviews of Action Names, Date Man, and MoreInfo. - When selecting a bill from the picker which has a blank or 0 for the amount, B2P will no longer fill the amount field with ''0.00'' and require you to scrub it out in order to input a new amount. - When selecting a bill from the picker which has a due date set before the current date, the current date is used instead of the old date. The update can be downloaded from: . This version of B2P also supports German, and they are working on a French and Japanese version. If you are interested in 'beta' testing the French or Japanese versions please send email to: . ** CHEAPER WEB PAGE HOSTING? ** Fluid Creations is offering Macintosh and Newton users, and developers a 'discount' on hosting Web pages via: . The site will offer custom CGIs, with the ability to link into database systems. For more information send an email to: . ** NEW VERSION OF POCKET DIABETICARE ** Darin has announced the public beta testing of version 1.10 Beta 5 of Pocket DiabetiCare -- a personal diabetes management software that lets you record blood sugar readings and analyze your readings. This version is a maintenance upgrade with the following new features: - Improved user interface. - Addition of a preference screen to store defaults. - Ability to store either mg/dL or mmol/L readings. - Addition of TODAY to the data filter. - Ability to trim or remove ranges of old readings. - Allowing user to cancel from adding a reading. - Uploading data to a computer is more reliable. - Ability to view insulin taken in the overview. The version posted to the following site is a 30-day demo and can be downloaded from: . The SRP of Pocket DiabetiCare is US$20. For more information send an email message to: . ** MP2K PART OF APPLE'S WIRELESS PLAN?!? ** The FCC has reportedly given Apple the go ahead to use the MessagePad 2000 as a 'widespread wireless' device in the indoor and outdoor 5-GHz spectrum recently parcelled out of the National Information Infrastructure (NII) band. [Information from CMP Publications's Electronic Buyers News, 20Jan97] ** TCNUG MEETINGS ** Steve Deyo reports that the next Twin Cities Newton Users Group (TCNUG) meeting will be on 29Jan97 at 5:30 p.m. in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. This meeting will be 'blessed' with appearances of MP2K and eMate 300 units. The meetings are typically on the last Wednesday of each month. For more information send Steve email. ** MP2K IS A HANDHELD ** Kieren Simon correctly points out that the new official MessagePad 200 color brochure from Apple says: "Now with the Apple MessagePad 2000 handheld computer, you don't have to carry a heavy laptop around anymore." "In terms of speed, the new StrongARM processor in the MessagePad 2000 allows it to run up to 10 times faster than any current versions of personal digital assistants". [EDITOR: It should be noted that the average Newton application seems to be about 3 times faster than on a MP130. Pure math on the MP2K is indeed 10 times faster than the MP130.] ** NEED FOR AN IR PRINTING IS STRONG ** Jean-Louis Pitteloud <> writes: I'm looking for a way to print orders, bills, delivery slips, quotes, etc. ... directly thru infra-red (IR) to a Sharp IR parallel receiver (CE-IR1). Both the Newton (up to MP130) and the Sharp receiver use the same Sharp ASK IR protocol. The latter directly connects to a PC parallel printer using a normal printer cable (with DB-25 to Amphenol plugs). Having the correct PC drivers in my Newton I just need a redirection of the output to the IR port instead of the serial port. I manage a NewtonShop here in Switzerland, and there is a market for this kind of application here. ** NEW WWW ADDRESS FOR NEWTON JAPAN ** Newton Japan (aka the Japanese Newton Users Group) at the following email address: reports a new Web address for their organization. This is a Japanese only page. You can check it out at: . Newton Japan will also have a booth at MacWorld Expo/Tokyo '97 being held 19-22Feb97. ** NEWTON PROGRAMMER WANTED ** Ed Friedman at TeleType reports that his company is looking to hire another Newton programmer. The position is to enhance their flagship product 'TeleTypeGPS' -- so experience with wireless communications would be ideal. Future versions of TeleTypeGPS will include features like "transmitting position from the Mobile Unit back to a Central Station." If you are interested send Ed an email message for more information about the position and your qualifications. For more information about TeleType check out: . ** NEWTON - RECOMMENDED AS NEUROLOGICAL DISABILITY AID ** Kate Gladstone forwarded to Guy Kawasaki's MacWay listserver information about a new book on "Attention Deficit Disorder" written by Dr. David Sudderth and Dr. Joseph Kandel by Prima Publishing. The book recommends (on page 156) the MP120 as an 'easier and more convenient' to use PDA then other PDAs tested by the authors. You can get more info about the book at: and you can get more info about the publisher at: . ** NEW UTILITIES RELEASED ** Scott Jenson has recently released three new freeware utilities to AMUG's Newton FTP site. The first is version 2.1 of PhoneMemo -- a NotePad Stationary for Newton 2.0 systems to help you track phone calls. The second is RollOver 2.0 that adds a button to Checklists to help you split a list into completed and incomplete items. RollOver should be installed on internal memory to protect against "grip of death" problems. The third is TravelDate 1.0 that helps you track pending travel in the built-in dates application. TravelDate will also change your time and area code on your Newton automatically based on the travel data you enter. ** PAPERBACK 2.0 ** Stefan points out that David Fedor has posted version 2.0 of his freeware Paperback desktop 'pseudo' Newton Book creator to: . This version supports creation of a simple table of contents, and Newton 2.0 landscape mode. ** HONG KONG NEWTON WEB PAGES ** Social reports that new Hong Kong Newton Users Web page can be found at: . ** NEWTON IS KEY TECHNOLOGY FOR MAJOR STUDY ** Bill Murray has a Newton mention in an article entitled "Resources tallied with PDAs" in Government Computer News published on 09Dec96. The article is about a study done in the Agriculture Department called "The National Resources Inventory." To complete this study, the director of this group, Dean Thompson, turned to using the MP120 and MP130 because it was "small, portable, and relatively inexpensive." Plus it handles 'handwriting recognition.' The MessagePads in this study will in the end collect over 800,000 sample points in 1997 using software written by Avistar that connect to DEC workstations running Oracle. Thompson did say that he was going to