ExCHANGE and Wildcat Table of Contents: What does ExCHANGE do? What does Wildcat do? How to Use - On Macintosh How to Use - On Windows Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------- What does ExCHANGE do? ----------------------------------------------------- ExCHANGE allows you to upload your PocketMoney data to Quicken Interchange Formatted (QIF) files or Tab Deliminated Formatted (TDF) files. QIF files can be imported into Quicken, MSMoney, MacMoney, Managing Your Money. TDF files can be imported into Excel, FileMaker, ClarisWorks and other spreadsheets or databases. ExCHANGE-AT is the AppleTalk enabled version of ExCHANGE. There is currently a bug in WildCat that causes a message "Could not create frame" if you try to make two connections in a row with ExCHANGE. To work around this close ExCHANGE and open it again. ExCHANGE-AT should work on all NOS 2.x systems with the exception of MP120s. ExCHANGE-AT does not allow importing of data. You need to use "ExCHANGE". ----------------------------------------------------- What does Wildcat do? ----------------------------------------------------- Wildcat is a program that runs on the desktop that will collect data sent to it from ExCHANGE. After it is finished receiving data it will prompt you to save the file. WildCat is not bundled with PocketMoney, but it is free and can be downloaded from the same site you downloaded PocketMoney from. This will save download times because you will only need to download WildCat once as it is not likely to change as often as PocketMoney. If you cannot find WildCat where you download this file then you can download Wildcat from the Catamount Software website/ftp site at or ----------------------------------------------------- How to Use - On Macintosh ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Install ExCHANGE.pkg onto the Newton 2. Launch Wildcat on the Macintosh. a. Select the Port in the Config menu that you will be talking to the Newton thru. b. The selected Tool MUST be modem. The other options are not supported yet. c. Click the Upload button. 3. Launch PocketMoney on the Newton. a. Set the filter to show the transactions you want to upload. This should be set to a specific account because Quicken can only import one QIF file per account. For example, set it to your Savings Account, b. Tap the envelope and select ExCHANGE, c. Set the Format to "QIF" or "Tab Deliminated" depending on what program you are importing this data into on the desktop. d. Set the Connection to "Wildcat", e. Tap Upload 4. When Wildcat is finishing reading the transactions uploaded by PocketMoney it will ask you to save the file. For example, save it as "savings.qif". 5. All of the transactions in the currently found set will be uploaded. You can do a couple different things now... a. nothing - do nothing is you want to keep all of your transactions in your Newton b. delete the PocketMoney entries that you don't need anymore by tapping the envelope and selecting Rollup Items. (This will delete all of the transactions in the currently found set and replace them with one transaction that was equal to the sum of the deleted transactions...this way the balance will still be correct in PocketMoney) ----------------------------------------------------- How to Use - On Windows ----------------------------------------------------- 1a. Install ExCHANGE.pkg onto the Newton 1b. Install Wildcat.exe, cdil_dll.dll, and fdil_dll.dll onto your Windows machine. cdil_dll.dll and fdil_dll.dll should be installed in the /Windows directory 2. Launch Wildcat in Windows. a. Set the Comm Port in the Wildcat menu that you will be talking to the Newton thru. b. Click the Upload button. 3. Launch PocketMoney on the Newton. a. Set the filter to show the transactions you want to upload. This should be set to a specific account because Quicken can only import one QIF file per account. For example, set it to your Savings Account, b. Tap the envelope and select ExCHANGE, c. Set the Format to "QIF" or "Tab Deliminated" depending on what program you are importing this data into on the desktop. d. Set the Connection to "Wildcat- Serial (Win)", e. Tap Upload 4. When Wildcat is finishing reading the transactions uploaded by PocketMoney it will ask you to save the file. For example, save it as "savings.qif". 5. All of the transactions in the currently found set will be uploaded. You can do a couple different things now... a. nothing - do nothing is you want to keep all of your transactions in your Newton b. delete the PocketMoney entries that you don't need anymore by tapping the envelope and selecting Rollup Items. (This will delete all of the transactions in the currently found set and replace them with one transaction that was equal to the sum of the deleted transactions...this way the balance will still be correct in PocketMoney) ----------------------------------------------------- How to Use - With a terminal emulator ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Install ExCHANGE.pkg onto the Newton 2. Launch Terminal (the communication program) in Windows a. Set the baud rate to 19,200 b. Set the Parity to None c. Set the Databits to 8 d. Set the Stopbits to 1 e. Hook up the serial cable that you use for Newton Connection Kit or Newton Backup Utility to your PC and Newton device. f. Turn on Start Capture of incoming Text (Start Capture, Receive Text or something similiar) * I do not have a Windows machine here to validate the steps right now, but I will by the next version. 3. Launch PocketMoney on the Newton. a. Set the filter to show the transactions you want to upload. This should be set to a specific account because Quicken can only import one QIF file per account. For example, set it to your Savings Account. b. Tap the envelope and select ExCHANGE. c. Set the Format to "QIF" or "Tab Deliminated" depending on what program you are importing this data into on the desktop. d. Set the Connection to "Terminal Emulator" e. Tap Upload 4. When Wildcat is finishing uploading the transactions stop Text Capture and save the file as appropriate (for example: "saving.qif" if you just finished uploading your Savings account transactions. ** There could be a problem with these files due to the Terminal Emulator removing the Line Feed characters...please let me know *** 5. All of the transactions in the currently found set will be uploaded. You can do a couple different things now... a. nothing - do nothing is you want to keep all of your transactions in your Newton b. delete the PocketMoney entries that you don't need anymore by tapping the envelope and selecting Rollup Items. (This will delete all of the transactions in the currently found set and replace them with one transaction that was equal to the sum of the deleted transactions...this way the balance will still be correct in PocketMoney) ----------------------------------------------------- Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------- Hardy Macia Catamount Software P.O. Box 8276 Essex VT 05451, USA (802) 372-9512 internet : URL: