TapNew V 1.4 TapNew is the first Newton-Application in a row of tools for your OS < 2.0 which gives you 2.0 like features. TapNew installs a 2.0 like button for easy creation of a new note, adress, meeting, ... TapNew provides also some other features of the new Newton OS 2.0! So watch out! If you have installed AddressAccess from Thorsten Lange with Version > 1.54 on your Newton, TapNew has a new Item in its Popup to open the AA-Cardeditor. TapNew is $10 ShareWare and can be registred with CompuServe's ShareWare Registration - Service (GO SWREG use ID: 9096). Please add your NewTab-Code after an asterix (*) to your phone number. Special thanks to Martin Jean (mjean@ulix.net), who translated TapNew to french... Have Fun!