evaluate Windows CE technology even though he likes the Newton PDA and the software. ** FINALLY GET TO SELECT ALL IN SOME BUILT-IN APPS ** Gert Sanders reports the release of a freeware extension for Notes, Names, and Calls called "Select All" written using Steve Weyer's NewtEnvDev/Slurpee combination. With this Newton 2.0 package installed, you can do a select all in the overview of Notes, Names, and Calls. You should be able to download version 1.0 from: . ** NS BASIC BENCHMARKS ON NEW MACHINES ** If you are still interested in checking out more details about NS Basic benchmark information in regards to the MP2K and the eMate 300 then follow this URL to Technote #30 on the NS Basic World Wide Web pages: . ** ANOTHER BETA OF WRITEHERE ** Foundation Systems has released another pubic beta for WriteHere 2.0. The #5 release was on 23Jan97. Improvements include: - Fixed the lingering and annoying (from Beta 4) problem of inserting text. - Register can now display up to six lines of text, up from one. - Minor UI improvements. - Minor tweaks and bug fixes. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ GET AMIGO NOW! Did you know you can order AMIGO the premier 8000+ word English/Spanish Dictionary Reference Tool and Translation program for the Newton over the Web at: ? Did you know that the price online is $5 less than the snail mail price and it comes with a full year of upgrades? Don't delay, this Fall there will be a new version and a price increase. More info: ACCSYS $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ TeleType GPS is software for the Newton which displays your location while driving or flying. The software includes a moving map which shows you where you are in relation to cities and towns. It is controlled by the Garmin 30 TracPack, a powerful yet small Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna. Never get lost again. Email: or WWW to: for more information. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Information from the Internet ----------------------------- ** NEWTON WINS ANOTHER AWARD ** Apple Developer News edition #41 published on 24Jan97 reports that BYTE magazine awarded the Apple Newton OS 2.0 an "Award of Merit" in their 1997 Editors' Choice Awards. For more info about Apple Developer News check out: . ** TIDBITS#361/13-JAN-97 HAS NEWTON MENTION ** The Macintosh newsletter TidBITS#361/13-Jan-97 has a Newton mention in their review of what was happening at MacWorld San Francisco 1997. The eMate 300 was highlighted as the "Coolest Computer Case" at the show, and 'could/should' be renamed "Power Purse." Adam Engst is the author of the article and he points out a 'feature' you don't hear much -- the eMate is 'tripod' savvy. There is a 'standard' tripod mount on the bottom of the unit. ** RFD - NEW NEWTON NEWSGROUP ** Matt Perry continues his excellent work on REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) for an unmoderated USENET newsgroup group called comp.sys.newton.marketplace. This is not a Call for Votes (CFV). If you would like to discuss this proposal check out news.groups. This group would be used by individuals to sell Newton related stuff, and a forum for businesses to periodically post details about their Newton offerings. ** AMUG NEWTON ARCHIVE ** Michael Bean reminds users of the Newton FTP archive that you can purchase registered FTP access from AMUG for 24 hour non-busy access. Send Michael email for more information. There are also AMUG archives at: - - - ** PICTS OF THE MP2K AND EMATE ** Raymond Kam reports that he has posted pictures of the MP2K and eMate 300 with Jake Koseleci from the Newton Store via: . ** NEWTON PROMINENT IN ANNUAL REPORT ** Don Vollum reports that the 'eMate 300 being held by a smiling kid' graces the cover the Apple's latest annual report. There is also a dedicated 2-page eMate picture in the center of the report, and the report does mention the MP2K. ** REMOTE CONTROL PACKAGE* * Sine of the Times has announced the release of the US$15 shareware ShowMate Remote Control package for Newton 2.0. The utility supports Sony and Panasonic devices, and offers scripting and scheduling. For more information check out: . ** NYCNUG MEETINGS ** Eric Sohn would like to remind New York City NewtNews readers that the New York City Newton User Group (NYCNUG) now meets the 3rd Thursday of each month (6:30-8 PM) at Apple Computer, in the Citicorp building at 53rd & Lex, on the 29th floor. The next meeting will be on 26Jan97. ** NEW VERSION OF PACKAGEBUDDY ** Robert Bruce reports that new versions of PackageBuddy have been posted. This version fixes various bugs reported by users. You can check out the software via: - Mac: - Windows : ** ALL WEATHER NEWTON HARDWARE ** Georg Oehl suggests that those looking for a more sturdy Newton, but aren't really looking for something as expensive as a Digital Ocean Newton that they check out RubberBoot information posted at: . ** LOOKING FOR A NEWTON TO BAR CODE READER SOLUTION? ** Kenneth R. Knight suggests you check out bar code readers by Data Path Systems by emailing: or calling: 415.325.0379 for more information. Tom Sublewski suggests TPS Electronics based in Palo Alto, California. For more info call: 800.526.5920 or 415.856.6833. ** CHESS FOR NEWTON? ** Looking for a Newton chess program that will play against you? Scott Silverman suggests you check out Type Solutions' ChessPro at: . ** LAN EMAIL SOLUTION ** If you need to connect your Newton to LAN based email systems like Microsoft Mail, cc:Mail, or Lotus Notes then you might want to check out, according to Ngiam Shih Tung , River Run's Mail on the Run via: . ** ANOTHER EMAIL SOLUTION FOR NEWTON ** Sydney Low has begun a public testing of eNotes 2.0b4. This is a NIE savvy email client. Previous versions used a shell login to get Unix based email to your Newton. For more information check out: . ** NTK CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT?!? ** Are you a Newton developer looking for some configuration management support? Then you'll be happy to know that several Newton developers have reported on USENET newsgroup comp.sys.newton.programmer success using Newton Toolkit (NTK) with the VOODOO configuration management software for the Macintosh. For more info about VOODOO check out: . ** GETTING DATA TO YOUR CUSTOM APPLICATION ** If you have a Newton application that you want to feed data to it, then check out NS Basic's WWW site at: for TechNote #29 that outlines how to read data out of a Newton Book into a Newton application (built-in NTK, NS Basic, NewtDev, etc. ...). NS Basic users can also use this method to use Newton Press to enter in programs and access them on the Newton. ** SOME NEWTON LINKS ** - Newton Source Europe: - DataRescue: - PowerPrefs - Oliver's Newton Easter Egg Page: - Motorola Montana modem drivers: - SNUG Newsletter: - Remapper: - Styles+: - Newton QuickTime VR movie: ** OTHER SITES WORTHY OF A BROWSE ** - Global Internet News Agency: - Dave [Windows NT access for Macs]: - COL Base by Caldera [OS for Linux]: - Rev 1.0 by 6prime [Macintosh]: - ChezMark's MacPicks: - MacaJava: - PartBank [Java]: - Digitool Applied Technologies's InfoStop [Macintosh]: - Network Multimedia's Microbrew: - Interport's Vanity Domain: - Z AUCTION - Linux on a 8086 processor: - Laptop Central [Portable Computing FAQ]: $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $ NS BASIC $ The latest implementation of this cool programming tool has an $ 3.6 $ easy to use graphic screen layout function, plus indexed file $ with $ communications, graphics and more! Program directly on Newton $ Visual $ or with a PC or Mac. Create packages in the Extras drawer and $ Designer! $ much more. 260 pg handbook. Cost is $99+5 S&H for all Newtons. $ $ , , 416.264.5999 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PDA & HANDHELD DIRECT - December96 Specials - Cool Stuff for your Newton! - Apple MessagePad 130 $689 (#22003) Free Win2Go Software with Purchase - Type II PCMCIA Flash Memory for all Apple MPs - Mfg Lifetime Guarantee 4MB $128 (#41071) 8MB $224 (#41073) 10MB $274 (#41074) - Revelar Connection Utilities $53.95 - Windows (#10070) Mac OS (#10071) - King James Bible for Newton $34.95 (#10260) Archimedes $39.95 (#62030) - FreeStyle Handwriting Recognition $39.95 (#10151) - MessagePad Wireless Communications Case $73.95 (#31150) To receive special pricing please mention source code [#151] To order call 800-279-4732 or 219-882-5228 or fax 219-845-0578 $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Review of Top Weekly Magazine Headlines --------------------------------------- ** JUST NEWS ** - Apple has a host of new Mac OS hardware to be officially released on 17Feb97 at Tokyo MacWorld Expo ** MAJOR TRENDS ** - Lotus Notes continues to strongly compete against Microsoft's Exchange Server - Web developers continue to have success migrating databases to the Internet and intranets - Apple/Next future OS news and direction continues to be at the forefront ** MINOR TRENDS ** - IBM, Lotus 'talk' of thinner applications in the future ** NOISE ** - MMX hype and lack of journalistic reporting on the chip is getting old ** WEB POINTERS ** - Web Week: - MacWeek: - InfoWorld: - Computer Reseller News: - PC Week: Top Weekly Magazine Stories Of Interest --------------------------------------- ** WIRELESS ATM BRIDGES BEGINS TO SURFACE ** Lucent is reportedly working on a prototype system at Bell Laboratories that links enterprise ATM networks cooking along at 155-Mbps to 10-Mbps infrared LANs serving mobile desktops and handhelds. The key is migrating the slower 10-Mbps LAN to support "delay-sensitive applications" which need to "nail up chunks of bandwidth for reliable packet delivery." [Stephen Lawson, InfoWorld, 13Jan97, page 51] In related news, Mark Moore has an article about a company called Netro (408.654.7500) that is offering similar solutions on page 98 of PC Week published on 26Jan97. The ATM and frame relay product is called AirMAN 2000, and they also offer Token-Ring (AirMAN 3000) and Ethernet (AirMAN 4000) solutions that start at US$15,000. [EDITOR: LAN TIMES published on 20Jan97 also has a Netro related article about the AirMAN products on page 10.] ** MORE SMART PHONES ** The Winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES) recently held in Las Vegas, Nevada had demos of a new Philips smart phone that should be in the US by the 2nd-half of 1997. In related news, LG Electronics has the Intelligent Personal Communicator (IPC) 1000 also coming out in the 2nd-half of 1997. The first version of the IPC-1000 will support AMPS, followed by a CDMA savvy version. [PC Week, 13Jan97, page 3] ** HANDHELDS AT CE SHOW ** Mark Moore has a detailed look at the state of handheld systems at the recently held Winter CES held in Las Vegas, Nevada on page 50 of PC Week published on 13Jan97. Mark covers -- the release of the Sharp ZR-3500X; a quick look at the prototype Sharp laptop called the PC-9000; Hitachi's upcoming Handheld PC (HPC) based on Windows CE; and Franklin's Rolodex Electronics products that will start at US$300. ** HANDHELDS MAKE FOR MORE VAR CHANCES ** Kelly Spang has an article that examines upcoming VAR opportunities with handheld systems in the near future on page 65 of Computer Reseller News published on 13Jan97. The article includes a picture of a Compaq HPC running Physix's pocketChart for Windows CE, and a picture of a MessagePad 130 using a pager. Tom Giannulli at Physix is quoted as saying that in "five years, every healthcare provider will have a handheld device -- there is no alternative." Another good quote was from Madeline Duva at Communications Intelligence Corporation (CIC) -- "PDAs are really a node into a larger system. But the minute people think of handheld devices as a PC, that will be the point of failure." ** NEW SECURE PCS CARDS ON THE WAY ** Mark Moore has a front page article in PC Week published on 20Jan97 about future secure PCS smart cards being developed by a consortium lead by Pacific Bell Mobile Services (PBMS). The generic term for this new technology is being called 'E-Cash' and will enable, according to PBMS, a wide range of business to mobile customer services. Field trials are reportedly underway using 'special' PBMS phones [reportedly the Nokia 9000] that except smart cards. Nearly all the messaging that will take place for 'E-Cash' centers around using Short Messaging Service (SMS) and an authentication server that communicates with the smart card to "identify caller identity and digital encryption." ** PAGING IS STILL A PLAYER ** Philips is reportedly busy working on a new two-way and voice pager that supports Motorola's Flex protocols. This device should be available by mid-1997. Motorola is also working on a new two-way pager that is called "PageFiner." This device will 'acknowledge' that a page has been received. It should be out by mid-1997. In related news Philips is also working on a smart phone that is able provide "digital cellular voice and data capabilities." The device should be in Europe by mid-1997. Smart phones are also on the horizon from Motorola's Cellular Subscriber Section by the second-half of 1997. [Mark Moore, PC Week, 20Jan97, page 43] ** REALLY SMART DESKTOP PHONES COMING SOON ** Mathew Woollacott and Jackie Poole take a look at upcoming "thin-client" phones on page 47 of InfoWorld published on 20Jan97. These phones offer screens, keyboards, and Internet connectivity. Navitel Communications