QuickFigure Lite Version 2.1 ReadMe (2/3/95) Copyright 1994-1995 PelicanWare, Inc. About QuickFigure Lite ====================== QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions, allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware-- you may give it to others provided that you do not charge for it and you include a copy of this file (in either electronic or printed form), but I retain all rights to the software. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49.95, plus shipping and handling. What's Included Here =================== This package includes QuickFigure Lite, the Matrix Solver (a QuickFigure Tool), some information to get you started, and documentation for the Matrix Solver. If this is a Windows-formatted copy (compressed with PKZip), it should also include Apple's Newton Package Installer for Windows. Benefits of Upgrade =================== QuickFigure Pro features larger worksheets (up to 26 columns by 50 rows), resizable columns, graphing (line, pie, and bar charts), sorting, import/export to Macintosh and Windows computers, the ability to copy to the Newton's notepad, an online help system, and as the commercials say, "much, much more!" QuickFigure Pro is $49.95, plus shipping and handling ($3 US and Canada, $7 elsewhere). If you are interested in a site license, please inquire via E-Mail. How to Order ============ You may order in one of the following ways. Either call our office number or 800 number (US/Canada only): 1-800-655-NEWT (Visa , MasterCard, American Express, and Discover accepted), voice: (503) 221-1148, fax: (503) 221-8709. Send us mail at: US Mail: PelicanWare, Inc. 550 SW Park Ave., Suite 270 Portland, OR 97205 E-Mail: Compuserve: 70540,2422 NewtonMail / eWorld: DonV Internet: donv@teleport.com America Online: PelicanInc Please specify Macintosh or Windows-format disks. If you are a Compuserve member, you can use the CompuServe Shareware registry. The index number is 1997 for Macintosh disks and 2062 for Windows disks. If you are outside of the US and would like to register via credit card, we will accept credit card registrations via E-Mail over Compuserve, eWorld, or America Online (we'll accept them over the Internet as well, but we don't recommend that you send your credit card number via Internet mail). We're always interested in feedback about QuickFigure, and ways we can improve it. Please send us your feedback to one of the e-mail addresses listed above, or visit our forum on CompuServe (GO NEWTVEN, section 5). DISCLAIMER =========== Use this program at your own risk. I, Don Vollum, and PelicanWare, Inc, take no responsibility for any damages (monetary or otherwise) caused by, or as a result of, use of this program. Helpful Hints ============= These hints are meant to help you get started with QuickFigure Lite. Complete documentation is available in Newton book format on our forum on Compuserve, and in most other places where QuickFigure Lite is found. To get an input window, tap on a cell. The input window is draggable, although you may have to try a few times to make it drag. Try just inside of the shaded border of the input window. Once the input window is open, you may enter a number, a label, or a formula. Numbers and labels require no special syntax (decimal numbers require a leading "0"-- "0.75" rather than ".75". Formulas begin with "=", and have a straightforward syntax. With the input window open, tapping on a cell or selecting a range enters it into the input area, where it can be used in a formula. Formula: =A1 + B1 =log(A5) Number: 567 Label: This is a label. Cells may be selected by drawing a line from left to right, beginning in the first cell of the selection and ending in the last cell. A single cell may be selected (for purposes of formatting or cut/copy/paste/clear) by drawing a line within the boundaries of that cell (if you tap on it, the input window will appear, and it is selected, but if you draw a line inside of it, it selects without the input window appearing). The Edit button allows you to Cut/Copy/Paste/Clear/Fill. If a cell has a formula, that is always copied. Otherwise, the value or label is copied. When formulas are copied, they are moved relative to the new location. If a cell in a formula is preceded by a "$", then it is an absolute reference. For example: copied from B1: =A1 + $A2 pasted into C2: =B2 + $A2 There are two ways to delete the contents of a cell or range of cells: scrubbing over the cell(s) (be careful-- scrubbing often deletes more than you expect), or selecting the cell(s) and choosing "Clear" from the Edit button. Fill takes the value or formula in the upper left most cell of a range, and fills in the rest of the range with that value or formula. The Format button brings up a window with formatting choices. Cells are not individually resizable in this version of QF Lite. To open a previously stored worksheet, tap the overview button on the Newt. This will display your stored worksheets by the contents of cell A1. If you don't have anything in A1, QuickFigure shows ". . .". Worksheets are stored automatically (similar to the Notepad). QF Lite supports over 40 math functions. If