Wake Up Week (tm) v2.73 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright 1995 Stand Alone, Inc. and Ben Gottlieb This version of Wake Up Week (WUW) is shareware (demoware if you prefer). It will expire after 30 days. A countdown indicator in the upper right corner of the screen tells how many days remain before expiry. When the indicator reaches zero, WUW will cease to function. This indicator will dissapear when you register WUW. * Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------------- WUW needs Newton Operating system 1.05 or later (it will work on MessagePad 100s, MessagePad 110s, MessagePad 120s, and Marcos.) It also needs about 100k of free storage space. * What's in this archive? --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are four Newton software packages and three text files in this archive. They are: * WUW.txt document you're now reading. 'Nuff said. * WUW.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton. * SA Stuff.txt a text list of other Stand Alone products * Register.txt read me file describing the Register software. * Register.pkg software package you can install on your Newton to use Register, which will allow you to pay for Wake Up Week via email. * WUWHelp.pkg An additional package you can install on you Newton with more in depth help * BDayAdd.pkg A package to add birthday's from the names file to the built-in calendar * Installing Wake Up Week --------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, you must get the Wake Up Week software package onto your Newton. You can do this using the Newton Connection Kit (for Mac or Windows), the Newton Package Downloader, or the Newton Package Installer. See the documentaion with each of these for more information on installing packages with them. * Using Wake Up Week --------------------------------------------------------------------- WUW is a full-featured agenda management application for the Apple Newton MessagePad. It allows you to view your upcoming events (Appointments, Day Notes, To Do's) for a definable period (one day to three years). All items entered in the normal, built-in Date Book will appear in WUW. I have tried to make its workings and screen prompts self explanatory, but here is a quick guide to its use. The main screen (which you see on opening the application) is divided into three sections: ¥¥ Interval and Filter Controls (top of screen) Here you can select the folder you wish to view (just as in the built-in Names and Notepad applications). You can also set the day on which the schedule display starts and the interval of time over which it extends. On the right of the screen are the numbers (1-52) of the weeks displayed. Tapping the date will open a window in which you can set the start (From) and end dates (To) for the schedule display. Tapping the interval diamond will pop up a list of intervals. Notice that the interval displayed is one more day than that chosen, as the current day is also displayed. ¥¥ Schedule display (large central section of screen) This is where the majority of information is displayed. At the top of the list, marked in italics, are Day Notes (the little notes entered into the upper left of the Newton Date Book) and Appointments. All items are taken directly from your the built-in Dates application. Each item is displayed with its date, start time (except for Day Notes) and text. To the left of each item is a diamond. If an alarm is set for the item, the diamond will be hollow. Tapping the circle, be it solid or hollow, will pop up the following list of actions from which you may select the destiny of the selected item: ¥ Opens It This will trigger the built-in editor to present the selected item. If MoreInfo is installed and the Use MoreInfo checkbox in Preferences is checked, this action will open the appropriate MoreInfo slip. ¥ Selects It This action will add the item to the current list of selections. The item will be hilited to show that it is selected. If the item is already selected, it will be unselected. You can perform actions on selected items by using the Action Controls (see below). ¥ Goes To It This will open the built-in Date Book to the appropriate day and time to view details relating to the selected item. ¥ Delete This will remove the selected item from the Date Book. ¥ Duplicate This will add a copy of the selected item to the Date Book. ¥ Move to/from Card This will move the selected item to or from an installed memory card, depending on the item's current location. This option will not be available if a storage card is not present. Tapping the date or time of an item will open a window in which the date and time of the item can be set. This will not work for repeating items. In addition, by using the Tapping an Item cluster (see Action Controls, below), you can determine what action (Opens It, Select It, or Goes To It... see above) tapping an item will produce. The To Do list appears after Appointments and Day Notes. To Do items are similar to Date items (described above), but with a few differences: There is a check box where you set a To Do as done or not done. Tapping the diamond will pop up a menu like that for Meetings, but with an addtional four buttons for setting the priority (1,2,3,4). Tapping one of these buttons changes the priority of the current item. If MoreInfo is installed, and an item has an attached name, there will be an option to go to that name in the Newton's Name file. To Do's from other applications can be shown here. NotePak items are displayed with date, status (done or not) and a portion of the To Do's text. Notion (Eidetic Software) items do not have a date displayed, but are