will be using Windows CE as the operating system for their "TouchPhone." Philips has a text-based system (called the P100 [business] & P200 [home]) that is 'ideal' for application-specific tasks like billing. Both Navitel and Philips appear to be going after the SOHO market with a focus on communication not computing. InfoGear's iPhone is a complete client/server solution that is going to be marketed towards service carriers to enhance customer services. ** NEW WIRELESS BANDWIDTH OPEN ** The FCC has recently created the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NIH) that totals 300-MHz of frequency between 5150-5350 and 5725-5825 MHz. (PCS is in the 1850-1990 MHz range). This range should enable communication speeds up to 25-Mbps, and expected to be supported by companies like Apple in schools and libraries for wireless LAN solutions. [David Rohde, Network World, 20Jan97, page 19] $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ WinSlurp! - Rare White Tiger Creations provides Newton Book publishing services and is NOW offering WinSlurp. A windows front-end to Slurpee which supports transferring notes back and forth between the Newton notepad and the PC desktop. Available for downloading from this URL: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ PowerMedia is your source for all the latest cutting edge Newton apps: + Super NotePad: Quick access arrows, encryption, tags, filters, etc. + DateMan 3.0: Complete agenda and contact management. + Stationary Construction Kit: Build your very own custom stationary. Commercially available at your favorite Newton retailer. Or check out online demos via the following site: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other PDA News -------------- [EDITOR: News collected via snail mail, major publications, USENET newsgroups, email, and the WWW.] ** PSION ** David Kurtz has released a new Psion 3a agenda tool called "AGNMERGE". This utility will merge multiple agenda files into one single file. For more information please check out: . Johan Van Barel has a new version of his shareware Chess for Psion available. Version 1.1 has been posted to the following site: . Tim Kiel has posted his 'Future Trader' for Psion Siena to comp.binaries.psion. David Rushall has released 'HexClock" a utility that will show the time and date of up to six cities in a single display. For more info: . Steve Litchfield has released version 2.4 of his shareware golf simulation/game for the Psion called "Fairway". You can get more information about how to register and about Fairway at: . Phil Spencer reports that Al Richey has released v1.7 of his oil change/scheduling service utility called "S3AFUEL". Al also release v1.5 of his Planning Software called "S3APLAN". Both are available via: . There is also a beta version of S3ABANK V1.9. Kristian Nielsen has posted his Psion savvy program called "Satinfo" that is full of satellite TV channels information to comp.sys.psion.binaries. Dr H.R. Matthews has posted version 1.11 of ShopList to: . Fionn Behrens has created an interesting Web site called "Psion Inside" that examines all the ins-and-outs of the Psion hardware. For more info and to look at some cool pictures check out: . Phil Spencer has released TimeMan v3.6F and JWIN v1.3F via: . ** PILOT ** Now Software recently sent out an email to their current Now Up-To-Date and Now Contact customers with a 'special offer deal' on U.S. Robotics Pilot 5000 units for US$299+S&H. This deal also includes Windows 95 or Macintosh versions of Now Up-To-Date and Now Synchronize for Pilot. A Macintosh user also gets Pilot MacPac. This offer is good until 14Feb97 and you can get more information via: or by calling: 800.714.6295. Calvin Parker has posted the log from a recently held IRC chat about the Pilot to: . This site should have pointers to future IRC chats about the Pilot. Stu Slack reports that Redtail Software moved its Web site to: . RedTail is the developer of Pilot Blackjack. You can get more information about Cutting Edge Software's QuickSheet for Pilot via: . John Feras has announced the release of a Pilot development tool called CASL (Compact Application Solution Language) for Windows. For more information check out: or send an email to: . In related news, Greg Alt recently suggested to readers of the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.pen that you can get information about other 'free' Pilot development tools via the following URL: . Holger Klawitter suggests that those looking for Pilot shareware check out: and . You can also get a lot of info about the Pilot out of these links: - - - ** WINDOWS CE ** DataViz continues to work on their Windows CE to desktop integration solution for Windows 95 PIMs, word processors, and spreadsheets called "Desktop To Go". This solution is also available for OEMs who want to use their technology in custom solutions or to support their current desktop applications. For more information call: 800.733.0300 or send an email to: . The software should ship in Feb97 and the SRP will be US$75. Microsoft had announced at the recent Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show that Navitel Communications is working on a Windows CE savvy smart phone which will offer Internet access. No shipping date was mentioned though. [InfoWorld, 13Jan97, page 3] Infowave Wireless Messaging has reportedly finished their Infowave CE product that lets wirelessly enabled Windows CE device assess LAN based Microsoft Exchange servers. [iNews] Mobile PDA Solutions reports that they have details about a new product called " Kiwigreen II" that works with Cassiopeia units via: . Chris De Herrera at Pen Based Computing reports that the Philips' Velo-1 will be able to accept a PC Card slot add-on that makes the unit thicker. For more information about Pen Based Computing check out: . Glen Raphael reports that those folks that want to get the LandWare ProCalc Financial Consultant that is bundled with the Casio Casseopeia can purchase the software via the following Web site: . If you are a current Casseopeia owner and want the software, send an email to: . Jeff Goodman at PDA Information Central writes in a post to comp.sys.handhelds that the "HP200LX is the past and WinCE is the future." And that while the "LX is still a great machine", that when the Philips' Velo-1 and HP HPC hit the market in the next month or two, WinCE will "really take off." For more info about PDA Information Central check out: . For more information about the Velo check out: . For more information about HP's HPC unit that supports Windows CE check out: . ** MAGIC CAP ** Word on the street is that General Magic executives are swearing to developers that when the next version of Magic Cap ships (codename "Rosemary") that there will be hardware to support it from at least "one major player." ** OTHER ** Toby Reed reports that he has updated "the Unofficial Dauphin DTR-1 Home Page" via: . You can also get more info about the Dauphin via: and from. Jacob Schwartz reports that the Web page for Jim Lawson's HandiCalc business that focuses on various HP based solution has moved to: . Bill Clark reports on comp.sys.handhelds that the only folks that he knows are for sure are working on a Java based mobile network computer are DEC and Wyse (formerly the Zenith CruisePad). $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ This space for rent. For more info: . Thanks. