// Text of project DemoYakApp.proj written on 10/29/95 at 2:08 PM // Beginning of file DemoYakAppLayout myApp := {title: "Simple Yak Application", viewBounds: {left: -4, top: 34, right: 208, bottom: 270}, viewFormat: 83951953, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin self.myyakapp:=getroot().|yak:JSACC|; myyakapp:open(); end, viewQuitScript: func() begin myyakapp:close(); myyakapp:=nil; end, _proto: @157 }; myInputLine := {viewBounds: {left: 16, top: 24, right: 200, bottom: 168}, text: "this is a test.", _proto: @185 }; AddStepForm(myApp, myInputLine); StepDeclare(myApp, myInputLine, 'myInputLine); _view000 := { buttonClickScript: func() begin myyakapp:dosentence(myInputline.text); end, text: "Button", viewBounds: {left: 66, top: 186, right: 142, bottom: 206}, _proto: @226 }; AddStepForm(myApp, _view000); constant |layout_DemoYakAppLayout| := myApp; // End of file DemoYakAppLayout