This is a new version of Ope, a floating launcher window for the Newton. Version 2 adds the ability to specify built-ins to be included in the popup menu and to specify applications to be excluded. This functionality is accomplished in two parts. Part one is a replacement for the original Ope application. Like the original it is a small floating window with a button that pops up a menu of applications from which the selected application can be launched. In itself, the only visible differences from the original are: 1. The "Connections", "Styles" and "Time Zones" built-ins appear on the menu; 2. The "Ope" application itself does not; and 3. The menu is now arranged in alphabetical order. The second package "Ope Prefs" is used to modify which built-ins appear on the menu and to add other applications to exclude. Ope Prefs does not need to reside permanently on the Newton, it is needed only when you want to change these preferences. For other information on Ope, please consult the text below (which is the original reaedme). Both programs are copyrighted by me, Stephen Millman (, but may be freely distributed and used. --------------------------------------------------------- Ope creates a floating button which pops up a list of the application packages. Selecting one opens it. This is generally much faster than the Extras drawer. Ope does not show the built-in apps (the first two rows of the extras draws) [It now shows the ones you choose]. Nor does it show books. Ope creates its list when opened. If you add or remove an application, Ope will not know. You have to close Ope and reopen it to have it notice the change. Ope is copyright by me (Stephen Millman, 1994) but is freely distributable. Comments would be appreciated. Send on AOL to StephenM35 (which is for outsiders).