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Edupage, 20Jan96 thru 26Jan97 ----------------------------- ** POKING HOLES IN NET SECURITY ** Dan Farmer, author of SATAN software, which is designed to find holes in Web site security systems, has conducted a nonscientific survey of about 2,200 Web sites, and found about 70% to 80% had "serious security flaws." The survey consisted of 1,700 "high profile" sites, and another 500 that were selected at random. The high profile sites were found to have security problems at about twice the rate of the random sample. "Many of the really interesting sites are juggling," explains Farmer. "They offer a bunch of services -- electronic mail, Internet news, user accounts and the like. Any one of these isn't that difficult to keep up in the air. But put enough "balls" up there and you start losing track... It's simply difficult to manage all this stuff over a long time. And often employees are being screamed at just to keep things running -- not necessarily secure. System administrators almost never get the proper budget or training to do security properly." Of the 660 banks surveyed, about 68% had sites that Farmer considered highly vulnerable. (Investor's Business Daily 20 Jan 97 A6) ** OLIVETTI SELLS ITS PC UNIT ** Italian conglomerate Olivetti S.p.A is selling its personal computer company to an investor's group called Piedmont International, which will license the Olivetti brand name for 20 years (renewable for 20 years more) and lease Olivetti's personal computer plant for four years. (Financial Times 21 Jan 97) ** U S WEST EXPANDS SERVICES ** U S West Communications, the Denver, Colorado-based local phone service provider, plans to begin offering long-distance phone service by the end of the year, as well as wireless personal communication services allowing customers to connect wireless phones with computers, fax machines and pagers. The company will offer new high-speed digital Internet access to customers in 10 cities in the next six months: Minneapolis, Seattle, Phoenix, Portland, Denver, Salt Lake City, Boise, Cedar Rapids, and Rochester, MN. (AP 20 Jan 97) ** GARTNER VP SAYS DON'T THROW THOSE PCs OUT YET ** "Don't throw away your PCs. Network nirvana is not yet a reality," says the Gartner Group's VP of research. A study released this week by Gartner says network computers from Oracle, Sun Microsystems and IBM will result in only a 41% savings over regular PCs running Windows 95, far below the 80% number used by Sun when it debuted its machine last October. But Sun says it got its PC figures from an earlier Gartner study, and criticizes the latest report because it includes an analysis of the NetPC design (a joint product by Microsoft and Intel), which does not have any test models currently available. Both Gartner and Sun do agree on the annual costs of running the JavaStation -- roughly $2,500. (Investor's Business Daily 23 Jan 97 A6) ** VIRTUAL PET SWEEPING JAPAN ** The newest high-tech consumer fad in Japan is tamagochii, an electronic bird creature which starts life as an endearing, bird-like image on the screen of an egg-shaped key ring device, and then changes from a chick to a fully grown adult in around 10 days. However, the owner must push the right buttons to feed, groom and soothe the digital creature or else see it waste away and die from neglect. (Vancouver Province 23 Jan 97 A27) ** MUPPETS GO TO MICROSOFT ** Jim Henson Productions, which created Kermit the Frog and all the other Muppets, has agreed to a three-year deal with Microsoft Network, under which the puppet company will develop nine shows for MSN. A Microsoft executive says: "It's a very big win for us. When you think of family programming, you think of Henson. This shows we can play with the big boys." The expectation is that the programs will make use of real-time, computer-controlled digital puppetry." (Atlanta Journal-Constitution 23 Jan 97 G3) ** APPLE WANTS "MOST COMPATIBILITY IN INDUSTRY" ** Apple CEO Gil Amelio concedes some "disappointments" in the past year and admits that "it has been tougher to turn Apple around than I had expected," but insists that within two or three years the company will "have the most compatible personal computer in the industry, able to run more software than anyone else -- period." Eleven days ago Amelio and top associates (Ellen Hancock and Steve Jobs) met with Microsoft CEO Bill Gates to discuss ways of cooperating, including the possibility of Apple licensing from Microsoft the Windows NT operating system for the corporate market. Amelio says: "We're not in the world by ourselves. We have to be able to support the commodity technology standard." In addition, a number of new Macintosh products are in the works, and next month will see the introduction of a new line of Powerbook notebook computers, which, at 200 megahertz, will run at faster speeds than most "Wintel" notebooks running on Windows software and Intel chips. (New York Times 26 Jan 97 p16) $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ NEED A NEWTON PROGRAMMER? NewtNews has a list of over 40 Internet based Newton programmers who are interested in working on vertical or horizontal market solutions. Please send email to: if you would like the list or would like to be added to the list. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ Other Sources of Information ---------------------------- ** RECENT SPRINT PCS INFORMATION ** According to a story written by Bill Pietrucha for Newsbytes News Network it looks like some of the Sprint PCS partners may be in the need of cash and are looking for a way out. A Sprint spokesperson disagrees with this "rumor" and has said that all partners in Sprint PCS (40% Sprint, 30% Tele-Communications, 15% Comacast, and 15% Cox Communications) are committed to the venture. In related news, Sprint PCS recently won 160 new licenses in 139 markets across the United States including licenses in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for a report cost of US$554 million. Sprint PCS has reportedly already invested US$3 billion in this venture and plans to spend at least another US$1.2 billion. Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 21:40:03 -0800 ** WEARABLE COMPUTERS ** The First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) will be held 13-14Oct97 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Initial submission papers are due by 04Apr97. For more information (papers, exhibitions, and posters) check out: . ** ADAPTING TO MOBILE ENVIRONMENTS ** Nuno Neves and W. Kent Fuch have an article called "Adaptive Recovery for Mobile Environments" in the Jan97 issue of Communications of the ACM that might be of interest to some NewtNews readers. You should be able to find this magazine at any university library or a very good book store. [Pages 68 through 74] ** WIRELESS GADGETS SHINE ** Cliff Lehman has a MP2K mention in the "Dr. Device" column of Self-Employed Professional published Jan/Feb'97 on pages 18 - 21. The article is called "Excercise Remote Control: Gadgets that let you slip the copper leash" and examines: pagers, cellular phones, wireless modems, and personal digital assistants. The Newton mention is part of the PDA section. The only other PDA mentioned in the article is the Sony PIC-2000 running Magic Cap OS. The article does include two pictures of the MP2K. Newton developer Ex Machina's paging software Reach Me! is also mentioned in the article. Overall, Cliff points out that PDAs are "serious toys" with "wireless opitions," and are good replacements for laptops. ** MACWORLD - MARCH 1997 - ** The following may be interesting: - Pointer with picture to the new the ultimate "Mac for Disabled People" called FreeStyle by Assistive Technology (617.731.4900) on page 35 - Review with picture of Intelligent Peripheral Devices' AlphaSmart Pro 2.1 - [Four Stars/8.5] - on page 82 - - Pilot ad on page 90 - 20th Anniversary Macintosh on pages 105 - 109 with pictures of two different color eMates and a MP2K on page 109 ** IBM'S AGENT WORK ** IBM is slowly letting information flow out of their Intelligent Agent Center of Competence. The goal of this organization to "development a framework under which agent-based products from different vendors can work together." Their first product is the Web Broswer Intelligence (WBI) for Windows 95 and OS/2. The other 'developer product' out of the organization is Java based 'Agent Applets'. [Michael Conney, Network World, 13Jan97, page 37] ** MORE AGENT POINTERS ** Timothy Finin has recently released two excellent issues of his UMBC AgentNews webletter. You can check it out at: - version 1.18; December 31, 1996; - version 2.1; January 19, 1997; The issue 1.18 has pointers to company called Reticular Systems in San Diego, California that is working on 'Intelligent Agents and Handhelds' for the U.S. Navy. You can get more information via the following URL: . Wired ----- ** FEB'97 ** Tired vs. Wired -- Cell phones are now Tired, PCS is now Wired. [page 51] AT&T (800.552.3373) has a new US$500 CDPD PocketNet Phone. [page 70] Brother (800.284.1739) is now selling the US$349 Kitchen Assistant for those that want a paperless kitchen. [page 70] Hitachi has a great ad on page 71 and a repeat on page 109 for their SuperH RISC engine that highlights a 'future concept' called the Soft-Touch Digital Wallet Prototype. Karl Fant wants to do away with clocks in processors and through studying 'biological systems' may have come up with something. His recently created company called Theseus Logic has raised millions in private stock offers, and is also supported by a contract with DARPA. The 'circuits' are called Null Convention Logic (NCL) based circuits. [page 80] Philips has an ad for their much heralded Velo 1 Windows CE savvy HPC on page 134. It looks nice, it includes a built-in modem, and voice recording. It is not shipping yet. Roger van Bakel has a one page interview with Microsoft's Steve Capps (aka "Father of the Newton") on page 143. Steve has a good attitude, direction, and 'futurethought.' He is busy doing a ton of Web stuff -- specifically on GUI issues for the Web. BTW, he doesn't seem to like the U.S. Robotics' Pilot much. Steve Steinberg has an article called "LifeStreams" that starts on page 150 with a Newton mention on page 206 of the article which examines the 'timeline that encompasses' Yale Computer Science Professor David Gelernter. For more info: . Casio Cassiopeia ad on page 179. $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ To much info in NewtNews for you? Does all the Macintosh information make you want to puke? Then maybe you should check out NewtNews-Savvy. For $20 you get 52 issues of just lean and mean Newton/PDA/Wireless information directly to your inbox of choice. Send an email message with the subject containing 'NewtNews-Savvy' to and you'll get a sample issue and an order form. Thanks for reading! $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ If you are too cheap to pay $20 for weekly Newton/PDA/Wireless info, then check out the freeware-monthly-Acrobat-savvy-version of NewtNews called NewtNews Pro at: . $-----------$------------$------------$------------$-----------$-----------$ News Agent Summary ------------------ For more info about [Farcast] check out: . For more info about [iNews] contact INDIVIDUAL, Inc. at 800.414.1000. ** HANDHELD ** CompUSA has announced that they will expanding the offering of Communication Intelligence Corporation's (CIC) Handwriter to all their stores nationwide. [iNews] LXE has a new handheld system, the "2330", that runs DOS 6.22 on an Intel 386 processor that is customized for outdoor use. The unit also includes built-in wireless connectivity. [iNews] TriTech Microelectronics has some new "3-volt pen input processors that are ideal" for batttery-powered handhelds and portables. [iNews] Norand has announced that their new PEN*KEY 6622 mobile computer will come with CIC's Handwriter Recognition System software pre-installed. [iNews] ** MOBILE ** Willows Software has announced a new cross-platform tool for porting Windows applications to non-Wintel environments such as embedded systems. [iNews] ** WIRELESS ** The recent FCC future cellular wireless phone auction reportedly raked in some US$2.5 billion from 125 companies. [iNews] Motorola's Dr. G. David Forney, Jr. has been awarded the "23rd annual Marconi International Fellowship for his contributions to the field of data transmission technology" by the Fellowship's Executive Council announced today. This award is the 'Nobel Price" of communications. [iNews] Motorola recently won a US$120 million contract with Total Access Communications Public Company for cellular network expansion in Thailand. [iNews] ** APPLE ** The