TraderPDQ 1.0 (c) Copyright 1995 NewtwarePDQ (c) Copyright 1995 Lorraine Monica All Rights Reserved. For Additional Information Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TraderPDQ Version 1.0 TraderPDQ is a securities pricing calculator. It calculates the price, yield and discount for Bonds, Notes, and Bills. 2. Distribution TraderPDQ is distributed electronicly as Freeware. Freeware allows you to try and use an application without purchase. If you continue to use TraderPDQ, you are requested to send in the NO FEE registration. 3. Registration Registration is free. Users will receive bug notices/fixes, update notices/discounts, and input into future versions. Registration Information: Your name: Address: Email: Comments: Do you have a Mac or DOS PC? Where did you get TraderPDQ? Email to: 4. Disclaimer Users of TraderPDQ must accept the following disclaimer of warranty: "TraderPDQ is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expresed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequental, which may result from the use of TraderPDQ." 5. Limitations TraderPDQ quotes price less accrued interest. TraderPDQ does not directly handle calls. Calls can be priced by using the call date as maturity, and call price as the redemption value. TraderPDQ does not support odd coupon securities settling in an odd period. TraderPDQ does not support stepped coupons. 6. Periodic Interest - Bonds Bonds pay interest (coupons) on a regular basis and principal at maturity. Required inputs: Settlement, maturity, redemption value and coupon rate. To calculate yield: Enter price and press ToYield button. To calculate price: Enter yield and press ToPrice button. 7. Interest at Maturity - Notes Notes pay interest and principal at maturity. Required inputs: Settlement, dated, maturity, redemption value and interest rate. To calculate yield: Enter price and press ToYield button. To calculate price: Enter yield and press ToPrice button. 8. Discount Securities - Bills Bills are sold at a discount and accrue to redemtion value at maturity. Required inputs: Settlement, maturity, and redemption value. To calculate yield: Enter price and press ToYield button. To calculate price: Enter discount rate and press ToPrice button. To calculate discount: Enter price and press ToDiscount button. 9. Type, Interest, Basis, Display The Type picker selects the security type. The Interset picker selects the periodic payment frequency. The Basis picker selects the day count method for the security. The Display picker selects Fed or Muni pricing formats. 10. Future Enhancements Enhancements to TraderPDQ (if there are some registered users) could include: Preferences for pickers Support for calls Odd/stepped coupons Bond details view for: durations PVBP YV32 Total payments etc. Storage of bond portfolios Bond swaps Other analytics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------