Battery Brain for Newtons Version 2.0 Copyright 1993-1994 by EGO Systems. All rights reserved. Battery Brain ======= ===== Battery Brain for Newtons monitors your battery level and can alert you if the battery level drops below a user-defined threshold. If you've used your Newton a lot, you already know how quickly it can eat through batteries. But, you will probably be surprised at how fast your battery life decreases once your batteries drop below a certain level. Battery Brain monitors that decrease and will warn you as your batteries become weaker and weaker. Battery Brain will also automatically turn off sounds and the "Receive beams automatically" setting at user defined levels to help conserve battery power. Using Battery Brain ===== ======= ===== To use Battery Brain, you must first use the Newton Connection Kit to download the Battery Brain package to your Newton. After you have Battery Brain installed, tap on its icon (which is in the Extras drawer, and has the name "Brain") and the Battery Brain window will appear at the top of your Newton screen. (If you need to see something underneath the Battery Brain window, it can be dragged anywhere on the screen.) Inside the Battery Brain window, you will find a gauge showing the current battery level along with a text display showing the battery level as a percentage. Below these items you will see a pop-up menu labeled "Issue Warning." To the right of this you will see "Never." This means that Battery Brain will NEVER warn you about the status of your battery. However, since the point of Battery Brain is to warn you when your battery gets low, you'll probably want to change that. So, tap on the diamond next to the words "Issue Warning" and a menu will pop-up with six different selections for you to choose from. These selections are: Never, at 50%, at 40%, at 30%, at 20%, and, at 10%. Selecting one of these last five items will tell Battery Brain the level that you want it to begin issuing warnings. When your batteries fall to this level, Battery Brain will display a notification that your battery level is getting low. After that, Battery Brain will continue to warn you each time your battery level decreases another 10%. (Battery Brain checks for low battery levels approximately every 10 seconds.) If you don't ever want Battery Brain to warn you (or you just want it to leave you alone as you race to find some fresh batteries), simply pick Never from the pop-up menu. Sounds ====== Below the "Issue Warning" pop-up menu is another pop-up menu labeled "Sounds Off" which lets you control when Battery Brain will turn off sounds. At the "Never" setting, Battery Brain will leave your sound settings alone. When you set the "Sounds Off" level to one of the percentage items, Battery Brain will turn the sound settings off when the battery level falls to the set level. If the battery level happens to rise above the "Sounds Off" setting, your sound settings will be restored. (NOTE: This feature is disabled if you have not paid for your copy of Battery Brain. To receive a version of Battery Brain with this feature enabled, be sure to pay your ShareWare fee.) Beams ===== Below the "Sounds Off" pop-up menu is another pop-up menu labeled "Auto Beam Off" which lets you control when Battery Brain will turn off the "Receive beams automatically" setting. At the "Never" setting, Battery Brain will leave this setting alone. When you set the "Auto Beam Off" level to one of the percentage items, Battery Brain will turn the "Receive beams automatically" setting off when the battery level falls to the set level. If the battery level happens to rise above the "Auto Beam Off" setting, your original setting for this will be restored. (NOTE: This feature is disabled if you have not paid for your copy of Battery Brain. To receive a version of Battery Brain with this feature enabled, be sure to pay your ShareWare fee.) Removing Battery Brain ======== ======= ===== The previous version of Battery Brain required some contortions to remove it from your Newton. Version 2.0 fixes these problems -- you can remove Battery Brain just as you would any other package. ShareWare ========= Battery Brain for Newtons is ShareWare. EGO Systems retains all rights to the software. You may not charge for its distribution (excluding online charges). To register your copy of the software, fill out the registration form (in the file Register.TXT) and send it along with $10 (U.S.) to the following address: EGO Systems P. O. Box 15366 Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 USA Or, if you prefer to pay by VISA or MasterCard, call 1-800-662-3634. You can contact EGO Systems via the following methods: Phone: (615) 843-3988 FAX: (615) 843-3986 Preferred E-Mail contact is: (or just GSPlusDiz on America Online) To contact Josef W. Wankerl: AOL: JWankerl ( GEnie: JWANKERL ( Internet: NewtonMail: How come everyone has access but me?!!?!?! To contact Steven W. Disbrow: AOL: GSPlusDiz ( Delphi: GSPlusDiz GEnie: S.DISBROW ( Internet: NewtonMail: Diz (