TimeSquare c. S. Millman 1995 (StephenM35@aol.com) TimeSquare This is a somewhat eccentric time, date and number entry device. I've been very pleased with its ease of use, but your reaction probably depends on your own individual taste. TimeSquare presents a large rectangle in which 12:01AM is at the top left and 11:59PM is at the bottom right. The hours grow down and the minutes grow to the right in 5 minute intervals. Placing the pen down on the square will cause the text box at the top to show what time the pen is on. Move the pen, without lifting it, to the time you want to enter, Lift the pen and the last time you were on will be entered into the text where you were working. You must have a current insertion point. If you tap the "Date" radio button, the rectangle marking changes and now today is at the upper left, down adds weeks, to the right adds days. (The markings show the first letter of day names: if today is Wednesday, you will see W T F S S M T, for example). Otherwise this works like the time rectangle. If you tap the "Number" radio button the rectangle also changes. This works a little differently. The symbols 0-9 and others (.,$) apply to each row: The columns are used to add digits. If you want to enter 362, for example, place the pen in the first column, move to the "3" then move the pen horizontally to the next column, then down to the six, then horizontally to the next column then up to the 2 then release. As always, you can see the current number in the text box. Going back to a column to the left of where you are will erase the extra digits. NUM: Also included in this upload is a separate package called "Num". It is basically a very small number keyboard. If you open it, it will generally set itself up at the bottom of the screen. It can be moved by dragging the edge. Tapping the number keys enters the number. Tapping the "Time" button opens Timesquare if it is installed. Num has one other feature, which is its primary purpose. If the commercial package "Graffiti" is open on your Newton when you open Num, Num will place itself over the left-hand panel of Graffiti. I find this makes number entry much more convenient than in Graffiti (which I use constantly). If you need to access the covered panel, just move Num.