INTRO medSuite(TM) is a suite of medical applications designed for the Apple Newton OS and busy physicians. Consider the free availability of these applications as my small contribution to medicine, better patient care, and an effort to increase the use of PDAs in medicine. Although there is no shareware or any other kind of fee required, I still would be very much interested in your comments, bug reports, and especially how you are using these applications (or why you are not using them!). I would like to maintain a database of users so I can notify each of you when there are changes (i.e. update to the 2.0 OS) or bug fixes, so I would ask you to send me the information about yourself as described at the end of this document. By the way, you may notice that there is no documentation here (and there won't be for this version), but most experienced Newton users will not have very much trouble finding their way around with any medSuite(TM) package. After transferring the packages to your Newton, you should first start the medUtility application and go to Prefs to set up your picklists for all of the applications. If you want to play around with the apps first, go to Files and press the "Generate Demo Files" button and wait about 5 minutes. If you had enough room on your Newton for 40 calls, 40 regular patients, and 100 obstetric patients, you're ready to try out the packages. When and if you want to remove all medSuite(TM) files on your Newton device you can go to "Files" and press the "Remove ALL "medSuite" Files" button. DESCRIPTION medSuite(TM) is a suite of Newton MessagePad applications and utilities designed for the conscientious, practicing physician and practice groups. Use of these applications on a regular basis will help physicians make better decisions, give informed medical advice, and at the same time, limit liability and risk. The core medSuite(TM) package consists of two full-featured applications, onCalls(TM) and ptsDA(TM). onCalls(TM) is an application which allows the "on call" physician to document telephone contacts whether from patients, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. while away from the office. The next day, these time-stamped call records can be reviewed, dictated from, or printed, to provide thorough, legible documentation of all out-of-office encounters. This patient-specific information is especially useful when the on- call physician is dealing with an unfamiliar patient whose pertinent clinical history may not be available or elicitable. In addition, all of the patient information stored in ptsDA(TM) can be accessed simply from within onCalls(TM). Malpractice risk managers everywhere stress that all patient contacts should be legibly documented, especially when away from the office, and medSuite(TM) makes this added task almost effortless. Information from both of these core applications can also be transferred to desktop systems using the Newton Connection Kit (Mac or Windows) where the data can be viewed in different ways or exported to other practice management software packages. For those physicians who also provide care to obstetric patients, the power of medSuite(TM) can be extended by using the medSuite(TM) Obstetric Package. The Obstetric Package includes three more Newton packages that are complementary to the core medSuite(TM) applications. These packages include obDA(TM), obCalc(TM), and STD 93. obDA(TM), like ptsDA(TM), is a database which focuses on information important to physicians who manage the care of obstetric patients. Physicians from an entire practice group can pool information about their obstetric patients into obDA(TM). Once that is done, the on-call physicians will have crucial information about every obstetric patient in the practice at their fingertips. Again, the obstetric information residing in obDA(TM) is accessible from within onCalls(TM). obCalc(TM) is a digital replacement for the common, round, plastic, gestational age calculator used by everyone who takes care of pregnant patients. But in addition to providing readable and exact gestational ages and EDCs, physicians can enter ultrasound parameters like BPD or FL to calculate gestational ages quickly in L & D or in the ED. STD 93 is a Newton book which contains the entire text of the CDC's Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guidelines. This typical Newton book is indexed exactly like the original text so that clinicians can quickly locate answers to their clinical questions about STDs. medSuite(TM) applications also fully support the following Newton OS features: Find, Printing, Faxing, Beaming, and Newton Connectivity (with NCK). REGISTRATION As mentioned earlier, I would like to maintain a registry of healthcare workers using these applications. Please send the following information to me at any of the addresses below. Name Healthcare Institution Address Email Address Newton Model & OS Comments SEND TO: America Online: DrMiller Internet: US Postal Address:D. W. Miller, Jr., M.D. 703 Ridge Road Orange, CT 06477-1719