otherwise identical to standard items. If the "Opens It" option is set in the tapping preferences (see above) then when you tap on an item, it will open an editor for that item. There are two basic editors: ¥ÊMeeting/Day Note editor This editor consists a field at the top to enter the meeting's title, a button to select the time and date of the meeting, and a large field in which to enter additional notes. The title line has three buttons in it's lower right, which, respectively, turn on letter by letter for the field, open Graffiti (tm) and open Gesture Mosaic (tm). At the bottom of the screen are controls for setting an alarm, deleting the meeting, and filing it. Tapping on the meeting time will open a window in which you can set the meeting's date, start and end times, and turn it into a day note (basically a meeting with no start or end times.) ¥ To Do Editor This editor mainly consists of a large field into which you can enter your to do information. At the top is a button to set the due date. Tapping it will pop up a list of days from which you can choose, or you can tap the "OtherÉ" option to open a more detailed date view. At the bottom are buttons controlling the item's priority and status (done or undone,) as well as buttons to open Graffiti (tm) and Gesture Mosaic (tm). ¥¥ Action Controls (bottom of screen) These controls determine the effect of tapping an item and allow the creation of items. The three radio buttons to the right of Tapping an Item determine what effect tapping an item's text will produce, either opening, selecting, or going to the built in date book. The clock icon is the standard Newton time/battery power indicator. The small 'i' button will pop up a list with options to set Preferences (see below) or tell you About Wake Up Week. If the WUWHelp package is installed, there will be an additional option for "Help...". The New button will pop up a list of items you can create. These are Appointment, Day Note, and To Do. If MoreInfo is installed, you can create MoreInfo items as well. If NotePak is installed, there will be an option to create a NotePak To Do. To the right of the New button are left and right arrows. These increase or decrease the schedule display in periods of one interval. If the interval is set to 1 week, tapping the left arrow will move the interval back one week tapping the right arrow will advance the schedule display by one week. The Filing button (Folder icon) This can be used to file selected items. The Action button (envelope icon) This will let you perform actions on selected items, as well as two general actions: ¥ Change Selected Dates This will bring up the dates of the selected items, setting them all to the selected day. It will open a window in which you can set the desired day. ¥ Beam Selected This will beam all selected items to another Newton. The receiving Newton must have WUW installed. ¥ Delete, Duplicate, and Move To/From Card These work as described above, except that they act on all selected items. ¥ Delete Old... This will open a window in which you can determine what you want to delete (Appointments, Day Notes, or To Do's, or any combination thereof) and specify their age. It is similar to the Delete option in the built in Date Book. ¥ Copy Schedule to Notes This will place a copy of the current list of items in the Date Book (all items, not just those selected) for faxing, printing, or emailing. ¥¥ Preferences The Preferences screen lets you customize the way Wake Up Week works. It is broken into three areas: Access, Display, and Miscellaneous. ¥ Access: Sleep Delay This is the interval between Newton turn off and turn on. If the interval is greater than that set in this menu, WUW will open automatically. For example, if you set the interval to one hour (the default) and leave your Newton off for 3 hours, when you turn your Newton on, WUW will open. If you only leave the Newton off for 55 minutes, WUW will not open. Show at Startup If this option is checked, WUW will open each time Newton restarts or the card containing WUW is inserted. Show Icon in Extras Drawer If this option is checked, there will be a WUW icon in the Extras drawer. If the option is not checked, you will not be able to launch WUW from the Extras drawer. Override Dates Overview If this option is checked, tapping the Overview button in the Dates application (the button between the scroll arrows) will open WUW instead of the built-in overview. Show WUW button in Notepad If this option is checked, there will be a small 'W' button in the status bar of the Notepad. Tapping this button will open WUW. ¥ Display Show These Items in List You can check off boxes next to the items you wish to display in the schedule display. Unchecked items will not be shown. Note that you will have to select which To Do lists you want to draw from. The available choices are: Built In This refers to the To Do list in the built-in Date Book application. If this is checked, a pop up menu will appear below the check box. From this menu, you can choose which To Do's you want to show. In this pop up menu, Period refers to the interval over which the schedule display extends (e.g. if it's 1 week, Upcoming for Period will show all To Do's whose due dates occur in the next week.) NotePak If NotePak (Atomic Software) is installed, this option will be available. Checking it off will add your NotePak items to the To Do list. Notion If Notion (Eidetic Software) is installed, you can check this box to include To Do items from one selected Notion list. A small window will open to allow you to choose the particular Notion list to use. Start Up Select this option if you'd like WUW