VETNOTES BETA TESTER DETAILS Thanks for considering serving as a beta tester for VetNotes. This note should explain the requirements and conditions. The program itself is stable and not expected to show any bugs in the basic operation. However, the medical content is entirely lacking and that is the main contribution I need from beta testers. The program relies on having extensive word lists to pick from to build the medical note as you go through the problem evaluation and treatment of an animal. There are drug lists in the perscription section. All those lists are empty in version 0.8. VetNotesLink is a Macintosh application that will not only backup the medical encounter data but will also allow the creation and editing of the word lists on a Macintosh. We don't have the resorces at the moment to produce a Windows version of the backup. Lets say that 95% of your work involves seeing four main species of animals - horses, cows, dogs and cats. You could choose four of the most common problems in each species and create word lists for each problem. Then you assign an animal to one of the 16 Problems and eight lists become available in that medical note. Those eight lists can be unique to that problem. 128 lists are available for assibnment in groups of 8. You must meet the following three conditions: 1) Have access to a Macintosh with Appletalk net access, Newton PDA, Newton downloader software and Stuffit compression/uncompression software. ( I will get the Mac Serial cable going ASAP). 2) Provide ProAccess Systems Inc. with at least 8 of the wordlist sets you have created. At least 2 of the listsets must be totally unique and not recognizable variations derived from existing listsets from us or other users. None of the 8 listsets can be trivial copies of list sets from ProAccess Systems Inc. or other users. If there is a question as to whether a listset is unique and therefore acceptable as one of the 8 required sets, ProAccess Systems Inc will make the final decision. Each word list in a set can vary from empty to 120 lines in length. I want the lists to average more than 30 lines in each of the 8 sublists. At an average of 9 characters per line, 30 lines per list, 8 lists per file, and a few formatting characters thrown in for good measure, a minimum acceptable file will be at least 2300 bytes in size. Most files in the human application averaged 6 kbytes in size and sometimes reached 12 k. Any sublist with more than 120 lines tends to become too slow on the Newton. Presently, the eight sublists are named: History Meds-Lab-Tests Review of Systems 1 Review of Systems 2 Review of Systems 3 Phy Eval 1 Phy Eval 2 Differential Diagnosis These names come from the human medical field and may not be appropriate to the vet field. The beta testers will hopefully help in resolving such issues. If needbe, I can make the list names editable by the user. But that will be further down the line. If you use VetNotes you will find yourself needing and using as many wordlist sets as the machine can carry (16). So, 8 should not be a burden. If you have more than 8, you can trade them for sets developed by other users as long as ProAccess Systems Inc can also offer them to users as part of our product. Maybe on Tuesday and Thursday, you see a lot of rabbits, but never on Monday, Wed and Friday. You could have a separate set of wordlists for the different days. 3) You must have an email address that is accessable from the internet. I will need to send you email attachments to fix problems or let you know of new versions. AOL currently doesn't accept large email attachments with grace, although an address is fine for receiving notices. I will upload demos to AOL, but not full fuction software. If these three conditions are acceptable to you, I will send you the beta software which will have a date cutoff beyond which it will not work. When I get 16 wordlist sets - eight of which are unique - from you, I will send you the full function commercial version of VetNotes, VetData and VetNotesLink. If being a beta tester does not appeal to you, we are immediately making the two Newton applications and the Macintosh application availble for sale in their present "empty" state for a special price. You will later be upgraded for free when the 1.0 version becomes available. We expect to offer the 0.8 version for a special price of $80 until the fully loaded version becomes available. The final price for all three applications is expected to be $120, but that is not a firm price now. Thanks, John Burch