Special ExCHANGE downloading instructions ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- This is the non AppleTalk version of ExCHANGE and it now has the ability to download QIF (Quicken Interchange Format) and TDF (Tab Delimited Format) files from the desktop to PocketMoney. You will need a terminal program to download data to PocketMoney because WildCat doesn't support downloading yet. If you are a Windows 3.1 or 95 user then you have Terminal included with Windows. If you are a Macintosh user then you will need to download one of the freely available terminal emulators if you do not already have one (ClarisWorks has an emulator also). ----------------------------------------------------- Setting up the Terminal Emulator: ----------------------------------------------------- In a preference (probably Connection) in the desktop terminal emulator you will need to set these preferences. Baud: 19200 Parity: None DataBits: 8 StopBits: 1 ----------------------------------------------------- Downloading Data from your desktop to PocketMoney: ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Create the QIF or TDF export files from Quicken or another program 2. Open up PocketMoney on the Newton and open ExCHANGE. 3. In ExCHANGE: a. Set Format to what you will be importing b. Set Connection to "Terminal Emulator" c. Set Direction to "Download" d. If the Format is QIF then you will need to set Account to the account you wish to import into. 4. Tap Connect in ExCHANGE 5. In the File or Transfer menu in the terminal emulator there should be a "Send Text" command. Choose this option. Select the file you created to import into PocketMoney. 6. Just wait for ExCHANGE to stop receiving data. This is a bit tricky because ExCHANGE will not know when the terminal emulator is finished sending data. If the download count doesn't change for over a minute then it is safe to assume that the download is finished. ----------------------------------------------------- Tab Delimited Format ----------------------------------------------------- The order of the columns in the TDF is date, account, category, payee,chknum, amount, cleared If you are confused then try exporting some data and reimporting it into PocketMoney. ----------------------------------------------------- QIF ----------------------------------------------------- Quicken can export registers (transactions) and category lists in QIF format. Transactions and Category QIF exports can be imported by ExCHANGE. ----------------------------------------------------- Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------- Hardy Macia Catamount Software P.O. Box 8276 Essex VT 05451, USA (802) 372-9512 email : support@catamount.com URL: http://www.catamount.com ----------------------------------------------------- Version History ----------------------------------------------------- 1.2 4/28/97 * imports category lists 1.1.1 2/2/97 * Fixed some bugs in the download translation of QIF files. 1.1 1/19/97 * Added support for downloading QIF and TDF data from the desktop 1.0 initial release