to open a few days before the current date. ¥ Miscellaneous Store All Items On The... Here you can set the store where your Appointments, Day Notes, and To Do's are kept. This is useful if you have multiple cards, so that you can keep your schedule on the internal memory. Tapping An Item Defaults To... This option sets the default action when opening WUW. See above (be more specific) for descriptions of the actions. In this menu, Last Chosen merely keeps the setting to the last used action (in the Tapping on an item... cluster, rather than resetting it each time you open WUW. Always Update List Normally, when you change or delete an item or group of items, WUW recalculates the entire schedule display so that it is up to date. If you don't want WUW to perform this recalculation (which can be quite time consuming), uncheck this button. If you wish to force an update, just tap one of the black title bars above each section. Adjust Clock at Startup Apparently clocks on MessagePad 0's, 100's, and possibly 110's do not keep accurate time. They lose about 40 seconds after each restart. If checked, this option will add 40 seconds at each restart. (Thanks to Flash Sheridan for the algorithm.) This adjustment seems to be unnecessary on the MP120, so if you have an MP120, you can leave this unchecked (unless you are experiencing time inaccuracy.) * Registering Speed --------------------------------------------------------------------- You have a 30 day trial period in which to examine WUW, during which it will function fully. Should you wish to register, you'll need to do one of the following: * Send us a check for $20 to: Stand Alone, Inc. 1146 Morse Ave., #3C Chicago, IL, 60626, USA * Using CompuServe, GO SWREG and register ID # 4325 * Using Flash Sheridan's Register program (enclosed in the WUW archive) and either NewtonMail (built into the Newton) or Catamount Software's Aloha (shareware, $50, for more info, contact Catamount at info@catamount.com). Open up Register, fill in the application (WakeUpWeek:SAS), the amount ($25), and your credit card information, and email it. * If you use a Mac, you can also register using Register for the Mac. To obtain a copy of the SA Register program for your mac, send mail to register@standalone.com. However you register, PLEASE be sure to include an email address (it's not vital, but it will result in MUCH speedier service) and your name, as entered in the Prefs -> Personal section of your Newton. This is used to generate the password we send you to unlock WUW, so it has to be exact. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, requests, or problems, please email us at: Internet: info@standalone.com AOL: Std Alone eWorld: gottlb CompuServe: 76342,3057 If you'd like an up to date product list, please send mail to products@standalone.com. Thanks for trying Wake Up Week. Ben Gottlieb Stand Alone, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to my Beta Testers: Ashley Barnard ARMSTRONG, Raphael Davison, Todd Dawidowicz, Anton Dorrestijn, Wong Yen Fern, Marc Field, Gary Greco, Jason Grazado, Doffie Hochreich, Scott Leapman, Steve Lewis, Tracy Lunt, Dave Nanian, Don Vollum Also thanks to Scott Silverman of SilverWARE for his help with MoreInfo compatibility, and Allan Marcus of Atomic software for his help with NotePak. ¥ Legal Stuff You cannot hold Stand Alone, Inc. or Ben Gottlieb responsible for what happens to your Newton or your data while using Wake Up Week or any other Stand Alone product. For more legal information, see the end of this Readme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- o Version History: 2.73 14 Sep 1995 Maintenence release o fixed a problem with ink only calendar crib notes o fixed a problem with leaving WUW open, sleeping Newt, then waking up the next day o added support for letter by letter, Graffiti, and Gesture Mosaic in the editors o added feature to change a meeting into a day note, and vice versa o changed item picker symbols to mini-clocks o created French and German localized versions o enhanced NotePak support o added support for multiple fonts o increased support for MoreInfo 2.7 6 May 1995 Major rewrite New features: o MoreInfo support o NotePak support o Notion support o New interface (thanks to Anton Dorrestijn) o Fixed item editors o Diamond pickers on each item o Reduced heap requirements o Removed built in support for adding birthdays, added Birthday Adder application o New password scheme (simpler passwords, all numbers.) o Clearer Readme file (thanks to John Parkyn) 2.66 21 Mar 1995 Fixed a bug in showing calendar notes and opening prefs 2.64 7 Mar 1995 Fixed alarm times and To Do sorting 2.62 21 Feb 1995 Fixed a few display bugs, let alarm times be 0 2.61 19 Feb 1995 Polished off To Do sorting, added Export To Notes feature 2.6 12 Feb 1995 Increased To Do support, allowed editing directly in WUW, without exiting the app, modified To Do sorting order. Fixed some problems with repeating Meetings. 2.2 2 Feb 1995 Added full support for Flash Sheridan's Register. 2.1 2 Feb 1995 Fixed a bug that prevented filing 2.5 1 Feb 1995 Major release. Added the following features: o support for multiple intervals o cleaned up date list o added filing o added ability to edit items within WUW o added password registration o fixed repeat Meetings o added indicator of current date (bold) o To Do's can now be checked off within the Date List 2.02 5 Jan 1995 Fixed a soup adding bug. 2.01 4 Jan 1995 Fixed a few formatting bugs 2.0 3 Jan 1995 Added the ability to click an item to go to it, improved appearance, made overriding the calendar overview standard. Also made it available as a trial to people who had tried earlier versions. 