Macintosh community continues to struggle with the Apple/NeXT deal according to the industry press who seem to be searching out those who are discontented. [iNews] MacUser Magazine has awarded the Apple's Network Server 700 two Eddy Awards -- one for best "Hardware Product of the Year" and one for "Best New Networking Product." [iNews] Apple lost a reported US$120 million in financial Q1'97, and does not "expect to return to profitability until Sep97" according to Reuters. [iNews] Apple's Chief Technology Officer -- Ellen Hancock -- will be the Tuesday dinner speaker at the Upside's 1997 Technology Summit held in Feb97. [iNews] Claris reported "record revenue of US$67 million" for its financial Q1,97 that ended on 27Dec96. [iNews] Apple Canada and EveryWare Development are working together to market Apple's new Internet Commerce Bundle. Using hardware from Apple, and software from EveryWare, the bundle is designed to offer "out-of-the-box" Internet commerce. [iNews] Apple's top engineers were reportedly recently treated to a demo of some new "groundbreaking graphics object server technology" created by XAOS Tools as Adobe PhotoShop Plug-ins. [iNews] NewMedia Magazine has awarded Apple's QuickTime multimedia architecture with their highest honor -- the 1997 Hyper Award. [iNews] Reuters is reporting that Sega Enterprises and Bandai Company have decided to merge by Oct97. Bandai is has licensed Pippin technology from Apple. [iNews] ** MACINTOSH ** The Acer Group has been awarded a contract by Apple to be a major source of motherboard components for future Apple MacOS systems. In related news, ACER has announced the signing of a 'definitive agreement' with Texas Instruments (TI) to purchase their complete line of mobile computing business products. [iNews] U.S. Robotics has a new PC Card that supports the currently shipping PC Card savvy Apple PowerBooks. The card offers 33.6 modem connectivity and Ethernet LAN access. The PC Card also ships with FaxAction software and an XJACK connector. [iNews] The software reseller Dr. Mac reportedly sold out of Insigna Solutions' SoftWindows 95 for Power Macintosh at MacWorld Expo SF 1997. In related news, Insignia Solutions has announced that Apple UK will be bundling SoftWindows 95 with most Power Macintosh 7600/132 and 8200/120 sold in the UK. [iNews] ** INTERNET ** On 14Jan97, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released an updated recommendation specification for HTML 3.2. This new version is suppose to "bring a richer, more stable version of HTML to the Web Developer and to the User Community." [iNews] The return of flat-rate Internet service may come sooner than some folks thought. In return for flat-rate fees, customers will expect to always get access to the Internet from dial-up lines, instead of getting busy signals. [iNews] International Data Corporation (IDC) have a new report that states that Sun Microsystems continues to widen its lead in the Unix workstation market. IDC forecasts Sun to continue to gain revenue and marketshare in this market in the near future. [iNews] Advertising Notes ----------------- Steve Weyer has updated his Newt Development Environment and Newt's Cape ads. Stand Alone Software is now a Sponsor of NewtNews. Thanks! If you are interested in advertising in NewtNews please send email to: . NewtNews is freeware because of the advertisers that support this effort, and we appreciate their support. When you purchase products from NewtNews vendors please mention that you heard about their product in NewtNews. Product and Service Information ------------------------------- * SOLUTIONS FROM LANDWARE. All work in the Newton 2.0 OS. - PROCALC EX: Programmable calc. w/ SAN & RPN, includes: proCALC 12c. - QUICKNAMES PRO: Rapid access to names and much more. - X-PORT: The 2.0 connection utility. Send/receive notes, contacts... - KWIKMENU: the Newton dashboard, includes GestureLaunch Lite. - NEWTPAINT: "MacPaint" on your Newton, w/zoom-in and screen shot. - SYNC+: Dates to Schedule+ 1.0 or 7.0 LandWare, 201-347-0031, , * Frustrated by the amount of time required to input long notes? Looking for a faster method? GESTURE MOSAIC is a hybrid keyboard/recognition system which enables the rapid (30-40+wpm) pen-based entry of text. Now updated for OS2.0, you can use it to quickly input text anywhere in your Newton. FREEWARE versions are available at: For more information contact: or call: 800-696-6724. * ChessPad 2.0 turns the Newton into a digital chess book and a portable chess set. It contains 28 fully-annotated games played by the greatest players of all time, 100 brilliant winning combinations by Morphy, Tal, Fischer, and Kasparov, and 100 chess problems. ChessPad can also import games in Portable Game Notation format. Only $39.95. Clear Lake Research 713.663.7513 * STAND ALONE offers a variety of Newton applications for Newton 2.0: - PACKAGE POPUP: instant access to all your packages, launch with a tap, automatically thaw and re-freeze. $15. - SECURE-A-NEWT: Password protect folders in your NotePad, Names, and Extras Drawer. Protect your info from prying eyes. $20. - KEYMAN: Adds function keys, a multi-function calculator, and a new keyboard designed for one-fingered typing. $20. - NOTEMAN: Instant access to the NotePad from any package. $10. - BACKGAMMON: The classic board game, brought to Newton. $20. - SUPER SORTER: Fast, Usable list management, featuring fully expandable and customizable list creation and editing. $20 For information about any of these or other Stand Alone products, contact us at: , or (312) 262-5150. Also check out our Web site at: . * NEW! 7th Volume of the Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton! This CD-ROM from AMUG CD, Inc. contains over 1800 packages, and 590 megs in Mac and PC format. 2.0 & 1.x Packages can be downloaded directly from the CD to your MessagePad. Maximize your Newton experience! $29 + S/H. Call AMUG 602.497-2244, or email to order! See our Newton CD web page at . * BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGES FROM PELICANWARE All packages for Newton 2.0 OS - Upgrades also available. - QUICKFIGURE PRO 3.0: Spreadsheet application $59.95 - NEWTCASE 3.0: The Ultimate Utility Suite $49.95 - NOTION 1.5: High Performance List Manager $59.95 - AVAILWORKS 2.0: Text, spreadsheets, drawing, and graphing $79.95. All from PELICANWARE. For more details email: , vox: 503-221-1148, fax: 503-221-8709, or . * CATAMOUNT SOFTWARE offers the following: - POCKETMONEY assists you in balancing your checking, savings, credit card and loan accounts. Export and import transactions to Quicken, MYM and other desktop based program. - NAMIGATOR gives rapid access to Names. I know, I have over 3000. - MPG helps you keep your vehicle records in order. Track fuel economy, record mileage for tax purposes, schedule repeating vehicle maintenance items for multiple vehicles. - SILK makes your MP130 GLOW. Floating silk screen palette so the built-in buttons can be seen in the dark. For more information call 802-863-5256, email , or visit our web site . * NEW BILLS TO PAY PRO 3.5.5 Rated 5 out of 5 by Gecko Magazine! Now available in German! For NOS 2.0. Includes support for stationery, enhanced overview, and new printing options! Easily track bills and expenses; create budget projections; and set alarms to remind you of bills. Send bill info to Pocket Quicken or Pocket Money. $39.95+S&H MAR Software at: or . * Newt Development Environment: develop object-oriented applications in NewtonScript on the Newton (shareware: $49.50; tools, examples, support). * Newt's Cape: create Newton books with text, graphics, tables, links, and forms from HTML (via web browsing or Notepad) (shareware: $38.50; tools, examples, support). For details, software, and registration info: or * PDA Panache is your single source for stylus solutions. Our stylus upgrades for your MessagePad are the ultimate in writing comfort and control. Screen-safe writing tip guaranteed for life. - Telescoping styli for all Newtons in Black-Chrome, Gold & Sterling. - The "Duo" multi-function stylus/ball pen or pencil combo. With "EasyView" orange tip. - The "Beacon" LED lighted-tip stylus. Functional, slim and elegant. - Low-cost Stick Styli. Custom Stylus Solutions for VARs/OEMs. More info or Visa/MasterCard orders at: 800.270.7196, FAX: 516.467.6329, Int'l: 516.467.4042, or visit our Web site: * INFORMED FILLER FOR NEWTON is your mobile data collection solution for Inspection forms, Health Care forms ... in fact, for any forms you use! Design custom forms on your Macintosh with Informed Designer (included). Then, fill out your forms on the Newton quickly and accurately using automatic defaults, choice lists, calculations and signatures. Finally, send completed forms directly to Informed Manager on your desktop for further processing. For a limited time when you mention this ad, you'll receive both Informed Filler for Newton AND Informed Manager (for desktop integration) for $99US (SRP $390US). Contact Shana Corp. at: 800.386.7244, email: or WWW: * MoreInfo 4.0 - This new version adds even more useful features to this already essential product. Version 4.0 now allows you to link together any number of names, meetings, events, to dos, notes or calls all through a single screen. A powerful new "At a Glance" screen makes managing your schedule effortless. From SilverWARE at $69.95+S&H. For more info: 508.521.5262 Guest Opinion ------------- ** WINDOWS CE ONLY 75% DONE ** Karen Nakamura , a Newton user, reports that as a Support Person at Yale's Internet Help Desk she recently had a chance to play with a client's Casio Cassiopeia (Windows CE) device. The client had been struggling to get PPP connectivity to work, and she noticed the following as they tried to get the Cassiopeia to work: - The interface is very much like Windows 95, but it is also different enough to cause problems. For instance the control panels aren't were you'd think they'd be. - The PC Card modem will suck the batteries dry in no time. - The touch screen feels "cheap and flimsy." - The keyboard is also bad making touchtyping difficult. Overall though, Karen was impressed that they managed to get Windows on such a small unit, but it seemed like only "75% of the job was done -- and that remaining 25% is really critical. Because of these problems, especially in the critical communications portions of Windows CE, the Internet Information Center at Yale will not support these devices until these problems are worked out." Comments from the Editor ------------------------ ** MP2000 U.S. TOUR FEEDBACK?!? ** Have you attended one of the "Newton Handheld Computing for Professionals On-The-Go Tour" seminars? Several folks have emailed NewtNews about the lack of any real substance to the "rambling" presentation, and if you were totally new to the Newton you might even think worse of the technology after going to the seminar. ** ADVERTISING IN AIRLINE MAGAZINES ** Word on the street is that Apple has in the past placed ads into various airline magazines, and the result was very encouraging at first. It turns out that 'interest' for the Newton was typically always the highest 'inquiry rate' via a 800 number. But in attempting to track actual sales, it turned out that the return rate on the ads were very low. It would probably make more sense, for Apple to team with 3rd Party Developers and a Newton hardware reseller to do the airline ads so that a 'direct sale' would be possible. ** COMPUTER RESELLER NEWS WOES ** I have been reading Computer Reseller News for about 6 months now, they usually do a pretty good job of reporting about the computer and technology industry, but of late, I have found a complete lack of 'objectivity' in their reporting and 'opinions' about Apple -- specifically about Apple's recent purchase of NeXT. They even recently had an opinion piece saying that resellers shouldn't carry Apple products in the future. While, I am not comfortable just banning them as a news source for NewtNews, I would like to let you know that when they do report something, it should be taken, just like everything else, with a grain of salt. [EDITOR: Don't even get me started on Stewart Alsop's recent opinions in Fortune about Apple, Be, and NeXT.] Administrivia ------------- NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication. My personal comments may be included in articles NewtNews reports by highlighting them as -- [SDH: Comments]. Official NewtNews Editor's comments are highlighted as -- [Editor: Comments]. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. All trademarks used in this publication are for informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. Send contributions and comments to Steve Holden, Editor and Publisher at: . Other important NewtNews players include: - Reviews Editor: Bob Torres - Newton Book: Mark Heringer <> - NewtNews Pro: Dave Hina - FTP site & email list admin: Bob Torres - NewtNews Travel Guide: Andrew Wong SUBSCRIPTIONS: email with 'subscribe newt_news' as the body of your message (no quotes) UNSUBSCRIBE: email with 'unsubscribe newt_news' WWW: FTP: NEWTON REFERENCE: NEWTON CLASSIFIEDS: This edition of NewtNews was written with the help of: dinner with Jim and Shelia, my new Sprint PCS phone (619.218.3911) and SuperBowl XXXI (congrats Green Bay!). Disclaimer: I am doing this on my own time, and on my own hardware *********** and software not the government's or my employer's.