you are not sure if a function is supported, give it a try. In addition, QF Lite supports the following range functions: SUM(firstCell:lastCell) AVG(firstCell:lastCell) NUM(firstCell:lastCell) One confusing math function is "pow". To raise a number to a power, instead of using "3^4" as you might in Excel, you need to say "pow(3,4)." The specification is "pow(x,y)" where x is raised to the y power. Finally, QF adds a new word to the Intelligent Assistant: "Calculate". Simply write "calculate" followed by any math expression (or NewtonScript expression), highlight it, tap "Assist", and QF will show you the answer. For example, write "calculate 9/3" and a view will appear with "3". The Assistant will also respond to "Figure" instead of "calculate". Compatibility with Worksheets Created by Version 1.02 of QuickFigure Lite ========================================================================= This version of QuickFigure Lite uses a different file format than QuickFigure Lite 1.02 or earlier.If you wish to use your worksheets created with the old version of QuickFigure, you must first translate them with the QuickFigure Utility. Some shareware packages may include this; if it is not included in the package you received, it should be posted at major Newton archives (CompuServe, America Online, eWorld, newton.uiowa.edu). If you cannot locate a copy of the QuickFigure Utility, please contact me via E-Mail, and I will send you a copy. If you absolutely cannot find the Utilty (and are unable to contact me), you should delete your old worksheets using a soup utility, such as StewPot. Known Bugs ========== 1. Selecting "Wide" on cell width only allows you to see columns A, B, and C. Values and formulas in the other columns are still there and available for use. QuickFigure Pro resolves this problem with variable column widths and scrolling. A NOTE ABOUT MEMORY USE: ======================== You may see the "Newton does not have enough memory. . ." message on occasion. Large spreadsheets do use up a great deal of the Newton's frames heap memory (this has nothing to do with how much memory "prefs" or the card says you have available). If you get this message, there are several things you can do: 1. Close any other applications you have open at the same time. If possible, use a package archiving utility, such as NewtCase, to archive other applications. This can free up a great deal of heap memory. 2. If you don't have anything else open, go ahead and reset. At worst, you should only lose the last thing (or two) that you entered. The Newt should work find then. 3. If you are having problems with other applications after using QuickFigure, go back into QuickFigure and select "New Worksheet" from the Routing button (the button at lower left with a picture of an envelope). This will free up some memory. 4. When printing or faxing, close QuickFigure before tapping "Send" in the out box. If you get this message just after printing or faxing (while the OutBox is still visible), go ahead and press "Cancel", and go on about your business (if you have everything saved and aren't in a hurry, a reset is not a bad idea). Version Changes =============== Changes between Versions 2.1 and 2.0.5: 1. Added button to input window to toggle recognition between normal and numeric only. 2. Added support for Graffiti to keyboard button. 3. Added support for QuickFigure Tools (Tools button). 4. Added complete QuickFigure Tools API. 5. Fixed bug related to using "avg()" twice in the same formula. 6. Fixed potential bug related to switching worksheets with QuickFigure open. 7. Optimized recalculation routines for speed. 8. Changed version number. Changes between Versions 2.0.5 and 2.0: 1. Fixed bug in Move to Card. 2. Fixed bug in Duplicate which caused problems when duplicating a worksheet with a full store. 3. Reduced memory usage by the worksheet directory view. 4. Improved file opening procedures. 5. Improved handling of out-of-memory conditions. 6. Fixed a bug related to selecting Print with an empty worksheet. 7. Various minor optimizations/fixes. Changes between Versions 2.0 and 1.1: 1. Added formatting options, including numerical and text formatting. 2. Added buttons to input window for: $,:. 3. Added Functions button to input window. 4. Fixed various minor bugs. 5. Changed version number. Changes between Versions 1.1 and 1.02: 1. Made input window draggable. 2. Changed worksheet format to conserve memory and make it compatible with QuickFigure 1.1. 3. Changed title window. 4. Fixed screen size problem on MP110. 5. Fixed occasional 48205 error. 6. Added "Undo" support for information entered through input window. 7. Fixed numerous minor bugs. Changes between Versions 1.02 and 1.00: 1. Fixed copy bug so that absolute cell references now work OK. 2. Fixed Find bug so that if the QuickFigure soup has not been created, Global finds will still work OK. 3. Removed Enter button from format window. 4. QF now automatically closes the extras drawer. 5. Made a modification which should reduce memory usage on newly created worksheets (doesn't affect worksheets created with Version 1.00 or older). Have fun & let me know how you like it!