1.4 24 Dec 1994 Improved To Do handling, added compatibility with Drop To Do, improved About box 1.3 20 Dec 1994 Condensed both versions into one, cleaned it up a lot, removed dependence on sleepScreen, got rid of grip of death, prettied up the formatting, added To Do's 1.2 3 Dec 1994 Interim release, fixed bug with first item in list 1.11 9 Nov 1994 Made sure that WUW would always be available in some form 1.1 9 Nov 1994 Made many cosmetic changes, added Override Dates Overview option, added non-auto part version 1.03 25 Oct 1994 Changed app symbol from Newt-Up-To-Date to Wake Up Week 1.02 24 Oct 1994 Fixed a bug that kept creating new prefs entries each time the app was run 1.01 23 Oct 1994 Fixed a bug that prevented it from opening at certain times 1.0 23 Oct 1994 First public release of WUW ------------------------------------------------------------- ¥¥WAKE UP WEEK SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT - YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS PROVISIONS. THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM ("SOFTWARE") IS A PROPRIETARY PRODUCT OF STAND ALONE, INC. ("STAND ALONE") AND ITS SUPPLIERS, AND IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWS, TRADE SECRET LAWS AND INTERNATIONAL TREATY. USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND APPLICABLE LAW INCLUDING COPYRIGHT LAW. THIS AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE USER OF THIS SOFTWARE AND STAND ALONE. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE INDICATES THAT YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE COMPLETE SOFTWARE PACKAGE TO STAND ALONE, OR THE PLACE YOU OBTAINED IT, FOR A FULL REFUND. 1. Grant of License. Stand Alone grants you a non-exclusive license for the use of the Software as follows. You may either: (a) install the Software on multiple computers (but not more than two computers simultaneously), provided that those computers are used solely by you; or (b) install the Software on a single computer which may be used by different users from time to time but not simultaneously. If the Software is to be used by more than one user under option (a) above or on more than one computer under option (b) above, you must purchase a number of copies (or a multi-user package representing multiple copies) of the Software equal to the number of users under option (a) or Computers under option (b). 2. Copy Restrictions. Ownership of the legal rights contained in the Software and the associated documentation shall remain solely with Stand Alone and its suppliers. These may include trade secret, trademark, copyright, patent, international treaty and other rights as applicable. You may not sublicense, rent, lease, decompile, disassemble, create derivative works or otherwise distribute the Software. You may make an archival copy of the Software. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the Software. You may permanently transfer the complete Software and accompanying materials by delivering the original Software media and materials to a third party who accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and by simultaneously destroying all copies of the Software and accompanying materials in your possession. Such a transfer terminates your license to use the Software. 3. Export Control. The Software may be subject to United States export control. You agree to fully comply with all applicable United States export regulations. 4. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If you are purchasing the Software on behalf of the United States Government or any unit or agency thereof, you acknowledge that the Software and accompanying materials were developed at private expense and that no part is in the public domain and that the Software and documentation are provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or Subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer is Stand Alone, Inc., 1146 W. Morse, #3C, Chicago, IL, USA. LIMITED WARRANTY ------------ 5. Disclaimer of Warranties. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS. STAND ALONE DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THOSE ARISING FROM TRADE USAGE OR COURSE OF DEALING. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY STAND ALONE, ITS EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS, DEALERS OR AGENTS SHALL INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THE ABOVE WARRANTIES OR CREATE ANY NEW WARRANTIES. 6. SOME STATES/JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY IN CERTAIN STATES/JURISDICTIONS. IN THAT EVENT, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY BY STATE/JURISDICTION. 7. IN NO EVENT WILL STAND ALONE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE GROUNDS, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF STAND ALONE , OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF STAND ALONE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Stand Alone's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be at Stand Alone's option to either return the price paid for the Software, or repair or replace the Software that does not meet Stand Alone's Limited Warranty and which is returned to Stand Alone, provided that you have previously returned the product registration card or provide a copy of your purchase receipt. This limited warranty does not apply if the failure of the Software has resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication. In no event shall Stand Alone's liability exceed the purchase price of the Software. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. Therefore, the above limitations may not apply to you.